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are Thy , Smart Class Latest TSA and HKAT question types * 23 basic and advanced practices * ‘Assessment’ and ‘Final on students? language abilities © ‘Small Tips’ on answering skills * “Text-type Analysis’ on reading passages ‘Exam Revision for effective revision * 'Sugi Answers’ for reference ATHENS EDUCATION 5 ‘Advanced Version 1 mmr: ue ss questions using 2 2 i@zammzp: _| simple present tense | 4 3 Housework 6 i a Abook cover 8 5 4@xmmy Simple present tense Il 10 6 'Ogmme® | Do not, does not 2 7 Adjectives 4 Assessment? 1) | Revision on Units 1 to 7 6 8 ‘Om: | Whar do... ? / What does... ? 22 9 oe ae ~ in, on, under, in front of, 24 ¢ * Weekly activities 10 * Days of the week fe 11 SRaaeBrgfo | Anotice 28 12 '@xqmmeP*: | Prepositions — in, on, at 30 a 7 If — - Asking and answering questions using ie TS | emme e 32 14 Daily actions 34 15 A timetable 36 Assessment g2: 16 XCxmmer* | Asking questions using what and when | 44 17 K@xmmep® | Asking questions using which 46 18 SMaatutay * Seasons and activities * Weather 19 Aletter 50 + | Asking and answering questions using QO eT iy and because . K k | Using gerunds with like 54 KC | Using gerunds with fi 22 Sosa * Things we wear or use ei * Activities at different festivals 23 A poem 58 Date: Time allowed: 14 minutes Basic Practices a Miss Lee is asking James some questions. Underline the correct answers. (J sminies) 1. (Do / Does) Mable pack her school bag every day? 2. (Do / Does) Ken and Tommy tidy their desks every day? 3. (Do / Does) Anna and Katy go to school by bus every day? 4. (Do / Does) Kelvin bring his water bottle every day? 5. (Do / Does) Susan and Fred do revision every day? 6. (Do / Does) everyone hand in the homework every day? James is asking Katy some questions. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. James : Do you go to school with your brother every day? Katy: Yes, | (1) James : Does your mother cook breast for you every day? Katy: Yes, she (2) James : Does your family have dinner at nee every day? Katy: No, we (3) James : Do you and your brother do ae every week? Katy _ : Yes, (4) . James : Do you do revision every day? Katy: No, (5) : James : Does your father drive to work every day? Katy: No, (6) Pepe: cess Welty language Procies (28) © *Wdvanced Practices a James is asking Ken some questions. Look at the pictures. Complete their dialogue using the correct words. (7 6 minuies) a ~ ae i James : : Yes, (1) James : Ken Ken Ken Ken James : Ken Ken Do you play football every week? (2) @) your brother play football with you? : No, he doesn’t. He doesn't like football. James : to the library every day? : No, | don’t, but | go there every week. James : Do your parents go with you? (4) (5) 6) James : : (8) ” They like reading. with your cat every night? llike playing with if. on your bed every night? It sleeps in its basket. pence sHBuEEEEEE A Smail Tips } c, use the words i the reps to help you wre the questions Date: Time allowed: 14 minutes, Basic Practices | | a (cook) breakfast for us every + morning. Then she (2) (sweep) {) the floor and (3) (hang) up the Anna is writing about her mother. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the brackets. My mother is busy every day. She washing near the windows. In the afternoon, she (4) (buy) the food for dinner at the market. After { dinner, she (5) (clean) the | table. She (6) (tell) me stories | before | go to bed every night. a Anna is talking about her family. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the brackets. 1. My sister and | (pack) our school bags every day. 2. My mother (prepare) the lunchbox for me every day. 3. My father (drive) to work every day. 4. My grandmother and grandfather (drink) tea with thelr friends In the restaurant every morning. 5. My cousin (play) the piano every day. 6. My uncle (help) my aunt to look after their children at weekends. inglish Smart Class ed logge Phas (8) —EEE Advanced Practices Anna is writing a note to Miss Lee about what she and her classmates do every day. Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box. post take water clean i close Miss Lee, ) Below is what we do every day: 1. Mable and | the blackboard. 2. Katy the windows. 3. Tommy and Ken the chair back. 4, James the plant. 5. Fred new notices on the noticeboard. 6. Polly the fish. 7. Jenny and Ted the homework to you. 8. Danny Off the fans in the classroom, . Anna A Smail Tips } c. we adds’ afer a third person singular noun. _) a Date: Time allowed: 10 minutes Basic Practices, Ken is doing different housework. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Feed the dog Fold the clothes: 3. Ken’s friends are talking about what housework they do. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. GY 2minuies) hang walk set water 1.1 the plants. 2) up the washing. 3.1 the table before dinner. 4.1 the dog every day. :nglish Smart Class Weal langue ais 8) EEE Advanced Practices EG Kenis talking about what his family does every Sunday. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Sl 6. My brother in the park. Dote: Time allowed: 10 minutes all e Reading Passages Text-type Analysis! ‘A book cover shows the tile and author of the book. Sometimes it may also show the name ofthe ilustrator. Kaly is reading a book cover. Read the book cover. The Everyday Life of Kelvin Author: Susan Kwan Illustrator: Nancy Cheung Word Bank y >, Everyday Life Author Illustrator ) ;ngllsh Smart Class ‘ea ngage 8) Answer the following questions. 1. What is this book about? Underline the correct answer. It is about what Kelvin does (every week / every day). 2. Who writes this book? 3. Who draws the book cover? 4. Who is the main character of this book? © 5. on the cover, Kelvin is A. feeding the dog B, cleaning the window C.sweeping the floor D. watering the plant 0000 Date: Time allowed: 14 minutes Simple present tense I Basic Practices Mable is talking about her friends. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the brackets. 1. Anna (wash) her handkerchief every day. 2. Ken (study) Japanese every Saturday. 3. Tommy (watch) films every Sunday. 4. Katy (go) to church with her family every Sunday. 