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Public Disclosure Authorized South Asia Agriculture and Rural Growth Discussion Note Series

March 2020
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Public Disclosure Authorized

Institution Building & Capacity Building in NRLM

The main design principle behind Self Help
Groups (SHGs)- organizations of rural
NRLP-NRLM, The World Bank & amp; GoI partnership
poor women at the village level – was to
The NRLP had a two-fold objective.
empower women by mobilizing them into
small groups, facilitating interactions and 1. To support the launch and expansion of the
financial literacy, and federating them into Government of India’s Deendayal Antyodaya
higher-order organization to unleash the Yojana National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-
NRLM) and a strategic shift within the Ministry
potential of “self help”. The overarching idea
of Rural Development (MoRD) from a focus on
was to enhance the livelihood and wellbeing allocation, disbursement, and monitoring of
of the members and their households so central government financial resources, to the
that they may effectively tackle the multi- provision of skilled technical assistance to states
dimensional issues related to poverty as implementing the DAY-NRLM.
well as engage with a large network of 2. The NRLP aimed to provide additional pro-
stakeholders, including the government and poor investments in 13 states with the highest
markets, at a household and community poverty rates and highest number of absolute
level. poor in India. At the time of preparation,
these 13 states1 accounted for almost 85% of
the poor in India. The NRLP aimed to reach
The movement was initiated in the late approximately 4.8 million rural women across
1980s by the Mysore Resettlement and 100 districts of the 13 states.
Development Agency (MYRADA) in
Karnataka and by Professional Assistance agenda of SHGs as a mainstay strategy was adopted as the cornerstone of
for Development Action (PRADAN) in in rural development. Therefore, when the the scheme. By end of 1998-99, after
Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan. The early Integrated Rural Development Program extensive experimentation, spearheaded
1990s witnessed vigorous efforts by rural (IRDP) and other sister programmes by professional non-profit organizations
development professionals as well as the were converged and re-hauled as the across the country, various good practices
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana across the domain of capacity building,
Development (NABARD) to mainstream the (SGSY) in 1999 and the SHG design institution building, financial inclusion,

Scale Achieved by NRLM, March 2020


283141 3039368


278619 2987293
GUJARAT 175488 2033424
15498 733 BIHAR
692844 7060869 12367 434
906356 10852651
21302 656

287428 3229622
26575 814
MAHARASHTRA 244019 2950129
452250 4717840 KARNATAKA 17460 720
174074 1879737
19025 795 165739 2137091
9762 424
21286 4222 KEY

6138026 67882922 SHGs Households
260538 3135173 332712 3579711 mobilized
356316 31781 VOs CLFs
16872 12150 29741 3800

1. These were Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Karnataka and
Tamil Nadu
livelihoods and core systems had also Strengthened by the positive experience of concepts for the larger NRLM. The
became apparent. from AP, Bihar and Odisha, coupled with World Bank designed the National Rural
an enhanced understanding from the Livelihoods Project (NRLP) in the year
In 2000, the World Bank supported the Dr. Radhakrishnan Committee report, 2011 with a vision to mainstream SHGs
Andhra Pradesh District Poverty Initiative the Ministry of Rural Development as the primary intervention strategy for
Project (APDPIP or VELEGU) project, which restructured SGSY as the National Rural rural development. The major pillars for
leveraged their existing work on SHGs, Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) in 2010 SHG functions were defined as institution
integrated new lessons and scaled-up the with a vision to mainstream SHGs as the building, financial inclusion, livelihood
SHG program across the state. The success primary intervention strategy for rural strengthening, women’s empowerment,
of the APDPIP project led to the SHG centric development. The Mission was later re- vulnerability reduction with partnerships
design of the JEEViKA project in Bihar and named the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana and convergence as a cross-cutting
the TRIPTI project in Odisha. In 2009-10, a – National Rural Livelihoods Mission theme. As an effort towards sustainability,
report by the Dr. Radhakrishnan Committee (DAY-NRLM) Subsequently, in order to lessons from AP, Bihar and Odisha were
set up by MoRD to look into the shortcomings leverage the World Bank experience of integrated, and a three-tier community
of SGSY and suggested modifications, supporting livelihoods projects in states organizational architecture of Self-Help
was made public by the government. like AP, Bihar, Odisha and Tamil Nadu, the Group-Village Organisation-Cluster
The committee had critically analysed the GoI approved a World Bank supported Level Federation (SHG-VO-CLF) was
scheme, highlighted major impediments National Rural Livelihoods Project (NRLP) designed to provide ongoing support to
to the low performance of SHGs and to be implemented in 13 major States in women members and to sustain their
recommended measures to address them. the country and aimed at creating proof organizations.

