Ielts Writing Task 2

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It is considered by many people that young people have to choose their jobs by their will.

However, the
other think youth generation should listening to their parents about what occupation that they would
take. Both of this statement has a positive and negative aspect. In my opinion, young people should pick
a job with their own preference but still take an advice from older people.

Nowadays, the development of technology bring many changes in community live. Of course, this
phenomena give an effect especially for a type of jobs. There is a change of interest from youth
generation to work in a new kind of work such as programmer, social media expert, online advertiser,
Youtuber, and many others. Young people that always follow this changes has a new view what is their
dream job. They can enjoy their work because the work is suitable from their interest.

On the other hand, older people has an experience about the job that they have been doing for many
years. They already feel the excitement and obstacle in their way until live in this era. With this point of
view, they can give young generation lessons about their experience. They do not want young people
made a mistake like they did in their young era. This will help young people to be careful to step on their
work right now.

In conclusion, I strongly prefer if young people can choose their own jobs with their interests so they can
love their work every day without forget about their parents life lessons.

It is considered by many people that young people have to choose their jobs by their will. However, the
other think youth generation should listen to their parents about what occupation they would take.
Both of these statements have positive and negative aspects. In my opinion, young people should pick a
job with their own preference but still take advice from older people.

Nowadays, the development of technology brings many changes in the community's lives. Of course,
these phenomena give an effect, especially for a type of job. There is a change of interest from the
youth generation to work in a new kind of work such as programmer, social media expert, online
advertiser, Youtuber, and many others. Young people that always follow these changes have a new view
of what is their dream job. They can enjoy their work because their work is suitable for their interest.

On the other hand, older people have an experience with the job that they have been doing for many
years. They already feel the excitement and obstacle in their way until they live in this area. With this
point of view, they can give the young generation lessons about their experience. They do not want
young people to make a mistake as they did in their young era. This will help young people to be careful
to step on their work right now.

In conclusion, I strongly prefer if young people can choose their own jobs with their interests so they can
love their work every day without forgetting about their parent's life lessons.

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