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ae sale Adaptive Module: English-2 Section. Let us review the book-Animal Farm by George Orwell ‘Activity: We will now make four groups with one of the following topics to give a presentation on. > Charactersntroduction » Plot-Sequence of Events The Book as a Socio-Political Satire-Writing Style > How can it be related to our lives in the present? Discussion and Preparation Time: 10 minutes Each Team will get 4 minutes for the presentation, Section-2 Passage-t Vampires One dark and stormy evening, Spanish neurologist Juan Gomez-Alonso was watching a vampire movie when he realized something strange; he noticed that vampires behave an awful lot like people with rabies, The virus attacks the central nervous system, altering the moods and behaviors of those infected. Sufferers become agitated and demented, and, much like vampires, their moods can turn violent, Rabies has several more vampire-like symptoms, It can cause insomnia, which explains the nocturnal portion of the legend. People with rabies also suffer from muscular spasms, which can lead them to spit up blood. What's stunning is the fact that these spasms are triggered by bright lights, water, mitrors, and strong smells, such as the scent of garlic. (Sound familiar?) After watching the Dracula movies @ few more times, Dr. Gomez-Alonso felt compelled to continue studying vampire folklore and the medical history of rabies. Eventually, he discovered an even more profound connection between the two phenomena: Vampire stories became prominent in Europe at exactly the same time certain areas were experiencing rabies outbreaks. This was particularly true in Hungary between 1721 and 1728, when an epidemic plagued dogs, wolves, and humans and left the country in ruins. Gomez-Alonso theorized that rabies actually inspired the vampire legend, and his research was published by the distinguished medical journal Neurology in 1998. The Madness of King George Dr. Gomez-Alonso wasn't the first scientist who tried to pin vampirism to a real illness. In 1985, Canadian biochemist David Dolphin proposed a link between vampires and porphyria—a rare, chronic blood disorder characterized by the irregular production of Heme, an iron-rich pigment found in blood. The disorder can cause seizures, trances, and hallucinations that last for days or weeks. ‘Asa result, people with porphyria often go insane. (Britein's King George Ill, the one who inspired our founding fathers to start their own country, is thought to have suffered from it) Porphyria sufferers also experience extreme sensitivity to light, suffering blisters and burns when their skin is exposed to the sun. Another symptom of porphyria is an intolerance to sulfur in foods. Which food contains a lot of sulfur? That's right, garlic ‘AdPrep-Eng2, Page 1 ae sale Werewolves In addition to explaining away vampires, medicine also has some answers for werewolves. In The Werewolf Delusion (1979), lan Woodward explains that rabies may have also inspired the werewolf myth. Rabies is transmitted through biting, and the dementia and aggression of late-stage rabies can make people behave like wild animals. Now, imagine that you are living in a village in medieval Europe and you see your friend get bitten by a wolf. A few weeks later, he starts foaming at the mouth, howling at the moon, and biting other villagers. Suddenly, that story your grandmother told you about the Wolfman sounds like a decent explanation for what's going on Zombies Zombies may also be creatures of science, at least according to Costas J. Efthimiou, a physicist at the University of Central Florida, In 2006, he attempted to explain the mysterious case of Wilfred Doricent, a teenager who died and was buried in Haiti, only to reappear in his village more than a year later, looking and behaving like a zombie. Efthimiou concluded that Wilfred was not the victim of a curse, but of poisoning. In the waters of Haiti, there is a species of puffer fish whose liver can be made into a powder, which has the ability to make a person appear dead without actually killing him. wilfred may have been poisoned with the powder and then buried alive. According to one of Dr. Efthimiou's theories, once underground, Wilfred suffered from oxygen deprivation that damaged his brain. When the poison wore off and Wilfred woke up, he clawed his way out of the grave. (Graves tend to be shallow in Haiti.) Brain-damaged, he wandered the countryside for months until he ended up back in his village. After Dr. Efthimiou published his explanation of the case, Dr. Roger Mallory, a neurologist at the Haitian Medical Society did an MRI scan of Wilfred's brain, Although the results were inconclusive, he found that Wilfred's brain was damaged in a way that was consistent with oxygen deprivation. It would seem that zombification is nothing more than skillful poisoning, Based on your understanding of the passage, try to fill up the following table with the help of your class- mates and the faculty member. Main Idea Prevalent Tore Apparent Style Primary Purpose Organizational Structure ‘AdPrep-Eng2, Page 2 ae sale Passage-2 The mejority of successful senior managers do not closely follow the classical rational