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PART II: Soil and Water Conservation, Irrigation and Drainage and Allied Subjects


a) 148.15
b) 145.18
c) 115.48
d) 66.67
2. At a distance 4,000 feet from the launch site, a spectator is observing a rocket being
launched. If the rocket lifts off vertically and is rising at a speed of 600 feet per second
when it is at an altitude of 3,000 feet, how fast is the distance between the rocket and
the spectator changing at that instant?
a) 300 ft/sec
b) 350 ft/sec
c) 360 ft/sec
d) 370 ft/sec

a) 309
b) 311
c) 313
d) 315
4. Suppose you work in a lab. You need a 15% acid solution for a certain test, but your
supplier only ships a 10% solution and a 30% solution. Rather than pay the hefty
surcharge to have the supplier make a 15% solution, you decide to mix 10% solution
with 30% solution, to make your own 15% solution. You need 10 liters of the 15% acid
solution. How many liters of 10% solution and 30% solution should you use?
a) 2.5 liters of the 30% solution, 7.5 liters of the 10% solution
b) 7.5 liters of the 30% solution, 2.5 liters of the 10% solution
c) 3 liters of the 30% solution, 7 liters of the 10% solution
d) 7 liters of the 30% solution, 3 liters of the 10% solution
5. The point (3,4) lies on a circle whose center is at ( -1, 2) What is the length of the
radius of the circle?
a) 20
b) 4.47
c) 4.54
d) 5
6. A cube has a surface area of 54 cm2. What is the volume of the cube?
a) 9 cm3
b) 12 cm3
c) 18 cm3
d) 27 cm3
7. Find the equation of the line passing through (6, -3) and (2, 0).
a) 3x + 4y = 6
b) 3x - 4y = 6
c) 4x + 3y = 6
d) 4x - 3y = 6
8. When the equation x^2 +6x+ 4y^2+16y +9=0 is set to standard form, the center of
the ellipse is determined to be at
a) (3,2)
b) (-3,-2)
c) (2,3)
d) (-2, -3)

9. Find the area of the region bounded by the graphs of y=x^2+2 and y=x , for 0<x<1
a) 1.83 sq. units
b) 1.57 sq. units
c) 1.71 sq. units
d) 1.50 sq. units
10. An inverted cone is 20 cm tall, has an opening radius of 8 cm, and was initially full of
water. The water now drains from the cone at the constant rate of 15 cm3 per second.
The water’s surface level falls as a result. At what rate is the water level falling when the
water is halfway down the cone?
a) 3.35 cm/ssec
b) -3.35 cm/sec
c) 2.95 cm/sec
d) -2.95 cm/sec
11. Find the area bounded by the curves y =x^2 , y = 2 - x and y =1
a) 19/6 sq. units
b) 19/3 sq. units
c) 16/9 sq. units
d) 16/3 sq. units
12. By cutting away identical squares from each corner of a rectangular cardboard, and
folding up the resulting flaps, the cardboard may be turned into an open box. If the
cardboard is 16 inches long and 10 inches wide, determine the dimensions of the box
that will yield the maximum volume. What is the greatest volume?
a) 140 cubic inches
b) 144 cubic inches
c) 148 cubic inches
d) 150 cubic inches
13. Darwin takes twice as long as Bianca to complete a project. Together they can
complete the project in 10 hours. How long would it take Darwin to complete the project
a) 15 hours
b) 20 hours
c) 25 hours
d) 30 hours
14. Find the slope of the line that passes through the points (-1,1) and (5,3)
a) 3
b) -3
c) 1/3
d) -1/3
15. The angle of elevation to the top C of a building from two points A and B on level
ground are 50 degrees and 60 degrees respectively. The distance between points A
and B is 30 meters. Points A, B and C are in the same vertical plane. Find the height of
the building.
a) 115 meters
b) 110 meters
c) 100 meters
d) 105 meters

For nos. 16-18: An agro-industrial company opened its door to aspiring franchising
investors. The corporation required the applicants to submit a form containing their
monthly income, number of bank accounts solely owned by the applicant, highest
degree earned, email address, tax identification number, civil status and contact

16. Which of the following statement (s) is (are) TRUE?

I. Highest degree earned and email address are qualitative variables.
II. Number of bank accounts, tax identification number and monthly income are
quantitative variables.
a) I only
b) II only
c) both I and II
d) neither I nor II
17. The variables monthly income and contact number are in _____ and _____ levels,
a) ratio, ratio
b) ratio, interval
c) interval, ratio
d) ratio, nominal

