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Global Informational Project

(History, Geopolitics, Culture, Economy)

The international social project

Gives you access in 98 languages (!) via QR-code to full articles on facts about
Ukraine and the future of the world.

Explore the depth of history. Be experts in world diplomacy.

Let’s answer the questions TOGETHER and start to get KNOW:

• Kyiv (Ukraine's capital) is almost 1,600 years old, and Moscow (RF's capital) is 876
years old. So, why is putin deceiving the whole world, saying "Russia created Ukraine"?

•Why is the word "Moscow" translated from the Komi language as "swamp"? Who are
the "Komi" and how do they connected with moscovy?

• Why did Muscovy state change its name to Rus in 1721?

• What is Putin fighting for? What is his business?

• Why was the fact that the Ukrainian rulers gave 158 kings and queens to Europe,
when Muscovy did not even exist yet, kept silent?

• How has Ukraine been connected to all of Europe for thousands of years?
Mistakes of 1938-1945 repeats itself.

80 years ago, Hitler occupied Europe. Lesson not learned. Putin is occupying Europe
now. Today, the Third World War has already begun in the world, in fact.

For a long time, world leaders tried not to notice how Putin was quietly biting off parts
of independent countries: since 1990 – Moldova, 2008 – Georgia, 2011 – Syria, 2014 –
Ukraine... The indifference of the global leaders and the impunity of criminals lead to
the expansion of the virus of war. Therefore, on February 24, 2022, the full-scale war
of Russia against the sovereign state of Ukraine and the whole world began.

Now a bloody war crime is taking place before the whole world’s eyesight – a bloody
war is going on in the very center of Europe with thousands of missiles and the death
of thousands of civilians and children. The fact of undermining the Kakhovska
hydroelectric power station by the russian invaders is a man-made ecocide
unprecedented in scale.

If the world community is silent, the virus of evil spreads.

This has been the case under Hitler's fascism since 1938, and this is happening now
with Putin's fascism.

With the “tacit consent” of other countries, the first victims of fascism were: 1938 –
Austria, 1938 – the Czech Republic, 1939 – Poland, 1941 – Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia,
the USSR and others. Indulging a dictator led the world to World War II and millions of
victims (!!!), just as it is today to World War III.

You can close your eyes and try not to notice that the world war has started, but you
can deeply realize that Ukraine today is Austria or the Czech Republic of 1938,
but which does not surrender and will not surrender, which bravely fights and protects
the whole world with its lives! However, Ukraine needs full, decisive and timely support
because russian fascism will seize both Europe and Asia.

The primary slowness of world leaders in condemning the crimes of russia, Scholz's
attempts to "call putin for the hundredth time", Macron's attempts to "save putin's
face", the Pope's attempts to "reconcile Ukrainians and russians in prayer" showed how
deep the ignorance and therefore misunderstanding of the causes of the war by these
leaders, how deep russian services, lobbyists and propagandists have penetrated into
the heart of European democracy.

Angela Merkel, who for many years prepared Europe for slavery to russia, betraying
the economic and political freedoms of Europe into a monopoly dependence on russia,
made a separate irreparable action. This issue of Merkel's bias will be discussed
separately and repeatedly. However, the trace of the FSB is already there on her face.

In view of such a “quiet undercover occupation of Europe”, russia slowed down the
reaction of world leaders to the invasion of Ukraine, and Europe and the whole world,
with a complete lack of understanding of causal relationships and complete detachment
from taking responsibility, that led to a delay in the supply of weapons to Ukraine.
Today the risks of "prolonging the war" are also big.
Punishment. Rapidity. Leadership.

Just like with Hitler, today not all countries in Europe and Asia understood in a timely
manner that pandering to the terrorist Putin may lead to nuclear war... But have you
all heard the threats of Russian officials about a nuclear strike on London, Lithuania,
Poland and even Portugal!