model of first clarifying goals, assessing the problem, formulating options, estimating likelihoods of success, making a decision, end only then taking action to implement the decision. Rather, in their day-by-day tactical maneuvers, these senior executives rely on what is vaguely termed “intuition” to manage a network of interrelated problems that require them to deal with ambiguity, inconsistency, novelty, and surprise; and to integrate action into the process to thinking Generations of writers on management have recognized that some practicing managers rely heavily on intuition In general, however, such writers display @ poor grasp of what intuition is. Some see it as the opposite of rationality: others view it as an excuse for capriciousness. Isenberg’s recent research on the cognitive processes of senior managers reveals thet managers’ intuition is neither of these. Rather, senior managers use intuition in atleast five distinct ways. First, they intuitively sense when a problem exists. Second, managers rely on intuition to perform well-leamed behavior patterns rapidly. This intuition is not arbitrary or irrational, but is based on years of painstaking practice and hands-on experience that build skills. A third function of intuition is to synthesize isolated bits of data and practice into an integrated picture, often in an “Ahal” experience, Fourth, some managers use intuition a5 a check on the results of more rational analysis, Most senior executives are familiar with the formal decision analysis models and tools, and those who use such systematic methods for reaching decisions are occasionally leery of solutions suggested by these methods which run counter to their sense of the correct course of action, Finally, managers can use intuition to bypass in-depth anelysis and move rapidly to engender a plausible solution, Used in this way, intuition is an almost instantaneous cognitive process in which a manager recognizes familiar patterns. One of the implications of the intuitive style of executive management is that “thinking” is inseparable from acting. Since managers often “know” what is right before they can analyze and explain it, they frequently act first and explain later. Analysis is inextricably tied to action in thinking/acting cycles, in which managers develop thoughts about their companies and organizations not by analyzing a problematic situation ‘and then acting, but by acting and analyzing in close concert. Given the great uncertainty of many of the management issues that they face, senior managers often instigate a course of action simply to learn more about an issue. They then use the results of the action to develop a more complete understanding of the issue. One implication of thinking/acting cycles is that action is often part of defining the problem, not just of implementing the solution. Based on your understanding of the passage, try to fill up the following table with the help of your class- mates and the faculty member. Main Idea Prevalent Tone ‘Apparent Style Primary Purpose Organizational Structure ‘AdPrep-Eng2, Page 3 ae sale Passage-3 In India, over the last few years, the rate of rise in prices of several items, including consumables, has been in focus. Popularly known as ‘rate of inflation’, its sudden rise has been in focus among the policymakers, the government and the consumers alike. This is because it has been impacting each of these stakeholders in the economy in different ways, Of these three, however, consumers have been hit the most. And among the consumers, the policymakers and the people in the government, there is an overlapping category of people, the investors, who are being hurt badly by this inflation beast. But surprisingly, not many understand the scale of the damage inflation is capable of inflicting on their invested corpus when they look at it with a longer term view. ‘Acrude example would probably help here. In @ very basic sense of the term, an annual rate of inflation of, say 8%, would mean that an article that cost you Rs 100 a year ago would cost Rs 108 today. Now suppose you, as an investor, had put in Rs 10,000 in a bank fixed deposit (FD) with an 8% interest rate about a year ago, Today, you have Rs 800 asinterest income on that investment. But if the rate of inflation was 8% in the past one year, a basket of products and services that you would need regularly and which cost you Rs 10,000 a year ago would cost you Rs 10,800 today. So, even if you kept your money in a bank fixed deposit thet earned you an 8% rate of interest, at the end of the year, because of inflation, you are still at the same level in terms of your purchasing capacity. You would actually be worse off if the rate of interest that you earned from the bank was lower than the rate of inflation. That is, suppose you earned interest at 8% or 9% and the rate of inflation was 10%, something that we all witnessed during the past several months. So, on @ point-to-point basis, even though you saved over the last ‘one year, in terms of your buying power you are actually worse off. Now juxtapose the impact of a 10%, 20% or ‘a 30% rate of tax, if you are a taxpayer and face one of these three tax rates, you would be even worse off. In such a