Differences List B744 BFC Vs ERF Rev 3

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B744 BCF / ERF Differences List

- When we are going to operate the 744 BCF and the 744 ERF simultaneously we have to make sure that we are aware of the differences between the 2
- The objective of this document is to provide a detailed comparison in the following areas:
• Operational Procedures and Limitations
• Aircraft Systems.
− The differences List is based on a comparison of the applicable chapters of the following manuals:
• FCOM Volume 1 (KLM / MPH)
• FCOM Volume 2 (KLM / MPH)
• QRH (Boeing ERF / Boeing BCF)
• OM-B (ERF / BCF supplement).
- The differences are based on the Martinair BCF’s (PH-MPP-PH-MPS) and KLM ERF’s (PH-CKA- PH-CKD). In the current QRH revision the PH-CKD is
still being identified under the French registration (F-GIUF). This discrepancy should be rectified with the next upcoming revision.

- To identify that the correct manuals are being used onboard each aircraft, the following color coding has been assigned for the binders and/or checklists:
• ERF > blue or grey
• BCF > red or orange.

22 December 2009 Page : 1

FCOM Volume 1
B744 BCF / ERF Differences List

- In this section a comparison is made between the following chapters:
• Bulletins
• Supplemental Procedures.
- The ERF reference is based on the KLM manual, B747-400 FCOM 1.
- The BCF reference is based on the Martinair (MTH) Boeing manual, FCOM Volume 1.

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FCOM Volume 1
B744 BCF / ERF Differences List Bulletins

The following bulletins are valid for the BCF / ERF Operation.

Subject ERF BCF

Flight Deck Display Unit Blanking Anomaly 11 MTH-7(MTH) R1
Triple Flap Control Unit (FCU) failure 12 MTH-3(MTH)
FMC Performance Predictions Anomaly 18 MTH-11(MTH)
Honeywell Flight Management Computer Anomaly 22 MTH-16(MTH)
Landing Gear Configuration Warning Anomaly 23 rev 1 MTH-14(MTH) R1
Hand microphone use with flight deck PC power outlets 25 MTH-17(MTH)
Flight Deck Display Unit Blanking on Freighter Airplanes 29 MTH-18(MTH)

Subject ERF
ILS Receiver Tuning Inhibit 01
Uncommanded MCP Window Setting Changes 02
Autopilot Disconnect After Autoland 04
FMC Resynch 05
EGT Exceedances during a Full Rated Takeoff 06
Autostart EGT 07
Airframe Vibration 08
Engine Flameout Protection – GE CF6-802C Engines 14 rev 3
ACARS Performance tool (LINTOP) 21 rev 3
Economic impact of Derated Climb (CLB-2) 26 rev 1
GE CF6-80 Transient power vibration 27

Subject BCF
Autothrottle Low Activity Mode in Cruise MTH-1(MTH)
Performance Adjustments for Thrust Shortfall of PW4000 series powered a/c MTH-4(MTH)
Takeoff Procedure for PW engines with Ring Case Compressors (RCC) MTH-6(MTH)
Erroneous ATC Messages Downlink Anomaly MTH-8(MTH)
Nuisance EICAS Caution Message > FMC RUNWAY DIS MTH-9(MTH)
EICAS Caution Message > FMC RUNWAY DIS Alerting MTH-10(MTH)
Potential Sequential Loss of Multiple Hydraulic Systems MTH-13(MTH) R1

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FCOM Volume 1
B744 BCF / ERF Differences List Supplemental Procedures

BCF ERF Subject Difference

SP.1.1 n/a Low Gross Weight, Aft CG Takeoff Not applicable to ERF ops.

SP.2.1 SP.2.1 APU-to Pack Takeoff Not applicable for ERF ops.
Packs Off Takeoff Not allowed in BCF ops.
n/a SP.2.3 High/Low Fuel Consumption Operational info not incorporated in BCF (MPH) manual
SP.2.2 SP.2.4 Landing Apt Elevation Applicability > different parameters
SP.4.1 SP.4.1 Polar Region Operation No reference in BCF (MPH) manual
Alternate Autopilot Disconnect No reference in BCF (MPH) manual
n/a SP.4.2
Autopilot Reset Procedure Idem
SP.4.4 SP.4.4 Instrument Approach using V/S Different technique when setting Missed Approach Altitude
SP.6.2 SP.6.2 Electrical Power Up (ERF) > Use of APU Start Source switch
SP.7.1 SP.7.1 Engine Continuous Ignition (ERF) > Also for Standing Water or Slush on runway
n/a SP.7.2 Engine Shutdown/Start during taxi − No reference in BCF (MPH) manual
− Observe note(s) Engine Shutdown and Engine Start:
• Do not shutdown engines in icing conditions
• Engine starting should only be done when the a/c is stationary with the P/B set.
n/a SP.7.3 Engine Start Procedure – Manual Start Due to Auto Start Function, Supplemental Procedure on ERF
SP.11.2 SP.11.1 Departure or Landing Airport (ERF) > More extensive procedure
Not in FMC Navigation Database
n/a SP.11.5 Weight & Balance Indications - Not incorporated in BCF (MPH) manual. See OM-B 6.2 page 8
- Different parameters BCF (5000 kg) ERF (7000 kg)
SP.12.2 SP.11.5 DRAG/F-F Factor alteration Different locations in manuals

n/a SP.12.4 De-fueling No supplemental procedure for BCF in (MPH) manual

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FCOM Volume 1
B744 BCF / ERF Differences List Supplemental Procedures

BCF ERF Subject Difference

n/a SP.14.1 Low Pass for Gear/Tire Inspection Idem

SP.16.1 SP.16.1 Takeoff on contaminated runway (BCF) > reduced thrust (fixed derate) (TO2/TO1/TO) allowed

Engine Start Procedure (ERF) > Before Engine Start, check N1 rotor is free to rotate
SP.16.3 SP.16.3
Nacelle Anti-Ice Operation on the ground (ERF) > AUTO function not functional on the ground
Engine Run Up requirements: − GE (every 30 min, 60% N1, 30 sec)
SP.16.4 SP.16.4
before takeoff / takeoff / after landing − PW (every 15 min, 50% N1, 1 sec)
SP.16.6 SP.16.5 Take-off Procedure (ERF) > Due to longer run up requirement, Static Takeoff takes longer

SP.16.6 SP.16.6 Nacelle Anti Ice Operation – In flight (ERF) > Use of system in Automatic and Manual mode

n/a SP.16.6 Fan Ice Removal GE engine applicability and procedure

SP.16.7 SP.16.7 Wing Anti Ice Operation (ERF) > Use of system in Automatic and Manual mode

n/a SP.16.19 Operation near convective wx systems (ERF) > additional GE requirements (see KLM Bulletin 14 rev 3)

n/a SP.16.20 Flight in Volcanic Ash (KLM) > Additional information


22 December 2009 Page : 2

FCOM Volume 2
B744 BCF / ERF Differences List System Description

- On the following pages a detailed comparison of the aircraft systems on each aircraft is made.
- In identifying the differences, the ERF has been chosen as a reference .
- For practical reasons, the references that the differences are based on, e.g. the manuals of Martinair (BCF) and KLM (ERF), are also included.

