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INSTRUCTION : You are to answer all questions within 30 minutes!

1. We talked over the matter for an hour but without any result.

[A] discussed

[B] fought about

[C] surveyed

[D] assessed

2. He was murdered in cold blood.

[A] thoughtlessly

[B] coolly

[C] deliberately

[D] unfeelingly

3. Suganya stood by her husband in weal and woe.

[A] during the operation

[B] during illness

[C] by hook or crook

[D] in prosperity and adversity

4. I have a bone to pick with you in this matter.

[A] desire

[B] am angry

[C] selfish motive

[D] selfless motive

5. The inspector was caught red handed.

[A] found with hands tied

[B] caught with dirty hands

[C] caught in the act of committing the crime

[D] quickly

6. To pick holes

[A] to criticize someone

[B] to cut some part of an item

[C] to destroy something

[D] to find some reason to fight

7. She tries very hard to keep up with her rich neighbours.

[A] To imitate

[B] To keep in touch

[C] To avoid

[D] To be on par

8. He vent on sowing wild oats; he reaped suffering in his later life.

[A] inviting troubles as a boy

[B] warning others as a young man

[C] irresponsible pleasure seeking in young age

[D] sowing grains called oats when young

9. I don’t know why she has become stand-offish recently.

[A] angry

[B] indifferent
[C] hilarious

[D] unmanageable

10. Why don’t you put an end to blowing your own trumpet?

[A] playing your own trumpet to produce music

[B] making too much noise

[C] praising your own abilities and achievements

[D] none of the above

11. I knew he had an axe to grind and turned down his offer of help.

[A] a blunt axe

[B] a sharp tongue

[C] a private interest to serve

[D] a tendency to fight

12. The saint’s life was an open book.

[A] an uncomplicated one

[B] one that held no secrets

[C] an example to all

[D] an interesting biography

13. The saint’s life was an open book.

[A] an uncomplicated one

[B] one that held no secrets

[C] an example to all

[D] an interesting biography

14. Reading between the lines I realised that my friend wanted to keep something from me.

[A] looking for meanings that are not actually expressed

[B] reading carelessly

[C] reading with anxiety

[D] glancing over the lines

15. Sometimes, it happens that we have to give the devil his due.

[A] to give credit to even a notorious person

[B] to give encouragement even to the enemy

[C] to invite the devil

[D] to stand in the way of the devil

16. The king had been made to eat humble pie.

[A] to eat slowly

[B] to have an excellent dish

[C] to eat a good pie

[D] to have to apologise

17. He was given Hobson’s choice by the employer.

[A] excellent choice

[B] no real choice at all

[C] choice to live or die

[D] first choice

18. He has a very nice manner, but you would better take what he says with a grain of salt.

[A] to listen to something with considerable doubt

[B] to talk sensibly

[C] to criticise

[D] to complement
19. The new manager thought that he would give employees enough rope for the first six months after
which he would check the work done himself.