situation, going by your tax rate, you would end up getting about 7%, 6.3% or 5.5%net return, Now to take this case a little farther: Think that you save every month same money, and you have done that over several years, But the rate of inflation makes you worse off every year (remember rate of interest in banks is closely linked to inflation). In that case, you could end up in a bad situation when you retire. So, what do you do now to save yourself from being affected by the inflation beast? “‘nflation leads to deprecation in the value of money. So, direct money investments do not take care of adcressing this problem,” says Arun Kejriwal, director, KRIS, an investment research and advisory service firm. The trick here is to aim for higher positive returns by Investing in equities, equity-linked Instruments and commodities, including precious metals. “Over the long term, these will definitely beat inflation,” Kejriwal adds. The questions about how much you should be in equity, the ratio between equities and commodities, how much total investments should you do — all these are questions specific to each individual, and your financial planner and advisor should be able to guide you through this. The trick here is to aim for a post-tax rate of return that would be higher than the rate of inflation. One of the tricks of achieving this is to invest in such instruments that, over the long term, they can give higher returns and also minimize the burden of taxon you. “For any financial planning exercise, we always aim for positive returns,” says Kartik Jhaveri, director, Transcend Consulting, a financial planning and advisory firm. In India, the long-term rate of inflation has been about 6-7%, ‘AdPrep-Eng2, Page 4 ae sale So, the aim for every financial plan should be to have an inflation-plus return, or at least the returns should match the rate of inflation, financial planners say. In India, since the general rate of interest in the economy is determined by the prevailing rate of inflation, the rate of interest you get in a bank FD is usually very close to the rate of inflation. For exemple, after the rate of inflation in India hovered above the double-digit mark, banking sector regulator Reserve Bank of India (RBI) also raised the key policy rates that determine the rate of interest in the economy, and FD rates also shot up to the current high rates of 9-10%. But here, the interest that you earn is taxable if you fallin the tax bracket. The same is the case for several other investment instruments like bonds, debentures and some of the small savings schemes. However, there is a particular type of FD, of five-year maturity, in which the returns enjoy a tax-free status. On the other hand, returns from equities, equity mutual funds and some other investment instruments, like the recently-introduced tax-free bonds, are tax free, provided these are held for the long term. ‘Among the mutual funds, equity linked savings schemes (ELSS) allow you tax rebate while you invest and also on the returns from these schemes. In addition, among all the investment vehicles that allow you tax rebate under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, these schemes have the shortest lock-in — of three years only. All others have 5,7,10 years of lock-in, The government, however, is thinking of reducing the lock-in for qualified bank FDs from five years to three years — at par with ELSS. ‘Among mutual fund schemes, fixed maturity plans of more than one year are still attractive from the returns point of view, and also for their tax benefits, the latter coming from indexation, These instruments offer rates which are at least at par with bank Fs, but score over FDs in terms of tax advantages. All dividends and the redemption amount that you get from your long-term investments in mutual funds also are tax free. The same is the case for dividends you earn from your direct investments in equities. Mutual funds also have the added advantage of diversification which also helps reduce your risks over the long term, Here, however, after the recent rally in the stock market, d ivi d en d - yield stocks are not so attractive anymore. “Markets have now gone up, and so calculations of one month ago do not apply in the dividend yield story anymore,” says Kejriwal. “If you are investing for the long term and directly in equities, one should look at the brick-and-mortar stocks,” he adds, Kejriwal believes stocks of companies from sectors like FMCG, steel, automobile, cements, etc, are easier to Understand than companies like software where a much larger number of factors influence the stock price. ‘Among equities, historically it has been seen that stacks of companies with a solid business and a good track record have mostly beaten the rate of inflation over the long haul. Data show that over the past two decades, while the average rate of inflation was between 6-7%, the average rate of return in sensex wes more than 15%. ‘AdPrep-Eng2 Page 5 ae sale Based on your understanding of the passage, try to fill up the following table with the help of your class- mates and the faculty member. Main Idea Prevalent Tore ‘Apparent Style Primary Purpose Organizational Structure Passage While some countries will pay