It is good that already now Macron and Scholz understood the seriousness of the
situation and the impossibility of flirting with an international murderer and terrorist.
Unity Leadership. Since in 1945 Hitler was defeated by unity and coalition, so now only
unity and speed will be the winning factor.

Therefore, it is not the time to talk about raising gas or utility prices, it is not the time
to set about inflation in "West Countries" – this is our entire common price to stop
russia and putin, who become Hitler of the 21st century.

However, always remember the price paid and are paying by Ukrainians is
unprecedentedly higher – they bravely give their lives now to keep people in Europe
and the whole World safe!

It is necessary to replace indulgence with an immediate Hague Tribunal!

The first arrest warrant for putin has already been issued.
Moreover, these are the first results of punishment for crimes against the world.

We must not bring the world to millions of victims!

It is necessary to open all fronts at the same time.

The economic front (embargo on oil, gas, gold, tourists from russia), political, military
and informational front must be opened simultaneously!

Everyone has the right to live on a peaceful Planet without crazy dictators!

This is why we work TOGETHER!

Even after the seizure of Crimea in 2014, until 2022, some leaders of Germany, France and
Hungary did not even understand how they fell into putin’s clutches and “served” his
economic interests, involving their countries in gas bondage and violating their strategic
security, for personal business interests (such as those of Schroeder, Merkel and others).
Moreover, it was these “moments of betrayal”, that’s how the whole intelligent world
classifies them, that caused Putin’s “permission” to start a full-scale war in Ukraine. In
addition, it changed everything...

Leaders of a new type entered the world arena and replaced the old leaders.
There has been a real transition from a pro-bourgeois corrupt state policy in some
countries to a highly democratic open policy based on the unification of countries based on
respect for the sovereignty of countries, laws, human rights, and above all, the right to live
life! It is the most important thing above all else, even the money and profits of the

In the first stages, the anti-Putin coalition joined the cause of restoring world justice,
thanks to the outstanding leadership of:
- the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, his diplomatic team, the Armed Forces of
Ukraine and the entire Ukrainian people;
- Head of the European Commission – Ursula Von Der Leyen,
- Head of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola,
- Head of the European Union Charles Michel,
- President of the USA Joe Biden,
- Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister of Great Britain Boris Johnson,
- President of Poland Andrzej Duda,
- President of Lithuania Gitanas Nauseda and ex-president of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė,
- President of Slovakia Zuzana Caputova,
- Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau,
- Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida,
- Leaders of the German Bundestag,
- President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Zomart Tokayev,
- The leaders of Australia, Azerbaijan, Poland, and Britain were the first to send
humanitarian supplies to save the peaceful people of Ukraine.
- and many other leaders.

Their names will be included in the textbooks of the new history of the world, as defenders
of freedom, sovereignty and well-fair on this planet.

The only difference between 1938 and 2022 is that world leaders quickly realized that it is
impossible to flirt with the aggressor and make concessions to him. Сonnivance to dictators
that leads to the collapse of the world.
Why is Ukraine at the epicenter?
Because two different civilizations collided: russia as an invader with 300 years of
violent experience, and Ukraine – a developed humanistic civilization that respects
international laws and human rights.
The battle between good and evil.
A fight between bandit and an intellectual human rights defender.

For the sake of world justice, every Hitler, Milošević and Putin will be
punished in The Hague for crimes committed against peaceful humanity and
the entire Planet. And before it’s too late, we must all act together, we must
clearly understand what is happening in Ukraine and why. This is why well-
known historians, economists and geopoliticians have collected clear
information in the TOP-10 FACTS ABOUT UKRAINE.

Ukraine has a very rich and glorious history, natural resources, chernozem,
food products, the level of development of science and technology, highly
educated hardworking people, and traditions of parliamentarian and peace.
But it was Russia that hushed up the whole truth about Ukraine because it
was afraid...

The problem is that over the past 300 years, Russia has stolen everything it
touched: foreign lands, names, coats of arms, flags, and even foreign
histories and languages.