5. James (finish) his homework before dinner every day. 6. Polly (tidy) her room every weekend, Mable is talking to James. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the in the brackets. Whe matover ] He Is my uncle. He is just back to By Hong Kong. + » [Heis a pilot and always (1) -, [(fly) to different places. ' Yes, buthe (2)____——— (stay) in | Hong Kong? J Hong Kong for only six months a year. | oe en ~~ 43) (miss) him very much. “Itseems that you are [Yes, we always (4) (play) | very close to your football together. He (5) [UNCIO rs ieaaestaeat (teach) me English in his free time. “He isteally a good (He's, He always (6) (buy) me cuncle. [presents wherever he goes. | ke him alot, lish Smart Class ego Ras (28) EEE Advanced Practices @ Mable is talking about what she and her family do every day. Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box. have — watch 1. Mum the 2. My brother clothes. revision in his room. 3. Dad myhair 4. Grandpa the with a hairdryer. newspaper downstairs. 5. Grandma 6. My family dinner before she to at home and bed. TV together. change the ‘y' to '’ and then Lo ‘ending with ‘sh’, we add ‘es’ tothe verb. Date: Time allowed: 14 minutes Basic Practices B Tommy is talking to his friends. Underline the correct answers. (ZY amines) 1. My grandparents (do not / does not) eat sweet food. 2. My father and uncles (do not / does not) smoke. 3. My neighbour Mr Chan (do not / does not) keep pets. 4. Gary (do not / does not) hand in his homework late. 5. Jenny and Linda (do not / does not) walk to school every morning. 6. Miss Lee (do not / does not) take us to the classroom every day. a Miss Lee is writing a report about the class. Fill in the blanks with ‘do not' or ‘does not’ and the words in the brackets. | Some of the classmates (1) (behave) well. Tommy (2) (tidy) his desk. Jason (3) (turn) off the lights before he leaves. Katy and Henry (4) __ (pay) attention in my class. Candy (5) (throw) the rubbish into the rubbish bin. Polly and Daniel (6) (line) up outside the classroom after school. English Smart Class ea urge Pies) ee eeeenennneeiee Advanced Practices Tommy’s mother is talking to Tommy. Look at the pictures. Complete their dialogue using ‘do not’ or ‘does not’ and the correct words. (Yeomans) Mum: Does Miss Lee teach you Chinese? Tommy: No, she doesn’t, She (1) me Chinese. Mum __: Does James do revision every day? Tommy: Yes, he does. He (2) revision every day. Mum __ : Does Ken sit behind you? Tommy: No, (3) . He (4) Mum: Do Anna and Katy go to school together? Tommy: Yes, (5) ____. They (6) Mum: Do they walk to school? Tommy: (7) (8) Vi orca i Ss Pete: ______ Time allowed: 10 minutes (Earninofeecus) @asic Practices @ Anna is talking about her classmates. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. : helpful hard -working polite —_ untidy 1. Mable is 2. Tommy is 3. Ken Is 4. Katy is @ Anna’s mother is talking to Anna. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. 1. Be . Put your things back to their place after using them. 2. Don’t be . Be nice to everyone. 3. Don’t be . Do revision now. 4. Be . Don’t tell lies, :nglish Smart Class ‘ely ng ces 8) EEE Wdvanced Practices ga Anna is talking to her grandmother. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Grandma: Anna Grandma : Anna Grandma: Anna Grandma: Anna Grandma: Anna Grandma: Anna Anna, do you enjoy your school life? : Yes, | do. | have many friends in my class. This is the photo of our class party last month. Who is this boy? : This is Joe. He is (1) . He never lies to us. How about this girl? : This is Linda. She is our monitor. She is (2) She helps to collect our homework every day. Is this Nancy? : Yes, she is. She is friencly, but she is quite (3) . There are a lot of things in her drawer and she never tidies it up. She Is a (4) girl. She always greets me when she sees me. Who is this boy next to you? : This is James. He is (5) . He does revision in the library every day after school. You should learn from him. Your mother says you are (6) . You do not help her do housework, : Yes, Grandma. eos con Assessment est Focus a. James is reading a story. Read the story. Time cllowed: 36 minutes 1 ks meals for the family. Jenny never helps her her to do housework. She watches cartoon after ehool, One day, Jenny’s mother is sick. ‘You work too hard. ease take more rest,’ the doctor says. Jenny feels to her mother. ‘Let me help you to do housework fiom Now on,’ she says to her mother. From that day on, Jenny helps to sweep the floor r she returns from school. She also tidies her room puts her toys back to the toy box. Her mother is lappy to see her changes. Bq) Answer the following questions. (12%) {ZY iominies 1. What does Jenny’s mother do every day? (3%) She i 7 and 2. Why is Jenny’s mother sick? (3%) Because she 3. What changes does Jenny make? Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (6%) Jenny (i) the floor and (ii) her of room, She also (iii) her toys back to the toy box. inglish Smart Class ean Pcie 2) " aiden tan iinet nb ieindian sas James is reading a leaflet. Read the leaflet. Sunshine Youth Centre Fun Day Date: 20 September (Sat) Time: 10 a.m. -5.30 p.m. Place: Sunshine Youth Centre (14 Starry Avenue, Shatin) Highlights of the day: + Clown performance ~ Puppet show ~ Magic show come and have fun togeth er! For enquiries, please call 2301 9888 (Mr Gary Wong). [By Answer the following questions. (12%) 1. Where does the fun day take place? (3%) It takes place 2. When does the fun day start? Underline the correct answer. (3%) It starts (in the morning / in the afternoon). 3. Which of the following is not one of the fun day highlights? (3%) OA 4. Who can James call to ask about the fun day? (3%) He can call ‘i ‘Vocabulary @ Katy and her family are doing housework on Sundays. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (10%) {7} 2rinues) i Bal 2. Mum 3.Dadandmybrother 4. Grandma 5. Grandpa a Katy is talking about her classmates. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (10%) (Y2minuies) 1. Linda is___ . She always says ‘thank you’ after you help her. 2. Jack is . He doesn’t do revision and always gets low marks in exams. 3. Pauline is . She always helps Miss Lee give out the worksheet. 4. Henry is . He clears his desk after each lesson. 