18. Using the number of bank accounts solely owned by an applicant (Xi), the
expression below is equal to _______.
Applicant 1= 3
Applicant 2 = 4
Applicant 3 = 6
Applicant 4 = 2
Applicant 5 = 5

a) -0.7778
b) -0.4889
c) 0.4889
d) 0.7778

For nos. 19-21: Natural sources of tranquilizers are found to be present mostly in
crustaceans. Biolo Gy suspects that a tranquilizer derived from the Palawan octopus
decreases the heartbeat (bpm) of mice by 10bpm and thus, can be a potential source of
cheaper tranquilizer. He randomly selected 12 mice and recorded their heartbeat before
and after administering the tranquilizer. Summary statistics are as follows: (see table)

19. Which of the following must be satisfied in order to have a valid analysis for the
I. The difference of the heartbeat before and after tranquilizer administration must
follow the normal distribution.
II. The variances for the observed heartbeats before and after administration
must be equal.

a) I only
b) II only
c) both I and II
d) neither I nor II
20. The appropriate null hypothesis to answer Biolo’s problem is ______.
a) µD < 10
b) µD = 10
c) µD <10
d) µD > 10
21.The appropriate value of the test statistic for the analysis is _____.
a) 0.0570
b) 7.9646
c) 8.1060
d) 28.0801
For nos. 22-23: A nutritionist is interested in the determining the effect of amount of
carbohydrate consumed to the percent increase in insulin level in the blood after 30
minutes of consumption. She randomly selected 30 individuals and obtained their blood
insulin level (g/dL) before and after consuming varying amount of carbohydrate-rich
food of their choice. The following regression summary statistics were generated. (see
attached image)

22. The blood insulin level is expected to ______ by ______ for every gram increase in
the carbohydrate consumed.

a) increase, 0.0034
b) increase, 0. 0052
c) decrease, 0.0034
d) decrease, 0.0052
23. Suppose the computed test statistic in testing the significance of the regression
coefficient is 1.8, which of the following is a correct conclusion at α=5%?
a) The insulin level is inversely affected by the carbohydrate intake.
b) The insulin level is directly affected by the carbohydrate intake.
c) The insulin level is linearly dependent on the carbohydrate intake.
d) The insulin level is not linearly dependent on the carbohydrate intake.
For nos. 24-25: A psychometrician is interested in knowing the performance of students
based on score in an emotional quotient (EQ) exam (see graph below).

