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robot Roomba: Clean Base" Automatic Dirt Disposal Elimination automatique de la poussiére Clean Base” Eliminacién automética de suciedad Clean Base Owner's Guide Guide du propriétaire For Roomba" iSeries Robot Vacuums , Pour les robots aspirateurs Roomba" de série Guia del usuario Para robots aspiradores Roomba’ de la Serie i Safety Information Important Safety Information This owner's guide includes information for Regulatory Model(s): ADE-N1 and ADE-N2. ‘SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS @ QQ WARNING: When using an electrical appliance, basic precautions should always be followed, including the following: READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS 4S WARNING: To reduce the risk of injury or damage, read and follow the safety precautions when setting up, using and maintaining your robot. This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision. 4X WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm - AN heya scetrnssogen tet tow ths belt sved posse nye Ay Mietscticteck By] Chetecsipment Gp tdpower TAT Readeperters gh, Sent mbar By wettee Ch Fontooruseon =e) Rtepower HK Keepowstroeh BF sacleedroecton 22 SeporoteSupplyUnt ~G) Rated power input. WARNING: Indios a hazardous stvation that, net voided, could result in decth or eis injury. ‘CAUTION ndeats © haterdou sittin that, not voided, cous result in minor o moderate jy. NONGE:Indcates« hazardous suction tot not avoided, could resin eee Aa WARNING KAA This products not o toy. Smal children ond pets should be * supensiced when the products operating + Donotsitor stand on this product. + This product comes with o region oppxoved power supply cord cond is designed to be plugged into a standard household AC Power outlet only. Do not use any other power supply cord. For Feplocement cords, please contact Customer Care to ensure prope selection of country speciic power supply cord, + Donot csassemble or open the dit dsposol There ore no user seriewoble ports inside, Refer servicing to ques ‘ewiew personne! + isk of electric shock, use indoors in dry location only + Do.not hone this product with wet hands, + Store and operate this product in room temperature tenvronments ony. [AUTOMATIC DIRT DISPOSAL 4 WARNING AA, + To reduce the risk of electric shock, unplug your dit disposal before cleaning, + Donot pour any quid int the device and donot immerse in wate. + Do not use outdoors or on wet surfaces + Do nat allow tobe used as toy. Close ottentionis necessary when used by or near children, + Use ony 0 described in this manual + Donot use with damaged cord or plug. appliance isnot workng asi should, hos Boon dropped, damaged, it butdoots, or dropped into water, retum itto.0 service center. + Dont handle pug or oppionce with wet hands. + Dont put any object into openings. Do not use with any ‘pening blocked: Keep free of cust int, hat, ond onthing that ‘may reduce oi How: + Inorder to ovo « hazard dve to inadvertent resetting ofthe therm cut-out, this appliance must not be supplied Pvough an textemal switching device, such ovo timer oF connected to. ecu thot s regularly suitched on and off by the uty NOTICE Product may not be used with any type of power converter (Use of power converts il inmeciatly vod the warranty. + tfyou lve in an area prone to electrical storms, itis recommended that you use adetional surge protection. Your it csporal may be protected wth a suge protector inthe event of severe lectical storms + Do not use without dust bag andl ters in place, + To properly maintain your dit eps, do not place foreign objects nace ond ensure te clear of debs + Alwoysciconnect your robot fom the dt csposal belore Cleaning or maintairing it. About Your Automatic Dirt Disposal Front View Coniter ud Back View cord op Top View Slorer Cover Debris Roombt iSeries Automatic Dirt Disporal Owner's Guide 1 Using Your Automatic Dirt Disposal Positioning the Clean Base™ Automatic Dirt Disposal Ay WARNING: T provont the