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Name: Fatima Siddiqui

SID 12929

Question 1:
Strengths and Weaknesses of Millat Tractors Limited (MTL):

 Reputable brand: Millat Tractors is a well-known and respected name in
Pakistan's agricultural machinery market.
 Wide selection of products: MTL caters to the demands of various customer
segments by providing a wide portfolio of tractors and agricultural equipment.
 Strong distribution system: The business has a robust distribution system that
enables it to connect with clients in both urban and rural locations.
 Local manufacturing capabilities: MTL has manufacturing facilities close by,
which can result in cost savings and improved production control.


 Dependence on the agricultural sector: Due to MTL's dependence on the

sector, its performance is highly susceptible to changes in agricultural output
and governmental regulations.
 Competition: The company is up against both domestic and foreign
competitors in the tractor sector, which could have an impact on its market
share and pricing power.
 Economic and political risks: MTL's financial situation and performance may
be impacted by political and economic developments in Pakistan.

Threats and opportunities for the sector:


 Growing mechanization: Tractor and agricultural equipment sales have room

to increase as Pakistan's agricultural industry adopts more mechanization.
 Boost from the government: Government programses and subsidies to boost
the agriculture industry may present chances for MTL.
Name: Fatima Siddiqui
SID 12929


 Changes in commodity prices, such as those for fuel and agricultural

products, can have an impact on demand for tractors and have an impact on
MTL's financial performance.
 Currency fluctuations: Since MTL works in a sector that relies heavily on
imports, they may have an effect on the price of imported parts and

Question # 2:
Sharia Compliance:
A thorough examination of the business activities and financial statements of MTL
would be necessary to ascertain whether the stock satisfies the Sharia requirements
for investment. A company's compliance with Sharia entails making sure that its
operations adhere to Islamic standards, such as avoiding interest-based
transactions, proscribed businesses, and unethical business practices. To get a clear
response about MTL's compliance, it is advised to speak with a Sharia advisor or a
financial organization that specializes in Sharia-compliant investments.

Question # 3
Risk Analysis:
Historical stock price information and market index returns are required in order to
calculate MTL's beta and evaluate its systematic and unsystematic risks. I lack real-
time access to the financial data necessary for regression analysis and computing
beta because I am an AI text-based model. I advise using financial software or
speaking with a financial expert who can carry out the required calculations and
provide you the risk measures.
Name: Fatima Siddiqui
SID 12929

Question # 4
Cost of Capital:

Calculating the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), which takes both the cost
of debt and the cost of equity into account, is necessary to estimate MTL's cost of
capital. You would need the capital structure of the company, the cost of debt
(interest rate), and the cost of equity (calculated using the Capital Asset Pricing
Model or other suitable models) to compute the WACC. I'll reiterate that as an AI
text-based model, I lack access to the precise financial information needed to
calculate MTL's cost of capital. To gather the essential knowledge, it is advised to
speak with financial experts or to turn to trustworthy financial sources.

Question # 5
Projected Cash Flows and Valuation:
To project MTL's future cash flows, a thorough financial analysis is needed,
including estimations of revenue, expenses, and working capital. The discounted
cash flow (DCF) approach can be used to evaluate the company after the future cash
flows have been determined. Using an appropriate discount rate, such as the cost of
capital, the DCF approach includes discounting projected cash flows to their present
value. Based on a detailed examination of the company's financials and market
dynamics, assumptions would need to be made on growth rates, discount rates, and
other pertinent elements.

Question # 6
Allocations to MTL:
Deciding whether to allocate a portion of the Pakistan Islamic Pension Fund to MTL
would necessitate a thorough analysis of the firm's performance evaluation,
valuation outcomes, and compatibility with the fund's investment objectives and
risk tolerance. It is advisable to take into account elements including the fund's
diversification needs, potential effects on the risk-return profile of the fund, and the
fund manager's experience with the farm machinery sector. Before making any
investment decisions, a full study should be carried out, and it is advised to speak
with financial experts for specialized guidance.

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