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Consultant: Peter Chiu * Latest TSA and question types S$ * 23 basic and advanced practices Ye . * and 4 ’ on students’ language abilities a Sy o on answering skills FA * on reading passages Tom for effective revision for felerence a ATHENS EDUCATION oe x 4 queue 1 KOgmmmep® | Is there... ? / Are there... ? 2 2 X@gmmmP* | Ordinal numbers 4 ‘Vocabulary * Places at school 3 * Ordinal numbers Ist to 6th . 4 Aleaflet 8 5 KOxmmmap® | Must / mustn't 10 6 SOxmmmr® | Imperatives 12 7 Rules 4 Assessment 1 Revision on Units 1 to 7 \ 16 «| ° Too 8 Grammar 22 @ , | Asking and answering questions about 9 “ . feelings fa * Adjectives about feelings Vocabular) 16 * Things to do %6 47 saligfe | Acomic strip 28 12 Sg | Plural nouns 30 13 | mm | Do you wan...? 32 14 Food 34 15 A shopping list 36 1) (2) Revision on Units 8 to 15 38 xm | Asking questions using where and how 44 X@samm | Prepositions - in, by, on 4% 18 | Getting around with public transport 48 19 A questionnaire 50 sp 20 eum : sae present tense a 21 Gama | ee ye have any ....or. 7 22 “Jobs ll 56 23 | table 58 Revision on 23 60 Time allowed: 12 minutes Grammar Dae Basic Prac Al Katy is asking her mother about the new shopping centre. Underline the correct answers. 1. (ls there / Are there) a toy shop? 2. (Is there / Are there) toilets? 3. (Is there / Are there) restaurants? 4. (ls there / Are there) a bookshop? 5. (ls there / Are there) a CD shop? 8} Katy is talking with James. Complete their dialogue using the correct words. James : Is there a swimming pool near your home? Keeity.:22 Ves. (1) sesnsdenessaesnsdeneesaesnscsee James : Are there bathrooms near the swimming pool? Katy _: Yes, (2) z James : Is there a library near your home? Katy: No, (3) James : Are there tennis courts in the sports centre? Katy :(4) There aren’t any tennis courts, James : Is there a sports centre near your home? Katy :(5) We can do sports there. Ae Engh smore cass 7 Wad langage Pas (2) sAdvanced Practices ic} Katy is asking her cousin about her school. Complete their dialogue using ‘is there’ or ‘are there’ and the words in the brackets. What is your school like, Joey? It is new and big. St Is there a basketball court? Yes, (1)_________. I play basketball with my classmates there. (2) toilets on Yes, there are. There are each floor? tollets on each floor. See iets me ma (3) Yes, there is. We have our Art (an art room) lessons there. (4) ’ Is there a garden? coe but we have a playground. (5) Yes, there is. We have our (a school hall) assemblies there. (6) Yes, there are. There are two (teachers’ teachers’ rooms on the first rooms) floor. ' ‘Small Tips. C, Use the last sentence in the replies to help you write the onswers. Tommy is talking about his school. Fill in the blanks with the words in the b I 1. The music room is on the (8rd) floor. 2. My classroom is on the (Ist) floor. 3. The art room is on the (2nd) floor. 4. The library is on the (4th) floor. } Tommy is writing about the new building near his home. Fill in the blanks with the correct ordinal numbers. {7J 8 minvies) This is the new building near my home. There is a library on the (1) floor and a basketball court on the (2) floor. We can buy food in this building. We can buy meat on the (3) floor and vegetables on the (4) floor. There are restaurants on the (5) floor. We can have meals there. English Smart Class Wee oj Fats) * +Advanced Practices ic) Tommy and his friends are asking the staff member of a shopping centre some questions. Look at the directory. Complete their dialogue using the correct ordinal numbers. Directory oF [Cinema ae S/F Clothes shops Men’s toilets A/F Restaurants Women’s toilets 3/F [Restaurants Men's toilets 2/F Bookshops Women’s tollets VF Toy shops Tommy : Excuse me. Where is Simon’s Bookshop? Staff member : It is on the (1) floor. Katy : Are there restaurants in this shopping mall? Staff member : Yes, there are. They are on the (2) and (3) floors. James : Where is the cinema? Staff mernber : It is on (4) Ken : Excuse me, Are there men’s toilets on this floor? Staff member : No, there aren't. They are on (5) Mable : Where are the toy shops? Staff member : (6) Anna : Where is the Ann’s Clothes Shop? Staff member : (7) a Smoll Tips | c. Use tis’ they oreo write the cnswers in full sentences. ‘e: Dat Time allowed: 10 minutes + Places at school Basi i + Ordinal numbers Ist fo 6th Basit Practices A} Anna is looking at some places at her school. Help her label their ge 4.An 3B] Anna is talking about the places at school. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the boxes. | 1. There is a fibrary on the floor, [3/F| : | 2. There are many beautiful flowers in the garden on the | | floor. |6/F | 3. We sing songs in the music room on the floor | 2/F i | 4. We have a computer room on the ok English Smart Class eyo ce floor. |4/F] | $Advanced Practices ic} Anna is answering her classmates some questions about her school. