Areas Clasificadas

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uw 12 13 2a 3a 4a 42 43 aa AREA CLASSIFICATION AND RELATED ELECTRICAL DESIGN FOR FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS, GASES OR VAPORS SCOPE — This Basic Practice covers mandatory requirements governing: a. The classification of areas where flammable liquids, gases, or vapors are hand! cessed, or stored. b. The design and installation in and near such areas of electrical facilities wit" within the scope of ANSI/NFPA 70 or applicable codes having the same scope. The requirements of this Basic Practice are intended tor application to petroleum refineries and similar petrochemical facies. [Note:The requirements take ito consideration that these facies process lammable materials continuously at high rates and elevated temperatures and pressure; and during abnormal conditions, the compositor and propertes of Stocks ‘may change drastcaly ‘An asterisk (*) indicates that additional information is required. Ifa job is contracted, this additional information is fumished in the Job Specification. SUMMARY OF ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. Table 1 lists the standards (including recommended practice) which shall be used with this Basic Practice. TABLE 4 ‘STANDARDS. ANSUNFPA Standard 7 "National Electcal Code (NEC) ’ AP! Standard RP 500A Claseifcation of Locations for Electrical Installations in Betroloum Refnenies DOCUMENTATION ‘Area classification drawings shall be prepared by the contractor as follows: a. The classification and extent of each area shall be shown with major structures and equipment indicated. All equipment which is considered a source of flammable liquid, gas or vapor shall be shown on the drawings. Each source shall be identified by equipment number, flammable materia(s) handled, and atmosphere group ‘according to the standard(s) to which electrical equipment is to be purchased (e.g. NEC, BSI, VDE). DEFINITIONS Class 1 Division 1 locations are those where the probebilly of flammable atmospheres occurring is estimated to be more than one hou in 10.000 hours, Such atmospheres may accu (a) trough frequent releases: of () through infrequent releases of releases of small quantities under conditions of inadequate natural or artificial ventiation. Class I Division 2 locations are as follows: ‘Locations where the probability of flammable atmospheres occurring is estimated to be less than one hour in 10,000 hours and more than one hour in 1,000,000 hours. Such atmospheres may occur under conditions of adequate natural or artificial ventilation, through infrequent releases or reloases of small quantities. b. Enclosed spaces in Division 1 locations which are ventilated or pressurized by air taken from Division 2 or nonclassified locations, and provided the enclosed space itself does not contain a source of release. Ventilation shall be achieved artificially or by pressurizing the enclosed space. ‘e. Locations between Class I Division 1 and nonclassified locations. Nonclassified locations are as follows: ‘a. Locations completely outside Division 1 oF 2 locations. These are locations where the probability of flammable ‘atmosphere occurring is estimated to be less than one hour in 1,000,000 hours. b. Enclosed spaces in Division 2 locations which are ventilated or pressurized by air taken from nonclassified locations, and provided the enclosed space itself does not contain a source of release. Ventilation shall be ‘achieved artificially or by pressurizing the enclosed space. Flammable liquids, for purposes of area classification, are those Iquids having flash points below 190°F (55°C) and any other liqads at temperatures above or within 15°F (68°C) of their fashpoints EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, HJ. BP16-1-1 » AREA CLASSIFICATION AND EXON Page 2 of 6 RELATED ELECTRICAL DESIGN FOR 54 FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS, GASES OR VAPORS ERAE AREA CLASSIFICATION ‘All areas shall be classified in accordance with API RP 500A 2s modified in the following paragraphs. Figures 1 through 10 of API RP 500A shall be appliod with the following modifications: ‘APL RP 500 | Modttying Figure of Mend Reference | ‘tis Bante Practice Acasa Nerves Process Aa wih n fcavernan-Ar Gas Sowee Located ye Figure + Near Grade = ‘Adequataly Ventlated Process Area wih Hoaworhan-Air Gas Source Located Figure 2 Figure 4 ‘Above Grade adequately Ventiated Process Area (1) Bkinos win Heairnan-Ar Gas Figure 3 Figure 2 “Adoquatoly Ventilated Process Area (7) Bukangs win Meced or Heavernan-Ae None Figure 3 Gas Source ofr Tank with Heavienan A Gas mn ae “Asoqualety Ventiated Compressor Shatter wit