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Department of Physical Education



The purpose of this assignment is for the teacher to get an idea of your experience in badminton as well
as your understanding of the importance of being physically active. Answer all questions in-depth!

Assignment must be submitted online before the due date to avoid a late penalty. Include the questions
before your answers.

1. A. Describe your activity level and interest in sport, working out, etc.

B. How often are you active in a week? Doing what exactly? (Hours/week etc.)

C. Are you planning to increase, maintain or decrease your level of activity over the next 3
months? Explain. By doing what? (2)

1. Classify your badminton ability and experience. It is important to explain why: Beginner, Novice,
Intermediate or Advanced. (2)

3. Research a website that will help you to improve your badminton skills during the semester. Copy
the link to the site and explain specifically what you learned from this site. (2)

4. Research a website (different site from question 3) that will help you learn the rules of badminton
during the semester. Copy the link to the site and explain specifically 3 rules that you learned from
the site. (2)

5. Explain 2 rule differences between singles and doubles badminton. Be specific! (2)

6. Below are two badminton links from YouTube that you must watch. Comment on your thoughts of
the games. Be specific with details. (6)

7. What do you think are your strengths in badminton? Explain why. (2)

8. What do you think are your weaknesses in badminton? Explain why. (2)

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