5.Thomas is . He practises basketball every day after school. :aglish Smart Class Wee pe Pes (2) Ken’s mother is asking Ken about his school life. Complete their dialogue using the correct words. (18%) Visual Arts lessons in your classoom?| [ No, we don't. We have Visual Arts lessons in the art room| Does Miss Wong teach you Visual Arts? (2) She teaches us to draw different animals. (GS) Face eee enaeeL see LHEaEELEEEEE OXI TOLYOUe| | (4) James sits behind me. | () with your friends? (6) | have Junch with my friends every day. Ken Is writing a letter to his grandfather. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box. (20%) Dear Grandpa, How are you? | (1) busy every day. | 1(2) homework for my teachers every day. | Sometimes it is quite heavy and my classmate, James, (3) some of it for me. He is very helpful. We also (4) revision together after school. He is | good at English and always (5) me how to \ do English hornework. | \ My brother and | (6) Mum to do | housework at home. He (7) our room i and | (8) the clothes every day. We | (9) turns to wash the dishes foo. Mum and I k Dad are happy and they (10) us ice cream | | every week as rewards. We are happy too. It is time for bed. Talk to you next time. \ | Love, C ‘English Smart Class eggs (8) @ Ken is talking to Anna. Look at the pictures. Complete their dialogue using ‘do not’ or ‘does not’ and the correct words. (18%) : Does your grandfather pick you up from school every day? : No, he doesn’t. He (1) me up from school every day. : Does your father go to work every day? : Yes, he does. He (2) __to work every day. : Do your sister and you do your homework right after school? BLN (oot (:) [eisnetaeaee eee eeice eee eeeeseeee eee (2) sees cessceeaeecees eens cees ce UIE hornework right after school. : Does your mother wash the dishes every night? ted) aaa ata ne AG) stesetesscesc ss ege eH e eee seeeeseeEEEE I dishes every night. Date: Time allowed: 14 minutes Basic Practices B Anna is asking her mother some questions. Fill in the blanks with ‘what do’ or ‘what does’. we have for dinner tonight? Grandpa do in the park every morning? Susan study every Saturday? i Dad and Uncle Bob talk about every week? | Grandma do before she sleeps every night? you do in the afternoon every day? SAR eNns J Anno’s father is asking Anna some questions. Fill in the blanks with ‘what do’ or ‘what does’ and the words in the brackets. 1. your classmates (do) after school every day? 2 you (play) with your friends after school every day? 3. Mr Leung (teach) your class? 4. (your friends / learn) outside school? 5. (the principal / say) in his speech every morning? 6. (Miss Lee / tell) you to do every day? x Kees lish Smart Class *Wdvanced Practices @ Anna is talking to Katy. Look at the pictures. Complete their dialogue using ‘what do’ or ‘what does’ and the words in the brackets and in the box. study with his cousin play football have piano lessons Katy : Let’s go on a picnic this Saturday. Anna_:| don’t think we can make it. Everyone is busy on Saturdays. Katy: Really? (1) Mable and James do on Saturdays? Anna_: They (2) on Saturdays. Katy : (3) Ken do on Saturdays? Anna_: He (4) on Saturdays. Katy :(5) Tommy (do) on Saturdays? Anna_ : He (6) on Saturdays. She is his tutor, Katy :@_ BH / feach) hin? Anna_ : (8) Katy laybe we can go on Sunday. Let me ask them first. Date: Time allowed: 12 minutes James is talking about the things in his room. Look at the pictures. Underline the correct answers. GY 2 minvies) 1. The book is (in / on) the 2. The wardrobe |s (behind / desk, in front of) the bed. = - 3. The chair is (behind / under) 4. The shoes are (under / on) the desk. the bed, James is writing a description of a picture. Fill in the blanks with ‘in’, ‘on’, ‘under’, ‘in front of’ or ‘behind’, (73 minuies) A gitl is reading (1) A boy Is standing (2) _ __ her. A cat is sleeping (3) the bench. There N is a pond next to them. Some fish is swimming (4)__sthe pond. A rubbish bin is (5) the pond. There is a lot of "se. Bs, rubbish (6) _ the bin. edges 2) the bench. eeehintseeeeeeinniSS Se - *Wdvanced Practices james is playing a game. Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks using ‘in’, ‘on’, ‘under’, ‘in front of’ or ‘behind’ and the words in the box. 1. Where Is the dog? It Is : the wooden cart. 2. Where are the cats? They are the roof of the hut. 3. Where is the pig? It is the tree. 4. Where is the goat? It is 5. Where are the ducks? They are 6. Where is the cow? 7. Where are the rabbits? Use ‘itis or ‘they are! fo begin the sentences. Date: Time allowed: 19 minutes Barring leekyy o * Days of the week Basic Practica, GQY) Katy is talking about what she and her family do every week. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. {2]7ninies) © 3. My brother 4. My whole family BY Katy is talking about the days of the week. Help her fill in the table. Write the letters in the brackets. {72 ninuies a. Saturday b. Wednesday c. Sunday d. Thursday 1.() |Monday} Tuesday }2.¢ ) |3.¢ +) | Friday |4.¢ —) inglish Smart Class BA vecijsgen ees 29) as saree Advanced Practices Katy and her friends are talking about what they do every week. Look at the table. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. + Jue’) Wed} Thu | Fri | Saf | Sun v v v aty = :1() on Mondays. Ken — :| have drawing lessons on (2) Anna :1(3) on (4) James : | (5) on (6) ‘C:Remember fo add 's' after the days ofthe week. Dat Time allowed: 10 minutes Reading Passages Textavpesanaysishp, A notice gives you information about an event or a class. it usually includes the ime and place of the event or class. Tommy is reading a notice. Read the notice. New Art Classes by Art Club Sketching Class Craft Class | Time :4p.m.-5p.m. Time :4p.m.-5p.m. every Friday every Monday Place: Room 201 Place : Room 203 For :P1-P2 students For : P2 - P4 students | Teacher : Miss Fiona Lee Teacher : Mr George Chan Painting Class Clay Class Time :4p.m.-5p.m, Time :10am.-11am. every Tuesday every Saturday Place: Artroom Place: Artroom For : PS — Pé students For : P3 - Pé students Teacher : Miss Fiona Lee Teacher : Miss Molly Fong Note: For the sketching and painting classes, students need to bring their own sketchbook, Sketching Craft Painting Clay English Smart Class ool age Pas (28) Answer the following questions. 