24. Based from the data, scores of female is expected to deviate from the mean 0f 94
by 1.36. Which of the following is TRUE?
a) At least 88.9% of the scores of females are within 91.28 and 96.72
b) At least 75% of the scores of females are within 91.28 and 96.72
c) At least 88.9% of the scores of females are within 92.64 and 95.36
d) At least 75% of the scores of females are within 89.92 and 98.08
25. Which of the following is TRUE?
I. Males have more dispersed EQ scores
II. Both sexes have equally dispersed EQ scores.
a) I only
b) II only
c) Both I and II
d) neither I nor II
26. The height of the levee from the water surface to the top of the levee is called:
a) Dike height
b) Freeboard
c) Side slope
d) Fetch
27. This is provided in a pipe drain to prevent seepage:
a) Core trench
b) collar
c) freeboard
d) frame
28. These two culture systems in open water are considered as enclosure culture
a) raceways and ponds
b) ponds and cages
c) pens and cages
d) frame
29. This type of aerator may be excellent in emergencies because it quickly raises the
oxygen level in a small area, but is not good in dispersing oxygen throughout the pond:
a) Diffused bubble aerator
b) Paddle-wheel aerator
c) Vertical pump aerator
d) Aspirating aerator
30. These aerators are excellent choices for medium and large ponds where movement
of oxygenated water away from the aerator is important:
a) Diffused bubble and aspirating aerators
b) Paddle-wheel and aspirating aerators
c) Vertical pump and bubble aerators
d) None of the above
31. In recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), the conversion of toxic ammonia and
intermediate form nitrite to relatively harmless nitrate is called:
a) fractionation
b) ozonation
c) nitrificaiton
d) denitrification
32. A pond bottom slope of 2000:1 is equivalent to:
a) 0.05 % slope
b) 0.5 % slope
c) 1 slope
d) 5 % slope
33. The major aquaculture species farmed in brackish water in the country are:
a) Oyster and mussels
b) Milkfish and shrimp
c) Mudcrab and grouper
d) Tilapia and milkfish
34. Which of the following is not a major aquaculture species in the Philippines?
a) carp
b) salmon
c) seaweeds
d) tiger prawn
35. This shrimp undergoes 11 larval stages to metamorphose to post larvae:
a) Giant tiger prawn
b) Whiteleg shrimp
c) Giant freshwater prawn
d) Indian shrimp
36. Penaeid shrimps undergo these larval stages in sequence before they become post
a) Nauplius, megalopa, instar
b) Nauplius, zoea, mysis
c) Nauplius, mysis, zoea,
d) Zoea, megalopa, instar
37. The Philippines ranks as the world’s third largest producer of:
a) shrimp
b) milkfish
c) sea cucumber
d) seaweed
38.Water like in estuarine areas with intermediate salinity due to the mixing of fresh and
sea water is referred to as:
a) freshwaer
b) seawater
c) brakishwater
d) marinewater
39. Breeding and growout production of commercially important marine species are
done in zonified marine cages which the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
refers to as:
a) Industrial cage parks
b) Seawater cage farms
c) Ocean cage parks
d) Mariculture parks
40. Without additional aeration, a continuous supply of 70 gpm of oxygenated, good
quality flow-through water can support approximately:
a) 265 kg fish
b) 300 kg fish
c) 365 kg fish
d) 400 kg fish
41. .Hydrologic process that refers to the lateral movement of percolating water when
it encounters an impervious layer is called
a) seepage
b) groundwater flow
c) baseflow
d) interflow
42. When the rainfall intensity is higher than the infiltration capacity, the actual rate
of infiltration is equal to
a) infiltration capacity
b) saturated hydraulic conductivity
c) rainfall intensity
d) water holding capacity
43. Volume of water that cannot be released from storage in an unconfined aquifer per
unit horizontal area per unit decline in water table is called
a) specific storage
b) specific yield
c) specific retention
d) transmissivity
44. A structure that serves as an outlet of irrigation water into the main farm ditch or
service is called
a) offtake
b) flow divisor
c) cross regulator
d) turnout
45. Drainage system layout suitable for draining concave areas is
a) random
b) herringbone
c) gridiron
d) none of the above
46. The combination of splash and sheet erosion is called
a) rill erosion
b) interrill erosion
c) splash erosion
d) gully erosion
47. Two of the four major criteria for evaluating water quality for irrigation purposes are
a) pH and salinity
b) sodicity and pH
