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Pre-Board Exam 9th class

1:- it is a type of a system software

a) MS Word b) Windows c) MS excel d) MS access

2:- They are very large, Expensive and powerful Computer

A) Smart phone B) laptops C) personal Computers D) Mainframe Computer

3:- It controls all the functions of Computer

A) Device Driver B) MS word C) Operating System D) Assembler

4:- The small graphic images of windows OS are known as:

A) Pop ups B) Dialogue boxes C) Icons D) Windows

5:- it is used to organize data in rows and columns.

A) Numbering B) Pasting C) watermark D) Alignment

6:- which is one of the following uses a function?

A) B1+B2+B3 B) C3:C9 C) MIN(A2:A7) D) D2*E3*F4

7:- It is a set of rules that governs data communication :

A) Transmission medium B) Message C) Protocol D) timeliness

8:- This technique is used to increase the strength of a signal.

A) Amplification B) Attenuation C) Protol D) Accuracy

9:- This device filter the packets of data and sent it over network.

A) Modem B) Router C) Switch D) Network Card

10:- A software which replicates itself automatically is called a(n):

A) Virus B) Adware C) Worm D) Hacker

Q2 :- attempt 6 of the of the followings

1. Define MicroComputers
2. What is ALU.
3. What do you know about cache?
4. What is Graphical User Interface (GUI)
5. Differentiate between Linux and Unix
6. Define Operating System
7. What is Word Processing
8. Diffrentiate between cut and copy command
9. What is Formula
Q3:- Attempt 6 from the followings
1. List down basic components of a communication system
2. Give an example of satellite communication
3. Define Analogue Signals
4. What is Mesh Topology
5. Define server Computer
6. Write the names of different types of a computer network
7. Define Malware
8. List down major security threats to a computer system?
9. What is biometrics?

Q4: Attempt any TWO questions.

Q1:- a. What is Rom? Explain its different types.

b. Differentiate between the common types of operating system
Q2.a. Describe the code of communication like synchoronous and asynchoronous transmition
b. explain different types of guided media in detail.
Q3. a. explain different network topologies with diagrams
b. explain the common symptoms of an virus attack on a computer.

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