risk of our robot oling down tis, Snsurethot the dt caposolsplocedat least feet (12 meters) ‘way from stairs + Place the dit dlsposol on solid ground ond firmly against the wal Moke sure the exhaust vent on the side snot cbstrctes, + Ensure there ore no objects above the coniser (within | oot/0:3 mete) to alow the canister tobe opened fly and the disposal ag tobe reploced, + Atleast 15 fet (05 meters) on each side of the dit posal + Atleast 4 feet (1.2 meters) in ont ofthe dit disposal, ond at least 4 feet (1.2 meters) away from stirs. + Atleast 3 foot (0.9 meters) fom Virtual Wall batiers and make sure ‘the Virtual Wal is facing away fom the dit disposal + Alwoyskoop the dirt disposal plugged in and make sure tis in an trea with consistent WF coverage to ollow Roomba to receive Information via te Robot HOME App. About Your Automatic Dirt Disposal while cleaning, your robot wil automatically return ta the dit disposal ‘o-emply ts bin ond rechorge, as needed, ‘Te dit dsposa’s LED incicator wil un sli ed when a new bog is needed, 6 clog is detected, the dirt disposal wil tigger adctional ‘otters to automaticaly clear the clog. Eh att ple yur bot on thet perl byhand tt ot ompty Ccutomataly nthe case, use the Robot HOME App or the RY buon on our ‘bot to many empty yur robots bi. 2 Formore information, vist Care and Maintenance Care and Maintenance Instructions To keep your dit disposal running ot pook performance, follow these, core procedures: Charging Conocts Svea [ies coer ah mea noe eee ote: Robot manufactures various eplacement ports and assembles you thinkyou need a eplocement pat please contact Robot Customer Cat or ‘more nfrmation Replacing the Bag | _titup onthe conser to open. 3, Discord the used bog 4 2 paseoneegone soe | Not: iit erin togo Simoni cabre | 5 Install anew bag, slicing the plastic cord into the guid rai Press down onthe fd ming sure tis completely closes | Serer i celeetcne Cleaning the IR Window F note: donot ‘pry eanng ‘luton dre openings Removing Debris from Blower Cover Inspect blower cover feronylintor debris bult-up, end wipe with @ lean dry cloth Roomba! i Series Automatic Dirt Disposal Owner's Guide 3 Troubleshooting ‘Your Automatic Birt Disposal wl tol you f something is wrong via an LED ingicotor onthe front of the canister and though the iRobot HOME App Seldes | Bopiaormasna | I Replace bog itso song 2. Moke sure the bog securely inseted a ‘frtiem pen remove oy cs Blinking Red | Therewcleokor | 1 Moke sue the conte iis pushed ee Scoginthe cack | down ond ti said Top the Soctatonpotn’ | ltonanyourtobotto many empire bn 2. ony dts bon on ‘Ssposd 3.Unplg the it disposal rom he wal. | Pace ton side an inspect the nesezery, emo th ef ot 4 Formore information, visit iRobot Customer Care USA & Canada Ifyou have questions ar comments about your Automatic Dit Dispotal.pleate contact abot before contacting a retoler You con start by visting for support tps, requenty ‘atked questions ond inlormation about accessories. Ths information| ‘can olro be found inthe iRobot HOME App If you need further ‘assistance, call US Customer Care team at (877) 855-6593, Robot USA Customer Care Hours + Monday to Fry, 9AM ~ 9PM Eostern Time + Sotuiday ond Sunday 9AM - 6PM Eostern Time Outside USA & Canada Visit to: + Learn mere about iRobot in your county + Gethin ond tips to improve your product performance: + Getonsners to questions + Contact your local support center Regulatory Information ‘his device complies wth part 18 of the FCC Rules ond ICES-008. (Operation s subject to tha fllowing two conditions|) Tis device moy ‘not cause harmful interference, ane 2) this device must accept ony terior reached, alain hlexfevence at nay cane undone operation This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard). Operations subject tothe folowing two conditions: 1) This device may not cause interference, and 2} this devce must accept ‘ony interference, including Interference thot may cause undesited feperation ofthe device, + Chonges or modifications