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Weed management

1. 1. Weed Management
2. 2. Weed  A weeds is a plant growing where it is not wanted  Weed is an unwanted plant.
 A plant out of place  A plant that is extremely noxious, useless, unwanted or poisonous.
3. 3. Losses of agriculture The total annual loss of agricultural produce 1) Weeds: 45% 2)
Insects: 30% 3) Diseases: 20% 4) Other pests (Rats, wild animals) 20% 30%45% 5%
4. 4. Problems due to weeds  Nutrient losses  Water losses  Light penetration  Space
competition  Insects and diseases  Increase cost of production  Low quality crop 
Handing crop  Allelopathic effect
5. 5. Principles of weed Management  Prevention  Eradication  Control
6. 6. Prevention It is a long term planning so that the weeds could be controlled or managed
more effectively and economically than is possible where these are allowed to disperse
7. 7. Eradication: (ideal weed control rarely achieved) It infers that a given weed species, its
seed & vegetative part has been killed or completely removed from a given area & that weed
will not reappear unless reintroduced to the area.
8. 8. Control  In control methods, the weeds are seldom killed but their growth is severely
restricted, the crop makes a normal yield.  Weed control methods are grouped into cultural,
physical, chemical and biological.  Every method of weed control has its own advantages
and disadvantages.  No single method is successful under all weed situations. Many a time,
a combination of these methods gives effective and economic control than a single method.
9. 9. Components of Control
10. 10. Mechanical weed control  Tillage  Hoeing  Hand weeding  Digging  Sickling and
mowing  Burning  Flooding
11. 11. Cultural weed control  Field preparation  Summer tillage  Maintenance plant
population  Irrigation and drainage  Crop rotation  Growing of intercrops  Mulching 
Varieties  Inter cultivation
12. 12. Chemical control Chemicals that are used to kill plants or weeds are called herbicides. 
Pre emergence Example: pendi methalyne  Post emergence Example: atrazene
13. 13. Biological control Use of living organism’s viz., insects, disease organisms, herbivorous
fish, snails or even competitive plants for the control of weeds is called biological control.
Example: parthenium beetle feed on parthenium
14. 14. Classification of weeds  Based on season  Kharif weeds  Rabi weeds
15. 15. Kharif weeds
16. 16. Baru (Sorghum halepense)
17. 17. Bhakra (Tribulus terrestris)
18. 18. Deela (Cyprus rotundus)
19. 19. Chulai (Amaranthus virides)
20. 20. Hazardani (Euphobia pilulifera)
21. 21. Itsit (Trianthema portulacastrum)
22. 22. Jangli Palak (Rumex dentatus)
23. 23. Wild jute (Corchorus tridens)
24. 24. Tandla (Digera arvensis)
25. 25. Madhana (Eleusine indica)
26. 26. Sawanki grass (Echinochola calona)
27. 27. Naroo booti (Paspalum distichum)
28. 28. Ghooin (Cyperus difformus)
29. 29. Senji (Melilotus alba) indica
30. 30. Daryai booti (Cleome strica)
31. 31. Oont chara (Helitropiam supinum)
32. 32. Dhatura (Datura indica)
33. 33. Chaupati (Marsilia mimuta)
34. 34. Biskhapra (Boerhaenia diffusa)
35. 35. Laldodhak (Euphorbia prosttuta)
36. 36. Dhabb (Desmostachya bipinta)
37. 37. Mirch booti (Sphenochea zelunica)
38. 38. Ghvein (Cyprus difformis)
39. 39. Bhooin (Cyprus iria)
40. 40. Dhidan (Ecrinodoa crusgalli)
41. 41. Kandiari (Solanum xanthocarpum)
42. 42. Maku (Solnum nigrum)
43. 43. Laindra (Xanthium strumarium)
44. 44. Aak (Calotropis procera)
45. 45. Poth kanda (Achryanthus aspera)
46. 46. Rabi weeds
47. 47. Pohli (Carthanus oxyacantha)
48. 48. Wild oat (Avena fatua)
49. 49. Bathu (Chenopdium album)
50. 50. Kru (Chenopodium murale)
51. 51. Jangli chulai (Amaranthus viridus)
52. 52. Jangli palak (Rumex acitus)
53. 53. Shahtra (Fumaria indica)
54. 54. Maina (Medicago denticulata)
55. 55. Piazi (Asphodelus tenuifolius)
56. 56. Lahli (Convolvulus arvensis)
57. 57. Lah (Cnicus arvensis)
58. 58. Chatri dodhak (Euphorbia heliosopia)
59. 59. Lal dodak (Euphorbia prostara)
60. 60. Hazar dani (Euphorbia pilulifera)
61. 61. Yellow poppy (Argemone mexicana)
62. 62. Takla (Saponaina vaccaria)
63. 63. Wild mustard (Brassica arvensis)
64. 64. Revari (Vicia sativa)
65. 65. Khub kalan (Sisymbrium irio)
66. 66. Thank you

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