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101 34. Johari’s Window 65.

Locus of Control
35. Managing Emotions 66. Assertiveness
36. Mindfulness 67. Self-Compassion
GROUP 37. Guided Meditations 68. Co-dependency
38. Biology of 69. Psychotropic
TOPICS Addiction Medications
70. Impulsivity
39. Nutrition 71. Building Confidence
1. Acceptance 40. Exercise 72. Emotional Intelligence
2. Forgiveness 41. Sleep Hygiene 73. Jealousy
3. Complacency in Recovery 42. Smoking Cessation 74. Self-Actualization
4. Resentments (How to Let
43. Managing Chronic 75. Trust
5. Open-Mindedness Illness 76. Problem-Solving Skills
6. Romantic Relationships 44. Sexual Health 77. Effective Decision-
in Recovery 45. Overview of Mental Making
7. Fear Health Disorders 78. Habit Formation
8. Belief in a Higher Power 46. Music 79. Introversion vs.
9. Humility 47. Self-Esteem Extroversion
10. Inadequacy 48. Art 80. Risk-Taking
11. Patience and Tolerance 49. Massage and 81. Resilience and Post-
12. Willingness vs. Traumatic Growth
Willpower Acupuncture 82. Time Management
13. Wellness 50. Managing Finances 83. Loneliness
14. What Am I Struggling 51. Triggers and
With? Warning Signs 84. Self-Sabotage
15. Defense Mechanisms 52. Vocational/Career 85. Perfectionism
16. Healthy Boundaries 86. Failure
17. Effective Communication Planning 87. Motivation
18. Accountability 53. Parenting 88. Social Rejection
19. Spirituality
20. Values Clarification
54. Social Skills 89. Finding Meaning in Life
21. Affirmations Group 55. Gratitude 90. Balance
22. Toxic Gossip in 56. Coping with 91. Activities of Daily
Treatment Cravings Living
23. Group Roles/Dynamics 57. My Support 92. Positive Psychology
24. Thinking Errors Network 93. Distress Tolerance
25. Effects of Alcohol and 58. Community 94. Self-Forgiveness and
Drugs Resources Healing
26. Stages of Recovery
59. Relaxation 95. Needs Versus Wants
27. Stages of Change 96. Identifying Feelings
28. Stress Management Techniques 97. Taking Ownership
29. Shame and Guilt
30. Self-Acceptance
60. Anger Management 98. Finding Your Strengths
31. Risk Factors for 61. Depression 99. Friendships in Recovery
Addiction 62. Grief and Loss 100. Coping with Grief
32. Relapse Prevention 63. Coping with Anxiety 101. How Addiction
33. SMART Goals 64. Irrational Thoughts Rewires the Brain
MindReMakeProject 2020

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