1. How many new classes are there? There are 2. Who teaches two classes? 3. Tommy is in Primary 2. Which classes can he join? He can join BY 4 Which class does not take place on weekdays? ©. Av The sketching class © B. The craft class ©. C.The painting class ©. D.The clay class BY 5, what does students need to bring to the painting class? ZB O B Ow a Blige! O D. rammanr — Carine) Basic Practices @ Ken is talking about when he does different things. Underline the correct answers. (ZY smines) 1. [have a shower (at / in) the afternoon. 2.1. go to my piano lessons (in / on) Saturdays. 3.1 visit my grandrnother (on / at) Mondays. 4.| walk my dog (at / in) night. 5. | read storybooks (in / on) the morning. 6.| tidy my room (on / at) Sundays. 3] Kenis talking to Tommy. Fill in the blanks with ‘in’, ‘on’ or ‘at’, (2 3 minvies) 1 | We are having. apary . P'd love to, but lam afraid | cannot Q Saturday. come. | have my piano lesson i | Come and join us! (2) the morning. Don't worry. The pi ® the afternoon. | still can’t. | have football training (4) three o'clock. | “Never mind. A Anna plans to | | don’t know. | usually visit my | go on apicnic next Sunday | _ | grandmother (5) Can you ? Sundays. “When ‘do you visit your grandmother? | usually visit her (6) eee the evening : : That's fine. We plan to finish | ' before dark. Great! Count me in then. FEnglish Smart Class Weal pa Pts 2) =———_—— Wdvanced Practices EG Kens writing what his mother does every day. Look at the fable. Complete his note using ‘in’, ‘on’ or ‘at’ with the correct words. GY erin) Things to do every day: Morning Sweep the floor Afternoon | Go to the market Evening _| Pick Ken up from the sports centre Night___| Check Ken's homework Other things to do on different days: Mon Visit Grandma Wed Help in Aunt Jenny’s shop Thu Have yoga lessons |_ Sun Wash the car My mother is busy every day. She does a lot of housework every day. She sweeps the floor (1) She goes to the market (2) . She also (3) She (4) Besides housework, she also does other things on different days. She visits Grandma (5) . She helps in Aunt Jenny's shop (6) . She . She i Dole Time allowed: 14 minutes 1g ond answering questions using what time Basic Practices Mable is asking her friends some questions. Fill in the blanks with ‘what time’ and the words in the brackets. do you and your sister have breakfast? does your father go to work? you get on the bus? the first lesson start? the library ? (close) your homework? (you / do) Mable is telling her friends what she does on Sundays. Fill in the blanks with the correct time. cas eno 1. | get up in the morning. 2. |watch TV in the morning. 3. [have lunch in the afternoon. 4. | have ballet lesson 5. [have a shower Z 6.1 go to bed lish Smart Class Wellner (20) Wdvanced Practices @ Mable is asking her cousin what he and his family do every day. Look at the pictures. Complete their dialogue using ‘what time’ and the correct words. Mable Mable Mable Mable George Mable George : Mable :She reads stovies to me () : What time does Aunt Mary wake you up? George : : :(2) you breakfast? George : : What time do you have the first lesson? George : : iit, seetasiseeeistsietnstslesiereseataeteisienes'(010(q] ee (~] 610) Bice ‘aliale| She wakes me up (1) | have breakfast at seven fifteen in the morning. Ihave the first lesson (3) 2 : It starts at four o’clock in the afternoon. : (5) Uncle Ron home? Hereturnshome (6) M7) Aunt Mary 2 Dote: Time allowed: 10 minutes Carpe Daily actions Basic Practices James is talking about what he does at home every day. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. (7 2minves have a shower have breakfast B James's friends are talking about what they do every day. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. @Y2minvies ALL up at six thirty every day. 2.1 my face every morning. 3.1 to school with my brother every day. 4.1 dinner with my family every night. lish Smart Class oy anga Pris 2) wdvanced Practices @ James is talking about what he and his family do every day. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. {2} éminuies 1.1 atseven 2.Mum o'clock every morning. 3.Grandma and Grandpa 4. Dad at home before work, 5. My brother 6. My family afterschool. at ten o’clcok. Date: Time allowed: 10 minutes Reading Passages, Text-type Analysis A timetable shows the time we do different things. You can write the days in the top row and the fime in the column onthe left-hand side. jetable. Read the timetable. Katy is reading a ti Katy’s Timetable: “Tue | Wed Thu Fri ' School T Piano Free | Drawing} Free | Ballet lesson lesson time lesson time Shower as Visit Homework and revision Grandma Shower Dinner at i Grandma's Dinner at home home Walk the dog | Vv ! Daily reading Go tobed i Free time Ballet Revision “| :nglish Smart Class Wea inp Ps 8) Answer the following questions, {7710 minutes) 1. What time does Katy’s school start? It starts in the morning. 2. What does Katy do after school on Wednesdays? She has 3. When does Katy not have dinner at home? She does not have dinner at home 4. What time does Katy go to bed? She goes to bed : ® 5 What does Katy do before she goes to bed? e Date: Time allowed: 37 minutes 23 ion on Units 8 1015, Reading Mable is reading an email. Read the email. Hi Mable, Anna and | plan to watch a film this Saturday. The film starts at 2.15 p.m. We plan to meet each other fifteen minutes before if starts. The film finishes at 3.50 p.m. | know there is a café near the cinema, The cakes there are yummy, We can have afternoon tea there afterwards, but | have to leave at 5 p.m. for my piano lesson. Do you want to join us? James @ Answer the following questions. (12%) 1. What does James plan to do this Saturday? (3%) He plans to this Saturday. "BY > When does James plan to meet Anna? (3%) O A2pm. © B.2,15p.m, O C.2.30p.m. O D.3.50p.m. 3. Where does James plan to go after the film? (3%) He plans to go to after the film. 4. What does James do at 5 p.m.? (3%) He atSp.m. 4 :nglish Smart Class pays Pct Marks: noo Mable is reading a postcard. Read the postcard, Dear Mable, lam enjoying the sunshine in Thailand. The weather is good here. It is sunny alll the time. We are now on the beach. Susan and Fred are swimming in the sea, | can’t swim, so | stay on the beach and read under the umbrella. Uncle Daniel Mable Ho doesn’t go to swim either. He is sunbathing 15/F, Block B, next to me. See you in September. Goodview Estate, Best wishes, Mong Kok, Aunt Karen Kowloon, Hong Kong Ey Answer the following questions. (12%) 1. Who writes this postcard? (3%) 2. How is the weather in Thailand? (3%) ii, -@- 7 1 x OA O B. Oc. OD 3. What is Aunt Karen doing? (3%) She under the umbrella. 