1. Airplane General, Emergency Equipment, Doors, Windows - Dimensions

BCF ERF ERF Difference

1.10.1 1.10.3 Upper Deck
1.21.1 1.21.1 Capt. Audio Panel
Fuel Jettison Panel
Engine Start Panel (ignition & auto start function)
Wing & Nacelle Anti Ice Panel
Exterior Lighting (on/off switches reversed from BCF a/c)
1.21.2 1.21.2 Cockpit Voice Recorder
Squib Test Lower Cargo
1.22.1 1.22.1 Auto Brake Selector different location
Alternate EFIS Selector not incorporated
RMI Indicator not incorporated
1.22.3 1.22.4 Integrated Standby Flight Display
1.23.2 1.23.2 Weather Radar (different location and functionality)
VHF 3 different location
Rudder Trim Centering P/B
1.30.3 1.30.5 Storm Lights Switch (on/off) reversed from BCF a/c
1.30.6 1.30.7 KLM FCOM > Indicator Lights Switch > Caution note missing (tried on A/C, didn’t change freq.)
1.30.9 1.30.11-12 Flight Deck Access Lights Switches (CCM & at the right upper deck crew service door)
n/a 1.30.13 Crew Rest Lights Switches
n/a 1.30.14 Nose Light Controls
1.30.10 1.30.15-16 Cabin Light Controls (CSM) > Dome Lts P/B
1.30.11-14 1.30.17-21 - Exterior Lighting & Flight Deck Emergency Lts Switches on/off reversed from BCF
- Cabin Emergency Lights Switch > Reference to door 1L vs door 11.

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FCOM Volume 2
B744 BCF / ERF Differences List System Description

1. Airplane General, Emergency Equipment, Doors, Windows – Dimensions (cont’d)

BCF ERF ERF Difference

1.30.15 1.30.23 Supernumerary Oxygen Switch > modes reversed from BCF
1.30.18 1.30.25 All Masks on flight deck have goggles incorporated
1.30.21 1.30.31 Door Synoptic Display, Upper Deck Door(s)
1.30.24 1.30.44-46 Crew Service Door & Escape Slide
n/a 1.30.51-56 Nose Cargo Door
n/a 1.40.5-6 Nose/Main Deck Lighting
1.45.4 1.45.3 Emergency Equipment (Symbols) > Refers to FSSM which we don’t have > check OM-B
1.45.3 1.45.4 ELT location
1.50.1 1.50.2 Door Locations (Freighter)
1.50.2-3 1.50.8-10 Crew Service Door & Escape Slide & Escape Harnesses (6)
n/a 1.50.11-12 Nose Cargo Door operation
1.50.5 1.50.14 Eye Position Indicator
n/a 1.50.16 Cockpit Crew Rest (Bunk Area / Oxygen Masks)
n/a 1.60.3 EICAS Alert Messages (Freighter)

2. Air Systems

BCF ERF ERF Difference

n/a 2.10.20 Crew Rest Reset Switch
n/a 2.10.24 Shoulder Air Selector (like PH-MPR)
2.10.13 2.10.27 Item (5) Off selection and Thrust Reverser ops.
2.10.14 2.10.32 Item (1) Zone Temperatures > separate temp. zone indication for C/R
2.20.1 2.20.1 Temperature Zones (7)
2.20.3 2.20.13 Flight Deck Fan operation > No mention of in flight ops
2.20.4 2.20.14 Air Distribution Diagram > C/R
2.20.5-7 2.20.15-18 Temperature Control
2.40.1-2 2.40.1-2 Introduction (Thrust Reversers) / Engine Bleed Air Supply > Thrust Reverser Ops
2.40.4 2.40.6 Bleed Air System Schematic > Thrust Reverser

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FCOM Volume 2
B744 BCF / ERF Differences List System Description

3. Anti-Ice, Rain

BCF ERF ERF Difference

3.10.1 3.10.1-2 Nacelle and Wing Anti Ice Panel > Layout, Selectors and Auto Function
3.20.1-3 3.20.1-3 System Operation
3.30.1 3.30.1 EICAS Messages > ANTI ICE & > ICING messages for Nacelle and Wing separate

4. Automatic Flight

BCF ERF ERF Difference

4.10.12 4.10.16 Item (3) Approach (APP) Switch > either Localizer or Glide Slope can be captured first
4.10.13 4.10.16 Deselecting of Approach Mode with glideslope captured and localizer armed
4.20.11 4.20.12 Automatic Flight App & Landing > either Localizer or Glide Slope can be captured first

5. Communication

BCF ERF ERF Difference

5.10.2 5.10.2 Item (6) > Call light from incoming Upper Deck Rest Area call
5.10.5 5.10.5 Item (10) Push and Hold removes automatic squelch on selected VHF radio until switch released
5.10.6 5.10.9 Noise Cancellation headsets, not installed for 1st/2nd observer
5.10.9 5.10.14 Service and Cargo/Cabin Interphone System > Item (2) (ON) pos. connects to upper deck
5.10.10 5.10.18 Possibility to call and receive calls from Crew Rest Area (L/R)
5.10.11 5.10.19 Location of Cargo Interphone Components
5.10.15-16 5.10.26-27 - CVR panel > (CKC) Solid State Cockpit Voice Recorder panel
- CVR Switch mode selections reversed from BCF
n/a 5.10.28 Capt Audio System Switch
n/a 5.10.30 Upper Deck Crew rest Call Switch
5.10.17-18 5.10.31-32 Different functions from BCF
5.20.1 5.20.1 - Introduction > ERF has no company data communication system
- CVR System > capable of retaining information recorded during at least the last 2 hours of its ops.
5.30.1 5.30.1 Upper Deck Interphone System
n/a 5.30.5 Explanation of system
5.34.1-4 n/a Company Datalink > Not installed on ERF
n/a 5.40.2 EICAS Advisory Message > RADIO TRANSMIT