Lohter-Thar-Ar Gas, Soures Fou s a Inadequately Ventlatod Comprossor Shoot wit ger Thane Gos Source Foxe 6 Neve ‘Adequataly Ventlated Process Area with Uphter-Than-Air Gas Source Flows 7 None ‘Separators, Dissolved Ax Flotation (DAF) and Biological Oxidation (BION) Units oa aoe E fower Mechanical inuoed Deak Coot T me a Retinery Marine Terminal Handing ae ena Note: (1) Plant Buitings for Operation and Storage, and other buicings whose proximity toa source of release places thom in a classited area. (Figure 3 ie of ‘Areas above Division 2 locations, in order to be classiied as “nonclassified,” must be either of the following: a. An outdoor location without restricted ventilation, or, 'b. Within a closed building (such as substation or control house) or outdoor switchgear or control center, whose floor level is above the Division 2 area and with the space beneath the floor ether solid filed or open on at least 3 sides (see Fig. 1 and 2 and Note 1). If lighter-than-air gas is involved, the floor must be without openings and Mixtures of gases of different groups may be involved, or sources of both heavierthan-air and lighterthan-air gases may exist within an area. In classitying such areas, all the following shall apply. a. Upon release, gas mixtures shall be considered to separate immediately into their separate gases. If the ‘separate gases are of different groups, electrical equipment used within each classified area shall be suitable {or all the groups involved. In motures of Group C and D gases per NEC (G2 and G3 per VDE) the Group C (2) gases shall be disregarded | they constitute 30% or less by volume of the mixture cI the separate gases in a gas mixture are both lighter than-air and heavier than-ar, the extent of the separate area classifications shall be as specified in this Basic Practice (tor lighter-thar-air and heavier-than-air gases) Overlapping of classified areas involving different atmosphere groups will usually result EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, KJ. EXON » AREA CLASSIFICATION AND BP16-1-1 RELATED ELECTRICAL DESIGN FOR FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS, GASES OR VAPORS AREA CLASSIFICATION (Cont) oe 1. In areas which are adequately ventilated from the standpoint of lghter-than-air vapor, the hydrogen in a gas mixture shall be disregarded it constitutes 30% or less by volume of the gas mixture, 5.5 _Allpiping systems are considered to be well-maintained, closed systems, ioriting systems which contain valves, fittings, meters, o flanged and threaded connections. Therefore, adequatelye, tiated areas through which piping is routed need not be classified. “ , Fuel gas and pilot gas knockout drums drained into closed systems shall be considered part of the piping system. 5.6 The following equipment and facilities shall be classified to the extent indicated: . UNIT OR FACILITY (CLASSIFIED AREA ‘2 Boller Plant, Gas Turbine Power “Areas around: gas compressors, Rammabie iquid fuel storage Plant (wit or without supplomentay | tanks and vessels, vaporizers, and pumps — per Figures 7 fred waste heat boters) ‘and 2, and per API HP SOOA Figures 4 thru 7. Waste Treatment for Oly Water 7. Classy for heavier and lighterthan-ar gases and vapors er API RP 500A Figure 8 ‘Marine Loading/Uniosdiog facaites | 1. Loading/Unioading Plattorms per API RP SOA. handing fammable Beds Figure 10 and the folowing: @ Tank Truck aod Fait 1. Glassy per Figure 4 for heavier than-ak sources. The Loading/Unioading faciities handing “adeonal (80 fx 2 f igh (15 x 0.6 m)} Diasion 2 flammable lquaos ‘aoa can be waived, provded all of the folowing, ‘condone are mot The area is footy vonslated. 1b. Oil spits are contained within the classified araa, &LPG loading/unloading is by metal arms. Sources are loading/unioeding connections and domes, and atmosphere vents. 2. Classily the area wanin 3 (1 m) of open domes oF vorts a2, Dision 1. ELECTRICAL DESIGN FOR CLASSIFIED AREAS 6:1 —_Electrical equipment selection and installation for classified areas shall be in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70 ‘Aricle 501, except where covered by this and other Basic Practices. #762 Ventilating Air. For buildings or enclosures whose area classiication is improved by means of artificial or pressure ventlation, venilating or pressurizing ai shall be obtained from a point at least 10 ft (3 m) above grade, 10 ft from the nearest Division 1 area, and 10 ft above the roof of the building restricting tree air movement. Particular attention ‘ust be given to location relative to pressure relief valve and other vents. ifthe classification improvement is to "honclassifed;” the pomt at which air Is