Intervention: Strategies for Institution Building and Capacity Building

Intensive and Extensive Implementation socially and economically marginalized and incomplete BPL list, the Cabinet has
households to ensure that no one was left approved in 2013 that target groups under
DAY-NRLM adopted a combination of behind. Each state adopted differentiated NRLM will be determined by a well defined,
intensive and extensive strategies for the strategies suited to the local context for transparent and equitable process of
implementation of program interventions. identification of households. Some states, PIP, at community level. The PIP process
In intensive blocks (NRLP), the focus was such as Bihar, used a geographical has a set of exclusion criteria, automatic
on supporting member households using approach where they identified regions inclusion criteria and a set of deprivation
an entire set of interventions with a greater with a higher concentration of individuals indicators for enabling poverty ranking in a
intensity of hand holding and financial support, and households with economic and social participatory manner. This delinks NRLM
including community investment funds to build deprivations; while other states such as target group from the BPL list or Socio-
strong community institutions that would serve Odisha and Madhya Pradesh (MP) used the Economic Caste Census (SECC) data for
as demonstration and immersion blocks. In novel method of wellbeing ranking. Other identification.
the extensive blocks, the strategy was limited states used the process of Households
to providing handholding support to existing identified through the PIP process is called Many states went further in their efforts
SHGs, building their capacity and linking them the NRLM Target Group, DELINKED from to induct women with disabilities, tribal
with mainstream formal financial institutions. the BPL. groups, single women, etc. Some states
Block phasing was introduced, so that in due designed strategies to work with the
course all blocks in the state received the Under the original framework of NRLM, transgender community and the elderly.
same level of support as the intensive blocks only rural households included in the The State Rural Livelihoods Missions
and achieved the same level quality. official BPL list could be targeted. This (SRLMs) took special care to include
list was prepared in 2002, has not been women from vulnerable communities(such
Focused efforts to ensure inclusion of updated and has many defects. Since the as SC, ST, OBC) in leadership positions.
the poor and vulneranble entire NRLM depends on the formation States such as Odisha mandated that the
of affinity based groups of poor women first claimant on the RF be members from
With the core focus of the NRLM being with common bonding and synergistic economically marginalized or vulnerable
inclusivity, concerted efforts were made to functioning, which cannot be created by households. In fact while disbursing
mobilize the most vulnerable women from simply drawing room an externally prepared the CIF, VOs prioritized SHGs with a
larger share of members from SC, ST individual members, developing ownership management, leading to a greater financial
and economically poorer communities. among community members towards their discipline as well as a higher probability of
This strategy put inclusivity at the heart socio—political and economic development financial viability and sustainabiliy of these
of the project, and the most vulnerable and well being. Through this process, the organizations.
households at the core of the development NRLM harnessed the largest community to
process. community action in the world, in terms of A system of regular grading of SHGs and
scale. VOs was put into place and financial support
Community to community action to - the SHG Revolving Fund (RF) and VO
leverage local social capital and scale up Investing in building the capacity of the Community Investment Fund (CF) - was
community and their institutions based on this grading. Since financial
Traditionally, within the development sector, inclusion was a central pillar of NRLM, good
the transformational role of mobilizing the As part of dedicated, sensitive support quality SHGs with a track record of regular
community was entrusted to professionals. to enable community organizations to repayment were linked with banks and other
However, the state of Andhra Pradesh build their capacities, SRLMs placed financial institutions for a higher dosage of
pioneered the strategic development of a professionals at the sub-block level (area credit. Some states developed a system of
pool of community cadres who have been and community coordinators) to facilitate Community Managed Recovery Mechanisms
able to transform their own lives and the lives the strengthening of SHGS and VOs to reduce SHG level default, if any.
of others. These community members were through community level interactions,
chosen and trained to communicate their capacity building events, trainings and Federating SHGs at different levels to
success stories and to inspire and mobilize other hand-holding support. These efforts build synergies and sustainability
others. Within DAY-NRLM, this strategy were supplemented by internal and
of community to community learning and external CRPs. Each state developed Experiences from earlier projects indicated
action was scaled-up. Women who had their own set of Information, Education that in order to sustain SHGs and to address
experienced change in their lives through the and Communication (IEC) material, while the larger issues of poverty and development,
SHG movement were identified and trained the national unit provided guidance and there is a need to promote federations
as Community Resource Persons (CRPs), technical inputs on a regular basis. of SHGs at various levels. A three-tier
who then acted as agents of change. While structure of community organizations was
certain states such as AP, Bihar, MP and TN Capitalizing SHGs/Vos with Revolving therefore designed to ensure the long
took on the responsibility of supporting other Funds/Community Investment funds to term sustainability of the initiative. Each
states by sending across CRPs, other states, trigger internal loaning and demonstrate entity – SHG, VO and CLF –has a distinct
such as Odisha, leveraged their cadres from potential for bank linkage purpose and functions, a clear set of roles
existing state-supported World Bank projects and responsibilities, and works collectively to
like “TRIPTI” 2 to scale-up the DAY-NRLM An important strategy to strengthen achieve broader development goals.
initiative. These strategies ensured increased community institutions has been to
participation, faster internalization and capitalize SHGs and VOs with RFs and States were given the flexibility
ownership of actions. CIFs. Besides shoring up the financial to aggregate SHGs as per the
strength of SHGs, this approach has also local context. While SHGs at
States that received external CRP support attracted inclusive finance from other the hamlet level, VO at the
in turn developed a pool of Resource sources, leading to productive asset village level and CLF at the sub
Blocks and over a period of 3 years creation – a first step towards shared block level is the most common
these leaders were ready to extend their prosperity. The strategy has worked to meet architecture, Tamil Nadu and
services to other regions within the state. the credit demands of SHG members to Odisha have their own format
This strategy hastened the pace of the a large extent while also capping interest with the aggregation unit
project and reposed the transformational rates at 18% to make livelihood credit at a gram panchayat level
responsibilities of cross learning and cross more affordable. Since a large corpus (Panchayat Level Federation in
support to community members, with limited of funds is now being managed by the TN and Gram Panchayat Level
support from professional staff. This was a community organization, CLFs and the Federation in Odisha) engaged
first step towards enhancing the agency of VOs are trained in financial and portfolio in financial transactions.