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FCOM Volume 2
B744 BCF / ERF Differences List System Description

6. Electrical System

BCF ERF ERF Difference

6.10.2 6.10.2 Standby Power Selector > different set-up from BCF
6.10.7-8 n/a Alternate EFIS Selector > Not installed on ERF
n/a 6.20.3 Excessively high drive oil temperature automatically disconnects IDG
6.20.4 6.20.5 Ground Handling Bus powers auxiliary hydraulics pumps 1 and 4
6.20.6 6.20.7 Main Deck Cargo Handling Bus > powers Nose Cargo door
6.20.7-8 6.20.8-9 APU Standby Bus vs APU alternate power
6.20.6-8 6.20.8-10 AC BUS Standby Power System > Different logic from BCF system
6.20.10-18 6.20.12-15 Different set-up from BCF System
n/a 6.20.17 ISFD powered by dedicated battery/charger system up to 150 minutes
6.20.21 6.20.18 Different Electrical Power System Schematic
6.30.2 6.30.2 EICAS Messages (> STBY BUS APU / > STBY BUS MAIN)

7. Engines, APU

BCF ERF ERF Difference

7.10.1-4 7.10.1-4 Primary EICAS Display > Engine Indications (EPR vs N1), Thrust Reference Mode
7.10.7 7.10.8 Idem
7.11.1 7.11.1 Secondary EICAS Display (Oil P / Oil T / VIB)
7.11.3 7.11.4 Oil Pressure Indications (White / Amber / Red)
7.11.5 7.11.7 Item (2) Engine Vibration Indications (FAN/LPT)
7.11.7 7.11.9 item (2) Oil Differential exceeded
7.12.1 7.12.1 Compact Engine Display (EPR vs N1) / FAN / LPT
7.13.2 7.13.2 Fuel Control Switches versus Auto Start function
7.13.2-3 7.13.3-4 Engine Start Panel > STBY and AUTO ignition function / Auto Start Function
7.13.4 7.13.5 EEC Normal Mode EPR vs N1
7.14.1 7.14.1 (ON) position > activates DC or AC fuel pump(s)
n/a 7.14.2 APU Start Source Selector
7.20.1-12 7.20.1-16 Engine Type, Indications, EEC, Engine Start and Ignition, Thrust Reverser
7.30.1 7.30.2 APU Operation > APU Start
7.30.2 7.30.3 APU Start Cycle restrictions
n/a 7.30.4 APU TRU failure
7.40.1-2 7.40.1-2 EICAS Alert Messages

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FCOM Volume 2
B744 BCF / ERF Differences List System Description

8. Fire Protection

BCF ERF ERF Difference

8.10.4 8.10.8 Item (1) Cargo Fire Arm Switches (MAIN –ARMED) > closes the ground exhaust valve as well
8.10.4 8.10.9 Effective agent concentration for 210 min (BCF > 334 min)
n/a 8.10.10 Main Deck Cargo compartment Fire Warning unit
8.20.1-2 8.20.1-3 Cargo Compartment Fire Detection / Crew Rest smoke detection and EICAS alert
8.20.2 8.20.4 Lavatory Smoke Detection > EICAS Caution Alert > SMOKE LAVATORY
8.20.4 8.20.8 (4) fire extinguishing bottles vs (6) on BCF
8.20.5 8.20.11 Fire and Overheat Detection System Automatic Fault Test
8.30.1-2 8.30.1-3 EICAS Alert Messages > SMOKE CREW REST / SMOKE LAVATORY caution messages

9. Flight Controls

BCF ERF ERF Difference

9.10.4 9.10.4-5 Item (6) Rudder Trim Centering Switch
9.10.9 9.10.11 Flap Limit Placard (higher speeds up to Flap 30)
n/a 9.20.6 Mach Stability Trim
9.20.7 9.20.8 Aileron and Spoiler Roll Control > BCF reference is made to 238 kts
9.20.9 9.20.10 Description Rudder Trim Centering Switch

10. Flight Instruments, Display

BCF ERF ERF Difference

10.10.14/17 10.10.15/18 No Rising Runway Indications
10.10.19-20 10.10.19/21 Item (5) Altitude box changes to amber when deviating from selected alt by 300 ft (only)
10.10.52-56 10.10.58-62 Standby Flight Instruments vs Integrated Standby Flight Display (ISFD)
10.10.52 10.10.63 Standby Magnetic Compass > PH-CKA (upper one) / CKC (lower one)
10.20.5-6 10.20.6-7 Description Standby Flight Instruments
10.20.6 10.20.8 (BCF) The captain’s clock provides time and date to the FMC’s if GPS is not available
10.20.7 10.20.11-12 Pitot Static System and Diagram
10.30.1-13 10.30.1-13 (ERF) has Liquid Crystal Displays / (BCF) has Cathode Ray Tube Displays

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FCOM Volume 2
B744 BCF / ERF Differences List System Description

10. Flight Instruments, Display (cont’d)

BCF ERF ERF Difference

10.40.22-23 10.40.23 Look Ahead Terrain
- Different logic when showing terrain on ND
- OBSTACLE annunciations (Red / Amber) not available
- Terrain Mode Annunciation (B) with highest & lowest terrain or obstacles alt. not available
10.50.2 10.50.2 Flight Instruments Disagree EICAS Alert Messages:
>Heading >Track messages not available on ERF
Flight Instruments Components EICAS Alert Messages:
>ADC LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, not available on BCF

