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Friday, May 05, 2017


Total Time to Solve Problems: 4 hours

Problem 1:

Language: Spanish and Hebrew

Submitted By: Balaram Prasain

1. A. Examine the following Spanish data, given in phonetic transcription. Then identify all
the morphemes (meaningful elements), and state the meaning or function of each. (Note: In
these examples, tʃ represents a sound similar to the ch in chance.)

1. amigo ‘male friend’ 5. amigos ‘male friends’

2. amiga ‘female friend’ 6. amigas ‘female friends’
3. mutʃatʃo ‘boy’ 7. mutʃatʃos ‘boys’
4. mutʃatʃa ‘girl’ 8. mutʃatʃas ‘girls’

1. B. Examine the following Modern Hebrew data and identify all the meaning elements.
(Note: In these examples, the x does not represent a ks sound as it does in English but
rather a sound similar to the ch in the German pronunciation of the name Bach. The symbol
ɔ represents a sound similar to the o in or.)

1. xavɛr ‘male friend’ 5. xavɛrim ‘male friends’

2. xavɛra ‘female friend’ 6. xavɛrɔt ‘female friends’
3. talmid ‘male student’ 7. talmidim ‘male students’
4. talmida ‘female student’ 8. talmidɔt ‘female students’

Problem 2
Language: Cornish
Submitted By: Samuel, Ahmed
2. Cornish (or Kernewek) is a Celtic language spoken by around 300 speakers in the Cornwall
region of England. Here are some words and phrases in Cornish and English.
Kernewek English
maw boy
tas father
gwreg wife
kador chair
modrep aunt
y bysk his fish
dew bysk two fish
an gador the chair
dew gulyek two cockrels
ow moes my table
dha vaw your boy
aga gwreg their wife
an pysk the fish
dew das two fathers
teyr fluvenn three pens
an wreg the wife
aga fluvenn their pen
tri hulyek three cockrels
an maw the boy
y gador his chair
an kulyek the cockrel
diw vowes two girls
tri fysk three fish
ow thas my father
an voes the table
teyr mowes three girls
diw wreg two wives

P2.1 How would you translate the following words into Cornish?
cockrel, girl, table, fish, pen
P2.2 How would you translate these phrases into Cornish?
two boys, three fathers, the aunt, his cockrel, two pens

Problem 3:

Proposed by: Paul Helmer, Romania

Consider the following hours expressed in Hungarian:

a) 1:42 három percel mulva három negyed kettö

b) 2: 47 kettö perc mult három negyed három
c) 3: 03 három perc mult három
d) 3: 19 négy perc mult negyed négy
e) 2:26 négy percel mulva kettö negyed három
f) 3:32 kettö perc mult kettö negyed négy

Task 1. Write in Hungarian the following hours.

a) 4:04
b) 3:49
c) 2:33
d) 1:11
e) 2:28

Task 2. Explain briefly the way Hungarians express the time.

Problem 4:

Language: Russian
Submitted By: Julia Panchenko

You are given some mathematical expressions in Russian:

1. два плюс два равно четыре

2. дважды два равно четыре
3. трижды три равно девять
4. четыре плюс пять равно девять
5. четырежды пять равно двадцать
6. пятью пять равно двадцать пять
7. шестью шесть равно тридцать шесть
8. трижды четыре равно дважды шесть

1. равно is =
2. жды is *

Fill in the blanks.

9. два плюс три равно __________

10. три плюс три равно __________
11. четыре плюс два равно __________
12. шестью пять равно __________
13. дважды __________ равно трижды шесть

Problem 5
Submitted by: Zosia Kaczmarek

The fantasy land of Laimo uses its own system of writing.

You found a fragment of an ancient map with some names of cities, countries and mountain
ranges on it.
Below you can see the map and the names in Latin alphabet (in alphabetical order):









(A) Match the numbers marked on the map to those names.

1: ………………………………

2: ………………………………

3: ………………………………

4: ………………………………

5: ………………………………

6: ………………………………

7: ………………………………

8: ………………………………

9: ………………………………

(B) Write the following names using the system from Laimo.

GAIDA – ………………………………

OLADAN – ………………………………

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