[A] many directives and orders

[B] sufficient advice

[C] all the material they needed

[D] enough freedom for action

20. Those who work by fits and start seldom show good results..

[A] rarely

[B] disinterestedly

[C] irregularly

[D] regularly

21. By opposing his proposal he fell foul of him.

[A] quarrel with

[B] felt annoyed with

[C] agreed with

[D] got into trouble with

22. The working of the factory was disrupted on account of a token strike by the workers.

[A] total strike

[B] carefully planned strike

[C] short strike held as a warning

[D] sudden call of strike

23. Because of his misbehaviour, he is bound to face the music.

[A] get finished

[B] get reprimanded

[C] feel sorry

[D] listen to the music

24. We shouldn’t look down upon the wretched of the earth. Now.

[A] sympathise with

[B] hate intensely

[C] be indifferent to

[D] regard with contempt

25. We have appealed to him again and again; there is no use flogging a dead horse now.

[A] repeating our request

[B] making him see reason

[C] beating about the bush

[D] wasting time in useless effort

26. For his alleged involvement in espio-nage, he is under a cloud these days.

[A] experiencing cloudy weather

[B] enjoying favourable luck

[C] under suspicion

[D] under observation

27. People are always critical. One needs to have a thick skin to cope with criticism.

[A] Be bold

[B] Be disinterested

[C] Be unaffected

[D] Be insensitive

28. Hand and glove

[A] Very intimate

[B] Open enemy

[C] Very rude

[D] Very difficult

29. To give airs

[A] Exhale

[B] Inhale

[C] Boast

[D] Humble

30. At a loss

[A] Unable

[B] Able

[C] Defeat

[D] Expert

31. At a loss

[A] Unable

[B] Able

[C] Defeat

[D] Expert

32. ) A lame excuse

[A] Useless talk

[B] Unsatisfactory explanation

[C] Ill feeling

[D] Good explanation

33. See through

[A] To see off

[B] To ignore something

[C] To persist with something

[D] To detect the true nature

34. A cry in wilderness

[A] A cry in vain

[B] An unpleasant situation

[C] A cry with a laughter

[D] A cry in disgrace

35. The police cordoned off the area after the explosion.

[A] The police filled the whole area

[B] The police isolated the area

[C] The police checked everyone in the area

[D] The police did not allow anyone to leave the area

36. Rajib washed his hands of the matter long ago.

[A] Refused to change the decision

[B] Took the responsibility

[C] Refused to accept responsibility for

[D] Overcame the difficulties

37. All the neighbours gave her the cold shoulder because she ill-treated her daughter-in-law.

[A] Showed liking for her company

[B] Showed dislike for her company

[C] Felt her shoulder was cold

[D] Showed international unfriendliness to her company

38. If people do not mend their ways, they are sure to go to the dogs.

[A] To fight

[B] To be rough
[C] To be united

[D] To be ruined

39. To grease the palm

[A] To bribe

[B] To cut the tree

[C] To rub oil on the hand

[D] To lubricate the machine parts

40. The departmental store is open around the clock.

[A] Early morning

[B] Day and night

[C] At different timings

[D] Throughout the afternoon

41. The boy was in Dutch with his friends.

[A] In love

[B] In awe

[C] In trouble

[D] In good terms

42. The student were all ears, when the speaker started talking about the changes in the exam.

[A] Attentive

[B] Restless

[C] Silent

[D] Smiling

43. He is cool about working at night.

[A] Grudgingly working

[B] Excited about working

[C] Not ready to work

[D] Ready to work

44. Our school is within a stone’s throw of the railway station.

[A] Very far off

[B] Within a certain radius

[C] At a short distance

[D] Within a definite distance

45. Deepak did not care for his family, he wanted to gather roses only.

[A] To obtain fame by hard work

[B] To seek all enjoyments of life

[C] To save money miserly

[D] To paint a rosy picture of the past

46. The mother was right in giving a piece of her mind to the daughter.

[A] Speaking sharply

[B] Speaking sadly

[C] Speaking kindly

[D] Speaking cheerfully

47. To feather one’s nest

[A] To build one’s house

[B] To harbour ill feeling

[C] To get something in abundance

[D] To enrich oneself when opportunity occurs

48. His argument does not hold water.

[A] To influence

[B] To have effect

[C] Sound logical fact

[D] To check the flow of water

49. Through the reporter’s efforts, many unknown facts have come to light.

[A] Ignited

[B] Flared up

[C] Brightened

[D] Been revealed

50. You find a black sheep in every community.

[A] Person with bad reputation

[B] One who does not co-operate

[C] One who is always doing wrong

[D] One who lives the life of shame

51. His work seems to be a Penelope’s web.

[A] Difficult

[B] Endless

[C] Declining

[D] In his best form

52. His recent statement is an about turn.

[A] Complete change of opinion

[B] A declaration of war

[C] Good announcement

[D] A bold statement

53. The two friends are now at daggers drawn over a petty issue.
[A] Frustrated

[B] Angry

[C] Enemies

[D] Competitors

54. In his salad days he was quite a dandy.

[A] Old age

[B] School days

[C] Adolescence

[D] Childhood

55. When he left he was extremely disappointed. I think he’s gone for good.

[A] Permanently

[B] To a good place

[C] To seek good fortune

[D] To a foreign country

56. Their attempt to get back the stolen necklace become a wild goose chase.

[A] Timely action

[B] Useless search

[C] Delayed action

[D] Wise decision

57. Goods will be delivered if you pay on the nail.

[A] Pay promptly

[B] Pay promptly in cash

[C] Pay the full amount

[D] Pay within the given time

58. A close-fisted person

[A] A miser

[B] A close friend

[C] A cowardly person

[D] A powerful person

59. I want to tell you in a nut shell, lust for money and power ruined her life.

[A] In detail

[B] Confidentially

[C] In a brief manner

[D] To tell as objective as possible

60. Please be as brief as you can, I have other fish to fry.

[A] To take the rest

[B] To cook the food

[C] To attend the friends

[D] Some important work to attend t

61. You cannot throw dust into my eyes.