not expressly approved by Robot Corporation could void the use’ authority to operate the ‘equipment. + This equipment hos been tested and found to comply with the limits foro Clots 8 cigital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules ‘orwell o ICES-00G Rules hese mts are designed to provide Feasonable protection against harmful interference ina residentiol installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, not instelled and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio commu- nications, However, there is no guarantee thot interference to radio ‘communication wl nt accurn'o particular instalation, ths ‘equipment dos cause harmful interference to radio or television Feception, which can be determined by turning the equipment of tnd on, the users encourages to ty to correct the Interference by fe oF more ofthe following measures + Reorient or relocate the receiving ontenna. + Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. + Connect the equipment into an outiet ona circuit diferent rom that to which the recelver is connected, + Consult the dealer er an experienced radio/TV technician for help, + Under Industry Canada regulations this radio transmitter may only ‘operate using an antenna of type and maximum [or lesser) goin ‘pproved forthe transmitter by Industry Canada Te reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and IRs gain should be to chosen thatthe equivalent isotropically radiated power (..rp) is not mare than the necessory for ‘successful communication, + FCC Radiation Exposure Stotement: This product complies with FCC $2,1093(0) for porte RF exposure limits, set forth for an Uncontrolled environment ond fe rate for the intended operation os scribed inthis manual + ISED Radiation Exposure Statement: This product complies with the Canadian Standard RSS-102 for portable BF exposure limits, set forth for an uncontrolled environment ands safe fer the intended ‘operation a described in ths manual Roombo' i Series Automatic Dirt Disposal Owner's Guide s @ Robot Beene oa ena noe ema we-ssa2ie Informacién de seguridad Informacién importante sobre seguridad Esta guia del usuario incluye informacién para modelos reglamentarios: ADE-N1 y ADE-N2. GUARDAR ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES AN ADVERTENCIA: Al utilizar un aparato eléctrico, siempre se deben tomar ciertas precauciones basicas, entre ellas: LEER TODAS LAS INSTRUCCIONES AM ADVERTENCIA: Para reducir el riesgo de lesiones 0 dafios, lea y tome las siguientes precauciones de seguridad al configurar, utilizar y realizar el mantenimiento del robot. Este aparato puede ser usado por nifios a partir de los 8 afios de edad y por personas que tengan capacidades fisicas, sensoriales o mentales reducidas, o que no posean experien: y conocimiento, siempre y cuando hayan sido supervisados e instruidos en lo que respecta a la seguridad en el uso del aparato y comprendan los riesgos involucrados. Los nifios no deben jugar con el aparato. Tampoco deben realizar tareas de limpieza o mantenimiento sin supervisién. QQ ADVERTENCIA: Cancer y riesgos reprodu steal simbole de olrta de seguridod. Se ulira para advert sobre riesgo desir asiones fics, (Obesezea todos lor menejes de sequrdad que aparesconjunte@ ere simbols para evar ponies leone ola muerte imgere mveecs Ge mie COON seem” So Aterennse Cieeren =D memes tested or poectnce Independiente remind, CA @ ADVERTENCIK: Indica una situacin peligrosa que, de no evtarse, podria provecala muerte lesionesgfeves. PRECAUCION: Indica una situacin pligrosa que, de no evtose, pods provoca lesiones eves o moderados, VSO: Indica una stwacién plgrosa que, dene evtorse, podria provecor datos materiales. [GENERALIDADES ADVERTENCIA KAA Esto producto noes un juguete. Se debe vga nies pequesioe Yyimascotes morro. proguci este on fncionomiento Noe sene nse ponge de pe sobre ete producto, Este producto incluye un coble de suminsto de energia aprobado en suregien yest soho pore coneetone exciosnamente ona 30 {e