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Where do we have the music lesson? Where can | borrow some storybooks? Where can we play basketball? Where can | borrow some colour pens? Where can | use a computer? | hurt my leg and cannot climb the stairs. How can | go upstairs? We have the music lesson in the @) You can go to the (2) eee SS You can play basketball on the (3) You can borrow them from the (4) You can use a computer in the (5) You can ask a teacher to use the (6) _with you. Wssmalt ips c. think about what you can doin ferent places at schoo area recover Aleafe! Reading Passages Text-type Analysis ‘Aleafiet contains inforrnation of an event or a place. It is usually a small piece of paper. Katy is reading a leaflet. Read the leaflet. Sunshine Shopping Centre Anniversary Celebration Date: 25 October (Sat) Time: 2 p.m. - 6.30 p.m. Address: 5 Sunny Road, Kwun Tong Performance Highlights x | a | | x | om = J t —_ Magic Catwalk Music Time: 3.30 p.m. Time: 4.30 p.m. Time: 5.30 p.m. : Place: Star Garden Place: 1/F, outside Place: 1/F, outside Q//y the cinema the cinema Come and have fun with us! \ Anniversary Celebration Performance Garden | | Cinema Magic Catwalk where can Tommy take showers? (3%) O. A.On the first floor © B. Onthe second floor © C,On the third floor © D.On the fourth floor 3. How many changing rooms are there in the sports centre? (3%) There are changing rooms in the sports centre. ®Y 4. what can Tommy do on 3/F? (3%) ©. A Play basketball OB. Swim ©. C.Do ballet ©. D.Play table tennis English Smart Class Wee ergs i Tommy is reading a notice in a youth centre. Read the notice. Rules in Smile Youth Centre i Each person can use the computer for 30 minutes each | | time. + Wait for your turn to use the computer outside the Computer Room. ~ Read the books in the Reading Room. You mustn’t take any books back home. ~ Keep the centre clean. Don’t eat or drink in the cenire. * You mustn’t take your bicycle into the centre. Park it | outside the centre. I {B] Answer the following questions. (12%) 1. How long can Tommy use the computer? (3%) He can use the computer for 2. Tommy is reading books In the centre. Where is he? (3%) He is in : BY 3 who does NOT break the rules in the youth centre? (3%) OA O 8B oc OD, 4. Where does Tommy need to park his bicycle? (3%) He needs to park his bicycle Vocabulary _C]} Help Ken label the places at school. (10%) CYiminvies) 2) Ken is telling his friends about some rules. Fill in the blanks with the cortect words. (10%) 1. You mustn’t the trees. It ls dangerous. 2. Don’t . Put the rubbish into the rubbish bin. 3. quiet in the classroom. 4. Don’t the flowers. They will die. 5. still in the school hall. Don’t look around. () “Ag English Smart Class Woy ing Pis 2) Anna is asking her father some questions about the hotel. Complete their dialogue using ‘is there’ or ‘are there’ and the words in the brackets. (20%) qd 8 Swimming pool? Yes, (2) (3)__ a Covered swimming pool? No, (4) (5) sevecnencee CHANGING Ps rooms? Yes, (6) : OOO @”) (clothes shops) (8) ) (a garden) (CL) sess sates ee bein Fl Anna and her friends are asking the staff member of a cultural centre some questions. Look at the directory. Complete their dialogue using the correct ordinal numbers. (18%) Directory Rehearsal room Conference room Rehearsal room Small theatre Music hall ; Restaurants : Gift shop Grand theatre Exhibition area Ticket office Anna Staff member Ken Staff member : Mable Tommy Staff member : Katy Staff member James Staff member : English Smart Class 5 PP Woy pe Peas 2) : |want to buy tickets. Where can | go? : You can go to the ticket office. It is on (1) : Where are the restaurants? They are on (2) : Excuse me, where is the grand theatre? Staff member : It Is (3) : Are there rehearsal rooms? : Is there a gift shop? : Yes, there is. (5) SYS: AP Yet he A) sts EERE CEES : |cannot find the music hall. Where is it? (6) seis (s} Anna is writing a note for the rules in the art room. Look at the pictures. Complete the rules using ‘must’ or ‘mustn’f’ and the words in the box. Fill in each blank with ONE word. (18%) Rules in the art room 1. You the drawing tools away | without permission. } 2 the tables and chairs clean. \ | 3.YouL the sharp tools. Hae with the paints, } | | 5. You the brushes after you use | them. ( 6. alll the tools back after you use them. ( cece esta eee ee mene ar G ar reer Gre ramm ae OED Too let's Basic Practices A) Tommy is talking to his friends. Match the sentences up. Write the letters in the brackets. (7 2minuies a.] am tired too, Let’s take a 1. Lam cold, a) rest. e b.| am bored too. Let’s watch 2.1 feel hot. (Geter): the DVD. c.l feel cold too. Close the ae nel : See window, please. 4.1 am tired. a) dl. am hot too. | want to have some Ice cream. 5. 