Master (Unlimited) Orals Report - 2021-03 - Chris Bates - S.Clifford - Pass

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Sam Clifford

Date: 8th March 2021

Examiner – Captain Chris Bates
1Hr 10mins
Experience: bulk carriers, containers, car boats, passenger ships, dredgers
Result: Pass

I joined the chat at 14:45 and he came on at 14:55, he introduced himself, he asked about
my background and he went straight into the exam, no messing asked my DOB and didn’t
even show him around the room or anything

1. You are conducting a masters review of the SMS what are the requirements and
what you looking for? Started stating everything, but he wanted a lot more, went
down ensuring it is ISM compliant, ensuring its got the functional requirements of
the SMS he wanted more

2. What is critical equipment? Stated starting its equipment that is critical for the
vessel, ensure spares are onboard, inspected, I then revealed of some equipment.
He kept asking what it is I couldn’t come up with an answer

3. Bosun up top of mast no harness? Stopped work, checked risk assessment and PTW,
called to my cabin went through if it was in the risk assessment and PTW or if it
wasn’t. also called in the officer authorising the work went on for a bit.

4. SMS doesn’t state in use of a harnesses? I stated issue a N/C in SMS informed DPA, I
forgot to get safety officer involved

5. What has he broken then? Stated saying about the UK law merchant shipping act
and the SI (working at height regs)

6. He asked where would I record it? I said OLB, N/C in SMS, near hit procedure as per
my companies policy

7. Safety representative, no ones to be it all refused? I stated that the UK law states
you don’t require one under the merchant shipping act, however the company
should ensure you have one. Went through saying should have 2 years sea
experience, minimum age 18 etc.

8. There all refusing though what you going to do? Went on a while with this. I got to
the point and said I would just pick someone he didn’t like that. After a while he said
he wanted to say I should of listened to the crew for their reasons, which im pretty
sure I said but yeah, I agreed.
9. Interim certs? Went through DOC and SMC how they apply to the vessel and how to
get one.

10. What statutory documents as master you are concerned of? OLB, MAPROL record
books, I started stating the fuel samples and bunker notes he seemed to like. Then
he cut me off.

11. What’s the difference between an analysis and synopsis chart? Not a clue, I started
talking about 500hpa and geostrophic wind nope he didn’t want that.

12. How’s a front formed?

13. What weather phenomena do you expect near Greenland? Talked about Fog and Ice

14. Asked me where do you get information on Ice? NAIS, MSI, NAvtex

15. Radar screen displayed had to identify what was wrong? There was a lot head up
being unstabilised, long pulse in coastal waters, use of AIS for acquiring targets.

16. He then asked if I could see the two targets both has the same speed as me what
about this be? Went down the route of not acquired properly, pulse amplitude not
acquiring properly

17. Passage planning from Southampton to America a port of my choice (I didn’t get to
say) considerations as master? Went through ensure passage plan is checked sign,
meeting with chief engineer his concerns (fuel, water, spares chemicals etc), chief
officer requirements, went into ballasting of vessel considerations such as bending
moments shear forces.

18. Difference passage types? Started going on about great circle, rhumb, he stopped
me and said no what types of passage? He was looking for fair weather,
maintenance routeing and a load more, I agreed and said I will look into it.


He wanted what it was –

PDV – head on, probably over 50m, it could also be a towing vessel under 50m, seen Head
on. ( I started to say the fog signal, but he shut me up and said I don’t care about that)
Fishing vessel TSS – he asked me to write it down. So you’re in a TSS, head on, its stopped,
OOW wants advice.

So I said it’s a fishing vessel, underway, not making way or at anchor, with outlying gear
Then I said it could be a fishing vessel seen from astern under making way. (he didn’t like it)

Asked for my actions stated rule 10, sound 5 short (he disagreed I shouldn’t give 5 short
blasts) had to explain myself as im reminding him of his obligations (again he didn’t like it)
and I stated taking action under rule 18

I stated I would keep clear I still have an obligation to comply as per rule 8 he said this is for
the fishing boat ( got confused wasn’t sure what he wanted and latterly started again.
Anyway he wanted something about its rule 18 that I should just keep clear regardless. He
mentioned about the first line of rule 18, which he took a different interpretation with it I
still was confused. I thought I failed anyway so I just kept calm and agreed.

Sailing vessel - dead ahead, underway probably making way, length unknown, he asked
again can you tell its length I said no.

Warship on stbd side he called you up and asked you to stand on what will you do? I said I
wouldn’t I would comply and alter my course to starboard and keep clear of this vessel. We
had a very long well I thought grilling about it. , I stated VHF shouldn’t be used MGN 324, He
was asking do warships comply to the colregs? What happens if there is a war exercise on
your starboard side, so I went to port and avoid crossing ahead of him, he said there an
other exercise on the other side I said I will slow down then and let him pass ahead, he then
said there’s a submarine that is behind you that’s exercising with the warship. Literally had
no idea by this point. He said I should of just done what he asked and kept going.

We had a long discussion about that and by this point I just wanted the exam to end I knew I

No buoys
No radar pilot

The exam ended and we again had a discussion about the warship and the fishing boat, He
said I’m not failing you. Then went back to the slides he was saying to me how it cant be
making way if I told you it has stopped, but I thought it was a trick question which Is why I
stated both vessels, anyway I agreed and he said I had passed.

He was a fair examiner and kept pushing me in the questions which he wanted more info
on. He also told me to take my time a few times, which was good. He explained he may have
some back ground noise as he has a young child then he daughter came on half way through
which made me laugh.

There were a lot more questions, but that was what I remember. I felt that I just didn’t have
enough information for what he wanted, but gave my best shot at it all. He is looking for
more practical experiences than the behind legislation side in what I felt.

Cheers to Captain Dan hall , Warsash, and Whitehorse been a great help

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