ransoms to free hostages, the United States has a public policy of not doing this, Thanks to ISIS, the issue of whether ransoms should be paid to terrorists groups or not has retumed to the spotlight. (One reason to nat pay a ransom for hastages is a matter of principle. This principle could be that bad behavior should not be rewarded or that hostage taking should be punished (or both). One of the best arguments against paying ransoms for hostages is both a practical and a utilitarian moral argument. The gist of the argument is that paying ransoms gives hostage takers an incentive to take hostages. This incentive will mean that more people will be taken hostage, The cost of not paving is, of course, the possibility that the hostage takers will harm or kill their initial hostages. However, the argument goes, if hostage takers realize that they will not be paid a ransom, they will not have an incentive to take more hostages. This will, presumably, reduce the chances that the hostage takers will take hostages. The calculation is, of course, that the harm done to the existing hostages will be outweighed by the benefits of nat having people taken hostage in the future, This argument assumes, obviously enough, that the hostage tekers are primarily motivated by the ransom payment, If they are taking hostages primarily for other reasons, such as for status, to make a statement or to get media attention, then not paying them a ransom will not significantly reduce their incentive to take hostages, This leads to a second reason to not pay ransoms. In addition to the incentive argument, there is also the funding argument. While a terrorist group might have reasons other than money to take hostages, they certainly benefit from getting such ransoms. The money they receive can be used to fund additional operations, such as taking more hostages. Obviously enough, if ransoms are not paid, then such groups do lose this avenue of funding which can impact their operations. Since paying a ransom would be funding terrorism, this provides both a moral a practical reason not to pay ransoms. While these arguments have a rational appeal, they are typically countered by a more emotional appeal. A stock approach to arguing that ransoms should be paid is the “in their shoes” appeal. The method is very ‘AdPrep-Eng2, Page 6 ae sale straightforward and simply involves asking a person whether or not she would want a ransom to be paid for her (ora loved one). Not surprising, most people would want the ransom to be paid, assuming doing so would save her (or her loved one). Sometimes the appeal is made explicitly in terms of emotions: "how would you feel if your loved one died because the government refuses to pay ransoms?” Obviously, any person would feel awful This method does have considerable appeal. The “in their shoes” appeal can be seem similar to the golden rule approach (do unto others as you would have them do unto you). To be specific, the appeal is not to do unto others, but to base a policy on how one would want to be treated in that situation. if| would not want the policy applied to me (that is, | would want to be ransomed or have my loved one ransomed), then | should be morally ‘opposed to the policy as a matter of consistency. This certainly makes sense: if | would not want a policy applied in my case, then | should (in general) not support that policy. (One obvious counter is that there seems to bea distinction between what a policy should be and whether or not ‘a person would want that policy applied to herself. For example, some universities have a policy that ifa student misses more than three classes, the student fails the course. Naturally, no student wants that policy to be applied to her (and most professors would not have wanted it applied to them when they were students), but this hardly suffices to show that the policy is wrong. As another example, a company might have a policy of not providing health insurance to part time employees, While the CEO would certainly not like the policy if she were part time, it does not follow that the policy must be a bad one. As such, policies need to be assessed not just in terms of how a persons feels about them, but in terms of their merit or lack thereof. Another obvious counter is to use the same approach, only with a modification. In response to the question “how would you feel if you were the hostage or she were a loved one?” one could ask “how would you feel if you or a loved one were taken hostage in an operation funded by ransom money? Or “how would you feal if you or a loved one were taken hostage because the hostage takers learned that people would pay ransoms for hostages?” The answer would be, of course, that one would feel bad about that. However, while how one would feel about this can be useful in discussing the matter, it is not decisive. Settling the matter rationally does require considering more than just how people would feel—it requires looking at the matter with a degree of objectivity, That is, not just asking how people would feel, but what would be right and what would yield the best results in the practical sense. Based on your understanding of the passage, try to fil up the following table with the help of your class- mates and the faculty member. Main Idea Prevalent Tone ‘Apparent style Primary Purpose ‘Organizational Structure ‘AdPrep-Eng2, Page 7 ae sale Section-3 ‘Argument andits Evaluation What is an argument? ‘What are the building blocks of an argument? 