Question No 1: What Does Trans Disciplinary Learning Look Like in Your Classroom Currently?

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Question no 1: What does trans disciplinary learning look like in your classroom currently?

My Robotics classroom involves incorporating various subjects into robotics lessons. The lessons
help students to use their creativity, imagination, and critical thinking skills to design and build
robots that can perform various tasks.
For instance, when teaching robotics, I start by introducing students to concepts such as energy,
engineering, science, and mathematics. Students will then use these concepts to design and build a
robot that can move on its own or perform specific tasks.
Me as robotic teacher incorporate other subjects, such as Entrepreneurship ,science, Technology
and art, into the lessons. For example, students may be asked to write a story about their robot or
create a visual art piece that illustrates their robot's functions.
Incorporating different subjects into robotics lessons helps students to see how different disciplines
work together to solve real-world problems. It also helps students to develop a deeper
understanding of the subject matter and enhances their critical thinking skills.
Overall, Robotics class engage students in hands-on activities that involve problem-solving, critical
thinking, and creativity. It will ultimately prepare them to succeed in the 21st century's rapidly
changing world.

Question 2 : How do you know that trans-disciplinary learning is taking place?

Trans disciplinary learning refers to an approach that integrates different disciplines and subjects to
solve real-world problems or explore complex issues. In my robotics class, students use knowledge
and skills from various fields, such as engineering, physics, math, computer science, and design, to
design and build interactive robots that can perform specific tasks or have a social impact. Here are
some indicators that may show that trans-disciplinary learning is taking place in a primary year
robotics class:
1. Integration of multiple subjects: Students use concepts and skills from different subjects, such
as science, math, technology, and art, to design and create their robots. For example, they may use
physics principles to determine the right balance and movement of their robots, math concepts to
calculate the angles and measurements, and design principles to create an appealing and functional
robot structure.
2. Real-world problem-solving: Students work on authentic and relevant problems or challenges
that require them to apply their knowledge and skills from multiple disciplines to create effective
and innovative solutions. For instance, they may design robots that can assist people with
disabilities to perform daily tasks or robots that can clean up environmental pollution.
3. Collaboration and teamwork: Students work in teams or groups to design and build their
robots, which fosters collaborative skills, communication, and collective problem-solving abilities.
4. Reflection and critical thinking: Students reflect on their learning and progress throughout the
process, evaluating their work based on criteria such as functionality, creativity, efficiency, and
sustainability. They also analyze the impact of their robots on society, the environment, and the
users, developing their critical thinking and ethical awareness.
5. Multi-modal expression: Students express their learning through multiple modes, such as
presentations, videos, drawings, models, or written reports, which allows them to showcase their
trans-disciplinary understanding in different formats.
In summary, trans-disciplinary learning in an IB robotics class is characterized by the integration of
multiple subjects, real-world problem-solving, collaboration, reflection, critical thinking, and multi-
modal expression. Teachers can assess the degree of trans disciplinary learning by looking at the
students' work and performance based on these indicators.
Question 3 What needs to change as you develop an upcoming unit of inquiry?
In upcoming unit of inquiry I work more on these

1. A focus on student-centered learning: Students need to be more actively engaged in the learning
process rather than passively receiving information. Therefore, incorporating more opportunities for
inquiry-based learning, problem-solving, and group discussions may be needed.

2. Enhancing technology integration: In order to truly emphasize the robotics aspect of the unit,
finding more innovative and creative ways to incorporate technology into the unit of inquiry could
be valuable. This could include more programmed challenges and opportunities for students to test
their robotics creations.

3. Creating authentic and relevant connections: It could be valuable to focus on real-world problems
that students can solve using their robotics knowledge and skills. Relevant connections to other
subject areas, such as science and math, could help students understand the interdisciplinary nature
of robotics.

4. Providing opportunities for reflection: Students could benefit from more opportunities to reflect
on their learning and growth throughout the unit of inquiry. Reflection activities could include
journals, group discussions, and self-assessments.

Question 4 How will you implement the changes in collaboration with your team?

Team meeting:
I will Invite my teaching team to a meeting, and discuss the proposed changes. Share my thoughts
and explore the potential benefits of each change. Encourage team members to share their own
thoughts and ideas.
Collaborate and plan together: Work collaboratively with team to create a plan for how I can
implement the changes.
Celebrate progress: Celebrate successes and milestones along the way to keep morale high and
maintain team commitment to the changes. Recognize the contributions of each team member and
encourage them to continue to collaborate and share their ideas towards achieving their unit of
inquiry goals.

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