Institution Purpose Functions and activities
Self Help • To form a collective of poor and marginalized • Conduct regular meetings, facilitate interactions and promote the habit
Group women. of regular savings.
• Promote self help and cooperation among women • Maintain books of accounts and support internal loaning among
• Provide access to savings and loans at the door step members.
• Get the members out of trap of money lender high • Provide loans to members to meet various credit needs.
cost debt • Avail loans from Banks and CIF from VO and ensure timely repayment.
Village • Create a platform for all SHGs in a village to • Review the community staff and ensure book keeping of SHGs and VO
Organisation support each other and have voice. transactions.
• Promote mutual learning and leadership across SHGs. • Review, monitor and grade the quality of groups.
• Share the community staff services for SHG book • Resolve conflicts and strengthen SHGs.
keeping and quality. • Manage Community Investment Fund-CIF and recover loans.
• Monitor and strengthen the SHGs within the village. • Coordinate with Village Panchayat for convergence.
Cluster level • Build and promote space for community leadership • Training of community leaders and review staff at VOs /CLF
Federations development • Manage CIF and other funds leveraged to build financial sustainability
• Build an organization which will strengthen and • Develop systems to monitor the quality of groups and VOs, by
sustain SHGs and VOs beyond project period providing MIS and auditing, computerization
• Facilitate collective action to sustain linkages with • Develop new loan and insurance products and services
Banks, Government and other agencies. • Facilitate livelihood promotion activities
• Manage convergence for skills, entitlements and civic needs
• Support social activities such as education, health and sanitation