1am bored. Cay e.l. am thirsty too. Let’s buy! some drinks. Bl Tommy is talking to his father. Fill in the blanks with ‘let's’ and the words in the brackets. Tommy: Dad, | am hungry. Dad :() (eat) some bread. Tommy: | am thirsty too. fs% Dad :(2) (drink) some milk. (-) ye Tommy: It is cold, all i Dad :(3) turn) off the fan. Tommy: Dad, can you read me a story? Dad :lamtired, Tommy. Tommy: Sorry, Dad. (4) (go) to bed. F English Smart Class Wen Peas sAdvanced Practices ic} Tommy is hiking with his uncle. Complete their dialogue using ‘let’s’ or ‘too’ and the words in the box. Uncle John, | am tired. lam tired (1) Let’s take a rest here. The view is beautiful. (2) eacieiacsitiaceaeceesed OK some pictures, Itis a bit cold here. Fam (3) ___. Let’s put on our jacket. Don’t catch a cold. ee SITES lam thirsty. (4) —————— lam hungry. lam (5) . Let’s eat our lunch here. ! want to take more pictures Sure. (6) here, eee [want torget1o ine top of. 3)¢e) saeemeseereneones There is still a long way to go. the hill. There s stil a long way to go. J - A smal Tips | c. we use too' ater an adjective. We use “est starta sentence. o Date; Time allowed: 12 minutes asic Practices Mable is asking her mother some questions. Complete her questions using the words in the brackets. {B] Mable is talking to her grandmother. Complete their dialogue using the correct words. Mable, are you hungry? Eat some biscuits. Are you No, (2) wl thirsty? don’t feel thirsty. (3) Can | OK. Are you hot? turn on the fan? Sure, Grandma, are you tired? (4) want | Let me tell you about my to talk to you. friends then. S$@BF English smart class Wo engage ree ) sAdvanced Practices £C]} Mable is asking her friends about their feelings. Complete their dialogue using the words in the brackets. (7 @ minutes) ea cere cer @___ sappy? Ne! (FF Nes (2) assesses | Getinigh aat marks in the test. oe (3) (hungry) —_--______—>-, A) ese ee eee eee esse eee Box lam full. iz eae gS Sey EEE @)_ (De) (6)__ Ss want to play some games, @ SSS — (8) sd fel col. | want to close the window. a ‘Small Tips | c. Use the pictures ond the sentences in the replies to help you write the answers. wo Date: Time allowed: 10 minutes jectives abou! feelings Basic Practices it) LA] Katy is talking about how she feels. Fill in the blanks with the words 3.1am : 4.1am 8) Katy’s mother is giving Katy some advice. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. (2Y2minuies) | 1. Youcan drink some 2. You can some sandwiches, : by | 3. You can take a : { Oj | 4. Youcan the television. | A \ a [English Smart Class dep es) i Advanced Practices {EC} Katy is talking to her mother. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (2 ¢ minutes) It is hot today. | feel thirsty Here, (1) __ \ easily. somewote, Beet ee tee Eee Ik , Mum. Thank you, Mul Do you Yes, | am a bit (2) pelea aE | want to go to the park. lam (3) z 7 Never mind, You can (5) a rest first. | can (6) comics at home, But | am (4) and cannot take you to the park, Thank you, Katy. You are a good girl. a ‘Small Tips | ¢. We use an adjective after the verb ‘be’. o & @eading Passage, Date: Time allowed: 12 minutes eomic sip lures and captions, you can also use different bubbles to tell what the characters say or think in James is reading a comic strip. Read the strip. io Kelvin and Judy are watching the weather report. @ Kelvin and Judy stay at home. © The next day ... (ets play of fre par) today! ee Word! jank > + Ot weather report stay at English Smart Class cy gage Ps 2) Answer the following questions. 7] 2 mines) BY 1. What are Kelvin and Judy watching in Picture 1? ©. A.The news report © B. The weather report ©. C.The magic show ©. D.The music show 2. What are Kelvin and Judy doing in Picture 2? They are : B® 3. How do Kelvin and Judy feel in Picture 2? ©. A They feel hot. © B. They feel cold. ©. C.They feel hungry. ©. D.They feel thirsty. 4. Where are Kelvin and Judy in Picture 4? They are BY 5. Kelvin and Judy are in Picture 4, O. Avplaying football © B. reading books ©. C.playing badminton ©. D.playing tennis 6. What is the weather like in Picture 4? Itis and Date: Time allowed: 13 minutes Basic Practices A} Anna is writing a list of things to buy. Fill in the blanks with the correct plural forms of the words in the brackels. GY zininstes & Things fo buy: i 5 1. Three (tornato) : 2. Two (carrot) ~ 3. A box of (cherry) =) . LX 4.Two (sandwich) = | “> | L 5.Four (banana) = = | iB} Anna is talking about her friends. Fill In the blanks with the correct plural forms of the words in the box. watch — tooth 1. Ken goes to see the dentist. His are painful. 2. Katy is a good sister. She reads to her sister every day. 3. James has a new camera. He likes to take of us, 4. Tommy likes to watch cartoons about . He likes Batman. 5.| have many at home. My favourite one Is the pink watch from my grandmother. | SB engl smart Smart class #Advanced Practices (E} Anna is w the words a story. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of storybook : Carrie is bored at home. She finishes all her (1) and has nothing to do. ‘Carrie, can you go to the market and buy some (2) for me? | want to make | some jam,’ Carrie’s mother asks. ‘Of course!’ Carrie answers. Carrie’s mother draws her a (3) to the market and put it into her pocket. Carrie meets Mr Chan and _ his (4) downstairs. She likes animals very much so she stops to play with them. Carrie sees many toy (5) when she walks past a toy shop. She likes buses too so she stops to look at them outside the shop. Carrie sees a (6) when she passes a park. Some () are playing football in the park. Carrie likes to do sports so she stops to join them. Carrie has so much fun. On her way back home, she puts her hand into her (8) and finds the map to the market, She completely forgets about the strawberries! U smal Tips | ¢. Thnk about whethero use singular noun ora plural noun forthe answers * Basic Practices Time allowed: 12 minutes the questions. Write the letters in the brackets. Ken is asking his friends some questions. Match the answers with 1. Do you want some ice cream? a.No, thank you. | don’t like sweets. 