11. Flight Management Navigation

BCF ERF ERF Difference

11.10.5 11.10.5 FMC COMM not functional
11.10.12-14 11.10.13-16 Different layout panels/ functions / location on pedestal
11.20.6 11.20.8 At (VOR) > Marker Beacon receiver module limitations
11.20.7 11.20.9-10 System description X-Ponder and WX radar
11.20.8 n/a No mention of Weight & Balance system in KLM FCOM however system is installed
11.31.21 11.31.25 RTA function not incorporated
11.32.1-3 11.32.2-3 Thrust Management description
11.40.27/29 11.40.30/32 Item (8) CRZ CG default > 8.5 i.s.o 20 on the BCF
11.40.30-31 11.40.33-34 Thrust Limit Page> only <TO and Assumed Temp LSK , Take-Off limit based on N1
11.40.33 11.40.36/39 LSK 5L > Runway Condition Option
11.41.14 11.41.15 Selected limit based on N1 i.s.o EPR
11.42.2/3 11.42.2/3 Item (4) N1 i.s.o. EPR
11.42.9 n/a RTA function not incorporated
11.42.15-17 11.42.15 Uplink Wind Data function not incorporated
11.42.24 11.42.24 Only 2 Progress Pages 1/2 / RTA function not available
11.42.30 n/a PROGRESS 3/3 not incorporated
11.43.5-6 11.43.6-7 Item (6) Forecast Uplink Purge function, not incorporated
not incorporated

22 December 2009 Page : 6

FCOM Volume 2
B744 BCF / ERF Differences List System Description

12. Fuel System

BCF ERF ERF Difference

12.10.2-3 12.10.3-4 Fuel Panel Layout and MLW option
12.10.5 12.10.6 Normal Fuel Indications > Gross Wt and SAT Indication missing
- Gross Wt > can be found on Perf Init & App page
- SAT > only avail on Progress Page 2
12.10.7 Compacted Fuel Indications 1 and 4 Main (13.3) i.s.o. (13.6)
12.10.6 12.10.8 Fuel Synoptic Display, ERF does not have stabilizer tanks
12.10.9 12.10.14 Fuel Jettison Indications, Fuel Synoptic
12.20.2 12.20.2 Different scavenge system & logic
12.20.3 12.20.4 653 kg less fuel tank capacity
12.20.4 12.20.6 Main 1 & 4, tank capacity
12.20.8 12.20.11 APU Fuel Feed, AC power logic (two pumps)
12.20.8-9 12.20.12-13 Operation with Fuel In Center Wing Tank > Different Scavenge Pump logic
12.20.10-11 12.20.15-16 Fuel Jettison System description
12.20.11 12.20.18 Fuel Jettison Schematic

13. Hydraulics

BCF ERF ERF Difference

13.10.1 13.10.1 Demand Pump 1&4 both incorporated with AUX pump
13.10.4 13.10.4 AUX Pump Hyd Sys 1, Inoperative Items of Effected Systems not displayed
13.20.1 13.20.1 Aux Pump System description
13.20.2 13.20.2 - Inoperative items of affected systems are not displayed on synoptic page
- Load Assignments > Thrust Reverses not included because pneumatically operated
13.20.3 13.20.3 Eng ( ) Thrust Reverser missing from diagram
13.30.1 13.30.1 > HYD PRESS DEM 1,2,3,4 > AUX Pump 1 incorporated

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FCOM Volume 2
B744 BCF / ERF Differences List System Description

14. Landing Gear

BCF ERF ERF Difference

14.10.3 14.10.5 Auto Brake Selector located on Captain’s panel
14.10.5 14.10.7 Brake Source Light right of Brake Accumulator Pressure Indicator
14.10.8/9 14.10.10/11 - TILT / ANTISKID / LIMITER disabled messages not incorporated
- Tire Pressure Indication
14.20.1 14.20.1 System Description / Introduction > Tire Pressure indication system
14.20.4 14.20.6-7 TILT / ANTISKID / LIMITER disabled messages not incorporated on Gear Synoptic
14.20.6 14.20.9 Tire Pressure Indication
n/a 14.30.2 EICAS Alert Messages > TIRE PRESSURE

15. Warning Systems

BCF ERF ERF Difference

15.10.5 15.10.8 Unable to silence OVERSPEED aural alert on ERF
15.10.6 15.10.9 Different Transponder Panel / Transponder Mode Sel / TCAS Airspace Selector
15.10.9 15.10.12 Additional vertical guidance is provided by means of Vertical Speed Pointer on ERF
15.10.12-13 15.10.17-18 - Elevation of Terrain/Obstacle and OBSTACLE annunciation not incorporated
- Different logic when terrain is displayed
15.20.5 15.20.7 Voice Annunciations
15.20.7 15.20.9 “OBSTACLE” calls not incorporated
15.20.11 15.20.15 Altitude Alert, no longer displayed, when departing more than 900ft from selected alt.
15.20.12 15.20.17 On the ground range is limited to 5 NM and after take-off to10 NM traffic information
15.20.14 15.20.19 TCAS PFD Vertical Guidance > Vertical Speed Pointer incorporated
15.20.18-19 15.20.25-26 Look ahead for obstacles not incorporated
15.20.20-22 15.20.27-29 GPWS Look Ahead Terrain Alerts > OBSTACLE voice/annunciation not incorporated
Bank Angle Voice Annunciations > Only if angle exceeds 35°/40°/45° (BFC > also for 10º)
15.20.29 15.20.39 Alerts Inhibited during Engine Start > ENG AUTOSTART
15.20.31 15.20.41 Master Caution Lights > Inhibit ends 400 ft Radio Altitude or 20 seconds after rotation whichever occurs first


22 December 2009 Page : 8

B744 BCF / ERF Differences List

- On the following pages the difference in QRH procedures and or Memory Items of the B744 BCF and the B744 ERF are depicted. The mentioned
differences are with references to the 744 ERF QRH.
- The KLM QRH is developed to be used for all B747-400 configurations in their fleet (e.g. Pax / Combi & Freighter). The QRH differentiates between tail
numbers when there is a mismatch in B744 configuration.
- For our ERF operation, the tail numbers F-GIUF (= PH-CKD), PH-CKA-CKC (this includes PH-CKB ) in the particular QRH procedure shall be used.
Reference to other tail numbers shall be disregarded. This may in some cases lead to the publication of two QRH procedures for the same NNC and
therefore requires extra discipline during NNC execution.
- The major differences which have impact through the multiple systems are:
• G/E engines (Thrust Reversers, Pneumatically operated)
• AUTOSTART function
• AUTO function of Anti-Ice System.
- Other differences like Cargo Nose Door, Upper Deck Configuration (Service Door) and some differences in Memory Items are listed below in the order
as they appear in the QRH.