Implementation Strategies for successful scale up

Universalization of the approach

Before DAY-NRLM was initiated, the SHG movement was region specific and driven by
NGOs or state governments. SHGs were mainly concentrated in the southern states of AP,
Karnataka, TN, and Kerala, mostly in the form of neighbourhood groups. The Mission Shakti
scheme in Odisha, the strong SGSY implementation in West Bengal and the MAVIM work in
Maharashtra led to the considerable expansion of SHGs in these states. Large tracts of North
and North East India were virgin territories until 2014-15, when SHG formation became a
universal and integral strategy for rural development. Even in remote states with insignificant
outreach, such as the North Eastern states, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir, the
SHG movement has laid deep roots. The following table shows SHG growth in NRLP states.

2012-13 18,118 Progress of SHG

2018-19 1,05,055 movement under
NRLP (Phase 1),
665 June 2018

-GARH 38,476



PRADESH 47,961

5,881 1,42,935

7,304 GROWTH %
Sensitive support structure and Standardised protocols games and case studies. Each SRLM
dedicated implementation architecture developed their own set of IEC material
(up to the block level) The DAY-NRLM national team, in as per the local context and in the local
consultation with the state units developed language, which helped members to
Lessons from SGSY and other government a standardized protocol to ensure engage with and internalize concepts of
programs indicated that building institutions uniformity and quality of implementation community action and organization. Such
of community requires dedicated for all elements of capacity building, standardization helped DAY-NRLM scale up
professional support and handholding. institution development, and mobilization without compromising on quality.
In the absence of dedicated support, the of community members (i.e. training of
quality and sustainability of SHGs suffered. SHG members, federating SHGs into VOs, Saturation approach
To bridge this gap, World Bank projects like VO capacity building, federating VOs into
DPIP in AP, Rajasthan and MP; JEEViKA CLFs, CLF members capacity building, The strategy of SHG formation followed an
in Bihar and TRIPTI in Odisha hired etc.).Both community trainers and project “intensive” geographic saturation approach
professional staff at the block and sub-block staff underwent rigorous training about so that 5-15 SHGs (depending on village
level. This ensured quality handholding of these protocols. State missions were size) were formed in each village. The
the SHGs and brought in implementation allowed a measure of flexibility to innovate target was to mobilize and co-opt 1200
effectiveness, which in turn performed as per the local context, while keeping the SHGs in a block. This resulted in enhanced
significantly better than other non-supported core non-negotiable elements intact. The operational efficiency and reduced
SHGs. For the first time in the history of a external and internal CRP teams followed transaction costs (besides those associated
government scheme in rural development, the protocol diligently, thereby leading to with the sustainability of VO).
a dedicated implementation architecture fast paced growth and uniformity in the
was designed spanning from the block quality of community organizations. The Pre-existing SHGs formed by
level up-to the national level. A cadre of standardized protocol has been supported NGOs and other government
professionals from the grassroots upwards, by training toolkits and IEC material (flex, departments were also brought
working on the IB-CB agenda at all levels, flip charts, short videos) and participatory on board.
strengthened the entire endeavour. training pedagogy, including role-plays,
Broad-based SHG agenda – Panchsutra to
At first, the core functions of SHGs was
limited to financial intermediation in the loaning Timely
form of Panchsutra (defined as regular
meeting, regular savings, credit, timely
repayment and book keeping). The
Maharashtra SRLM expanded this idea Regular
to the concept of Dasasutra – leading to savings
the addition of five other areas of focus
viz. education, health including nutrition
and WASH, PRI convergence, access to
entitlements and livelihoods. This holistic Up-to-date
Regular books of
approach embedded a larger agenda
within the SHG discourse and quickly
meetings accounts
gained currency and is being adopted
nationwide. In response to this broad-
based agenda, NRLM conceptualized the
community cadre, who are employed of convergence has scaled up many fold.
Vulnerability Reduction Fund at a VO level
and paid by the community organizations Convergence initiatives were envisaged
to strengethen the support function of an
promoted by the mission to provide ongoing to build on existing programs and facilitate
SHG/ VO. Several state missions designed
managerial support. They are accountable access to departmental schemes. State
their strategy around food security, nutrition