2. Do you want some sweets? |b. Yes, please. | like fruits. 3. Do you want some milk? c. Yes, please. | am thirsty. 4. Do you want some apples? d.No, thank you, The tea is sweet enough. 5. Do you want some sugar? e. Yes, please. | love ice cream. {B] Ken’s mother is asking Ken some questions, Complete their dialogue using the correct words. Mum Ken : (1) Mum : (2) Mum : (3) : Do you want some jam on your bread? some ice in your juice? Ken: No, thank you. It is cool enough. some salad for your lunch? Ken: Yes, please. It is healthy to eat vegetables. Mum : Ken: (4) ‘English Smart Class ‘es re tes) Do you want some mangoes after lunch? | don’t like mangoes. #Advanced Practices & A waiter is asking Ken some questions in a restaurant. Look at the pictures. Complete their dialogue using the correct words. {7 éinies) GQ a) some ice? ‘s Yes, please. The tea is too hot. ro ae ca Cy Do you want some juice? (2) lam not thirsty. i aoa cue TaTSURTTASHTRTaTT @)_ @_ tam hungry. (5) @)_ tis salty enough. a () tar full. WA Smait Tips | c. use he pictures to help you wie the questions. Date: ‘Time allowed: 10 minutes Basic Practice, fA) Help Tommy label the names of the food on the table. GY 2 rrinvtes LA 2A 3A 4A 8) Tommy’s mother is asking Tommy fo buy something from the market. Fill in the blanks with the correct plural forms of the words in the brackets. Clr) Tommy, please help me buy ¢ a few things from the market. Please buy three (1) (peach) and a box of (2) (cherry). | want some (3) (potato) for today’s dinner too, Also, please buy two _ @—__. — sandwich) | for tomorrow’ 8 elect oe Pir eg Smart Class Wega Pats 2) Advanced Practices EC] Tommy is talking fo his mother. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Tommy : Mum Mum Tommy : Mum Tommy : Mum Mum Mum There are many fruits in the baskets. : Yes, it is a present from Aunt Josie. Tommy : These (1) are big. They look juicy. : Let’s eat one. Do you want to eat some (2) too? No, | don’t like them. They are not sweet. : You can try the (3) . They are sweet. Can | have a (4) too? : No, itis still green. Wait until it turns yellow. Tommy : What are these in red, Mum? : They are (5) . They also taste good. Tommy : : : | want to use them to make some strawberry jam. Eat | want to eat some (6) other fruits first, smi Tips | c. chonge the wordt he coret plural forms when necessary o @ Date: Time allowed: 12 minutes A shopping lists alist of things that you are going to buy. itis usually writen in point-form, Mable is reading a shopping list. Read the list. Mable, Please help me buy the following things after school: * 3 peaches and 2 potatoes from Smile Supermarket * 4 pencils from Sunshine Bookshop * a birthday card from Happy Gift Shop (Is your Aunt Karen’s birthday this Sunday.) ** some sweets from Rainbow Sweet Shop Thank you! I Dad ' eee Word Bank > wa peaches potatoes birthday card Gift Shop sweets English Smart Class ay urge Pas 2 Answer the following questions. 1. Who asks Mable to buy the things? 2. When does Mable go to buy the things? She goes to buy the things 8. How many kinds of things does Mable need to buy? ® 4 Which of the following does Mable buy in the supermarket? 5. Where can Mable buy the pencils? She can buy the pencils from 6. Who Is the birthday card for? It is for Date: Time allowed: 39 minutes Cg2Zp Revision on Units 8 10 15, Ken is reading a poster. Read the poster. \ Angel's Cake Shop i Birthday cakes ea. Wedding cakes ; | eS = Nov! \ SS Christmas cakes \ Visit us in Rainbow Shopping Centre! | Or visit our website: \ 1. What kind of shop is it? (3%) Itis | 2. Where Is the shop? (3%) | Itis | 3. when does the shop open? (3%) | ©. A.22 November © B.23 November © C.24November © D.265 November 4. What information about the shop can you find from the poster? Tick (Y) the correct answer. (3%) A. lts phone number B. Its address C.lts website English Smart Class en Lge Pc (2) Baw. Ken is reading an email. Read the email. Ken, Hi! | am enjoying my summer holidays in Thailand. It is hot here. We are now on the beach. My brother Tim is swimming in the sea. My father is reading a book next to me. My mother is playing sand with my little sister Tina. 5 Thomas Bl} Answer the following questions. (12%) 1. What holiday is it? (3%) ©. A Spring holidays OB. Summer holidays ©. C.Autumn holidays ©. D.Winter holidays 2. Where does Thomas write this email? (3%) He writes this email ; 3. Who Is next to Thomas? (3%) BY 4. hat is Thomas's mother doing? (3%) (c] James is talking to his friends. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (12%) 1. It is time for snacks. Let’s some biscuits. 2.1am . Can | sit on the bench? 3. There is nothing to play here. | am 4.lam . |want to buy a drink. 