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First Name Surname

Contact Details

The profile provides a brief overview of who you are, the type of role you’re seeking, and a
short outline of your relevant experience and skills. It offers you the chance to showcase your
key attributes and what you can contribute to an organisation and is the first thing employers
will see. The profile should be relatively short at around 100 words. This may not seem a lot,
but a handful of thoughtful, well-crafted sentences that are engaging and snappy will have a
lot more impact than excess information that is irrelevant to the role.

Key Skills
Use bullet points to list your skills. You can include transferable skills, software skills,
languages, and any other relevant skills to the role.

Education and qualifications

You should list your education with the most recent first. Be sure to include the institution’s
name, the course name and qualification, your grades, the date you started and ended, and
any extra achievements such as awards. For example:

Name of school/college mm/yyyy - mm / yyyy

Title of qualification Grade

Employment and Work Experience

It's important to list your experience with the most recent first. Provide details of the start and
end dates, as well as the position. For example:

Student Newspaper, 09/2018 - 06/2019

● Outline of responsibilities
● Outline of responsibilities
● Outline of responsibilities
You should try to be concise when listing your responsibilities under each heading. Use bullet
points to avoid it becoming too crowded with information, and try to stick with short
statements that outline your main responsibilities, skills and achievements.

It’s very common to include this at the very end of your CV: References are available upon

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