clmentocion de CA para elactrodomesteos estandax No tice ringun oto tipo de cable de suinsto de onerga. Pra obtener ables de epvest, comuniguese con Alencion al lente ain de Seleccionar adesundomente el cable de sums de neta ‘specific pare su pals No desarme ni aba dspostiveparala liminaciénautomética do sucledod. No ho ningun piezo interna que el usuario puedo repr Djs los tars de mantensmsanta en mares de persona de senico| ccotfcado, Roigo de descarga elécrica, Ulisse Unicamenteen interiors eos. + No menipul este producto cn as manos mojados + Ammacene yutile este producto solamente temperature ambiente ELIMINACION AUTOMATICA DE SUCIEOAD 4 ADVERTENCIA A\AN + Paroreducir el iesgo de descarga etic, desconecte el dspostive pata le minacion tom@ten de scedad antes de bmpia, + No wert ringin iquido en ol expose alo sumeqo.en agu0. + No louliice ol ot ite nen supericis mojadas + No pormita que se use como juguete. Se require esticte superision sand sea uizade pornos 6 cerca de los + Use solo como e deterbe en este manu + Noloutiice con un cabo o enchule dafado. Sel porte no fueiona come deberia, se cay, doe, sede a ate Iie se ‘mergisen ous devtalo aun core de servicio. + Nocologueningin objeto en ar abertuas. Noe use con ingune ‘Obertura bioqueodo; mantengaio lore de poe, elisa, cabelo ‘yeualguer casa que puede reduc al hj de are + Con el nde var resgos cousodes pola reniciizacién Inodiertida del emote, ete oparato no debe cr lmentoién elctnca otrovésdeun dspestv de conmutacion trlerno, como us tomparizodor ni eonectere © un cute que Servicio publica encenda y apague con ecuencia, AVISO + Elprodueto no se puede wor con ningin tipo de tansloxmador ‘Se corent.Usrtronstormadores de comments iwalcore lnmachotomente la garantie + Sivive en una zona propente @ tormentoselétricas, recomnda ullzorproteccsonadlonol conta sebretensiones Es posble que ol lsprtivo pare elminocionautomstica Se Sucledod dlspanga de un protector por sbretenion en caso ‘que se presurcon torments eléticortensos + Nolo ute sre tine bosa de poo otros. + Pore mantener adecuadamente su spostvo poral eliminacién ‘utomatica de sucedod, no caloque objets eta dena Yasegurese oe que no haya residues. + Siempre descanect su obat del dspostve parla ehminacién ‘ulomética de sciedod antes de impanio'9.derolzare Acerca de la eliminacién automdtica de suciedad Vista frontal Tope del recipente Ineasor xD a cope Vortona Contactos Secage loeruedor Puerto de Serenvor Vista superior ees gui doboteor Tubose evoeuoesn cubital eresioves deboica Guia del usuario para la eliminacién automética de suciedad de Reombe' de la Serie Vista trasera Vista inferior Suotodor de cable 5) Uso del dispositivo para la eliminacién automadtica de suciedad Colocacién del automética de suci DN ADVERTENCIA: Poraevitar que el rbot se caiga por ls escaleros, ‘segirese de que el dispostve para lo eliminacion automatica, {de sucledad permaneza a ne menos de 4 pes (1,2 metros) de lstoncia de cualquier esealera. * Coleg tpoatno pala emiacn oxo de scedad en piso estab rmamerte conta la pared. Aueguree de que ler Feterat no est obstruis, a 7 + Asegirese de que no haya objetosencime del recipient (o menos de ‘Np /0.3 mets) pare perma que ol recpiente se bro complotomente _yQue se reempice la belsa de elminacion + Almenos 15 pies (05 mets) a cada lode del posto por lo tliminacén autombicn de sucedtad + Almanos 4 pis (1,2 metos) enfrente del dspostvo pra o ebminacisn| ‘outomeatica de sucedad yal mesos & pies (12 maton oljod de xcoleros + Almenos 3 pis (09 mets de os borreras Virtual Waly asegirere ‘Sete Vitual Wal apunte hacia ellado opueso del posting pore \eeiminacion oombtica de sxsedo, + Siempre mantenga canectodo el apostivo poraloeiinocién ‘outomatca de sesedod y asegirese de que se enevenve enn roo ‘Son cobertira estaba de cf esto perairs que el Roars eee informacion lo opp Robot HONE. 2 Para obtener mas informacién, visit global. Acerca de la eliminacién autométtica de suciedad Mints mpi, su robot regresra utemticomente al isposivo