5. Let’s a rest before we continue to climb the hill. 6. Can | turn on the television? | want to DVDs. (2) James is having a picnic with his family. Help him label the food they bring. (10%) SS TR RETEST er English Smart Cass ‘ee ine imi asa ie) Katy is talking to Anna. Complete their dialogue using ‘too’ and the correct words. Use ‘let's’ with the words in the box. (18%) i order some hot drinks 3 bring her here next time der some cold drinks order hot chocolate _| find a restaurant It is already twelve o'clock. i 1am hungry. Good idea! | am (2) That restaurant looks nice. Let's go inside. Lam thirsty. ne lam (3) . We can order some drink first. The fan is strong here. | feel abit cold. (4) eee There is hot tea and hot chocolate. | want to drink something sweet, (eS inananaenntaennrteantaeceeeae teat It is sweet, The chocolate tastes good. Ss en Yes, | think Mable will like it too. Se (6) That’s a good idea. cele LE } Katy is asking her family some questions. Complete their dialogue using the words in the brackets. (18%) (J | aan | want to tal int to a a rest English Smart Class eles ras is} Katy is asking her friends some questions. Look at the pictures. Complete their dialogue using ‘do you want’ and the words in the brackets. (18%) Katy : (1) (mango) Anna: Yes, please. | like fruits. Katy : (2) (sandwich) Anna: No, thank you. | am full. Katy : (3) (rnilk) Anna: (4) lam not thirsty. Katy : (5) (biscuit) Anna : (6) lam hungry. Basic Practices ia} Anna is asking her friends some questions. Match the answers with the questions. Write the letters in the brackets, {7} Zines 1. Where do you live? ( ) Ja. She lives in North Point. 2. How do you come to aga b.1 go to the library by school? tram, 3. Where does your grandmother live? 4. Where do you buy pencils? ( — ) |e. 1ive in Shatin, d.l come to school by! minibus, 5. How do you go to the library? e.| buy pencils in the bookshop, iB) Anna is filling in a questionnaire. Fill in the blanks with ‘where’ or ‘how’. : do you live? Kowloon Tong. | | 2. is your school? i Causeway Bay. i | 3. do you go to school? | | By school bus. | 4. do you buy new clothes? | | Joyful Shopping Centre. | | 5. do you get there? | English Smart Class Lge ck 20 sAdvanced Practices EC] Anna is asking her teacher, Miss Chan, some questions. Complete their dialogue using ‘where’ or ‘how’. Miss Chan, (1) do you live? C2.) aicseeieeereteeietienee CORY OU come to school? (3) on Saturdays? (4) the bookshop? (5) to the bookshop? (6) Seema eae ” a (8) ae live in Kowloon Tong. | come to school by MTR. | go to my favourite bookshop on Saturdays. It is in Mong Kok. | go to the bookshop by bus, | go to the park with my dogs on Sunday mornings. | go to the park on foot. It is near my home. | go back home in the afternoon. a Small Tips | . Use the words in Miss Chan's replies o help you write the questions. 0 O ppraesee s Time allowed: 13 minutes a Carningle Prepositions —in by. on asic Practices (A) James is talking about what he does at weekends. Underline the correct answers, (2¥§ minutes) Every Saturday, | go to have my piano lesson (1) (in / on) Causeway Bay. | go to the piano school (2) (on / by) MTR. Then | go to the library (3) (in / on) Wan Chai. | go there (4) (by / in) tram. On Sundays, | go to the shopping centre near my home. | go there (5) (on / by) foot. | sometimes visit my cousin. She lives (6) (by / in) Kwun Tong. iB} James is writing about his grandparents. Fill in the blanks with ‘in’, ‘by’ or ‘on’. My grandparents My grandmother and grandfather live (1) Tsuen Wan. They do not go to work, but they are busy every day. They go to do Tai Chi (2) the park every morning. They go to the park (3) foot. In the afternoon, they have dance lessons (4) the community centre. They usually ~~~ go to the community centre | 1 minibus, but sometimes | they go there (6) taxi, c Un X English Smart Class ‘ee ge Paes (2) sAdvanced Practices [£C} James is filling in a questionnaire. Look at the pictures. Complete the questionnaire using ‘in’, ‘by’ or ‘on’ and the correct words. a Mong Kok Stadium. Repulse Bay { 4 Where do you live? live (1) . 4 Where do you play basketball? i | play basketball (2) | # How do you get there? | | 1(3) | # Where do you go swimming? 1 } 14)__ . ( | + How do you get there? | (C5) ese ee | # Where do you play football? | | © | # How do you get there? { \ n C. We use ‘in’ to talk about places and ‘by’ or ‘on’ to talk about the means of | Ussmot tes | * Foon » @ Date: Time allowed: 10 minutes, Getting around with public transport asic Practices Help Ken label the different means of public transport in Hong Kong. {2 2ninsies) Beene AoA deanecnadennanaaan iB} Ken Is playing some riddles about the public transport in Hong Ko (Yeni) 1. There are three colours of this public A transport, green, red and blue. 2. You see this public transport in the sea. A 3. You can only see this public transport on A Hong Kong Island. 4. This public transport usually runs underground. The English Smart Class iad gee Faces 2) #Advanced Practices {(€] Ken is talking about how he gets to different places. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. ca OE oop) | | = 1. | go to school by 2.1 go to the library by 5.1. go to the country park by 6.1 go to the market by W smal tips | c. use te pictures o helo you wnt the answers. = oO Date: Time ollowed: 12 minutes Reading Passage, A questionnaire isa printed sheet containing a list of questions on a certain topic. Mable is $ reading a questionnaire, Read the questionnaire. \ Questionnaire about schooling | Name: Monate Wong Class: 2c [fAcie: ettiettiad ttc | 1. Where do you live? ! Hong Kong Island ¥| Kowloon | | New Territories Islands | i 2. Where is your school? | i Hong Kong Island Kowloon | ¥| New Territories Islands | | 3. How do you go to school? | | v} By bus By minibus By MTR ] By school bus | | On foot By ferry Others | 4. Who do you go fo school with? LJ] Parents Grandparents Brothers or sisters | | Friends On your own 5. How do you return home? | i By bus. By minibus By MTR |“| Byschool bus | | On foot By ferry Others \ _ Word 80k ; Hong Kong Island Kowloon New Territories Islands bus minibus MTR school bus ferry \ English Smart Class Woy aoe kas (20 Answer the following questions. {712 minvies) 1. Who fills In this questionnaire? 2. How old is Maggie? She is 3. Where does Maggie live? She lives : 4. How does Maggie go to school? She goes to school BY 5 Which of the following shows Maggie is going to school? OB oc, ® 6. Which of the following is true about Maggie? ©. A.Maggie lives near her school. OB. Maggie goes to school with her friends. © C.Maggie goes to school on foot. © D.Maggie returns home by school bus after school. Time allowed: 14 minutes, sar aig *Whatis...? Basie Practi + Simple present iense Tommy is asking his friend some questions. Fill in the blanks with ‘what is’ and the words in the brackets. a your father’s job?| ~~ He Is a teacher. What is your mother’s job? (2) a housewife, What is your brother's job? (3) a waiter. (4) ____your uncle's He Is a doctor. job? ‘ (5) (6) anurse. (sister) () Tommy is writing about what people do in their jobs. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the brackets. \ 12 What people do in their jobs a 7 1. Acook (cook) food in a restaurant. | 25) 2.A policeman (catch) thieves and | ao} (put) them in jail. | ‘5D 3. Apostman (take) letters to our mail boxes. | ad - 4.Awriter (write) storybooks, | ] > 5.A nurse (take) care of patients in the | : = hospital, } SB tnatish smart class hl ogg Pe (2) Advanced Practices [C] Tommy is asking his new neighbour some questions. Complete Tommy: What is your mother’s job? Jack :(1) a housewife. She (2) Tommy: How about your father? (3) Jack : He is a fireman. He (4) . Tommy: He is very brave. Jack : My uncle is brave too, He (5) Tommy: (6) Jack :(7) a policeman. He sometimes gets hurt and goes to my grandfather's hospital, Tommy: Your grandfather’s hospital? Jack: Yes, my grandfather is a doctor. He (8) ' ‘Small Tips | C. We use the simple present tense to talk about the duties of different jobs. o BO Basic Practices Date: Time allowed: 14 minutes fa) Katy is writing some questions for a questionnaire. Fill in the blanks with the words in the brackets. 1. Do you have any 2. Do you have any comic) 3. Do you have any 4.Do you have any chocolate) 5. Do you have any mango) 6. Do you have any iB] Katy is writing about her coust — at weekends, comics In her room. BE eats Smart Class Wily Lounge Pots (28) badminton (4) table tennis | Alice is twelve years old. She |__ .does not play toys any more. She as No dolls (5) toy cars in her room. She does ot like to read. She has no storybooks (6) ? (cat, dog) 2 (storybook, ? (pencil, pen) ? (sweet, 2 (peach or ? (butter, jam) the blanks with ‘and’ or ‘or’. sAdvanced Practices ic} Katy is asking her friends some questions. Look at the pictures. Complete their dialogue using the correct words. Katy Qe Candy: AM we Katy ce) en ™ aA Katy x el en Tommy : : 6) Katy James A small Tips | c. wit he corect numbers ofthe things in the replies a Mable : : Do you have (1) No, | don’t have any glasses or cups. : Do you have any rabbits or hamsters? : No, | (2) : Do you have any skirts or trousers? Yes, | (3) : Do you (4) Yes, | have one eraser. : (6) 1M) : (8) Date: Time allowed: 10 minutes 3.A 4A iB] Mable is talking about some jobs. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box teaches students at school. loa puts out the fire. | | | | 3.A catches bad people. | LAA keeps the house neat and tidy. | English Smart Class Wi lam Pacis (| eS sae +Advanced Practices EC] Mable is talking to Anna. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (2 émintes) Mable : What is your father’s job? Anna : He is a (1) . He collects letters and takes them to people. Mable ; What about your mother? Anna_: My mother is a (2) . She catches thieves. Mable : Your mother is very brave. Anna: Yes, she is. What does your father do? Mable : He is a (3) . He teaches Chinese at a primary school. Anna_: That’s why you are good at Chinese. How about your mother? Mable ; My mother works in a hospital, Anna: Isshe a nurse? Mable : No, she isn’t. She Is a (4) . She helps sick people, Anna_: |see. Do you want to be a doctor too? Mable : No, | don’t, but | want to be a (5) . | want to take care of sick people. Maybe | can help my mother one day. Anna : That’s good, | want to be a (6) . Hs cool to drive around Hong Kong in a big bus. a Small Tips | C. Think about the duties of different jobs. Uv Reading Passage, Text-type. Analysis} Date: Time allowed: 12 minutes about from its ttle on the top. ‘A table gives special information about c topic. i usually has some numbers. You can find out what the table is James is reading a table. Read the table. | Class 2A students’ pets Parrot(s) | Golafish Jamie 3 0 4 Cathy 2 2 5 Wilson 1 0 2 Fred ] 0 2 | Helen 0 3 8 Pets Parrot Kitten Goldfish English Smart Class YR wy emp Pcs 2 Answer the following questions. 