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A Letter Writing Activity
This belongs to TheRoomMom by Caitlin. Do not copy.
Author Letters
Letter Writing Activity

For more author letter tips, visit

• 1 day to search author contact information
• 1 day to write letters

This is a great activity that reinforces the proper letter format, gets students motivated to read new books, and has
real world impact. Using the handout, students search online for author contact information. Students prepare a
letter using business format and mail the letter to the author.

After the first batch of letters is mailed, this can be an ongoing assignment when you need work for students who
finish early. We mail and receive letters all year!

• Class sets of handouts
• Access to books by the students’ chosen authors (so you can look at the publisher page)
• Class set of computers w/printer and Internet (for author research and letter writing)


Review Proper Letter Format (W.4)

1. Depending on your students’ background, this can be a short or long process. I like students to use block
format. If you have a particular letter style you teach, use that.
2. Sample block letter format included in packet (p. 5).

Research Author’s Contact Information (RIT.7, W.6, W.7)

1. Print a class set of the Write to a Book Author handout, front and back, and distribute (pp. 4-5).
2. Using the Internet, search for author contact information. A good place to start is an author website. It is
easier to find e-mail addresses for newer authors on their websites. We can usually locate a snail mail
address too. If all else fails, look at an actual book by the author for website information or a mailing address
for the publisher. All publishers will forward fan mail to the author. Address the letter to the author c/o the
3. Once students locate contact information, they write the snail mail or e-mail information on the handout.

Letter Writing (W.2, W.6, L.1, L.2)

1. In MS Word (or other word processing program), begin typing the author letter.

copyright 2013
This belongs to TheRoomMom by Caitlin. Do not copy.
2. If you do not have access to computers, handwrite the letters using the proper letter format. (I included a
page of stationery you could copy and give to students on p. 6.)
3. All students type a letter following the proper letter format even if they will be using an e-mail address.
4. Students should be specific in their letters. Avoid statements like, “I really, really like your book!!!!!!!”
Students love to overuse the exclamation point in these letters. Below are some letter content ideas:
• One or two specific reasons a student liked the author’s book
• Why the student read the author’s book
• Specific questions about how the author developed the idea for the book
• What the student plans to read going forward

Editing (W.10)
1. I usually read the letters myself rather than peer edit. The letters are not very long; I do not want the project
dragging on, and I do not want to send letters to authors that have glaring errors (to, too, two or there, their,

1. If a student has an e-mail contact for an author, I copy the letter into a new e-mail in my school teacher
account with a subject line that lets the author know the e-mail is from a student fan.
2. If I get a reply, I save a copy, forward a copy to the parent, and print a copy for the student.

Snail Mailing
1. Review the proper way to address an envelope. Review all of the parts of a complete mailing address. This is
also an opportunity to review state abbreviations too!
2. If you want to really work on word processing skills, print the envelope. We handwrite ours.
3. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope with the letter. It improves your chances for a reply.
4. I recommend using the school address with the teacher name/class and student name on the return address.
That way, the teacher funnels everything and can share any replies with the class.

Author Information
1. Mega authors rarely reply. We did get a pre-printed form letter reply from Sharon Creech, J.K. Rowling, and
Julie (Andrews) Edwards.
2. It can take many months for an author reply. I had an author (Patrick Carmen) e-mail us back after 11
3. New authors who are trying to get established reply pretty quickly. MOST e-mailed author letters have
received a reply within 72 hours (Jody Feldman, Jonathan Auxier, Tracy Barrett).
4. Some authors have offered to do free Skype visits when they reply, which is another great way to connect
with a published author.

1. When you begin receiving replies, photocopy the letter and display in your classroom. I have a bulletin board
dedicated to author letters and book recommendations.
2. I post copies of all the author replies and give the original to the student to keep.
3. Give class time for the student to read his/her author reply to the group. It is a great way to encourage
reading for pleasure!
copyright 2013
This belongs to TheRoomMom by Caitlin. Do not copy.

Additional Information
1. This product is for personal classroom use by a single teacher. If you would like to copy this product for use
by more than one teacher, please return to TpT and purchase additional licenses at a discount.
2. By purchasing this resource, you have a limited license for classroom use. This product may not be copied
and distributed outside the scope of your classroom. This product may not be uploaded to the Internet or
stored in a public retrieval system outside of what you share with the students in your classroom.
3. If you find this product useful, please leave feedback, and I would appreciate a follow. I am building my TpT
store and will be regularly adding resources (
4. Please e-mail after purchase if you have any questions or suggestions. You can
also find me at
5. Clipart and digital paper purchased from:

copyright 2013
This belongs to TheRoomMom by Caitlin. Do not copy.
Name ______________________________

Write to a Book Author

Choose a favorite book from this school year. Find the name of the author of the
chosen book and write the name below:

Author Name __________________________________________________

Using the internet, find a website for the author.

Website __________________________________________________

Locate a way to contact the author

(mailing address or e-mail address)
Write the address below.


Write a letter to this author using the PROPER LETTER FORMAT.

1. Return address (your name and school address)
2. Today’s date
3. Address where the letter is going (the author’s address or e-mail)
4. Dear Mr./Ms. Name,
5. Good Paragraphs
6. Closing (Sincerely, From, Love your books,…)
7. Signature

(see back of page for letter format help)

copyright 2013
This belongs to TheRoomMom by Caitlin. Do not copy.
Proper Letter Format
Your Name
Your School Name
School Street Address
City, State Zip Code

Today’s Date

Author Name
Street Address
City, State Zip Code

Dear Author Name,

I just finished reading your book, underlined title here, and I wanted to know more about how you
get ideas for writing books. My favorite part of the book was at the beginning when the friends
snuck into the main character’s house. Did that ever happen to you? That part sounded like it
might be a true story.


First Name What should I say to an author?

• Specific reasons you like his/her

First and Last Name book.
• How or why the book reminds you of
an experience you have had.
• Your favorite part of the book and
• The reasons you decided to read the
• Questions about how the author got
the book idea.

copyright 2013
This belongs to TheRoomMom by Caitlin. Do not copy.





















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