1. Premise 2. Conelusion 3. Background (Optional) 4, Counterpoint or Counter premise (Optional) Let's look at the following argument and identify the parts of the argument. The expansion of the runways at the Bay City Airport will allow larger planes to use the airport. These new planes will create 2 large amount of noise, a nuisance for residents who live near the airport. However, many of the residents in the neighbourhood work in construction, and the contract to expand the runway has been awarded to a local construction company. Thus, the expansion of the runway will lead to an increased quality of life for the residents of this neighbourhood. Identify the role of each sentence. Use that information to write out the building block structu ‘A program instituted by a state government to raise money allows homeowners toprepey their future property taxes at the current rate. Even if the government were toraise the tax rate in a subsequent year any prepaid ‘AdPrep-Eng2, Page 8 ae sale taxes would allow the homeowner tomaintain taxes at the lower rate, lowering the overall property tax burden cover time. Forthis reason, homeowners should participate in the prograrn. Tay Sachs disease, a usually fatal genetic condition caused by the build up ofgangliocides in nerve cells, occurs more frequently among Ashkenazi Jews than amongthe general population. The age of onset is typically six months and generally results indeath by the age of four. Some critics have argued that the price of food and drink at Ultralux, a restaurant, istoo high for the quality offered. However, ultralux features @ beautiful interior andcomfortable seating, and research has shown that ‘consumers actually enjoy food anddrink more in such a setting, even when the food and drink are of comparable quality tothe food and drink served elsewhere. Thus, the food and drink at Ultralux are reasonablypriced. Editorial: To stem the influx of illegal immigrants, the governments planning toconstruct a wall along our entire border with Country ¥. This wall, however, will dolittle to actually reduce the number of illegal immigrants. Because few economicopportunities exist in Country Y, Individuals will simply develop other creative ways toenter our nation. The cutback in physical education is the primary contributing factor to North HighSchool's increasing failure rate ‘onthe year-end physical fitness examination. Last year, when students participated in gym class on a daily basis, 85% of the schools seniorspassed the exam. This year, students had gym class twice weekly, and only 70% ofseniors passed the test. Clearly fewer sessions of gym class lead to reduced fitness. ‘AdPrep-Eng2, Page 9 ae sale Home Assignment Section-1(RC-Main Idea/Summary Type/Out of Context Questions-Fundamental Approach) INSTRUCTIONS: For each of the following paragraphs, identity the main idea of the paragraph. The main idea of a paragraph is what all the text is basically about. Read the paragraph and ask, “What's your point?” That will help you zero in on the main idea, 1 One of the ecologically important forest types is the rain forest. The rain forest is home to many creatures. Monkeys, toucans end macaws live in the rain forest. 8lue Morpho butterflies and anteaters also live in the rain forest A) The ecologically important rain forest is home to many creatures. B]__ There are many types of forests and not all are ecologically important. C]___ Rain forest is a type of forest where many animals live Megan was determined to finish her homework before bedtime. She still had to start her math assignment; it would take at least an hour to complete. She sighed and thought, “I've been working really hard since right after dinner!” And then she thought, “I am tired and it is well past my usual sleeping time, but | must complete this.” A] Megan went to sleep late as she had to finish her homework 8] Megan will get up late because she went to sleep late, C]___Megan was determined to finish her homework before bedtime. There are some very different opinions about the outcome of the presidential election, James insists that Al Gore really won the election and that the U.S. Supreme Court took it away from him. He didn’t have the same kind of objections when the Florida Supreme Court ruled for his candidate. Is James right, or is he just a sore loser? In my opinion, the final decision was correct. The Supreme Court of the United States ruled against a very bad and unequal process. Votes weren't being counted; they were being assigned to people who hadn't cast legal votes. George W. Bush was the true winner of the presidential election. A] The voting for the presidential election is a very bad and unequal process, 5] While there are different viewpoints on the outcome of the presidential election, George W. Bush has correctiy been declared as the winner. C]___Jamesis a sore loser ~ he is raising objections now which he did not raise earlier. The home team made sure that the officials were on their