1. What is the table about? Itis about 2. Does Jamie have any kittens or goldfish? , she has 3. Who doesn't keep parrots? 4. Who have the same number of pets? 5.How many kittens does Helen have? *® 6 Which of the following shows Cathy’s pets? ia Revision on Units 16 to 23 Tommy is reading a conversation. Read the conversation. Tourist : Excuse me, how can | get to Iris Hotel? ) Policeman : You can get there by MIR. We | are now in North Point. Take the MIR to Central and get off at Causeway Bay station. The hotel is right next to Exit B. Tourist :Right, but where Is the MTR station? Policeman : It is behind this building. Tourist : Thank you very much. A] Answer the following questions. (12%) 1. Who fells the tourist how to get to the hotel? (3%) 2. Where Is the tourist now? (3%) The tourist is 3. Where is the hotel? (3%) itis : 4. How does the tourist get to the hotel? (3%) The tourist gets to the hotel : ‘English Smart Class Wea Lngcge Pes Marks: ‘noo Tommy is reading a description. Read the description. Jenny is my classmate. She is tall and thin. She is sporty : and likes to do sports. She runs very fast. She is nice to \ her classmates. She always takes care of them. Jenny is \ \ a brave girl too. She wants to be a policewoman like her ‘ < aunt. (8) Answer the following questions. (12%) 1. How does Jenny look like? (3%) She ls : 2. What does Jenny like to do? (3%) She likes to : 3. What does Jenny do fo her classmates? (3%) She $B 4. what is the job of Jenny’s aunt? (3%) cS i OA eB: c£]} Katy is looking at some public transport in Hong Kong. Help her label the pictures. (10%) 7 Katy and her friends are talking about some jobs. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (10%) 1. My sister Is a . She serves food to people. 2.My brother Is a . He helps sick people in the hospital. 3. Mr Chan is a . He takes people to different places in his taxi, 4, My uncle is a . He takes letters to people. 5. Mrs Lee is a . She is brave and catches bad people. QB English smart Class Weel one Pini) Grammar ie] Ken is asking his neighbour some questions. Complete their dialogue. Write the questions using ‘where’ or ‘how’. Write the answer using ‘in’, ‘by’ or ‘on’. (14%) Where do you go to work? | go to work (3) @) | have lunch (5) (6) | get there (7) iF} Ken is asking his new classmate some questions. Complete their dialogue using ‘what is’ and the words in the box. (12%) Ework inahospital ‘catch bad people ue : teach Music in a primary school Jearry letters around Hong Kong : 7 jevery day | Hello, !am Ken. lam Mandy. Nice to meet oS you. Can | ask about your parents’ | Sure. Jobs? j What is your father’s job? q) a postman. He (2) (3) She is a nurse. She (4) oT Do you have any brothers or Yes, | have a sister. She is sisters? working already. oe (5) She is a teacher. She (6) iy English Smart Class Wey gap cs (20) G] Ken is asking his friends some questions. Look at the pictures. Complete their dialogue using ‘do you have’ and the words in the brackets. (12%) Kaa ES —— —=X — Doyouhaveany()_- (pencil, pen) No, | have (2) | Yes, | have (4) : 6) (notebook, paper sheet) (3) (eraser, ruler) (6) H] Ken is writing about his cousin. Fill in the blanks with the correct words in the box. Use the simple present tense. (10%) gQ ‘2minutes ) like play work teach draw My cousin Paul (1) ina youth centre. He (2) the children in the centre to draw pictures. He (3) piano to them. He (4) to the children when they feel sad. He is kind and everybody (GS) estecieesecsensensseasease UM] s Marks J) Ken is writing a diary entry. Complete his entry using ‘and’ or ‘or’. @%) 12 May Tuesday | | | lam very happy today. We have a new member | In our family. It is a puppy called Joe. It is small { (1) __ lovely. Its hair is short (2) It has no brothers (3) sisters. It is still very young so It || cannot run (4) jump | | yet. | hope it can grow up | | faster. | want to play ball with | it, | yellow. GH English smart class Wo ap Pas) ess... 2, 4 B 1. there's 2 3. there int 5. Vos, there's. © 1 thereis 2, 3. Isthore on aft room? 4. No, there isn't 5. Isthere o school hal? 6. Av there teachers rooms? Unit 2 A Lita 2 3. second 4 B 1. fourth 2 3. fist 4 5. thd © 1. second 2 3. fouth 4 5. the thd ond fith fooss 6, They ore on the fist foo. 7. tlson the fith foot. Unit 3 A. 1. playground 2 3. lrory 4 Bo. thie 2, 3. second 4 1. musicroom 2 3. playground 4 8. computer room 6 A 2pm. 3. Stor Garden the fist floor 8 1 2 3 4 5, (62014 ATHENS EDUCATION Ave there Isthere there are 4. No, there aren't, Ate there fist fourth ‘ith second ‘hic the sith floor Tolets ‘xt room son fourth llerary cart room . 