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Metabolism can be divided into catabolic and anabolic reactions. How are these connected?
a. Anabolic reactions produce ADP and catabolic reactions use ATP
b. Catabolic reactions generate energy that anabolic reactions use
c. There is no connection between either type of reaction
d. Anabolic reactions generate energy that catabolic reactions use
Anabolic reactions utilize the energy generated by catabolic reactions to build big molecules
such as DNA or proteins.

Glycolysis breaks down glucose into two pyruvate molecules. How many carbon atoms does
one molecule of pyruvate contain?
a. One carbon atom
b. Three carbon atoms
c. Four carbon atoms
d. Six carbon atoms

The first step of glycolysis consumes energy. Two high energy ATP molecules phosphorylate
glucose. How do ATP molecules store energy?
a. Their small size allows for concentrated energy
b. Conjugated double bonds store high amounts of energy
c. In the adenosine ring
d. High energy bonds between phosphate groups
THe three-phosphate tail of ATP molecule is responsible for energy storage. High energy bonds
between the phosphate groups break to allow the energy to be utilized.

What action would you recommend to the point guard (the glucose level is going very low)?
a. Eat a sandwich
b. Drink lots of water
c. Drink a maltose sports drink
d. Eat something salty


What is the primary role of the electron transport chain?
a. To generate a proton gradient so the protons can be pumped through ATP synthase to
generate ATP
b. To shift protons into the intermembrane space
c. To transport electrons into mitochondrial membrane and they can be used to reduce the
oxygen molecules to water
d. To bring phosphate across the membrane.
What two processes are coupled throughout the ETC that together make up oxidative
a. The oxidation of pyruvate and phosphorylation of ADP
b. The oxidation and phosphorylation of ATP
c. The oxidation of electron carriers and phosphorylation of ADP
d. The oxidation and phosphorylation of protein complexes in the ETC

Which process involves the diffusion of protons across the mitochondrial membrane?
a. Proton diffusion
b. Chemiosmosis
c. Catabolism
d. Oxidative Phosphorylation

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