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13/1/22 22:39 Quiz: AP1 Midterm Oral Exam

AP1 Midterm Oral Exam

Jan 13 at 10:28pm

Quiz Instructions


(Focus on Pronunciation; Units: 1-8)

Production of vowel contrast and alternating vowels

Read the following sentences out loud. Pay special attention to the vowel contrast. Fit everything into smooth and
natural rhythm.

1. The miners could not reach the rich minerals in the area. [iy] – [ɪ]
2. The robot will perform well under pressure. [ɪ] – [ɛ]
3. I bet Tom left the bat in the court. [ɛ] – [æ]
4. The duck is near the dock. [ǝ] – [ɑ]
5. I forgot the bass on the bus. [æ] – [ǝ]
6. Can you see the bunch of kids near the bench? [ǝ] – [ɛ]
7. Sofia is the most beautiful girl in the world. (clusters)
8. This book is about a man’s journey around the earth. [ǝr]
9. The suspect robs expensive robes. [ɑ] – [ow]
10. We celebrate Holy week during the holidays. (alternation)

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