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Student’s Name & Roll No………...……………………………................

Paper course: Introduction of Information and Technology Exam: Final Term

Program: BS Zoology (Evening) Semester: 4th
Session: 2021-25 Total marks: 60
Time allowed: 2h Dated: 26-05-2023

Q. No. 1 Encircle the correct one 12 x 1.5=18

1. Which one is the Low Level Language?
(a). C++ (b). Visual Basic (c) Java (d). Assembly
2. What is the shortcut key to “Undo” the last action in a document?
(a). Ctrl + X (b). Ctrl + Y (c). Ctrl + Z (d). None of above
3. Which computer works on data in 0's and 1's.
(a)Digital computer (b). Hybrid computer (c). Physical computer (d). Analog computer
4. Which of these is not a type of computer?
(a). PC (b). Workstation (c). Logical computer (d). Supercomputer
5. ______ is the Second Generation computer.
(a). ENIAC (b). UNIVAC (c). ANSII (d). IBM 370
6. 1st generation of computers started with the inventions of -------------
(a). Integrated circuits (b).microprocessor (c).transistors (d). vacuum tube
7. Microsoft word is __________ software?
(a). Application (b). Compiler (c) System (d). Programming
8. Ctrl + V Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to_____________?
(a). Paste material in the beginning of document (b). Paste Images in the beginning of Document
(c). Paste material at the middle of document (d). Paste the copied material any place of document
9. Where a user can easily work on Microsoft Windows is called:
(a). Title bar (b). Document window (c) Status bar (d). Program area
10. To cut the text first select the text and click the cut button or press ____ on the keyboard.
(a). Ctrl + X (b). Ctrl + P (c). Ctrl + Z (d). Ctrl + C
11. There are storage locations to store information which contain information that is currently being
(a). Compiler (b). Register (c) CPU (d). System
12. It is the brain of a computer system
(a). Compiler (b). Register (c) CPU (d). Program

Q. No. 2 Short Questions 6x3 = 18
i) What is Analog Computer and Digital computer? ii) What is difference between Save and Save As?
iii) Differentiate between Main memory and Secondary memory.
iv) What is difference between Hexadecimal number System and Binary number System?
v) Draw diagram of Microsoft Word application which explain its various parts.
vi) What are the types of view buttons in Microsoft word?
Long Question 2x12 = 24
Q. No. 3 a) What is Data? Define its types in detail (6)
b) What is port? Define its types in detail (6)
Q. No. 4 a) What is Typology? Define its any 3 type’s advantages and disadvantages. (12)

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