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1- From the 10 leadership roles that you have studied, choose three that you consider most important for the first level engineering manager and explain your selection. How might your selection differs as the engineer moves up in the organizational hierarchy? 2- Write a brief description of an effective oral presentation, giving the major reasons why it is effective. 3-Complete: a- Taylor's "piece rate system" involves breaking a ............... into................. unnecessary motions,................. the remaining motions to find the most efficient .................. of elements. b- The matrix organization combines the features of the ............. organization with its emphasis on ..................... and the ................. organization with its emphasis on ...................... Among the advantages of the matrix organization are .............. , .................., and ..................... . 4-Fredric Taylor, Frank Gilbreth and Henry Fayol were three major contributors in the development of Engineering Management in different ways. Comment. 5-Mention how much should you expect from the organization chart? 6-Explain (with the help of a diagram) how does the matrix organization structure combine features of the functional and project organization. 7-Mention briefly what is meant by: aEngineering management, bDelegation,


Upward and downward communication, Theory X and theory Y. Differential piece-work method. Therbligs.

8-What are the major leadership roles that are important to an engineering manager? 9- Mention the different forms of communication within an organization and describe the difference between one-way and two-way communication. 10-Define each of the following terms: Management, Engineering, and Engineering management. 11-What are the major functions of engineering management? 12- Mention the advantages and disadvantages of the line and functional organization structures. 13-Mention the four principles in which Taylor summarized his methods. 14-Fayol believed that the activities of industrial undertakings could be divided into six groups. Comment. 15-There are several reasons engineers can be especially effective in the general management of technically oriented organizations. Comment. 16-It is important to recognize that organization structure alone cannot assure a smooth, effective organization. Teamwork is as important as a suitable form of organization structure. Comment. 17-Describe the typical activities of the different engineering management functions. 18-How can we decide upon the best form of organization structure? 19-Why is the product organization structure mainly confined to manufacturing organizations? 20-The matrix organization combines features of the functional organization and the project organization. Verify this statement using a diagram and mention the key elements for matrix success? 21-What are the essential qualities of successful leaders?

22-Despite its advantages, delegation seems to be "the least well-practiced of any engineering management concept". Comment. 23-Motivating people involves stimulating them to action according to their needs. Mention examples of those needs. 24-What are the different job motivational factors that tend to have a special influence on a work group? 25-What are the guidelines that should be followed for effective delegation? 26-Give an example to distinguish between one-way and two-way communication. 27-What is the importance of good listening in an oral presentation course? 28-How can you manage for a successful meeting? 29-What are the error reducing strategies used to improve the communication process?

Dr.Lamia A.Shihata
Good Luck Very important
Matrix organization The matrix organization combines, in a very intentional way, features of the functional organization, with its emphasis on functional and technical specialty, and the project organization, with its emphasis on achieving project goals. Originally developed in the U.S. aerospace industry to deal with unprecedented technical and managerial complexity. this ".structure was diagrammed as a two-dimensional table and thus designated as a "matrix Among the advantages of the matrix organization are high visibility of the project objectives, a high degree of coordination by the project manager, flexibility in utilizing limited resources, rapid response to contingencies, potential minimization of conflicts, and the security afforded personnel, who can return to their functional organizations when the project ends. Disadvantages include the confusion inherent in reporting to two bosses, the need for more overhead (e.g., project managers plus functional managers) than a simpler organization requires, possible disagreements over allocation of resources, and complexities of communication and .control. Table 3.2 lists suggestions for making the matrix work efficiently

Essentially, a project organization is superimposed on a functional organization, as illustrated in Figure 3.2. Staffers from a functional organization who are assigned to a project are shown at the intersection of those respective lines on the chart. They may be assigned full-time or parttime to that project and may work on more than one project during one day or week. They maintain a tie to their technical discipline as well as a temporary tie to their project or projects. :(As explained by Shannon (1980 The object of this superimposed configuration is to allow projects to be born, mature and terminate in an orderly manner. Each project manager has direct access to the specific personnel and expertise required for these projects for a planned time duration and to the rapid .release of surplus manpower as project needs decrease The project organization can expand and contract as dictated by budget and technical needs without the need for layoffs or new hires Among the advantages of the matrix organization are high visibility of the project objectives, a high degree of coordination by the project manager, flexibility in utilizing limited resources, rapid response to contingencies, potential minimization of conflicts, and the security afforded personnel, who can return to their functional organizations when the project ends. Disadvantages include the confusion inherent in reporting to two bosses, the need for more overhead (e.g., project managers plus functional managers) than a simpler organization requires, possible disagreements over allocation of resources, and complexities of communication and control. Table 3.2 lists suggestions for making .the matrix work efficiently

?What are the advantages and disadvantages of the matrix organization structure

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