to the community organizations and their governments have been eager to leverage
security, health risk and other idiosyncratic
performance is reviewed by the community this network to scale up and monitor
& covariant risks to utilise the VRF.
leaders at each level. Cadres such as the implementation quality of various
SHG and VO book keepers, master book- government schemes. A few examples are
Quality monitoring systems
keepers, community auditors, master book the MGNREGS implementation through
keepers and community facilitators at CLF CLF in Rajasthan, the Swachh Bharat
The MoRD and the various state missions level have been equipped to support the Abhiyan in almost all states where the
have developed a MIS to capture SHG, VO, CLF and Producer Group, etc,. In SHGs and VOs have pushed the sanitation
organization level financial transactions most cases these community organizations agenda, the Aam Admi Bima Yojana
(at the SHG, VO and CLF level), while are able to bear the costs directly. The implemented through these networks, the
frequent periodic grading can ascertain the seeds of transformation have been sown to nutrition and health agenda being pushed
quality of community organizations. State empower local communities to take charge in several states etc. Strong community
missions are equipped to easily adjudge of their own organizations and sustain their organizations have helped increase
overall institutional and financial health of operations in the long term. awareness of and access to government
any community organization. This creates schemes.
both a mechanism for transparency and Leveraging
accountability, and enables SRLMs to take the community
actionable decisions on providing RFs institutional platform
and CIFs, deciding on the type of capacity for convergence
building inputs, as well as community based
recovery initiatives, etc. Due to the enormous
scale of mobilization
Pool of community cadres to take and the positive
forward the initiative in anchor states financial health
of the community
The DAY-NRLM strategy has trained organizations, the level
and capacitated members to work as
Key Lessons and the Way Forward
The IB-CB experience under NRLM
has proven that a series of well-thought
intervention if delivered through
dedicated implementation architecture
and through building capacity of the
community to sustain the interventions,
can yield transformative results at the
grassroots. Experience suggests that
triggering of women’s agency at the
community level through provision of
strategic inputs coupled with a conducive
micro-environment not only enhances a strengthening higher level federations to of ownership from the implementing
woman’s well-being within her household ensure sustainability of the institutions government and a strong conviction for the
but also has the potential to transform the beyond DAY-NRLM. Important lessons prescribed model and delivery architecture.
community at large. from the DAY-NRLM on IB/CB such as The long-term sustainability of such
the use of robust protocols for mobilizing participatory rural livelihoods programs
In this next phase, the National Rural community organizations, would do well is strongly correlated with the transfer
Economic Transformation Project (NRETP) to be adopted into NRETP. This will of ownership to the rural community.
will primarily focus on value chain livelihood standardize the process across regions and Successful pilots and demonstrations have
interventions with collectives and sustain ensure uniformity in the quality of PG-POs, shown the need to engage the community
the cluster level federations promoted in the building model CLFs and other livelihoods in the implementation process to ensure
last phase as independent organizations. collectives. that interventions are both adequate and
Here the general principles of grooming relevant.
a community organizations will still be For replication or scale up of initiatives
applicable and the project will focus on like the NRLM, there needs to be a sense

About the discussion note series

This note is part of the South Asia Agriculture and Rural Growth Discussion Note Series, that seeks to disseminate operational
learnings and implementation experiences from World Bank financed rural, agriculture and food systems programs in South Asia.

Author(s): Shouvik Mitra, Narender Kande, P. Usha Rani

Series editors: Alreena Renita Pinto, Deepti Kakkar

Publication design & illustrations: Satwik Gade

We are grateful for the generous support from the Ministry of Rural Development, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,
The Department for International Development, and various State Rural Development departments.

Disclaimer: The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this note are entirely those of the author(s) and should not
be attributed in any manner to the World Bank, to its affiliated organizations or to members of its Board of Executive Directors or the
countries they represent.

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