Source Analysis Cartoon History

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Description of the scene - Urban place but without people.
- A lot of Nazi flags.
- The Rhineland.

Main character - A goose that represent Germany remilitarizing the

- It has a lot of weapons on its body.
- It has a German helmet.
- It has a Nazi symbol on its body.
- The goose is stepping on the Locarno treaties.
- The goose has an olive branch on its beak and a paper that
says “pax germanica”.
- The step of the goose represent how german troops walk
while marching.

Message of the cartoon The cartoonist is representing graphically the remilitarisation

of the Rhineland. I believed that the message of the cartoon is
to show that Hitler was like a Goose (Hitler was stupid).
Through the irony the cartoonist is trying to said that Hitler
wasn’t looking for peace. He is also showing that Hitler didn’t
care about Locarno treaties, he was ignoring it. Drawing the
place empty of people maybe he is trying to say that people of
Rhineland was scared of remilitarisation.

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