4. Where is Uncle Daniel? (3%) He is nex to Aunt Karen Vocabulary’ @ Tommy is talking about what he does every week. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (8%) 11 on 2.1 on RO eee ana eee eee OND OA Saeed OM Tommy is talking about what he does every day. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (12%) 1.1 up at seven fifteen every morning. 2 my teeth and my face every morning. 3.1 to school with my brother every day. 4.1 my homework after school every day. 5.1 dinner at home every night. ‘English Smart Class ey large ies 8) ‘Grammar Miss Lee is asking Katy some questions. Complete their dialogue using ‘what do’ or ‘what does’ and the words in the box. (18%) (AY mines) Miss Lee : (1) Anna do on Wednesdays? Katy : She has ballet lessons on Wednesdays. Miss Lee : (2) Ken and James do on Fridays? Katy : They go to the library on Fridays. Miss Lee : (3) on Thursdays? Katy 1 (4) on Thursdays. Miss Lee : (5) Mable on Sundays? 16) Katy Ey Katy is talking about the things she sees. Fill in the blanks with ‘in’, ‘on’, ‘under’, ‘in front of or ‘behind’. (10%) 1. The table Is the sofa. 2. The pencil case is the table. 3. The school coat is the chair. 4. The umbrella is the sofa. 5. The shoes are the shoe case. Katy is talking about when she does different things. Fill in the blanks with ‘in’, ‘on’ or ‘at’, (10%) 1. [have ballet lessons Tuesdays. 2. |walk my dog the morning. 3. [read storybooks night. 4. | help my mother to do housework Sundays. 5. |have a shower the evening. x ‘English Smart Class iy une Frais 2) & Katy is asking James what he does on Sundays. Complete their dialogue using ‘what time’ and the correct words. (18%) 10am, 3.30 p.m. - 5.30 p.m. Katy : What do you do on Sundays? James : | go to church with my family on Sundays. Katy : (1) your family to church? James : We go to church at ten o’clock in the morning. Katy; Do you have anything to do in the afternoon? James : Yes, | do. | have computer lessons in the afternoon. Katy _: What time does the computer lesson start? James : It starts (2) = Katy: (3) the lesson? James : | finish the lesson (4) Katy: Youhave a busy Sunday. Do you have time to do revision? James : Yes, | do, | do revision after | return home. Katy: (5) James : | do revision (6) - potas Time allowed: 13 minutes Basic Practices B James is asking his friends some questions. Match the answers with the questions. Write the letters in the brackets. 1. What is your favourite a.| read books at home! season? on Sundays. 2. When is your birthday? | (.— ) |b. If is next Monday. 3. When do you have c. My favourite season is| piano lessons? CO winter. 4. What do you do on C) d.| have piano lessons on Sundays? Saturdays. &BY Miss Lee is asking James some questions. Fill in the blanks with ‘what’ or ‘when’. ¢ 7 Sminutes Miss Lee : (1) is your favourite festival? James : My favourite festival is Christmas. Miss Lee : (2) do you do at Christmas? James : | go to Tsim Sha Tsui to look at the Christrnas lights with my family. Miss Lee : (3) do you go to look at the lights? James : | go to look at the lights on Christmas Eve. Miss Lee : (4) do you open your presents? James :|open my presents on Boxing Day. Miss Lee : (5) do you give to your friends as Christmas presents? James : | give them some chocolates as Christmas presents. Miss Lee : (6) do you give them the presents? James : | give them the presents before the holiday. & lish Smart Class ago Ps) Advanced Practices @ James is asking Anna some questions. Complete their dialogue using ‘what’ or ‘when’ and the correct words. (1)____is your favourite} _| My favourite season is spring. season? like spring too. (2) like to walk in the park and look do you like to do in spring? at the flowers. They are beautiful. (3) do you usually | usually go to the park on go to the park? Sunday afternoon. It ls warm and comfortable in Yes, but it is still too cold for my spring. favourite sport. (4) your My favourite sport is swimming. favourite sport? Santana 5) Eeaeeeeee eee ae OO | go swimming in summer. | swimming? usually have swimming lessons SS in summer. (6) | usually have swimming lessons swimming lessons? on Saturdays. (CA seseeeeeeeec seer seeeec vee | bring my swimming hat to the lesson. (8) The lesson usually starts in the evening. Let’s go together this ne Use the words in the replies fo write the questions. * Date: Time ollowed: 13 minutes Basic Practices B Mable is asking Katy some questions. Match the answers with the questions. Write the letters in the brackets. 1. Which season do you “(-) Ja. like Easter best. like best? 2. Which festival do you 4 i ) b, The woman on the left like best? is my aunt. 3. Which dress do you 5 want to buy? -G...) |e. | like autumn best. ‘4. Which person is your aunt? d.! want to buy the red) dress. B@ Mable is asking her friends some questions. Fill in the blanks with ‘which’ and the words in the brackets. {73 minuies Vo Gong) can you sing? | can sing London Briage is Falling Down. 2s (car) does Ken like best? He likes the black car best. 3. (class) does Miss Lee teach? She teaches Class 2B, 4 (ag) Dest? Ilike the brown bag best, 5. (hat) to buy? | want to buy the hat with a flower. nglish Smart Class ‘oa ungege Petes 8) EEE Wdvanced Practices g@ Mable is filling in a questionnaire. Complete the questionnaire using ‘which’ or ‘what’ and the words in the box. (7) class colour i 1 is your name? My name is Mable. are you in? Vt tam in Class 2A. \ 5 best? | like pink and white best. best? | like Chinese New Year best. My favourite subject is English and Music. . in your free time? | like to read storybooks in my free time. | play basketball with my family. | want fo travel to Japan. Mocabulany. bate Time allowed: 12 minutes 2 i os Weal asic Practices Meche Tommy is talking about what he does in different seasons. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. {ZY 2minues) eat hotpo- autumn summer —_go to the park 2.1 go to the 3.1. go hiking in winter. B Tommy is looking at some pictures about the weather. Fill in the nglish Smart Class Woy npg es 28) EEE Advanced Practices @ Tommy and his friends are talking about their favourite seasons. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. 1. like summer best. | like to with my family. 2.1 like best. My favourite festival Christmas is in this season too, 3. like best. | always go to the park and take photos of the flowers, 4. My favourite season is autumn. The weather is cool and | always with my father. B Tommy is writing a poem about the weather in different seasons. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Four seasons Spring is (1) We do not need to wear thick coat. Surnmer is (2) . It rains for days and never stops. I Autumn is (3) aseeeseie | We do not sweat much when we go hiking. \ | Winter is (4) : We put on sweater, scarf and gloves. Which season do you like best? i Date: Time allowed: 12 minutes Reading Passages Textyps, Analysis ‘The name of the receiver is on the top of the letter and the name of the wirter is at the bottom of the leer. Ken is reading a letter. Read the letter. Dear Ken, Thanks for telling me about yourself. Let me tell you what | do every day. |. getup at.7 a.m. and go to school at 7.45 a.m. | usually ] return home: straight away except on Wednesdays. | 5 | am in the school. basketball team and have basketball | practice after school. like to take a shower to refresh myself first before | do ' my homework, After | have dinner, | walk my dogs in the | park nearby. | listen to some music before | go to bed. It 10 ' is relaxing. | |am busy at weekends. Let me tell you about it next time. : | Best wishes, Bob yourself straight away except practice refresh relaxing nglish Smart Class Wonk ane Peis (28) Answer the following questions. {2} 12 minutes 1. What time does Bob go to school? He goes to school 2. What does Bob do every Wednesday after school? He 3. What does Bob do after having a shower? He after having a shower. 4, Where does Bob go after dinner? He goes to 5. Why does Bob listen to some music before he sleeps? Itis BY 6 What does Bob plan to tell Ken in his next letter? (1) What he does every Monday (2) What he does every Wednesday (3) What he does every Saturday (4) What he does every Sunday A. (1) and (2) B. (2) only C.(3) only D. (3) and (4) OOOO Date: Time allowed: 16 minutes ‘answering questions using why and because Basic Practices @ Katy is asking her mother some questions. Fill in the blanks with ‘why’ and the words in the brackets. GY sminvtes) Ae does Grandma go to the park every morning? do we eat a lot of vegetables? Dad wear a suit? need to wear uniform to school? (you / like) to listen to music? (Grandpa / go) to bed early? sok en a Miss Lee is asking Katy some questions. Write her questions by pulting the words in the correct order. 1. do / like / Why / ? / this book / you 2. crying / is / Why / ? / Anna 3. Tommy / the library / Why / to / go / every day / ? / does 4.a pen / your homework / do / use / you / ? / Why / to do 5.a/ does / heavy / Why / ? / James / school bag / every day / carry FEnglish Smart Class Wea ngage res 8) eeieeineenneen se Wdvanced Practices Katy is asking her friends some questions. Complete their dialogue. Write the questions using ‘why’ and the words in the brackets. Write the answers using ‘because’ and the words in the box. (Ye mines she has flute lessons he has basketball practice today. @)_ Anna (bring) a flute to school every Monday? (4) on Mondays. eee eee a i : © (we / go) apne ) to the hall after school? (6) after school. a ” ) (James / stay) at school every Tuesday? (8) on Tuesdays. Time allowed: 14 minutes asic Practices a Anna is talking about what she likes doing during holidays. Fill in the blanks with the words in the brackets. | like (1) (spend) time with my family during holidays. | like (2) (chat) with my mother and father. They sit on the sofa and | like (3) Gsit) on my father’s knees. We also do some outdoor activities during holidays. We like (4) (swim) in the beach in summer. In autumn, we like (5) (go) on picnic in the park. We do not like cold weather, so we like (6) (stay) at home in winter. a Anna is talking about what she and her friends like doing after school. Fill in the blanks with ‘like’ and the words in the brackets. 11 (have) a shower when | return home after school. 2. Katy (visit) the bookshop after school. 3. Tommy and Ken (play) football after school. 4. James (do) revision in the library after school. 5. Mable and Linda (read) in the park after school. 6. Peter (draw) pictures after school, english Smart Class ey ange Pras 8) ————EEE— *Wdvanced Practices a Anna is writing back a she and her family like doing at night. Fillin the x, FY eminses) My brother and | 1. Mum likes magazines at night. She likes on the sofa. 2.Grandma and Grandpa like newspaper articles at night. They them in a thick notebook. 3. Dad exercise, He in the park at night. 4. My brother and | with our dog at night. It around us. Date: Time allowed: 12 minutes 2A 3.A 4A Mable is looking at some photos. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. GY 2minies) Dragon Boat Festival Chinese New Year Mid- Autumn Festival Easter 3. English Smart Class sy peg Pas 8) ne *Wdvanced Practices Mable and her sister are talking about what they wear. Fi blanks with the correct words. but it is too smalll. | also need to wear a (2) | wear a (3) | also put on my (4) They can keep me warm. Mable and her friends are talking about what they do in different festivals. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Mable : What is your favourite festival? Katy _; Christmas is my favourite festival. | (1) at the Christmas lights with my family every year. Ken —: | like Christmas too because we can (2) presents! What about you, Tommy? Tommy : | like Mid-Autumn Festival best. | like (3) moon cakes. Mable : | like Chinese New Year best. | like (4) fireworks, They are beautiful. Use the correct forms of the verbs. * Date: Time ollowed: 12 minutes Reading Passages Text-type,Analysiss You write a poem in nes and stanzas. A sianzais ike o paragraph of an orticle and contains a group of lines. James is reading a poem. Read the poem. AYear of Festivals Beyear starts with my favoruite festival. my relatives in my new clothes, lish everyone a good year id return home with a pocket of red packets. lovely rabbits are everywhere in April. 