BCF ERF Condition / EICAS Message ERF Difference

n/a 1.14 DOOR R, UPPER DK ERF has one upper deck door
n/a 1.16 DOOR NOSE CARGO ERF has a Nose Door
2.1 2.1 CABIN ALTITUDE or Rapid Depressurization Memory Item: Descend to lowest safe altitude or 10,000 ft whichever is higher.
2.2 2.4/2.8 BLD DUCT LEAK L, C, R − Item 9: Cargo Smoke Detection is no longer available
− After Landing:
• Due to Hydraulic DEM 1 / AUX function, different procedure.
2.6 2.9 BLD 1,2,3,4 OVHT/PRV − Different procedure due to system logic
− If unable to reset, Thrust Reverser and Nacelle Anti Ice for affected engine
is not available.
3.1 3.1 >ANTI-ICE NAC / >ANTI ICE WING Separate alerts for Nacelle and Wing anti-ice
n/a 3.4 >ICE DETECTORS Alert not available on BCF
n/a 3.4 >ICING NAC Alerts not available on BCF
3.6 3.6 NAI VALVE 1, 2, 3, 4 Extra procedural step due to AUTO function

22 December 2009 Page : 1

B744 BCF / ERF Differences List

BCF ERF Condition / EICAS Message ERF Difference

3.8 3.8/3.10 WAI VALVE LEFT, RIGHT − Extra procedural step:

• During trouble shooting due to AUTO function;
• After Landing due to HYD DEM 1 Pump AUX function (ERF QRH 3.10)
6.3-6.4 6.3-6.5 ELEC AC BUS 1, 2, 3, 4 Item 4 > GE engines use N1 i.s.o EPR
Item 8 > Reference made to ENG EEC MODE
Item 9 > Execute steps for all operating engines, one engine at a time
n/a 6.8 > STBY BUS APU / >STBY BUS MAIN System Logic
7.1 7.1 Aborted Engine Start − Item 3 When N2 decreases below 20%
• different procedure due to AUTOSTART function
• N2 reference 20% i.s.o. 15%
n/a 7.2 ENG 1, 2, 3, 4 AUTOSTART − Memory Item the same as Aborted Engine Start
− EICAS Caution alert and beeper (see ERF FCOM Vol 2 / 7.40.1)
7.2 7.4 ENG 1, 2, 3, 4 FAIL or Multiple Engine Flameout − Continuous Ignition switch no Memory Item
or Stall − Due to AUTOSTART function different procedure:
• Item 3 Explanation of in flight EGT start limit
• Item 4 speed reference > 220 KIAS
• Item 7 Autostart option
7.4 7.6 Engine Limit or Surge or Stall Item 2 > Due to Auto Start function, continuous ignition removed from
n/a 7.11 >AUTOSTART OFF Self explanatory
7.10 7.12 ENG 1, 2, 3, 4 EEC MODE GE Engines > Auto Throttle Operations is still available
(see ERF FCOM Vol 2 / 7.20.6)
7.12 7.14 ENG 1, 2, 3, 4 FAIL Item 11/12 due to Auto Ignition & AUTOSTART function
7.15 7.17 ENG 1, 2, 3, 4 OIL FILT Different procedure due to G/E Engine
(see ERF FCOM Vol 2 / 7.20.13)
7.18 7.20 >ENG 1, 2, 3, 4 RPM LIM GE Engine > Only N2 red line limit restricts the engine’s thrust
7.20-21 7.22-23 Engine In-flight Start Different procedure due to AUTOSTART function

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B744 BCF / ERF Differences List

BCF ERF Condition / EICAS Message ERF Difference

7.24 7.26 STARTER CUTOUT 1, 2, 3, 4 Item 5 > G/E Engine > Reverse thrust for the affected engine is not available
7.28-30 7.30-32 Volcanic Ash Due to AUTOSTART function procedure slightly different:
− Reference speed > 220 KIAS
− AUTO IGNITION selector not mentioned due to system logic
(see also ERF FCOM Vol 2 / 7.20.9 > Auto Relight)
8.4 8.4 Fire Engine Tailpipe Different sequence due to AUTOSTART function
n/a 8.16 > CARGO DET AIR Alert not available on BCF
8.12 8.20 FIRE CARGO AFT 210 min i.s.o 334 min of fire suppression (Fire Cargo Fwd > Idem)
n/a 8.37 >SMOKE CREW REST / >SMOKE LAVATORY Alert not available on BCF
9.4 9.4 FLAPS CONTROL Different procedure due to incorporation of Boeing SB 747-27A2386
10.4 10.4 > ADC CENTER, LEFT, RIGHT Alert & Procedure not incorporated on BCF
11.3 n/a > FMC RUNWAY DIS Alert not available on ERF
12.6 12.14 Fuel Jettison − Fuel Jettison Selector > Different positions
− Mind tail numbers > after item 6 the next item is 9
12.8 12.16 Fuel Leak Engine Mind tail numbers > first item to read is 2
12.22-23 12.34-35 FUEL QTY LOW Mind tail numbers > after item 5 go to item 8
12.26 12.42-43 FUEL X FEED 1, 4 Different procedure from BCF
13 13 Hydraulics Failures General Thrust Reversers not Hydraulically operated
14.14 14.15 GEAR DISAGREE or Gear Lever Jammed in Off Caution Note! If both body gear are not extended,
Position The airplane may tip tail down on the
Ground. The crew service door escape
slide is then unusable

14.16 14.17 GEAR DOOR Different procedure from BCF

n/a 14.30 TIRE PRESSURE Alert only available on ERF (see also ERF FCOM Vol 2 / 14.30.2).

22 December 2009 Page : 3

Operations Manual Part-B
B744 BCF / ERF Differences List

- In this section a comparison is made of the applicable chapters in the ERF / BCF OM-B Supplements.
- In order to avoid confusion between the two OM-B supplements, the following identification has been chosen:
• All chapters in the BCF supplement are preceded by number 6
• All chapters in the ERF supplement are preceded by number 7.
- On the following pages a comparison is made of the following chapters:
• Normal Procedures
• Limitations
• Performance
• Flight Planning
• Mass & Balance.