c) turbidity and salinity
d) salinity and sodicity
48. Given the following direct runoff hydrograph in m3/s taken at 2-hr interval in
the mainstream of a 75 sq. km watershed: 0, 13.8, 77.8, 12.8, 1.8, 0.9, 0.2. The depth
of excess rainfall is
a) 10.3 mm
b) 14.3 mm
c) 12.3 mm
d) 16.3 mm
49. The critical depth in a rectangular channel with a bottom width of 2.0 m for a
discharge of 3 m3/s is
a) 0.34 m
b) 0.41 m
c) 0.54 m
d) 0.61 m
50. The most hydraulically efficient concrete-lined trapezoidal channel section with a
bottom slope of 0.1% to carry a discharge of 3 m3/s should have a bottom width of
a) 1.11 m
b) 1.28 m
c) 1.65 m
d) 1.43 m
51. A 2.5-m wide inclined drop was designed to lower the channel elevation by 0.97 m.
If the discharge is 2 m3/s and the water depth at the approach channel is 0.5 m, the
sequent depth after the hydraulic jump downstream of the drop structure is
a) 0.15 m
b) 0.20 m
c) 0.50 m
d) 0.90 m
52. An agricultural land is to be drained using tile drain system. The depth to
impervious layer is 3.0 m and the depth to water table to be maintained is 0.6 m. The
saturated hydraulic conductivity is 62.5 mm/hr and the drainage coefficient is 7
mm/day. If the drains will be installed 1.0 m below the ground surface, the drain
spacing should be
a) 32 m
b) 39 m
c) 47 m
d) 55 m
53. The two depths of flow that give the same specific energy are called ________
a) critical depths
b) conjugate depths
c) sequent depths
d) alternate depths
54. The type of precipitation that occurs when air masses converge into a low-pressure
area is called
a) Convective
b) Cyclonic
c) Orographic
d) Frontal precipitation
55. The rational equation is applicable for a
a) flat and small watersheds
b) flat and large watersheds
c) sloping and small watersheds
d) sloping and large watersheds
56.Irrigation method most suitable for row crops in mildly sloping areas with low salinity
irrigation water
a) Basin
b) Border
c) furrow
d) corrugation
57. Streamflow in river X has a mean of 128 m3/s and a standard deviation of 52 m3/s.
If the sample data is normally distributed, the magnitude of streamflow corresponding to
a return period of 6.25 years is
a) 128 m3/s
b) 76 m3/s
c) 180 m3/s
d) 52 m3/s
58. The receiving tube of an 8-inch standard raingauge is replaced by a 10-inch
diameter cylinder. To determine the actual rainfall depth, the depth collected at the
measuring tube should be divided by
a) 10
b) 12.5
c) 15.6
d) 20
59. Three tanks are installed side by side in a field to measure the evapotranspiration of
rice. Tank A is bottomless and is cropped. Tank B is bottomless but is uncropped. Tank
C has a bottom and is uncropped. If the water losses after 2 rainless days are as
Tank A - 14.0 mm
Tank B - 10.0 mm
Tank C - 5.0 mm
The actual crop evapotranspiration is
a) 4.0 mm/day
b) 5.0 mm/day
c) 4.5 mm/day
d) 9.0 mm/day
60. The bottom width of the most hydraulically efficient concrete-lined rectangular
channel with a bottom slope of 0.1% to carry a discharge of 1.5 m3/s is _______
a) 0.8 m
b) 1.6 m
c) 1.0 m
d) 2.2 m
61. A soil sample has a wet mass of 120 g and an undisturbed volume of 78 cc. If the
dry mass basis moisture content is 20 %, the bulk density is
a) 1.18 g/cc
b) 1.38 g/cc
c) 1.28 g/cc
d) 1.48 g/cc
62. Sugarcane is to be irrigated using sprinkler irrigation. The sprinkler spacing is 12.2
m while the lateral spacing is 18.3 m. The soil water holding capacity is 120 mm/m, crop
rooting depth is 1.0 m and management allowable deficit is 45%. If the irrigation period
is 12 hrs and the application efficiency is 70%, the required sprinkler discharge is
a) 0.2 Ips
b) 0.4 Ips
c) 0.3 Ips
d) 0.5 Ips
63. If a 300 mm depth of soil, with a porosity of 48%, residual moisture content of 20%
dry mass basis and bulk density of 1.1 g/cc, is to be soaked for 5 days, the land soaking
requirement should be
a) 8.64 mm/day
b) 15.6 mm/day
c) 12.7 mm/day
d) 18.5 mm/day
64. If the dependable flow is 3.0 m3/s and the water duties at the system and farm
levels are 2.5 lps/ha and 1.5 lps/ha, respectively, the total potential irrigable area is
a) 750 has
b) 1,200 has
c) 2,000 has
d) 1,950 has
65. Which of the following statements is true?
a) the average velocity in an open channel is located at 0.6 of the depth measured from the
b) the average velocity is greater than the surface velocity
c) the average velocity in an open channel is located at 0.4 of the depth measured from the
d) the maximum velocity occurs at the surface

