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English 7 QUIZ

Name: ________________________________________ Section: _____________________

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on your
English activity notebook.

Getting to Camiguin island from Misamis Occidental is not easy. The fastest
way to travel to Camiguin is through bus and ferry. You need to take a bus from
Ozamiz to Cagayan de Oro City via car ferry. Then from Cagayan, a jeepney or van
can take you to Balingoan port, which is 38.5 kilometers away from Camiguin. Then
you can sail to Benoni Port, Camiguin through a shuttle ferry. That is the fastest way
to get to Camiguin island.

1. Which is the best summary of the paragraph?

a. Getting to Camiguin island is easy.
b. The fastest way to travel to Camiguin is through bus and ferry.
c. Camiguin island is far from Misamis Occidental therefore getting there takes a long time.
d. The fastest way to travel to Camiguin island from Misamis Occidental is
through a bus and ferry.

Nobody wants to be bitten by a dog. Dog bites can be dangerous. It can cause death if the
dog has rabies. But what if a dog bites you? Take these steps right away if you are bitten
by a dog. First, wash the wound. Slow the bleeding with a clean cloth. Next, apply over-
the-counter antibiotic cream if you have it. You can apply the crushed garlic to the wound
as alternative. Then wrap the wound in a sterile bandage. Finally, keep the wound
bandage and see your doctor for a vaccine.

2. What is the best summary of this paragraph?

a. Dogs have rabies, so don’t get near a dog.
b. A dog bite can cause death especially when the dog has rabies.
c. A dog bite can be harmful, so if you are bitten by a dog, you need to apply
first aid and get a vaccine for anti-rabies immediately.
d. Dog bites need to be treated, although it can’t cause harm, a vaccine is
needed to relieve the pain which the patient experiences.

3. Which is NOT a tip for summarizing?

a. Keep your summary quite long.
b. Use your own words.
c. Point out the main idea of the text.
d. The summary should be based from the original piece.

4. When summarizing a text, if I’m not sure with what I’m writing, I should .

a. Keep writing. c. Reread the original piece

b. Keep reading. d. Judge the text with my own opinion.

I. Analogy
Tell if what are being compared and give its point of comparison or
description of similarity. (5 pts. each item)
1. The poem must have the wisdom of bows,
And must kneel like a rose.
Pair of words Description of similarity

1. _____ : _____

2. Her beauty is as lovely as the flowers,

And her heart is as gentle as a cold summer breeze.
Pair of words Description of similarity

1. _____ : _____

II. Linear and Non-linear text

Interpret the given pie chart by answering directly the comprehension questions

Region 10 Total Family Expenditures of Less than P40,000 Income

Miscellaneous goods &
servicesOther expenses 4%4%
Transport 3%

House Rental

Water, Electricity, Gas

Household Maintenance
2% Clothing & Footwear Source:

1. In Region 10, among how many items are the expenditures of families whose income
is less than P40, 000, distributed?
A. 8 B. 9 C. 10 D. 11

2. Which of these expenditures (expenses) receives the least?

A. Clothing and Footwear B. Health
C. Household Maintenance D. Other Expenses

3. Which three items receive the same percentage share of expenses?

A. House rental, Transport, and Health
B. Health, Transport and Other expenses
C. Clothing and Footwear, Transport and Health
D. Miscellaneous goods and services, Other Expenses and Transport


Country/ Land Area (Total in

Rank Territory Population KM² ( Mi²) Form of Government
9,596,961 Communist Party-led
1 China 1,402,828,760 (3,705,407) State
3,287,263 Federal Parliamentary
2 India 1,362,751,253 (1,269,219) Republic
United 9,833,517 Constitutional Federal
3 States 329,759,553 (3,796,742) Republic
4 Indonesia 265,015,300 1,910,931 (737,815) Presidential Republic
Federal Presidential
5 Pakistan 220,478,399 907,132 (350,246) Republic
8,515,767 Federal Presidential
6 Brazil 211,579,428 (3,287,956 Republic
Federal Presidential
7 Nigeria 208,679,114 923,768 (356,669) Republic
8 Bangladesh 168,681,350 147,570 (56,980) Democracy
17,098,246 Federal Presidential
9 Russia 146,877,088 (6,601,670) Republic
Federal Presidential
10 Mexico 126,577,691 1,964,375 (758,449) Republic

1. What is the estimated Land area of Russia?

a. 20,000 b. 18,000,000 c. 150,000 d. 17,000

2. What is the total population of Pakistan?

a. 220,477 b. 211,579,428 c. 220,478,379 d. 220,478,399

3. What is the most common type of government among the top 10 most
populated countries?
A. Parliamentary Democracy B. Presidential Republic
C. Federal Parliamentary Republic D. Federal Presidential Republic

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