2 a Answers Bo 1 musin't tok 3. must bring 5. must ston. 1. mustn't cimb 3, must put 5, mustkeep 7. mustn't hut Unit 6 a B 1 Dontdaw 3. Keep 5. Don't damage 1. Don't shout 3. Usten, 5. Don'titler 7, Don't un A1c 28 B 1. olmb 3. Keep © 1. Watt 3, Keep off 5. Don't pick Assessment 1 ‘A 1. play table tennis 3. two B_ 1, 30minutes 3c 1. garden 3, Rocery 5, playground 2. mustn't 4, mustn't 2. must speci 4, musintt look 6, mustn't sleep 2, mustn't feed 4, mustn't Iter 6. musin' piok 2. Don't eat Line Don't touch Follow Une Toke eee 3.D 4A 2. spit 4. pik 2 Uneup 4, Don't spit 6. Keop quiet 2c 48 the Reading Room ‘ouside the centie music room 4, computer room k wf Bae ees is E Lene ‘hast Arie palcetal pees Snes Dimas sae 2 Noche aur 2. phere gre? grepeea F tho srtoe 2. meee a eribe meer toa 4 Meyer enthaheeth oon oieeameae Dienesnewess © 1 muro ass ‘3. musin't ouch 4. Don't play 5 mut wan a eee ree os Be aes 2 toh atten ‘tattoo © 1. too 2. Let's 3, cold foo antes crest S hungry bo 6 efter bnger tne Tianaciouis Unit 9 ease 2 eyo ‘3. Are you cold? 4. Are you thirsty? B Ltan fim sa Pre DL xen atom 3. Are you hungry? 4. No. I'm not. Tlaaliemmerti al ioe 2. amyourot re mae it 10 Seiad eur eo leees tose rea aan ae oa ae English Smart Class ed erg ects) © dink 2 hungy 3. bored 4. ted S.toke 6, read 1B 2. reacing aA 4. atthe pork 5. 6. raining | windy / cod, taining / windy / cold Unit 12 A. 1. tomatoes 2 carols 3, chentos 4, sondwiches 5. bananas B teeth 2, stores 3. photos 4. heroes 5. watches © 1 sioybooks 2. srawbertes 3. mop 4, puppies 5, buses 6, football 7. boys 8 pocket it 13 Le 2a ae 4p ad B 1. Yes. please. 2. Do youwont 3. Doyouwent 4. No, thank you. © 1. Doyouwant 2. No, thank you 3. Doyouwant some ice? 4. Yes, pleas. 5. Do youwant some sot? 6. No, hank you 7. Do you want some cokes? 8. No, thank you. A 1 banana 2. mango 3, shawbeny 4. peor B 1. peaches 2. cherries 3, potatoes 4. sandwiches © 1. peaches 2 mangoes 3. peas 4, banana 5. cherios 6, stawberties vcwseussillle Unit 15 1 Mable's father. 2. offer schoo! 3. Five 4c 5, Sunshine Bookshop, Aunt Koren A. Lacakeshop : 2. inRahlbow Shopping Centre i aA ac . Boe 2 enthebeach : 8. Thomas's father 48 i © leat 2 tired i 3, bored 4. thirsty : 5. take 6. watch i D_ 1 Sondwiches 2. Peas i 3. Mangoes 4, Peaches 5. Strawberries E 1 et'sfind aestaurant 2. hungry too 3. thislyto0 4. Lets order some hot cis 5. Lot's order hot chocolate 6. Let'sbiing her here nex time, F 1. Meyoutied? 2. Yes.lom. 3. Are you thisty? 4, No,Imnot 5. Are youcold? 6. Yes,lom, G 1. Doyouwant some mangoes? : 2, Do you want some sondwiches? : 8, Do youwant sorme rik? é 4. No. thank you. i 5. Doyou want some biscuits? i 6. Yes, please, H Unit 16 i ave 2d 3.0 ae 5b Bo 1. Where 2. Where 3. How 4. Where 5. How 1. Where 2. How 3. Where do you go 4. Where & 5. How do you go ; ‘6. Where do you go on Sunday momings? 7, How do you go to the park? 8. Where do you goin the afteinoon? Unit 17 A vin 3h 4. by on én Bolin 2h 3.on ain 5 by 6. by 1 intai wal 2. inthe boxketball cout 3. get there on foot 4. go swimming in Repulse Bay 5. I get there by bus. 6: I play footbal in Mong Kok Stadium. 7. Iget there by tein Unit 18 A Vous 2. tom 3 fain 4. minious, BL tod 2. tony 3. trom 4.MIR © UL schoolbus 2 tox 3. feny amie 5. minbus 6. bus Unit 19 1. Maggie Wong, 2, seven years old 3. in owioon 4. bybus 5c 6D Unit 20 A Vhetls 2.she# a He 4, Whats 5. What i yourster'job? 6. Shels B 1. cools 2. catches. puts 3. fokes 4. wes 5. tokes C1 met 2, does housework at home 3, Whats your father job? 4, puts out fre 5, protect us fom bad people 6, What is your uncle's job? 7 Hels 8. hes injured people ‘A. 1. cotsordogs 2. storybooks or comics 8. pencis or pens 4, sweets or chocolates 5. peachesormongoes 6, butter orjam Boiand 20nd 9 30 4. and 5.01 6.0 © 1 any losses or cups 2. don't hove ony rabbits orhamsters 3. have four sits 4, have any erasers or ules 5. Do you have any robots or bats? 6. Yes. have one robot and two bai 7, Do youhave ony planes or trains? 8. No, don't have any planes or rons. Unit 22 A 1. busctver 2. waitress 3. doctor 4, postman B 1. teacher 2. fireman 3. policeman 4, bus ctiver © 1. postmon 2. policewoman 3, teacher 5. doctor 5. use 6. housewife Unit 23 1. Closs 2 students’ pets 2. Yes, fou goltish 3. Helen. 4. Wison and Fred 5. Tree. oA Final Assessment A. 1. Apaliceran. 2. inNodh Point 3. In Causeway Bay 4. by MIR B 1 tolondthin 2. do sports 3. always tokes care of them 4A © 1 minibus 2. taxi 3. fery 4. trom 5. bus English Smart Class ang Paks (8) 1. waitress 2. doctor 8, tox chiver 4. postman 5. potcewoman 1. go to workin Central 2, How do you go to work? 3. by bus ‘4. Where do you have lunch? 5. In Sheung Wan 6, How do you get there? 7, onfoot 1 Heis 2, cais letters around Hong Kong every doy 3, What Is your mother’s job? 4. works in c hospital 3. What is your sister's job? 6. teaches Music a a primary schoo! 1. pencils or pens 2, nopencis or pens 3, Do youhave any erasers or less? 4. three erasers and two rulers 5. Do you have any notebooks ot paper shoots? 6, Yes, have one notebook, 1. works 2, Feaches 3. ploys 4 tolls 5. kes, Lond 2. ond 3. oF 4

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