para le ‘lminacion ovtomtiea de used pora voc a reeperte de rschioe Yyrecagrse seginlorequera Eindlcador LED del spsto parle eliminacén outst de siedad se encoreoré on coor eo cuando so neceste un nuova bola. Sse cetecta tna ebstuccon elapostve pera le sminoen automdtea de sued [By ite Sicooca surat on el dpostvo praia elminactin atométea de ‘opp Robot HOME ool bet de su fobot pore wacir manuolmerte Cuidado y mantenimiento Instrucciones para el cuidado y mantenimiento ora nantener el dspostivo parc a eliminacién cutomética de sucedod funcionendo al méximo rendimiento, sig estos procesimientos de culdodor, Pezade ocople Frecuencia de eomplz> ‘eos ‘bolas deben ee reenplrare cuando ‘ero sabe eroncn Secorge cle opcacn ‘Contactos e | Unover omer Verena Cabioto del | Uno ver ces ate ios Yentindordento | residues delacuberta det ‘ Serepiewe |ventiodoy Ye Note: abet fabri dstitas plzos de epuesoyensambojes.Snecesta trapeze repo, comuniquese con 6'serec de tencn al here ‘Seitobot pao tener ma infoemocsn Cambio de bolsa | _tevont atop del reiptente par abrir, 2D. Tre entatapeta plastica pora sacar la balsa delvecipiente, El tetwreso bokepare ‘gueetpalvo | los 3 _Deseche a boia wrod, etcaseseetatast 1) Inspeccione os sensores Ylos contactos de carga pote osegurorse de {gue no tengan residues, imple con un paso limpioy seco. Instale une nueva bolse desizando la tarjeta de pléstico eno rites guia, Eisen limpadore dieters on lovbervro dor | Limpieza de la ventana IR cubierta del ventilador Presione la tapa hacia abajo Yyoregurese de que este snopeceone Completamente cerda ieee | ite: Pora lograr un rendimiento dptime esapenr tl pier simnocion outomotice de nuded ‘ecumulados, y impie impie o cambie el ftro de su robot, ‘con un pafo limpio sein orequers seco pare quitoros. Guia del usuario pare le eliminacién automética de suciedad de Roomba’ de la Serie 3 5) Solucién de problemas Su dispositive paral eliminacién automéitica de suciedadle dra si ‘lgo esta ml mediante un indicadar LED en Ia parte frontal del ecipiente {através de lo opp iRobot HOME node [ter comin [Che peer | Gare | esate | Roasan aa Sa Doom "° —|Sitiowe’ | ensononoyboue ; ae 2 hetiae clos ersten a See" i A Desconecte eee cae Senne oe Setanta Deeeucen Sn ie, | Mepecrnaeemaserese fey | ceceraeese| Seocte | strmceisemmntinarome | pater de utbot ye upon pore EtSennactn omen Se snedos | 4. Datconscte deposi por ekminacsn ‘urate de sucadod Geo pared alent d cortado esnspeccon a ‘ubero wansparete ene pate fer para | Vee tihoyrescuon Ses neces, uta l {Who per simnor evoiquer rosea. Ler més informacién vse Atencion al cliente de iRobot EE. UU. y Canad Sittene preguntas o comentarios sobre su cposito poo lo timinecion automética de sucledad, comunquese con Robot ones Secontactorounstibuidor CComience por visitor pora obtener sugerencias {de soporte respuestor alas preguntas més frecuentes © formacion fobre os avcetoros. También puede encontrar esta informacion ‘enlo app Robot HOME. Si necesita més ayudo, lame cl equipo ‘de Atencin ol client on EE, UU cl (877) 855-8593. Horario de Atencién al conte de Robot USA "Lunes a viernes, de 9.0. m.0.9 p.m. (hora del Este) + Sébado y domingo, de 90, m. a6 p.m. (hore del ste) Fuera de los EE. UU. y Canada Visite pore + Obtener més informaciéa sobre iRobot en su pais + Obtener sugerenciasy consejos para mejoror el rendimiento de suproducto| + Obtenerrespuestos asus preguntas + Contactar su centre local de soporte Informacién reglamentaria Este dispositive cumple con la seeci6n 15 de las Reglae de la Comision Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC, Federal Communications ‘Commission y de ICES-003, El funcionamiento est sujto a dos ‘condiciones: Este apostive ne debe eauaor interferences Getinos 12) este dispositive debe aceptor cualquier interferencia recbido, Incluidas los interferencios que pueden causar un funcionomiento nodeseada, Esto cispostv cumple os esténdaresexentos de RSS del Deportomento

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