22 December 2009 Page : 1

Operations Manual Part-B
744 BCF / ERF Differences List Normal Procedures

OM-B Supplement
Phase of Flight Difference
6.2 page 7 7.2 page 8 Preliminary Preflight Procedure (ERF) APU Start Source switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TR
(BCF) Not installed
6.2 page 8 7.2 page 9/10 CDU Pre Flight Procedure Performance Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET
(ERF) • A difference in excess of 7000 KG should be investigated.
• Use of CLB 2 is not allowed (see ERF FCOM Vol 1, Bulletin No 26 rev 1)
(BCF) • A difference in excess of 5000 KG should be investigated
• Takeoff Thrust settings TO / TO1 / TO2 available
• No CLB 2 restrictions
• Wind Up-Link available.
6.2 page 15 7.2 page 16 Preflight Procedure First Officer (ERF) COMMANDER’S AUDIO SYSTEM switch. . . . . . . . . . . NORM
(BCF) Not available
6.2 page 16 7.2 page 17 Engine Start Panel
(ERF) AUTO IGNITION selector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SINGLE
AUTOSTART switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ON
(BCF) AUTO IGNITION selector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selector 1 or 2
Fuel Panel
All Fuel pump switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF
(ERF) • Verify that the main 2 and 3 aft pump PRESS
lights are extinguished when APU running.
(BCF) • Verify that the main 2 pump PRESS
lights is extinguished when APU running.
6.2 page 16 7.2 page 18 Anti-ice Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Set
(ERF) NACELLE ANTI-ICE switches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AUTO
WING ANTI-ICE switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AUTO
(BCF) NACELLE ANTI-ICE switches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF
WING ANTI-ICE switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF

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Operations Manual Part-B
744 BCF / ERF Differences List Normal Procedures

OM-B Supplement
Phase of Flight Difference
6.2 page 23 7.2 page 24 Preflight Procedure - Captain (BCF) RMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Check
CRT select panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Set
(ERF) RMI & ALTNT EFIS selector not installed.
6.2 page 24 7.2 page 25 (ERF) AUTOBRAKES selector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RTO
(BCF) On the BCF, Auto Brake Selector is part of First Officer
pre-flight procedure.
(ERF) Integrated Standby Flight Display . . . . . . . . . . . . Set
• Verify that the approach mode display is blank;
• Set the altimeter;
• Verify that the flight instrument indications are correct; and
• Verify that no flags or messages are shown.
(BCF) Standby Flight Instruments.
6.2 page 25 7.2 page 26 Before Start Procedure Exterior doors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Verify closed F/O
(ERF) Ensure that the main deck nose gear cargo door
Control Panel and Latch Annunciator Panel lights
have been verified to confirm nose cargo door closed,
latched, and locked. (see ERF FCOM Vol 2 / 1.30.51-56).
(BCF) In addition to verifying that all door are closed,
the Upper Deck Slides have to be armed.

6.2 page 26 7.2 page 27 (ERF) Hydraulic demand pump 4 selector . . . . . . . . . . . AUX F/O
• Verify that the SYS FAULT light is extinguished; and
• Verify that the PRESS light stays illuminated.
Hydraulic demand pump 1 selector . . . . . . . . . . . AUX
• Verify that the SYS FAULT light is extinguished; and
• Verify that the PRESS light stays illuminated.
(BCF) Only system 4 has an auxiliary pump incorporated.

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Operations Manual Part-B
744 BCF / ERF Differences List Normal Procedures

OM-B Supplement
Phase of Flight Difference
6.2 page 28 7.2 page 29 Engine Start Procedure (ERF) - Auto Start function
- Engine start of two engines at the same time is allowed
- Auto Start does corrective steps for:
• No EGT rise;
• A hot start; or
• A hung start.
- Do the ABORTED ENGINE START checklist for one or more of the
following abort start conditions:
• There is no N1 rotation by idle N2
• The fuel control switch is in RUN, the engine RPM is low and the
Autostart switch is off; and
• The oil pressure indication is not normal by the time the engine is
stabilized at idle.

(BCF) - Manual Engine Start

- One engine at a time (two engines at the same time is not allowed)
- Max motoring of N2 required before selecting Fuel Control Switch to RUN
- Manual corrective action required (ABORTED ENGINE START checklist)
for one or more of the following abort start conditions:
• The EGT does not increase by 20 seconds after the fuel control switch
is moved to RUN;
• There is no N1 rotation by 40% N2;
• The EGT quickly nears or exceeds the start limit;
• The N2 is not at idle by 2 minutes after the fuel control switch is moved
to RUN; and
• The oil pressure indication is not normal by the time the engine is
stabilized at idle.

6.2 page 29 7.2 page 30 Before Taxi Procedure (ERF) Keep in mind the following:
• Hydraulic Demand Pump 1 & 4, back to AUTO position
• If OAT ≤ 10° C, Nacelle Anti Ice switches must be selected (ON),
(see ERF FCOM Vol 1 / S.P.16.3).

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Operations Manual Part-B
744 BCF / ERF Differences List Normal Procedures

OM-B Supplement
Phase of Flight Difference
6.2 page 30 7.2 page 31 Before Takeoff Procedure Engine warm up requirements / recommendations
(ERF) Requirement Engine oil temperature must be above the bottom of the
temperature scale.
Recommendation Run the engines for at least 3 min.
(BCF) Requirement Engine oil temperature must be above the lower amber
band before takeoff.
Recommendation Run engines for 5 minutes.
6.2 page 31/32 7.2 page 32/33 Takeoff procedure (ERF) • CDR advance the thrust levers to approximately 70% N1.
• When OAT ≤ 3° C, the take-off must be preceded by a static engine run up
(see, ERF FCOM Vol 1 / SP.16.5, Takeoff Procedure).
• After flap retraction is complete:
− Set the engine anti-ice selectors to AUTO
− Verify air conditioning packs operating
(BCF) • CDR advance the thrust levers to approximately 1.10 EPR.
6.2 page 34 7.2 page 35 Descent Procedure (ERF) • LP sets Auto Brake Selector due to panel location.
6.2 page 35 7.2 page 36 Landing Procedure (ILS) (ERF) • Warning Note: Due to AFCS capability to capture the Glide Slope before
Localizer capture, be aware when intercepting the localizer in LNAV
(see, ERF FCOM Vol 2 / 4.20.12).
6.2 page 40 7.2 page 41 After Landing Procedure (ERF) • LP selects Autobrake Selector to OFF
• Engine cool down recommendations > run the engines for at least 3 min.
• If OAT ≤ 10° C, with visible moisture, select Nacelle Anti-Ice switches (ON)
(see, ERF FCOM Vol 1/ SP.16.10 After Landing Procedure).
• Do not Shut Down Engines during icing conditions
(see ERF FCOM Vol 1 / SP. 7.2 notes)
(BCF) • Engine cool down:
- Requirement > Run engine at least 90 seconds
- Recommendation > Run the engines for at least 5 minutes.
6.2 page 42 7.2 page 43 Shutdown Procedure (BCF) • Disarming of Upper Deck Door slides required.