[A] Abuse me

[B] Hurt me

[C] Cheat me

[D] Terrify me

62. Despite the doctor’s advice he still eats like a horse.

[A] Eats a lot of food

[B] Eats slowly

[C] Swallows his food

[D] Does not like to eat

63. The trial made a mockery of justice.

[A] It was mock trial

[B] There was no serious outcome

[C] People mocked at the judgment

[D] Made the system look ridiculous

64. After getting a severe scolding from his mother, Raghu got down to business.

[A] Joined his father’s business

[B] Began to work seriously

[C] Become businesslike

[D] Started a business

65. A close shave.

[A] Stubble

[B] Hairless skin

[C] Very short hair

[D] A narrow escape from danger

66. He spoke well though it was his maiden speech.

[A] First speech

[B] Long speech

[C] Brief speech

[D] Emotional speech

67. To rock the boat

[A] To conspire against

[B] To agitate against

[C] To upset the balance

[D] To create difficulties

68. The young servant goes about with the old master.

[A] Goes around

[B] Moves around

[C] Adjusts well

[D] Tries to know more about

69. Mrs. Roy keeps an open house on Saturday evening parties – you’ll find all kinds of people there.

[A] Welcomes all members

[B] Welcomes a select group of people

[C] Keeps the doors of the house open

[D] Keeps the gates open for a few persons

70. I told the students to buckle down this semester.

[A] Work seriously

[B] Take it easy

[C] Drop a subject

[D] Go for a vacation

71. To beat the air

[A] To act intelligently

[B] To make a great effort

[C] To make every possible effort

[D] To make efforts that are useless and/or vain

72. If you want to solve the problem for ever you must take the bull by horns.

[A] Face a difficulty or danger confidently

[B] Run way from a difficulty or danger

[C] Face a difficulty or danger boldly

[D] Pull the bull’s horns

73. The manager hesitated to assign the job to the newcomer as he was wet behind the ears.

[A] Stupid and slow-witted

[B] Young and inexperienced

[C] Drenched in the rain

[D] Unpunctual and lethargic

74. In black and white

[A] In short

[B] Useless

[C] In writing

[D] In full swing

75. His behaviour compelled me to give him a piece of my mind.

[A] Scold him

[B] Pardon him

[C] Make him my friend

[D] Take him into confidence

76. “a bed of roses”.

[A] An easy situation

[B] A fragrant place

[C] A tough option

[D] A impossible situation

77. They were having a whale of time dancing and singing.

[A] To enjoy yourself very much

[B] To enjoy life

[C] To enjoy leisure time

[D] To enjoy with loved ones

78. Ram sold their house because it was a real white elephant.

[A] A rare find

[B] Very expensive and useless

[C] A very big one

[D] A useless one

79.The phrase, “A hard nut to crack” means ___________.

[A] an interesting problem

[B] a difficult problem

[C] a unique problem

[D] a simple problem

80. The meaning for the idiom, ‘fall on deaf ears’ means:

[A] cannot remember

[B] people would not listen to

[C] to be in trouble

[D] find the hidden meaning

81. Identify the meaning of the idiom “Can’t judge a book by its cover.”

[A] It is easier to read a book than to protect the pages.

[B] It is hard to tell how something is simply from its outward appearance.

[C] A book’s ending can’t always be guessed by how it begins.

[D] It takes a long time to really know someone.

82. Shedding Crocodile tears’ means _______________.

[A] be in trouble

[B] insincere display of emotions

[C] be nervous

[D] find the hidden meaning

83. An honest person never plays fast and loose with his friends.

[A] delay tactics

[B] to be inconsistent

[C] deceives

[D] ignores

84. We are afraid that you may be led astray in Arvind’s bad company.

[A] misguided

[B] lose the job

[C] killed

[D] get into trouble

85. The CBI officials followed up the clue, but it proved to be a mare’s nest.

[A] baseless

[B] an unfound rumour

[C] time consuming

[D] useless
86. The captain played with determination because the honour of the team was at stake.

[A] at the top

[B] appropriate

[C] very low

[D] in danger

87. The cashier wiped the nose of his employer by presenting false bills.

[A] doomed

[B] abused

[C] cheated

[D] slapped

88. One should not stay idle at home; but be up and doing.

[A] reading

[B] working

[C] sleeping

[D] active

89. He never wanted to keep her under his thumb and so he let her do what she liked.

[A] in his presence all the time

[B] unduly under control

[C] below his thumb

[D] restricted
90. In the beginning of his career, he was practically rolling in money.

[A] saved lot of money

[B] very rich

[C] wasting a lot of money

[D] spending more than his earnings

91. While I have a bath, you may chew the cud.

[A] Kill time

[B] Go through legalities

[C] Reflect upon one’s past

[D] Have breakfast

92. The project looks to be in apple pie order.

[A] Beautiful decorated

[B] Perfectly neat and tidy

[C] Dirty job

[D] Grappling with

93. A quid pro quo

[A] Selfish act of revenge

[B] Selfless service

[C] Something done in revenge or retaliation

[D] Give up

94. Truly he is a chip of the old block.

[A] A good actor

[B] Outdated in his mannerisms

[C] Very similar to his father

[D] An honorable man

95. Have a screw loose

[A] Accept a defective item

[B] Be screw less

[C] Be disturbed or slightly mad

[D] Be mad

96. Put a spoke in one’s wheel

[A] Help someone with advice

[B] Help someone to progress

[C] Grinder

[D] Obstruct progress

97. Be out of the blue

[A] Come out of gloom

[B] Euphoria

[C] Suddenly

[D] Lighting

98. The bare bones of the conversion had been that he hated my guts

[A] The detailed analysis

[B] The main point

[C] Just bones

[D] The naked truth

99. Cut the mustard

[A] To leave the job

[B] To get injured

[C] To come up to expectations

[D] To lose

100. The green eyed monster

[A] To get into trouble

[B] The creature of the sea

[C] An animal with green eyes

[D] Personal jealousy

A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work. ~
Colin Powell, former U.S. Defense Secretary

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