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ar MANIPAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MANIPAL (ematoet mit of MABE, Monit DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL AND INDUSTRIAL. ENGINEERING EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BASALT FIBER & INDIAN GOOSEBERRY SEED PARTICULATE REINFORCED EPOXY COMPOSITES Weekly Report Submitted by NAME. ___REG.NO ‘Sheldon Femandes Mri Mohammed Safwan 190909564 _ Under the guidance of. Dr. Suhas Yeshwant Nayak Mechanical and Industrial Engineering | 190909576 _| Menon ___ 190900598 _| Week No. 1 -= ——— melee Details of work carried out Comments [Discussing the 6101/2023) Discussing the project with the guide material | requirements ~ Gavean Wr12023 Literature Review Insight into 2 how a project is earred out Finding the 18/01/2023}Deciding on the filler material after extensive research by 3 ‘expecting it to be hard enough to act asthe filer | | | Deeided on 19/1202 Finalizing the filler materia ama seed 4 coating asa _ ‘iller. 'Writing abou 0/01 202 Preparing the synopsis he project in 5 given | format Sent the 01202 Submission of the synopsis synopsis to 6 the guide for Summary of the work done in the week: We did multiple literature reviews. This was done for us to got ideas reparding how a project sto be carried out and on choosing the sppropriat filler for our project. After which we prepared and submited the synopsis. Tallenges faced during the works The main challenge was understanding how various esearch is carried out and finding an appropriate fille for our project, which is hard to aet asthe fille. We had (o even ensure that the umla seeds have mot been used as the filer in any research papers. ferences vars Suggestions by the guide: Nome fy eebeblored ge ignatare of Student ‘Signature ofthe guide a Ak Week No. 2 alee Details of work carried out Comments Theamount 0172023, Estimating he dimensions of Basalt fiber required | of ber 1 regued was _ inated. | Purchased 01/2023 Acquiring the ama sed and placing the order forthe amin 2 ‘Barat fiber xirating 01/2023 Boling the amt s0 that it becomes easy for ws to | the seeds. 3 ‘manually separate the seds from the outermost layer la Diving at 510172023 Drying the ala seeds ina hot air oven to make | 100°C for 8 4 Te them dry by geting rid ofthe moisture | hours. 6172028 eng 3028 Preparing the presentation about the 5 | project amamary ofthe work done Inthe weak Paced the order forthe basalt ber afer timation, extracted the alas sees, and dried them in hot air oven. | allenges faced during the work: The moving the maximuan amount of moisture, References: marks inggestions by the guide: @ ch herehcfii Suva, or Bore Big gle ‘Signature ofStadeat “Fenaare ofthe god iS Week No. 3 i T T ne | owe | Details of work carried out Comments cl Drying at 1/2 Final drying ofthe amla seeds 100°C fore * hours. — — stimating the amount of epony, additives, and” | Calelaing Boo12023 hardener required fr the projet approximate 2. ‘woantity —_|— oe | require. Grinding fr }V012023 Grinding the aia seeds ina Dall grinder 20 minutes 3 pe fort passes sma0ns| sieving t gl 7272023, _Sieving the powdered amla seed in a 180-mievon) a Hiner 4 pe Sieveand 4Smicron sieve. | powder sonr023, and hardener was estimated. Grinding and sieving ofthe amla seed powder jvere done. References: pea re er ara Sogyhd bow 4 = a — =a\en Details of work carried out ‘Comments | The 1102/2023, Cutting the Basalt fiber sheet into the required | dimension of 1 dimensions ‘our panel is Grinding for y70272023, Grinding the ama seeds in the ball grinder | 20 minutes 2 for $ passes. [Sieving to wel 19/02/2623 Sieving the powdered amla seeds in 180. ive = | ‘and 45-mieron sieve. yo2r202 4, loon ‘Basal fiber treatment : - Drying at Hanne: Drying the Basalt fer ina hot air oven 10°C for + hours. jamaary of the work done i the week: Basal sheet was cut into the required mensions, Grinding and sieving of the ama seed were done. Basalt fiber was then lreated and dried in hot air oven. llenges faced during the work: While cutting and washing the Basalt sheet, extreme sre had tobe take (ensure the ber did't come