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Ethics vs.

Morals In Biology

Often the time outside of Tok context the word ethic and morals are used however they have
distinct differences often the words trip me up as when am i being ethical or when am i displaying
correct morals. In addition I used them both interchangeably however never really knew the
difference, and this meant i would always be in the right with being ethical however still be wrong
seen in in biology it wasn’t really ethical to use the stinger of animals to extract
unconcentrated plant sap however in this process the insect is killed however it is wrong in terms of
ethics however many people in the class leaned more towards doing the animals testing as this may
save life’s and the animal most likely wont feel any of the testing however on the other hand many
people in class argued that it will only potentially and not 100% save people and that we can’t be a
100% sure that the animal wont feel it and that their still is a chance that the animal will feel it. So it
is ethically wrong however moraly it would be relatively the right thing to do as it might save people,
so the question i am asking myself what’s the point of morals if we have to Follower ethics
nonetheless in addition what moral and ethics are right or wrong or is their a right or wrong as this
varies depending on religion culture or the place you are in, is it right to kill a fly to collect plant sap
so it could potentially save humans however would we do the same with a human life on line.

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