side, They won a close game and the championship with many questionable decisions from the officials. However, no one from any other town would accept the winners as legitimate champions. Real champions don’t just win games, they win respect of the opponents too. A) Home teatns usually take advantage of officials to win, B]___The home team may have won the championship unfairly, but no other team would accept them as real champions. C]___ Winning respect is more important than winning a championship and that is where the home team faltered. ‘AdPrep-Eng2, Page 10 ae sale 5. Some people believe that lawyers are always working to see that justice is done. On the other hand, some believe that lawyers only want to manipulate the legal system to get what they want. Could both sides be right? There is some substance to this assertion — otherwise how could two legally proficient people fight on opposite sides of a situation using the same legal system? A] Some lawyers are honest, some others are not, B] Lawyers keep fighting between themselves because they are legally proficient. ]__ it''s plausible that while some lawyers work relentlessly for justice, others only try and manipulate the legal system to suit their needs, 6 There are many fun things to do at the beach. Swimming is one thing that can be done at the beach Snorkeling is another thing that can be enjoyed, Playing beach volleyball can be a lot of fun. itis also fun to look for shells, Some people simply like to sunbathe. A] Swimmingis one thing that can be done at the beach. 8] There are many fun things to do at the beach. €]___ Some people simply like to sunbathe at the beach 7. Both sides battled for years. They were very far apart on most contentious issues and could find no way to make a lasting peace. When the fighting finally came to an end, everyone was exhausted and embittered. They had even forgotten why they had initially begun fighting! A] Both sides got so busy fighting that they had to spend a lot of time and energy in remembering why they were fighting, B] Fighting is such an overpowering activity that you lose sight of the reasons for fighting. Cl When the fighting finally came to an end, everyone on both the sides was tired and disillusioned. 8 For example, Harold is a hard worker who helps our company succeed, He has been with us for 15 years now. We would be well advised to pay him more money before some other corporation snatches him away. It’s always wise to compensate employees fairly if you want your business to thrive, A) Harold is a hard worker who helps our company succeed. 8] We would be well advised to pay him more money before some other corporation snatches him away. C]___I’salways wise to compensate employees fairly if you want your business to thrive. 9, Santa just can’t expect his elves to manufacture all the presents he needs to deliver to good little boys and girls, That task could never be done in time, The elves do make many of the toys in Santa’s own shop. The rest of the toys are outsourced to major companies around the world. Santa requires a lot of help to get his job accomplished. A] Santa can’t manufacture all the presents he needs to deliver to good little boys and girls himself. 8] Santa requires a lot of help to manufacture all the presents he needs to deliver. C]___ While many toys are made by the elves in Santa's own shop, the rest are made by major companies around the world, ‘AdPrep-Eng2, Page 11 10. cre 12, B. ae sale Advertisers will often use half-truths. It’s against the law to make false claims so they try to mislead you with the truth. An ad might boast, "Nine out of ten doctors recommend Yummy Pills to cure face pimples.” It fails to mention that they only asked ten doctors and nine of them work for the Yummy Corporation. This kind of deception happens too often in advertising, A) Our life is full of ies wrapped in half-truths. 8] Deception using half-truths happens very frequently in advertising. C]__tt’sagainst the law to make false claims through advertisements. The physical environment of a classroom is extremely important because it can influence the way teachers and students feel, think, and behave. Ifa student feels pressured, under stress, unhappy, or unsafe, it would be impossible for her or him to learn the lessons planned by the educator. Likewise, if a teacher feels unhappy or disorganized because of the classroom’s lack of order or detail, the ability for her to teach is greetly diminished. A] Students do not learn well as per the lesson plan when put under pressure. B] The physical environment of a classroom is extremely important because it can influence the way teachers and students feel, think, and behave. C]__Itisimportant for a teacher to be happy to be able to teach well Many believe China cannot rise peacefully to power. But there are a few people who offer refreshing, persuasive, and provocative views stating otherwise, According to them, East Asian states are not balancing China; they are accommodating it, because China has not sought to translate its dominant. position into conquest of its neighbors. Whether China's emergence as a global power can peacefully find a place in East Asia and the world is a major issue in today’s international