Assignment 1 - Exploring The Concept of Curriculum. Dip

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Assignment 1: Exploring the Concept of Curriculum.

Given the group discussion task and reading list; use the tasks below as points of reference to
guide and write your essay:

Essay length: approx. 1,200 words. (6-7 pages inclusive of cover page & reference page);
Spacing between lines: 1; Font 12; Use the Harvard in-text citation.

a) Define curriculum (own words).

b) Examine two definitions of curriculum from two identified authors;
Comment on their similarities or differences and the implications to the curriculum.
(Provide citations for the quoted definitions).
c) Outline factors or foundations which influence one’s definition or description of


Provide cover page. Indicate task in full on cover page. Number the pages of the essay.
Provide brief introduction (what the task is about and how the essay proposes to proceed with the task
at hand).
Structure essay as an academic prose (there should be no bulleting or numbering or sub titles within the
body of the essay).
Provide conclusion (Summary of main issues or arguments raised in the essay).

Due date: August 24, 2023

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George R Jere (2018) Exploring the Concept of Curriculum: TVTC

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