5 foaint the Easter'eggs id Mum hides the garden. [kind them and get yummy chocolate eggs. Bihe autumn moon hangs high in the sky, Round like the moon cake in my hand. 10 play with my lantern and eat moon cakes under Its shine. Ayear ends with the joyful festival. | get presents and have delicious meals with my family. Say goodbye to the old year 15 And prepare for another exciting year. festival red packets yummy lantern joyful delicious inglish Smaart Class ‘Woy ang Pes 2) Answer the following questions. {2 12 minutes) @ 1, What is the writer's favourite festival? ©. A.Chinese New Year © B. Easter ©. C.Mid-Autumn Festival ©. D.Chritsmas 2. What does the wiiter get in the festival in stanza 1? He gets in the festival in stanza 1. 3. What does the writer's mother hide in the garden? She hides in the garden. 4. How can the writer get the chocolate eggs? He 5. What does the moon look like? It looks like 6. What does the writer do in the festival in stanza 4? Date: Time allowed: 35 minutes =D a Anna is reading a riddle. Read the riddle. lam an old man in red and white. You cannot meet me until the last month of the year. | fly to different parts of the world on my reindeer cart, Children are happy to see me because | give out presents. Only good children can get presents from me. Behave well and | will come to your home. [BY Answer the following questions. (12%) 1. What colour is the old man’s clothes? (3%) His clothes are : ©. We can meet the old man in (3%) O. A.January © B. April ©. C.September ©. D,December 3. How does the old man go to different parts of the world? (3%) He goes to different paris of the world 4. What do children need to do to get presents from the old man? (3%) They need to :aglish Smart Class, Wea ng Pes 8) i Anna is reading a note. Read the note. 5 | | Dear class, | have to meet Ken’s mother after school, so | cannot come to the class meeting at 4 p.m. Please start the meeting first. You can think about the food and drinks for the Christmas party next month. Write them down on a piece of paper. Remember we do not want too much Junk food in the party. Anna, please collect the paper from your classmates for me afterwards. Thanks. Miss Lee a Answer the following questions. (12%) "B21, Who does Miss Lee meet after school? (3%) © AAstudent OB, Aparent © C.Ateacher O_ D.The principal 2. What time does the class meeting start? (3%) It starts 3. What do the students write down on the paper? (3%) They write down for the Christrnas party. 4. What does Anna do at the end of the class meeting? (3%) She for Miss Lee, Vocabulary @ Kenis talking about his favourite season. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (10%) My favourite season is winter. It is (1) and dry. | usually wear a (2) and a thick coat. | also wear (3) to keep my hands warm. | don’t like wearing a (4) because | don’t like having something around my neck. | like to eat (5) with my family. It is yummy and warm, Ken is talking about the activities in different festivals. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (8%) 1. We at Dragon Boat Festival. 2.We at Chinese New Year. 3.We at Christmas. 4.We at Mic-Auturnn Festival. nglsh Smart Closs th ig Fc Tommy is filling in a questionnaire. Complete the questionnaire using ‘what’ or ‘when’ and the correct words. (14%) \ i } i 1 your mother wake you up every morning? My mother wakes up me at seven fifteen every morning. 2. you have for breakfast every morning? | | have a sandwich and some milk for breakfast every morning. 3. start? My first lesson starts at eight fifteen in the morning. 4. do during recess? My classmates and | chat with each other during recess. 5 finish? | Myschool finishes at three thirty-five in the afternoon. | \ | get back home at four o’clock. | do my homework after school. @ Tommy is asking his new teacher some questions. Complete their dialogue using ‘which’ or ‘what’ and the words in the box. (14%) qa do you teach? | | | teach Maths. (2s do you teach? } | | teach Class 2A and Class SS (20, YS (3) tt in? | | Lam in staff room 2. You can $$$.’ | find. me there during recess. So (4) like | like visiting museums at doing at weekends? weekends. (5) _ || 1 like visiting the Space visiting? | | Museum. The displays are interesting. (6) Ss H learn a lot about Space from the displays. There are also many exhibitions. (7) | like the exhibition about Mars best, Marks “English Smart Class xp ces 28) i vias. iG} Miss Lee is asking Tommy some questions. Complete their dialogue. Write the questions using ‘why’ and the words in the brackets. Write the answers using ‘because’ and the words in the box. (18%) Miss Lee Tormmy Miss Lee Tommy Miss Lee Tommy Miss Lee : Tommy :@ James’s brother (pick) him up from school every Monday? : Because they visit their grandmother together every Monday. (2) (join) the Cub Scouts? : Because | want to make more friends. (3) (leave) school together every Friday? AY tee ene tee every Friday. G) z (go) to the music room every Thursday? : (6) every Thursday. Tommy is talking about the characters in a storybook. Fill in the blanks with ‘like’ and the words in the box. (12%) 1. Rose 2. Bobby and Jacky cookies at home. in the pool. 4. Henry his friends presents. 5. Candy and Fiona 6. Leo and Janet : in the shopping ___ onthe grass. centre. inglish Smart Class We Lape Paces (2) Unit A. 1. Doss 2. 4, Does 5. B ico 2. 