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Data Structures and Algorithm s


Checklist for learning & interviews Advanced

Algorithm Anal ysis Sort Algorithms Search Algorithms

+ Big O notatio
+ Bubble sor¬ + Linear searcF

+ Selection sor¬ + Binary Search

+ Ram Modem

+ Time complexit “ + Insertion sor¬

String Algorithms
+ Count Sort
+ Space complexity

+ Rabin-Kar«
+ Heap sor¬
+ Master’s theore/

+ Knuth Morris Prat¬
+ Quick sor¬
+ Amorti ed complexity

+ Boyer-Moore Algorith/
+ Merge sort

D ata Structures
Graph Algorithms
+ Z algorith/

+ Arra “ + Depth First SearcF

+ Manachar’s algorithm

+ LinkedLis¬
Tree Algorithms

+ Breadth First SearcF

+ Stac
+ Flood Film + In-order Traversam

+ QueuT
+ Topological Sort with DFä + Pre-order Traversam

+ Se¬
+ Topological Sort by KahnV + Post-order Traversal

+ HashMa«
+ Lee’s shortest distancT + Rooting a treT

+ TreT

+ A* algorithm + Euler's tou

+ raph

( °
+ Minimum Spanning TreT + RMQ Algorithm

+ Trie Prefix tree

+ Kruskam

+ Suffix TreT
Popular Problems
+ Pri/

+ Self balancing treT

+ Fibonacci number

+ Strongly Connected Component

+ Dis oint se¬

j + Bit manipulatio

+ Tar a

+ Suffix Arra
j( + Tower of Heno(

( °
+ Kosara

+ Heap Priority Queue

+ Kadane’s Algorithm
+ Minimum Cos¬

+ Segment TreT
+ Strassen's algorith/
+ Cycle CancellingV

+ Binary Indexed Tree

+ Knapsack 0/1 & FractionalV
+ Hungarian Minimum Cos¬

Para d igms
+ Hierhol z
er’s algorith/
+ Huffman codT

+ Task-schedulinA
+ Shortest Path algorithm
+ Brute forcT
+ Levenshtein distancT

q + Topological sorted min patF

j #
+ Divide & Con ue
+ Biconnected Component

D + Di kstr

+ Sliding windo
+ Bipartite detectio
+ Bellman For

+ Recursio
+ Isomorphic graph
+ Floyd arshalm

+ Two pointers
+ Hamiltonian PatF

+ G reedy techni q uT
+ ohnso

+ Vertex ColorinA
+ Maximum flow algorithm
+ BacktrackinA
+ Articulation Point & BridgT
+ Ford Fulkerso
+ Dynamic ProgramminA
+ Travelling salesman Proble/
+ Push-relabem
+ Branch & Bound
+ Convex Hull
+ Dinic's

Created by Sadanand Pai

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