66. The irrigation period increases with

a) increasing available discharge
b) decreasing application efficiency
c) decreasing irrigated area
d) decreasing management allowable deficit
67. Drainage system layout suitable for draining isolated wet spots is
a) Random
b) Herringbone
c) gridiron
d) none of the above
68. The field activity performed to determine the hydraulic properties of an aquifer is
a) Well logging
b) Pump testing
c) pumping test
d) well development
69. Hydrogeologic formation that contains groundwater but is not capable of transmitting
it at sufficient quantities is
a) aquifer
b) aquifuge
c) aquiclude
d) aquitard
70. Hydrogeologic formation that contains groundwater that is capable of storing it and
transmitting it at sufficient quantities is
a) aquifer
b) aquifuge
c) aquiclude
d) aquitard
71. Streamflow is the sum of
a) overland flow and interflow
b) overland flow and baseflow
c) interflow and baseflow
d) surface runoff and baseflow
72. When the rainfall intensity is lower than the infiltration capacity, the actual rate of
infiltration is equal to
a) infiltration capacity
b) saturated hydraulic conductivity
c) rainfall intensity
d) water holding capacity
73. Volume of water that can be released from storage in a confined aquifer per unit
horizontal area per unit decline in head is called
a) specific storage
b) specific yield
c) specific retention
d) storativity
74. A remedial measure that can be used to address high bicarbonate concentration in
irrigation water is
a) leaching
b) over-irrigation
c) liming
d) eutrophication
75. A structure built along the supplementary farm ditch at the head of the internal farm
ditch is called
a) offtake
b) cross regulator
c) flow divisor
d) turnout
76. The depth of water to be evacuated from the drainage area in one day is called
a) hydraulic conductivity
b) equivalent depth
c) drainage requirement
d) drainage coefficient
77. Type of erosion occurring in channel-like formations that cannot be obliterated by
tillage operations is called
a) stream erosion
b) gully erosion
c) rill erosion
d) sheet erosion
78. Involves repeated pumping to remove fine materials from the groundwater and
extend the radius of influence is
a) well logging
b) pumping test
c) pump testing
d) well development
79. A culvert has been designed for a flood discharge with a return period of 75 years.
The risk that the culvert will experience the design flood one or more times in 100 years
a) 15.2%
b) 53%
c) 23.5 %
d) 74%
80. The following infiltration capacity equation has been derived based on experimental
f = 8.1 + 4.1e^(-12.9t)
where f is in mm/hr and t is in hr. The depth of water will infiltrate after 30 minutes is
a) 8.1 mm
b) 4.2 mm
c) 4.05 mm
d) 4.4 mm
81. A fully penetrating well installed in a confined aquifer with a transmissivity of 2,152
ft2/day is pumped at a constant rate. If the drawdowns in two observation wells 10 m
and 20 m from the pumped well were observed to be 5.3 ft and 1.3 ft , respectively, the
steady state pump discharge is
a) 212 gpm
b) 322 gpm
c) 220 gpm
d) 332 gpm
82. Given the following direct runoff hydrograph in m3/s taken at 2-hr interval in the
mainstream of a 80 sq. km watershed: 0, 13.8, 77.8, 12.8, 1.8, 0.9, 0.2. The volume of
direct runoff is
a) 103,000 m3
b) 972,500 m3
c) 772,560 m3
d) 1,030,000 m3
83. The critical depth in a concrete-lined trapezoidal channel with a bottom width of 4.0
m, side slopes z of 2 for a discharge of 6.82 m3/s is
a) 0.4 m
b) 0.6 m
c) 0.5 m
d) 0.7 m
84. The most hydraulically efficient concrete-lined trapezoidal channel section with a
bottom width of 4 m should have a depth of
a) 1.46 m
b) 3.46 m
c) 2.46 m
d) 4.46 m
85. If a 300 mm depth of soil, with a porosity of 48%, residual moisture content of 20%
dry mass basis and apparent specific gravity of 1.1, is to be soaked for 5 days, and
assuming an evaporation loss of 3 mm/day and a percolation loss of 2 mm/day, the land
preparation water requirement should be
a) 15.6 mm/day
b) 20.6 mm/day
c) 5.0 mm/day
d) 65.0 mm/day
86. The main canal of a gravity irrigation system is to be designed to irrigate 3,200 has.
The farm water requirement is 2.0 lps/ha and the conveyance efficiency is assumed to
be 80%.. The cross sectional shape is to be trapezoidal with a side slope of 1:1. The
bed is to be lined with concrete. The bottom slope is to be 0.05%. If the permissible b/d
ratio is 3, the design depth should be
a) 0.8 m
b) 1.2 m
c) 0.9 m
d) 1.5 m
87. An unlined lateral canal is to be designed to irrigate 500 hectares. The bottom slope
is to be 0.0015 while both sides should be inclined by 33.7 degrees from the horizontal.
The roughness coefficient is 0.025. The maximum permissible velocity is 0.8 m/s. If the
farm turnout requirement is 17.28 mm/day, the design bottom width should be
a) 0.95 m
b) 1.15 m
c) 1.25 m
d) 1.05 m
88. A 0.5-ha furrow irrigation system was designed for the following conditions:
Soil water holding capacity = 175 mm/m
Rootzone depth = 60 cm
MAD = 50%
Application Efficiency = 70%
Furrow spacing = 75 cm
Assuming that the advance time is 1/3 of the net opportunity time, the irrigation period
should be