4, we do. 5 © tide 2, 4 Yes,theydo, 5 7. Dossiisleep 8. Unit 2 A 1 cooks 3. hangs 5. cleans B 1. pack 3 ves 5. plays 1 ean 2. put 5. pass 7. tote ‘A. 1. Swoop the foor 2. Mako ine bed BL woler 3, set © 1. hangs he washing 2. waters the plons 5. walk the dog Unit 4 1. every day 3. Nancy Cheung. A. 1. washes 2 4, goes 5. ees does ont Does 3. Do 6. Doos 3. dontt 6. he doesn't 3, Do yougo Doyouplay 6. Yes. do. No, it doesn't. 6 2 4 stucies finishes sweeps buys fels . Prepares dink helps closes waters feeds tums Feed the dog Fold the clothes hong wok clears the fabte folds the clothes ‘sweeps the floor ‘uson Kwon. Kelvin 3. watches: 6. tides B 1. fies 2. aye 3, mb 4. ploy 5. teaches 6 bys C1. washes 2. doce 3. ces 4. buys 5 prays, goes 6, has, watches Unit 6 A 1. donot 2. conet 8. does not 4. doesnot 5. donot 6 does not B 1. donot behove 2, doesnot tidy 3. doesnot tum 4, donot pay 5. doesnot throw 6 donotline © 1. doesnot each 2 does 3, he doesn't 4, does not st behind me 5. they do 6 goto school together 7. No. they don't 8, They don't walk fo school Unit 7, pote 2 unligy 3. hetul 4. herc-workng Bo 1 tidy 2. nde 3. kay 4. honest © 1. honest 2. helpful 3. untidy 4. polte 5 had-woking 6. loey ‘washes the clothes, sweeps the floor, cooks meals 2, wotks too hard 3. @ sweeps Gi) tidles i) puts B 1. ot Sunshine Youth Cenire 2. inthe moming 3.8 4. Me Gary Wong © 1. water the ptonis 2. cleass the table 3. hangup the washing 4, feeds the dog 5. sweeps the floor D lpolte 2 tay 3. help A. tidy hard-working E 1. Doyouhave 2, Yes, she does 3. Doss James st 4. No, he dosn't 5. Doyouhavelnch 6. Yes. Ido Foam 2. collect 3. cores 4 do 5. teaches 6 help 7. tides 8 fo 9: toke 10. buy G 1. doesnot pick 2. goes: 3. we don't 4. We cornet do 5. No,she does 6 She doesnot wash Unit 8 A 1. Whatdo 2. What does 8. Wot does 4. What do 5. Whot does 6. What do B_ 1. Whatdo, do 2, What do, play 3. What does, feoch 4. What do your fiends lean 5. What does the principal say 6. What doas Mis ee fll © 1. Whateo 2. have plono lessons 3, What does. 4. plays football 5. What does, do 6. studs wih hs cousin 7. What does she teach 8. She teacheshim Maths Unit 9. A loo 2.infontot 4. behind 4. under Bolo 2. behind 3. under ain Sintontot in © 1. under 2 on 3. behing 4 intent ofthe tee 5. onthe pond 6. ts betind he fence 7. They ain the hut, Unit 10 A have pionolessons 2. vist my grandparents 3. goestoCubScouts 4, goes tochurch B 2b 36 Le 4a English Smart Class eran Pas (23) $1. study with my tutor 2. Thursdays: aa eaiesaeremneso ariae : 5. visit my grandma 6. Wednesdays 2 Unit iH 1. four new closses: 2. Miss Fiona Lee. sii aaaursccaa i 7 Unit 32 aie oa ih es Boe i 7 Br on © Lntemonng 2 ntoatonoen 3 lle mo up tom neat caren he vering iH eiscara tenoteranat = consuion somes 7 eryogatauortcn mundo sinenernae on sah What time 2. What time 8. What time do 4, What time does 5. What fms does, close 6. What time do you do > at rine twenty 2. atten o'clock at twelve fory-ve ot four o'lockin the aftemoon ct sc thity inthe evering ‘ot ton tigen ot night tsi forty-five in the morning What time do, have ‘ot eighty twenty inthe morning What time does, stat What time does, run ‘ot seven forty nthe evening What time does, ead stories to you tine tity ot right Unit 4 A. 1. brushmy teeth 2, have breakfast 3. do my homework 4, have oshower Bl gst 2 wos 3.90 4 hove em © 1. getup 3. wath ther faces 5. doeshis homeware 5 2, brushesher teeth 4. hos breakfast 6. goes tobed ‘at eight o'clock 2. crawing lessons 3. on fridays 4. at fen o'clock 5B 2A 43. the café near the cinema: 4, hos his plano lesson, B_ 1. AuntKoren. 20 3, Isreading 4. on the beach hove crewing lessons, Tuesdays study with my tutor, Wednesdays vist my grandma, Fridays .go to Cub Scouls, Saturdays D 1. get 2. rush, woth 3. go do 5. have What does ‘What do you do What does, do ‘he tidles her room on Sundays. 2, What do 4. vit my aunt F 1 infiontot 2, under 3.0n 4, behind Sin G Lon 2in 3. ot 4. on 5in ‘What tine does, 90 at thee tity nthe atemoon What time do you fish {at fve thi in the afternoon What ime do you do revision? (ot ek thirty in the evening Unit 16 Ale 2b ad 40 B 1 What 2. What 4, When 5. What 3. When 6. When 1. What 2, What 4, Whats 5, When do you 6, When do you have 7. What do you bring to the fesson? 8. When does the lesson start? Unit 17, Ale 2a 34 4b 3. When B 1. Which song 8. Which class 5, Which hat do you want 2. Which car 4. Which bag do you tke 1. What 2. Which class 3. Which colour do you tke 4, Which festival do you tke 5. What is our favourite subject? 6. What do you Ike to read 7. Which batgame do you ploy with your tarniy? 8. Which country do you want to travel to? A V0 the pork 2. summer 3. autumn 4. ect holpot B LDy 2. Hot 3. Fooay 4. Suny © 1.cotothebocch 2. winter 3. song 4. gohing D1 warm 2. wet 3. cool 4. cold seven forty-five 2. hos basketball practice 3, does his homework 4, the park 5. relaxing 6 D y 2. Why 3. Why does 4. Why do 5, Why do you tke 6, Why does Grandea go B 1. Why do you ike this book? 2. Why's Anna crying? 3, Why does Tomy go to the library every day? 4, Why do you use a'pen to do your homework? '5, Why does Jomes carry a heavy school bag every day? 1. Whyis 2, Bacouse hes sick 3. Why doas, bring 4, Because she has flute lessons 5. Why do we go 6, Because we have an assembly 7, Why does James sloy 8, Because he hos basketball proctice 2. chatting 3. sting 5. gong 6. staying B 1ikehaving 2. Ikes visting «3. ke pioying 4. kesdoing ——$. Ihe reading 6. kes drawing © 1 reading 2. siting 3. cutting 4.lhekesping — 5. ikescoing 6. likes Jogging 7, tke playing 8 Tkesrunning 2. coat 4, scart B 1. Eoster 2. Chinese New Year 3, Dragon Boo! Festival 4. Mid-Autumn Festival © Lumbreta 2. raincoat 3. swooter 4, boots 2. get 4, watching VA 2. rod packets 3, the Easter eggs 4, finds the Easter eggs 4, the moon cake in the writer's hand 5. He gets presents and hos debcious mecis with his forty, AU 1 tedand white 3, by his reindeer cort 20 4, behave well English Smart Class ody ange Pi (28) ‘at four o’ctockin the afternoon, the food end ciinks collects the paper trom her classmotes 2, sweater 5, hotpot cold scott 8. doves watch dragon boat races go tothe flower market ook at the Chistes tghts eat moon cokes ‘When does 2 What do \When does your fst lesson What do your classmates and you \When does your school \When do you get back home? What do you do atter school? Which subject 2. Which class Which staff room do you what do you Which museum do you tke What do youleam from the displays? \Which exhibition do you lke best? Why does, pick 2. Why do you join Why do Anna and Mable leave Because they have balet lessons together Why does Katy go Because she has choir practice ‘ke making 2, lke swimming kes climbing 4, likes giving Ike shopping 6. lke dancing

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