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A Question of Trust

Victor Canning
 Story about a thief who gets a taste of his own medicine
 Horace Danby -a thief with a difference-steals once a year
 Fond of books and spends his booty on buying books
 Plans a burglary meticulously
 Gathers all information and only the attempts to enter the house
 Gets cheated by a lady thief who falsely claims to be the owner of the house
 Horace ends up in prison -repents having trusted someone from his own profession
Character Sketches:
Horace Danby :
 Fifty-year-old, unmarried man, considered to be a good and honest citizen
 Considered a good and honest citizen
 Frequent attacks of hay fever
 Made locks and had a fairly successful business
 Used to rob a safe every year, used the money to buy books
 Passion for rare and costly books
 Robbed only the rich and never carried any weapon
 Never harmed anyone and didn’t want to go to prison
Lady in red :
 Full of confidence
 A perfect actress-presents herself as the lady of the house
 Tricks Horace into believing her story
 Made him open the safe without gloves on
 Traps him and leaves with the jewels
1. Though Horace planned everything meticulously, where did he falter?
2. How did Horace enter Shotover Grange?
3. Which of the two lacked honour? Why?
4. Describe Horace Danby
5. How did Horace Danby manage to get rare and expensive books?
1. Horace Danby was a respectable man but he could not be called loyal. What do you think
could be the reason for leading a respectable man like him on the path of robbery? Was it not
in his nature to accept the difference among people regarding their social status? Discuss the
values he should have possessed in 100-120 words.

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