22 December 2009 Page : 5

Operations Manual Part-B
744 BCF / ERF Differences List Limitations

OM-B Supplement
Subject Difference
BCF ERF Type of operation (ERF) a/c are ADS-B equipped. Smoke Barrier Door Same limitation, different location in chapter. Maximum number of persons on board (ERF) max 8

(BCF) max 18. Upper Deck Occupancy (ERF) max 6 persons (with a total occupancy of 8 including cockpit crew)
(BCF) max 14 persons (with a total occupancy of 18 including cockpit crew). Operational Limitations (ERF) For takeoff in the EEC alternate mode (ALTN), the maximum tailwind
component is 10 kts. Weight Limitations Self explanatory. Upper Deck (doors) and escape slides (ERF) The upper deck escape slide must be in the forward locked position
during taxi, takeoff and landing whenever the upper deck cabin is occupied.
(BCF) The emergency evacuation slide system must be in the AUTOMATIC mode
and engagement of each escape slide pack extractor must be verified by a
check that the knob is visible in the AUTOMATIC viewing port prior to taxi,
takeoff and landing whenever persons occupy the upper deck cabin. Quick Turnaround (BCF) Refers to OM-B 6.4.4 Fuel Density vs MTOW Different weights and envelope restriction in graph. Maximum Airspeed Limits (ERF) All flap placard speeds, except for Flaps30º, are 5 kts higher than BCF. Oxygen Requirements (BCF) More extensive requirements. Cabin Pressurization (BCF) Air conditioning (A/C) Packs OFF for takeoffs and go arounds is not
(ERF) No restrictions.

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Operations Manual Part-B
744 BCF / ERF Differences List Limitations

OM-B Supplement
Subject Difference
BCF ERF Nacelle Anti-Ice System (ERF) - For the primary ice detection system the NAI switches should be in AUTO
position during flight.
- The primary ice detection system will automatically turn on and off as
required in response to ice detection signals (flight mode only).
- If icing conditions are anticipated after takeoff, switch NAI manual ON
prior to takeoff. n/a HF Communications (BCF) List of HF frequencies which are prohibited Engine, APU (Engine) Several differences in RPM / EGT / Oil Temp & Press parameters and
time intervals
(ERF) Separate APU start cycle restrictions when using APU TR Speedbrakes (in flight) (ERF) Not recommended with flaps extended past 20º
(BCF) Not recommended with flaps extended past 10º

n/a Ballast Fuel (ERF) Not allowed

22 December 2009 Page : 2

Operations Manual Part-B
744 BCF / ERF Differences List Performance

OM-B Supplement
Subject Difference
BCF ERF Introduction (ERF) - Only Full Thrust (TO) or TO with assumed temperature method
(BCF) - Two additional Thrust Settings available (TO1 / TO2)
- Separate MULT TL available for Dry or Wet runway condition
- The definition of Full Thrust takeoff is that no assumed temperature
method (reduced) is used for the performance calculations. Therefore
the fixed derates TO1 and TO2 may be used for Full Thrust takeoff
calculations as well. MULT TL –TABLES (conditions) (ERF) - There are separate MULT TL tables for DRY or WET rwy conditions
- The MULT TL tables are based on the following conditions:
• Packs ON
• Nacelle anti-ice OFF
• Corrections are given for:
- Wind and QNH
- Packs OFF
- Nacelle Anti Ice ON.
(BCF) - WET or DRY runway conditions are incorporated in one MULT TL table
- The MULT TL tables are based on the following conditions:
• Packs ON (OFF not allowed)
• Nacelle anti-ice ON or OFF
• Corrections are given for:
- Wind and QNH. SPC (single point calculation) (BCF) - Pack OFF conditions is not allowed, only APU to Pack
- TO1 or TO2 thrust rating is also an option. Preferred derate sequence (ERF) - The preferred thrust setting is TO with assumed temperature.
(BCF) - The preferred derate sequence is:
1) TO2, (20% derate) using assumed temperature
2) TO2, (20% derate)
3) TO1, (8% derate) using assumed temperature
4) TO1, (8% derate)
5) TO, using assumed temperature
6) TO.

22 December 2009 Page : 1

Operations Manual Part-B
744 BCF / ERF Differences List Performance

OM-B Supplement
Subject Difference
BCF ERF MULT TL Reduced thrust takeoff on a dry (ERF) - Use the FMS takeoff speeds for the actual takeoff mass
or wet runway (procedure, bullet (5)) - If rwy is Wet, LSK 5L, on TAKEOFF REF page, FMC will observe VMCG.

(BCF) - Use the FMS take-off speeds for the actual take-off mass.
- For wet runway determine and subtract the V1 correction for the
estimated or actual take-off mass in accordance with QRH Chapter PI
Section 10. ‘Slippery Runway Takeoff’ 2 Engine Reverse Thrust
Reported braking action GOOD.
(i) MULT TL TO : use page PI.10.7;
(ii) MULT TL TO1 : use page PI.10.16; or
(iii) MULT TL TO2 : use page PI.10.25.
Check V1 against VMCG
6.4.3 7.4.3 Non Normal Takeoff Performance (ERF) Additional procedure Auto Spoilers system inoperative
Procedures (BCF) Additional procedure for Engine(s) with FB2B/FB2T fans installed. Dispatch Landing Mass (ERF) Different methods, graphs and conditions to calculate the maximum
(BCF) dispatch landing Mass for each a/c.

22 December 2009 Page : 2

Operations Manual Part-B
744 BCF / ERF Differences List Flight Planning

OM-B Supplement
Subject Difference
6.5. 7.5. General Apart from ground operations (APU fuel burn and taxi fuel), flight planning data
differs per a/c variant.

n/a 7.5.4 CRZ CG Correction Table (BCF) Data not available in BCF operation, Do Not use ERF data.