political environment — ‘one that warrants a responsible look. A] Whether China’s emergence as a global power can peacefully find a place in East Asia and the world is a major issue in today’s international political environment, one that warrants a responsible look. B] China cannot rise peacefully to power as it has to conquer its neighbours. C]__ China has already risen to power peacefully. Soccer players leatn many skills when playing soccer. Soccer players leatn how to dribble and pass the ball, They also learn how to control the ball so they can eventually score, Most importantly, soccer players learn how to work together with their teammates. A] They also learn how to control the ball so they can eventually score. B] Soccer players learn how to dribble. J) Soccer players learn many skills when playing soccer, ‘AdPrep-Eng2, Page 12 ae sale 14. Often when it rains, 2 particular dreariness descends upon the earth, Most people hide out in their houses sending forlorn glances out the window. Animals scamper off to nooks and crannies, poking their heads out to timidly sniff the air for signs of dry weather. Despite the pellets of water cascading from the sky, an occasional brave soul will venture out for a jog in the drizzle or a bird will chirp merrily in a mud puddle, dismissing the downpour. Some people call these adventurers crazy, but others celebrate the willingness of these individuals to embrace negativity and turn it into something positive. A] One should not venture out in the rain, because it is abnormal. 8] One should venture out in the rain, because Its adventurous to do so. €]__It’sabnormal to venture out in the rain, but the positive results cen be well worth it, 15. From adolescence, data show that males outperform females on math tests and tests of math reasoning, despite differences in IQ. The current data with college students and a simple test of arithmetic ability show that males still score higher than females even when performance is measured using a third grade arithmetic test. The cause for the variance in numbers is questionable though. The finding of a sex difference in math performance from adolescence is a finding that arouses curiosity as to the cause of the difference ~ is nature or nurture involved or a combination of both? A] __Itisnatural for males to outperform females on math tests, irrespective of the differences in IQ. 8] Although males outperform females on math tests, the cause of the discrepancy is unknown. €C]__The cause for males scoring higher than females in math tests is finally out in the open. Section-2 (Crossword-Contextual Vocabulary and Word Retention) It is a proven fact that your learning is faster when itis fun, And games are always fun, Let's see how well you fare in this fun lesson of crosswords. In the following set, a short passage is given, followed by a crossword, the words in which are directly taken from the passage. Using the clues given below each crossword, you need to fill the words corresponding to the clues from the passage into the crossword. ‘The clues under DOWN are for words filling the crossword from Up to Down; and the clues under ACROSS are for words filling the crossword from left to right. krishna Karpal from Bombay never thought that she would, until curiosity got the best of her and she filled out a simple online form. Before she knew it, she discovered her secret to beating the recession, and being able to provide for her family while at home with her three children. | read Krishna's blog last month and decided to feature her story in our local job report. In our phone interview she told me her amazing story. "I basically make about $7,000-$8,000 a month online. it’s enough to comfortably replace my old jobs income, especially considering | only work about 10-13 hours a week from home. We interviewed Income Cash Systems to find out more about why more and more people are joining their system: ‘We are so confident that people will make money using this system within the first few days, that we are letting people use our system without paying a penny! We currently get around 800 people joining us every ‘AdPrep-Eng2, Page 13 ae sale day, mostly with very little computer experience. People are fed up of the scams out there and now is the time people can take advantage of making money from home, or anywhere in the world’. Working online has been a financial windfall for Krishna, who struggled for months to find a decent job but kept hitting dead ends. "I lost my job shortly after the recession hit, | needed reliable income, | was not interested in the "get rich quick" scams you see all over the internet. Those are all pyramid scams or stuff where you have to sell to your friends and family. I just needed a legitimate way to earn a living for me and my family. The best part ‘of working online is that | am always home with the kids, | save a lot of money.” DOWN ‘ACROSS 1 Interest (9) 2 Unexpected gain (8) 3 Remarkable, wonderful (7) 5 To study written matter (4) 4 Lawful & Valid (10) 7 Wealth, funds (5) 6 To give attention to or highlight (7) 9 Undisclosed, hidden (6) 8 Fraud schemes, cons (5) 10 Respectable (6) ‘AdPrep-Eng2, Page 14

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