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The Nature and Purpose of Research Project


Project – is a connected combination of things for the attainment of certain plan and how each
aspect of the plan is to be a carried out to a tangible or intangible result (a unique product,
service, benefit, competitive advantage, etc.).

Project study is a careful investigation and examination of specific plan or design for the
purpose or achieving the desired goals or objectives

Purpose of project
1. To increase production
Land and water development to increase agricultural production

2. To induce or create employment

-In time of construction labor will be utilized thereby creating employment in the
vicinity of the project
-After construction will be having the maintenance, market and service

3. Increase commercial complementary (helping to supply a want)

- provide increase in incentives by creating the most profitable revenue

4. Promotes social development or improve humans’ life by

- creating new opportunity
- Developing a new product or service
- Implementing a new business process
- Mobility - Designing a new transportation vehicle
- Interaction Acquiring a new or modified data system
- increase in technology

Characteristics of Projects

1. Project are non traditional,

2. Innovative process for development
3. Creating specific result
- A project is an entire process need to produce new product, new system or
other definite results

CE 412-18: CE Project 1: 1st sem 2023-2024 Prepared by: Dr. Rodel C. Angkahan 1

Research may be defined as a systematic approach/method consisting of enunciating the

problem, formulating a hypothesis, collecting the facts or data, analyzing the facts and
reaching certain conclusions, either in the form of solution towards the concerned problem or
in certain generalizations for some theoretical formulation.

Objectives of Research
(1) to discover new facts
(2) to verify and test important facts
(3) to analyze an event or process or phenomenon to identify the cause-and-effect relationship
(4) to develop new scientific tools, concepts and theories to solve and understand scientific and
nonscientific problems
(5) to find solutions to scientific, nonscientific and social problems and
(6) to overcome or solve the problems occurring in our everyday life.


1. HISTORICAL aims at a systematic and objective evaluation and synthesis of evidence

in order to establish facts and draw conclusions about past events.
2. DESCRIPTIVE aims to describe the behavior of a sample population.
3. CORRELATION Used to examine a relationship between two concepts
4. COMPARATIVE aims to compare past and present or different parallel situations,
particularly when the researcher has no control over events.
5. EXPERIMENTAL observes the effects when the conditions are manipulated. At its
simplest, changes are made to an independent variable and the effects are observed on
a dependent variable – i.e., cause and effect.

Activity No. 1

Prepare copies of two (2) articles having significant contribution to the development of society

Please Submit it to :

Under Activity No. 1
File name: Abris_Candice_Activity No. 1

CE 412-18: CE Project 1: 1st sem 2023-2024 Prepared by: Dr. Rodel C. Angkahan 2

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