Overcoat X The Lottery Ticket

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The overcoat by Nikolai Gogol

Akaky was a poor man who enjoyed his work. Every day, all he did was work and work.Akaky
combines close attention to detail with biting social satire on the banal evils of bureaucracy. Akaky,
who is ugly and undervalued, decides he needs a new coat. After a month of searching, he finds a
tailor who produces him a lovely new coat just in time for winter. While walking home from a
party, Akky is assaulted by two gangsters who steal his new coat. The officers were uninterested
about what had occurred. Following his robbery, his coworkers direct him to someone they believe
will assist him, the Important Personage. When he speaks with this important person, he is mocked
and completely demeans him. He becomes ill and dies as a result of his grief. The ghost, or alleged
ghost, of Akaky then wanders the streets, stealing people's overcoats. Until he comes across an
important personage who is deeply sorry for how he treated Akaky. Akaky's ghost is never seen
again after taking the important person's coat.

Reflection: Respecting people regardless of their social status is essential for a harmonious
society. It demonstrates that we value others and their feelings, and that we are willing to work
together and get along for the greater good. Furthermore, it simply makes everyone's life easier.
Aside from that, the story can be an eye opener for readers, as they are confronted with the moral
quandary of the government failing to serve the people it claims to serve. This story, I believe,
should serve as a lesson to our esteemed officers about the importance of doing their jobs correctly.
The lottery ticket by Anton Chekhov
Ivan Dmitritch dislikes the lottery at the beginning of the story. "Ivan Dmitritch had no faith in
lottery luck," the story continues, "showing that he doesn't care enough to even look at the winning
numbers." The only reason he was checking was because his wife, Masha, had purchased a ticket.
However, when he saw that the numbers they chose, 9499, were on the list, he became very excited
and overwhelmed with joy. Ivan and Misha daydream about what they will do with the money.
Ivan tries to annoy his wife by revealing that the lottery numbers do not match. Now that both of
their dreams have been crushed, Ivan and Misha begin to have pessimistic thoughts. Ivan, believing
his life has no meaning, hangs himself.

Reflection: In this story, I realized that money can truly make the whole world go round while
also changing people's attitudes. Why? In this story, Ivan, a middle-class man who lives with his
wife, believes that they have won the lottery. However, they do not yet know the true winning
number, so they simply assume and believe that they have won. However, they are mistaken. At
first, both of them are thinking about what they will do with the money alone, and they are saying
something negative about each other in their minds. What they do not realize is that both of them
are aware of what they are thinking. So, in the end, they checked the correct number to see if they
were correct, but they didn't, so the moral of the story is don't let greed overcome you or a person.
We must not allow greed to ruin our lives and place a higher value on our loved ones than anything

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