obtained shall be in a nonclassified area, not above a lighter-than-air classified area, Design basis for ventilating systems for buildings or rooms shall be approved by the Owner's Engineer. EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, NJ. BP16-1-1 | AREA CLASSIFICATION AND EX. RELATED ELECTRICAL DESIGN FOR ———— FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS, GASES OR VAPORS ERAE BASIC PRACTICE ELECTRICAL DESIGN FOR CLASSIFIED AREAS (Cont) EQUIPMENT FOR CLASSIFIED AREAS © 63 Approved equipment, which is required for classified locations, shall be labeled, listed, or certified hw - ationally fod testing organization such as the Underwriters Laboratory (USA), the Department Uf titi" “Great Britain), or PTB (Germany). Where such equipment is not available, is design shall conform to the standards of ‘nationally recognized testing organization. Note particularly that designs using oll immersion for reasons of insulation 9F corrosion protection are not acceptable as satistying the intent of this requirement unless so labeled, listed, Certified, or conforming, ‘6.4 Arcing and sparking equipment shall be as follows for the specified area classification: AREA CLASSIFICATION EQUIPMENT TYPE ‘Dison 7 Tntinsicaly safe or explosion prool, approved for the NEC Groups 925 100 involved, 8, C.D, oF oguivalert Dhision 2 1. Same as Onision 1, oF NEC Groupe 2 Obimmersed approved for the gas group 8, C.D, or ecuvalent involved, oF . 3. Hermetically Sealed wan enclosure proving ‘Sutable tnechanical protection Dhision 2 1f equipment meeting the above is not avaiable, NEC Group COikimmersed approved for NEC Group B. Boor C, oF equivalent Division 1 & 2 1f equipment meeting the above requrements | not NEC Groups avaliable, pressurized equpmont shall bo used. Desin B, G, D, or equvalont ‘of equpment shall be approved by Owner's Engineer. BONDING FOR CLASSIFIED AREAS = 65 Bonding conductors shall be provided around all locknut-bushing rigid conduit terminations in Class 1 Oivsion 1 ‘ceaions. Bondng gonductors ar not required around double lockrut-busing rid cond terminations in Cass 1 Dhision 2 locations or nonctassified locations. 6.6 Bonding conductors shall be provided around all flexible conduit connections in Class I Division 1 locations. ve 13Par iby and 6 todas Wonieaion of referenced Sandee EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, WJ. AREA. CLASSIFICATION AND ~ BP16-1-1 RELATED ELECTRICAL DESIGN FOR FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS, GASES OR VAPORS Source of = Reteose .|"Raditionat* . Division 2 i Manaotory now Lg - 2 Note (3) Note {2} af Notetza | |} croge Ey 74 ; [so so | F Tone Figure 1 Aaequatety Yentitated Protea’ Abas Hin Haovtar—Than Air ‘source Located Near Grace or Above Grade Ghoattteetton of APT BP SODA) Enctosure Pressure Ventitotes per Par. 6.2 Division 2 Mencotory Source of Release Note (1) Croge wT » riers 2 Nose (43 Tnassaugeaty, Ventilated Procese Area But Lain Sh "heaoler“than-Atresag Source ‘Beate tSaien Pe we Stow Continuous Ridge Ventitation 10" Source of Reteos -Raat tionat “| Division 2 Manaatory Sat one wet » tire 2 Agequetety Ventitates Process Area Bullaings With Mixed or Heavier—Than-Air Gos Source Noms: [13 "Typical enclosed locations converted to nonciasifed by raising the floor level above the 2ft Division 2 ares {See par. 5.3 for limiations) (2) Typical enclosed soace not containing a release source. (3) Typiea! enclosed spece not containing 2 elem source and which is at least SOK from a release source. Such sees may be clasiied nonarardovr fal openings inthe enclowue are located outide the leafed ares +14) mere the reease source which determines clasifiation does not have the capability of producing a large ‘Quantity of flammable liguid, gas, Or weber. the “Additional” 80° x2" igh classified Zone may De waved infect co approval of the Owner's Engines, event: BEB owsion 1 77} Pivsion 2 [] Nonclitied EXXON RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, NJ. BPI16-1-1 » AREA CLASSIFICATION. AND “TPEXON Page 6 of 6 RELATED ELECTRICAL DESIGN FOR FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS, GASES OR VAPORS o. td 10 Bh 58°" os 1 eee), Weve, Return Roger @ 25+ » Figure 4 Mechanical Induced Dratt Type Cooling Tower Hondting Process Cooling Hater (toate tension oF POT RP SODA) (1) 50’ dimension t0 be measured from outsicie edge of cooling tower basin. Leone: ERE owiion Dion 2 Nonelitig ® ‘Water Distribution Basing (Crosstiow towers only) © Pump Pit Acceptable Metric Equivalents es 10 2 50 mis 3 75 18 EXXOM RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY — FLORHAM PARK, 1.

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