22 December 2009 Page : 1

Operations Manual Part-B
744 BCF / ERF Differences List Mass & Balance

OM-B Supplement
Subject Difference
BCF ERF Centre of Gravity Limitations (BCF) - Due to more Takeoff Thrust reduction capability (up to TO2 with
assumed temperature) the BCF has an additional area in which the a/c
can be operated.
- When operating in this area the supplemental procedure for “Low
Gross Weight, Aft CG”, has to be complied with.
(see BCF FCOM Vol 1 / SP.1.1)
(ERF) - Supplemental Procedure not available.

n/a TOMAC restrictions (ERF) Procedure self explanatory.


22 December 2009 Page : 1

Operational Summary
B744 BCF / ERF Differences List

- With the re-introduction of the BCF an effort has been made to strive for as much commonality in the operation of the two aircraft sub variants.
Consequently, certain checklist items, limitations and operational procedures have been adjusted. For example:
• Normal Checklist
- Before Taxi Checklist Autobrakes . . . . RTO RP answers even though on the ERF the selector is part of the LP’s pre flight check
- Before Take-off Checklist Packs . . . . . . SET Normally, not part of BCF checklist since a PACK ON takeoff is standard
• Limitations
- Takeoff & Landing Cross Wind Limitation (dry rwy) > 30 kts on both aircraft
• Normal Procedures
- Landing Gear Lever position after takeoff and after a go around; on both aircraft sub variants the gear lever will be moved to OFF.

- In some instances common procedures are not possible due to technical or procedural differences. Therefore on the following pages a brief summary of
the operational differences is once more provided.

22 December 2009 Page : 1

Operational Summary
B744 BCF / ERF Differences List

Aircraft Systems & Operational Consequences

A/C System Subject Difference

Airplane General Doors, Upper Deck Escape Slides (ERF) - Nose Cargo Door
- Crew Service Door with Manual Slide Pack
• No arming required
(BCF) - No Nose Door
- (2) Upper Deck Doors with Automatic Slide
• Arming & Disarming required.
Air Systems Pack Operation (ERF) PACKS OFF take-off allowed
(BCF) PACKS OFF take-off not allowed
(Only APU to PACK take-off option is available).
Anti-Ice Nacelle & Wing anti-ice System (ERF) With selectors in AUTO, automatic ON & OFF activation of
system (Only in Flight)
(BCF) Manual on & off activation and awareness required.
Automatic Flight Glide Slope Capture before Localizer (ERF) Possible
capture (BCF) Impossible.
Communications ACARS (ERF)
Different Software and operational functionality.
Engines Type of Engine (ERF) - GE CF6-80C2-BF5 (62,100 lbs)
• Primary engine parameter N1
(BCF) - PW-4056 (57,100 lbs)
• Primary engine parameter EPR.
Engine Start (ERF) - AUTO Start Function
• Two engines at the same time
(BCF) - Manual Start
• One engine at a time.
Thrust Reversers (ERF) Pneumatically operated
(BCF) Hydraulically operated.

22 December 2009 Page : 2

Operational Summary
B744 BCF / ERF Differences List

A/C System Subject Difference

Flight Instruments Primary EICAS display (ERF) No GW and SAT displayed

(BCF) GW and SAT displayed.
Standby Flight Instruments (ERF) Integrated Standby Flight Display (ISFD)
(BCF) Separate Instruments.
Flight Management System Wind Data Uplink (ERF) Not available
(BCF) Available on LEGS and VNAV DESCENT FORECAST page.
Progress Page (ERF) 2 pages
(BCF) 3 pages (3/3 RTA).
V1 WET prompt on TAKEOFF REF page (ERF) Available
(BCF) Not available (requires manual calculation with PI QRH).
Hydraulics Hydraulic Demand Pumps (AUX) (ERF) Hydraulic system 1 and 4
(BCF) Hydraulic system 4 only.
Landing Gear Gear Synoptic & EICAS messages (ERF) - Tire Pressure indication & EICAS message
- Disabled System Messages not available
(BCF) - Tire Pressure & EICAS message not available
- Disabled System Messages available.
Warning Systems Terrain (& Obstacle ) indications (ERF) - Different System Display and Indication Logic
- Obstacle Indications & Aural Alert not available
(BCF) - Different System Display and Indication Logic
- Obstacle Indications and Aural Alert available.

22 December 2009 Page : 3

Operational Summary
B744 BCF / ERF Differences List

- There may be differences for MEL procedures due to different policies between KLM and Martinair.
- For the ERF we are using the KLM MEL which includes all maintenance and operational procedures.
- For the BCF we are using the AMOS MEL with a separate DDG and MEL Maintenance Procedures Manual.
- For unserviceable loading equipment for ERF refer to the M&B folder and for the BCF refer to the MEL.

- The BCF has the fixed derate options TO1 and TO2 and thus also multiple pages per station in the OM Part C.
- The BCF has no limitation on the use of CLB 2.
- The Cost Index may differ with between ERF and BCF.
- There is marked difference in procedures for V1 WET calculation.
• On the ERF we can use the FMS feature.
• On the BCF a correction has to be made with the Performance In-flight tables in the QRH according the procedure in OM B 6.4.
- The BCF has a low mass aft cg supplementary procedure.
- CRZ CG correction is only possible on the ERF.
- For the BCF no correction table is available; don’t use the ERF table on the BCF.
- The default CRZ CG for the BCF is 20% and for the ERF 8,5%.
- Using OM Part B Chapter Performance in the cockpit as read and do during pre-flight will ensure the correct procedure for the correct aircraft.
- By individual calculation of takeoff and landing performance errors can be prevented.

- The computer programs at Dispatch will have some features making it almost impossible to inadvertently make an ERF OFP for a BCF or vice versa.
OFP and loadsheets are linked to the AMC and thereby to aircraft registration and sub variant. Nevertheless make sure you adhere to checking all the
details according OM A
- The computer loadsheet protection works in the same way as the OFP. However make sure to check it according OM A
- SPC computer program is not linked to AMC, therefore a human error is possible. A double check in SPC header stating aircraft type and engine type is
- When using a SPC the BCF will normally have an optimum flap as default whereas the ERF has a fixed FLAPS 20 setting with a manual option of
selecting FLAPS 10.
- Also when checking the SPC according the relevant procedure in OM Part B Chapter performance, make sure that the correct aircraft type for the
respective procedure is being used.


22 December 2009 Page : 4

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