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Ielts writing task 1


The (type of data) gives information about (title of data)

Overview – highlight key features

Body Paragraph 1 – detailing chart 1

Body Paragraph 2 – detailing chart 2

Writing task 2


Background statement – paraphrase the statement

Thesis statement – answer introduction to your ideas (in my opinion)

Paragraph 1 (opinion – examples)

Paragraph 2 (opinion – examples)


In conclusion, (summarize main points in one/two sencetence)

The two maps give the layout of Peyton Park in current situation with a proposed layout design for the

Overall, there are some change plan in Payton Park to create more facilities to visitor including removing
and building the new area.

In the present Payton Park condition, parking area located in the south of the park. There is lake in the
opposite of parking area and tennis court on the west of lake. Picnic area is in the north pass the road
between lake and tennis court from parking area.

However, there will be some change in the future layout of Payton Park. Playground will be build in the
northwest area so Picnic area will nearly move to Northeast area. Tennis court will be relocated in the
east area of the lake because the lake will be added by swimming dock to visitor who want to swim in
the lake. If all this change happen, Payton Park will become larger than before.

The two maps give the layout of Peyton Park in the current situation with a proposed layout design for
the future.

Overall, there are some change plans in Payton Park to create more facilities for the visitor including
removing and building the new area.

In the present Payton Park condition, the parking area is located in the south of the park. There is a lake
in the opposite parking area and a tennis court on the west of the lake. The picnic area is in the north,
past the road between the lake and tennis court from the parking area.

However, there will be some changes in the future layout of Payton Park. The playground will be built in
the northwest area so the Picnic area will nearly move to the Northeast area. The Tennis court will be
relocated to the east area of the lake because the lake will be added by a swimming dock for the visitor
who wants to swim in the lake. If all these changes happen, Payton Park will become larger than before.

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