out, Remarks We ew Frege Sony ste iG Ferri Sa Week No, 5 ot eee Details of work carried out ‘omments - Fabricating j:x02/2028 Fabricating pancls [panel with no 1 cal filler, 2%, hsroz/2023 HH 8O% - Siler. Sent addiive Irn2r20 FTIR carried out to carry out Z FTIR, ler and the FTIR analysis was earried out on the additive, smmary ofthe work done in the week: The panels were fabricated with 2%, 4% & 6% dens during the fabrication, allenges faced during the works Applying the resin on the Barat sheet before it ferences: Remarks Baguetio by the aides 7 Fiomchn proce Soc yo ‘Signature of Student Signature ofthe guide Week No. 6 a ~ es Details of work carried out Comments . Plotted the 0702202 ‘Received FTIR results graph of 1 | Wavelength vs [Transmittance ‘atting out the von: Abrasive waterjet cutting {specimen from the panl. 3/02/2023 ~ oo Prepared the 3. to Working onthe publication abstract. 2 5/02/202 Summary of the work done in the week: Plotted the Wavelength vis Transmittance gr: [Waterjet cutting was done to cut the sheet info the required dimensions for mechanical esting. allenges faced during the work: The main challenge was to sep: arefully from the panel after waterjet cutting. The specimens j= ——————— Remarks: soa by thea FuR rea dy be Compe me fellas OH pe Signature of Stadeat Signature ofthe guide, ors Mrinatini Menon od Safwan hs Week No. 7 sh No | Date Details of work carried out Comments 2902/202 ‘Mechanical Testing Flexural and Tmmpact test were carried ‘out. 8/02/2023 Analyzing the results Flexural and Impact results were examined. 20% we hoarosvan23, 3 ‘Working on the publication Started [preparing the| introduction. Tamar of the wor done te week: MechanialFetng (Feu Tj) was ered ou, Started preparing te inredustion, Tallenges faced during the works Had to wait for our spot fo carry out the testing, References: iuggestions by the guide: Suggend Chore mm eft bn ignatar of Stadent (Mrinal Menon red Safwan {sheidon Fernandes Senature of the guide Week No. 8 SL a J ie ieee Details of work carried out Comments Catting the ‘ooios/2023 Abrasive waterjet cutting samples for z uss. "Fenslle and | ‘orvos2023 Mechanical Testing ILS testing = carried aut a TESS results 0372023 Analyzing the results ‘were 3 examined, 708/202 Preparing te Working on the publication the 4 rvaxan2s, Introduction, 180 Standards. fas carried out, We had to do the abrs iammary ofthe work done inthe weeks Mechanical Testing (LSS & Tensile rtrengti) ‘water jet eutting onthe ILSS samples as per ference lenges faced during the work: Had (o walt Tor our spot to carry out the testing. Remar: fBesevton bytes Bebra te deft forte Ge Signature of Student Signatare ofthe guide [ide ‘Sheldon Fernandes 9 no | Date Details of work carried out Comments — TEM carried 703/202: SEM ‘outon 7 to fexural 1smn3/2023 _ 2, fms Working on the pul to termine the mode of failure in the composite material, Worked on the introduction for the publietion. |Gallenges faced during the works Had to wait for our spot to earry out the SEM method, References: FRemaris: Suggestions by the guide: Fromennt oie Monaseepi brie} igmatre pf Student Sigg of eae as fe fod San |snidoernandes ‘Week No. Details of work carried out Comments “Analyzing the results Tensile results were jummary of the work done inthe week: Graph was plotted to analyze the composites sed on the Tensile results, Worked on the introduction forthe publication. ting. Tallenges faced during the works Had to wait for our spot to carry out the Tensile Remarks: Suggestions by the guide: Liwoue to be Mfemad chr orebyay qe [Bignature of Stadent Sey — win rae a ‘Week No. it St no. | ° Date Details of work carried out Comments Preparing 03/202: Mid-Term Report Mid-Term 1 in Report. 905/202 | Literature $/os/202 Literature Review review for 2 | te introduction, 42023, ‘ammary of the work done in the week: Started working on the mild-lerm report and Literature review. halienges faced during the work: Working on the literature review by referring to several papers was challenging References: Remark: Suggestionstytheguides ~—=~=SC~*~*~“‘~*“<*<*~*<=

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