a) 42 min
b) 1 hr and 42 min
c) 54 min
d) 1 hr and 54 min
89. The sprinkler spacing and lateral spacing are 12 m and 18 m, respectively. The net
application depth is 27 mm, application efficiency is 70% and irrigation period is 6 hrs. If
the average operating pressure is to be 345 kPa and the discharge coefficient is 0.965,
the sprinkler nozzle diameter should be
a) 1/8”
b) 3/16”
c) 1/4”
d) 5/16”

a) 2.0 in
b) 2.5 in
c) 3.0 in
d) 3.5 in
91. Given the following data in a drip irrigation system:
Plant spacing = 2m
Lateral spacing = 4m
No. of emitters per plant = 2
Water holding capacity = 180 mm/m
Rootzone depth = 30 cm
Management allowable deficit = 30 %
Irrigation interval = 2 days
Emission uniformity = 90%
Average emitter discharge = 3.0 lph
The irrigation period should be
a) 6.5 hrs
b) 10.5 hrs
c) 8 hrs
d) 12 hrs
92. A sprinkler irrigation system was designed for the following conditions:
Average operating pressure -275 kPa
Suction head -10.0 ft
Elevation difference between the pump and the junction of main and lateral -1.5 m
Length of lateral -400 ft
Length of main -600 ft
Diameter of lateral -2.5 in
Diameter of main -3.0 in
No. of sprinklers -10 (F=0.385)
Riser height -3 ft
System capacity -5 lps
Pump efficiency -60%Scobey’s coefficient -0.4
If the area to be irrigated is level, the required input power is
a) 3.5 hp
b) 5.5 hp
c) 4.5 hp
d) 6.5 hp
93. The friction factor in Darcy-Weisbach equation for pipe flow can be expressed in
terms of Manning’s roughness coefficient as
a) (185 n^2)/(d^1/3)
b) (135 n^2)/(d ^⅓)
c) (125 n^2)/(d ^1/3)
d) (145 n^2)/(d ^1/3)
94. Given the following data:
Discharge = 3 m3/s
Upstream water surface elevation = 20 m above MSL
Downstream water surface elevation = 19.3 m above MSL
Assume a discharge coefficient of 0.7
The appropriate size of a pipe culvert should be
a) 38 inches
b) 58 inches
c) 48 inches
d) 68 inches
95. An inverted siphon has the following dimensions:
Width = 1.0 m
Height = 0.8 m
Length = 20 m
Assuming a Manning’s roughness coefficient of 0.018 and minor losses of 0.5 m, the
total head loss for a discharge of 1.5 m3/s is
a) 1.11 m
b) 0.17 m
c) 1.77 m
d) 0.74 m
96. A 2.5-m wide inclined drop was designed to lower the channel elevation by 0.97 m.
If the discharge is 2 m3/s and the water depth at the approach channel is 0.5 m, the
initial depth prior to the hydraulic jump is
a) 0.05 m
b) 0.25 m
c) 0.35 m
d) 0.15 m
97. Given the following data:
Discharge = 8.0 m3/s
Channel width = 4.0m
Bottom slope of upstream channel = 0.00155
Manning’s roughness coefficient = 0.015
Elevation difference between the bottom of approach channel and downstream channel
= 8.6 m
Head loss along the spillway = 0.5 m
The sequent depth after the hydraulic jump is
a) 0.26 m
b) 2.26 m
c) 1.26 m
d) 3.26 m
98.The following average precipitation and baseflow were recorded every 10 days. The
catchment area of the watershed feeding the reservoir is 200 ha. Assuming a runoff
coefficient of 0.2, the cumulative inflow after 50 days is

a) 18,360 m3
b) 19,200m3
c) 77,452 m3
d) 95,812 m3
99. An agricultural land is to be drained using a tile drain system. The impervious layer
is 2.5m from the ground surface and the depth to water table to be maintained is 0.55
m. The saturated hydraulic conductivity is 62.5 mm/hr and the drainage coefficient is 7
mm/day. If the drains will be installed 1.0 m below the ground surface, the drain spacing
should be
a) 43 m
b) 47 m
c) 45 m
d) 49 m
100. Given the following data, the exponent of water discharge in the equation for the
sediment rating curve is

a) 0.44
b) 0.47
c) 0.46
d) 0.15

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