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Latin Maxims

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Latin Maxims in Statutory Construction
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Statutory Construction Finals advisedly, and to have

expressed its intent by the
Chapter 15
use of such words as are
Facebook Twitter found in the statute.

Three Maxims Employed as

Aids to Construe Constitutional

)ura lex sed lex  (the law may be
harsh, but that is the law)
• Verba leis  (plain meaning • #hen the court is clear, there
rule) – whenever possible,
the words used in the
is no other recourse but to
apply it regardless of its
Constitution must be given
perceived harshness.
their ordinary meaning •  !he law is the law, and if 
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except where technical terms
are employed.
there is a need to change,
amend or repeal it, that may
• !atio leis est anima   (the
be done through legislative
reason of the law is its soul) –
process, not by $udicial
where there is ambiguity, the
words of the Constitution
should be interpreted in
accordance with the intent of  Absoluta sentential expositore
the framers non indient  (when language of 
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"t mais Report
valeat #uam this
is clear, no explanation is
pereat  (that construction is re%uired)
to be sought which gives
• #hen the law is clear, what
eect to the whole of the
the courts should do is to
statute – its every word) – the
apply it, not interpret it.
Constitution is interpreted as
Construction and
a whole
interpretation come only
after it has been
demonstrated that
$atin Maxims% Their Meanin
application is impossible or
and &mportance
inade%uate with them. t is
not within the power of a
court to set aside the clear
Verba $eis 'Plain Meanin and explicit mandate of a
!ule( statutory provision.
• Also called the Cardinal E*usdem eneris (of the same
Canon "ind of specie)
• f statute is clear, plain and
free form ambiguity, it must • #here a general word or
be given its literal meaning phrase follows an
and applied without enumeration of particular
attempted interpretation. and speci&c words of the
•  !he legislature is presumed same class, the general word
to "now the meaning of the or phrase is to be construed
words, to have used words to include, or to be restricted

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to, persons, things, or cases

a"in to, resenting, or of the
$imitations of 'xpressio unius est
same "ind or class as those
exclusion alterius
speci&cally mentioned.
• #here general words follow • oes not apply if the
an enumeration of persons or
enumeration was not
things, by words of a
intended to be exclusive*
particular meaning, such • oes not apply if the
general words are not to be enumeration is by way of 
construed in their widest example or to remove double
extent, but are to be held as only*
applying only to persons or • oes not apply in case a
things of the same "ind of  statute appears on its face to
class speci&cally mentioned. limit the operation of its
'$usdem generis to be applicable provision to particular
re%uires the following re#uisites persons or things by
to concur enumerating them, but no
reason exists why other
. A statute contains an persons or things not so
enumeration of particular enumerated should not have
and speci&c words, followed been included and manifest
by a general word or phrase* in$ustice will follow by not
+. !he particular and speci&c including them.
words constitute a class or • oes not apply when it
are of the same "ind* defeats the plainly indicated
. !he enumeration of the purpose of the legislature*
particular and speci&c words • oes not apply if it leads to
is not exhaustive or is not inconvenience, hardship and
merely by examples* in$ury to public service
-. !here is no indication of  • oes not apply if it will result
legislative intent to give the
incongruities or a violation of 
general words or phrases
the e%ual protection clause of 
broaden meaning
the constitution

Expressio unius est

Ex necessitate leis  (by
exclusion alterius  (the
necessary implication of law)
express mention of one person,
thing or conse%uence implies   Also "nown as )octrine o, 
the exclusion of all other) -ecessary &mplication
• 'very statute is understood,
• 'xpress mention is implied
by implication, to contain all
exclusion such provisions as may be
• Also "nown as the
necessary to eectuate its
Doctrine of Negative
ob$ect and purpose, or to
ma"e eective rights,
• Also "nown as neative+
powers, privileges or
opposite doctrine  what
 $urisdiction which it grants,
is expressed puts an end
including all such collateral
to that which is implied.

and subsidiary conse%uences

as may be fairly and logically
$ees posteriors priores
inferred from its terms.
contrarias abroant  (a later law
Favores ampliandi sunt. odia repeals a prior law on the same
restrienda (/enal laws which are sub$ect which is repugnant thereto)
favorable to the accused are given
retroactive eect)
• As between two laws on the
same sub$ect matter which
• Art. ++. 0etroactive eect of  are irreconcilably
penal laws. – /enal 1aws shall inconsistent, that which is
have a retroactive eect passed later prevails, since it
insofar as they favor the is the latest expression of 
persons guilty of a felony, legislative will.
who is not a habitual
criminal, as this term is
de&ned in 0ule 2 of Article 3+ $ex proscipit non respicit  (the
of this Code, although at the law loo"s forward, not bac"ward)
time of the publication of 
such laws a &nal sentence • 4tatutes are to be construed
has been pronounced and as having only prospective
the convict is serving the application, unless the
same. intendment of the legislature
to give them a retroactive
eect is expressly declared
/eneralia specialibus non or is necessarily implied from
deroant (a general law does not the language used.
nullify a speci&c or special law) /resumption is prospectively.
• Art. -. Civil Code 51aws shall
• /eneral rule%  !he special have no retroactive eect,
must prevail since it evinces unless the contrary is
the legislative intent more provided.6
clearly than that of a general
!atio $eis  (interpretation
statute and must be ta"en as
according to spirit)
intended to constitute an
exception to the general act. • t is not the letter of the law
that "illeth, but it is the spirit
. #here the legislature
of the law that giveth life.
clearly intended the • Article 7, CC 5 in case of 
later general
doubt in the interpretation
enactment to cover the
of application of the laws,
whole sub$ect and to
it is presumed that the
repeal all prior
lawma"ing body intended
inconsistent laws
right and $ustice to prevail
+. #here the special law
merely establishes a
general rule while the Stare decisis et non #uieta
general law creates a movera  (follow past precedents
speci&c and special and do not disturb what has been
rule. settled)

•  !he reason is that the "bi lex non distinuit0 nec nos
interpretation of a statute by distinuere debemus (where the
the 4upreme Court forms law does not distinguish, we should
part of the statute itself  not distinguish)
•  8udicial decisions applying or
•  !here should be distinction in
interpreting the laws or the
Constitution shall form part the application of the law
of the legal system of the where none is indicated.
• Congress, in ma"ing no
/hilippines (Art. 9, Civil
%uali&cation in the use of 
• As part of the legal system, general word of expression,
and until reversed by the must have intended no
4upreme Court itself, rulings distinction at all.
• Courts could only distinguish
of the 4C are binding upon
where there are facts or
the inferior courts.
circumstances showing that
•  !he rule rests on the
the lawgiver intended a
desirability of having stability
distinction or %uali&cation. n
in the law.
such a case, the courts would
merely give eect to this
lawgiver:s intent.

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