In order to hide the fact of theft from the time of the Russian Tsar Peter I
(1721) until the end of the Soviet period, all children in the schools of the
USSR were told the artificial history of Russia invented by the Tsar according
to all the laws of propaganda. However, the truth is that the theft of the
history and name of Ukraine covered attempts to destroy those from whom
Russia stole everything – the Ukrainian nation.

And that is why in 2022, Putin declared the goal of the war against Ukraine
to be precisely “denazification”, in order to get rid of the real descendants of
Kievan Rus’ (Ukraine) and witnesses of the imperial crimes of the Russian
Federation. For this purpose, he uses the genocide of Ukrainians, just as
Hitler exterminated Jews, Poles, Czechs...
Fact 1
Ukraine is the LARGEST country in Europe
Ukraine is the LARGEST country in Europe – 1st place in terms of territory (603,549
km²), which is entirely located in Europe. Moreover, in the IX-XIII centuries. Ukraine
was twice as big – 1.5 million km² – until the Mongols attacked.

In terms of territory, Ukraine is equal to two Germanys or Polands, almost three Great
Britains, five Greeces, ten Latvias, almost thirty Turkeys or 112 Andorras.

The population on January 1, 2022 is 41,167,336 people.

The capital is Kyiv.
The state language is Ukrainian.

The 1st place by the size of the territory,

which is entirely located in Europe

Fact 2
Ukraine is the OLDEST country in Europe
Statehood in European countries was formed gradually, and states were called
differently back then.
The statehood of Ukraine (ancient name is Kyivan Rus’) began in 862.
The state in France (old name is West Frankish State) was formed in 843.
The state in old Italy (old name – Middle Frankish State) in 861, modern Italy on
The state in Poland was formed in 877, Germany (old name is East Frankish State) in
962; Czech in 870, Austria in 976, Switzerland in 1292, the Netherlands in 1579,
Belgium in 1830, modern Italy in 1861, etc.
The statehood of Great Britain as a union of kingdoms was formed in 1707, while the
statehood of Scotland was formed in 843, in England – in 928, in Wales – in 1057.
Date of the foundation of Russia (old name – Muscovy) was 1480 – renamed in 1721.

Kyiv is almost 1,600 y.o,

but Moscow is only 876 y.o.

FACT 1. Kyiv is almost 1,600 years old, Moscow is only 876 y.o.
The Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, was founded in 430! At that time, Muscovy and the Russian
Empire did not exist at all. Moreover, on the site of the future Moscow there were
impenetrable swamps, therefore, in the future, the village built in those places was
called "Moscow", which is translated from the Komi language as "dark swamp".

FACT 2. Ukraine as an ethnic group is many THOUSAND years old history!

Genetic scientists have proven that PraUkraine is one of the oldest civilizations on the
planet, and the age of the ancient Ukrainian (ancient Scythian, Skolotic, ancient
Ruthenian) language is more than 40,000 years old.

FACT 3. The Ukrainians have a rich and ancient history, while the Russians
have a lame and short one, which is based only on an aggressive policy towards
foreign territories. And this is very embarrassing for the Russian Federation, which
encourages the theft of the history and territories of Ukraine/Kievan Rus’. In the last
300 years before the Russian Federation, there have been territorial claims for the
seizure of territories by Japan, China, Mongolia, Finland, Poland, Ukraine, etc. By the
way, Kuban, Don, Stavropol, Murom, Smolensk, Polotsk, and Rostov are the original
territories of Kievan Rus’, but which Ukraine does not even claim, adhering to modern
international law.

FACT4. Mongolian roots of Muscovy or who give them a sovereignty

Moscow and Muscovy are different things.
Moscow as a village, and then a stone city, was built in 1263 (already under the
Mongols), but it was not a state, it was only a city. Muscovy as a state was born in
1480, when it received its sovereignty for serving the Mongols. Only with their support,
Muscovy became stronger and began to position itself as a separate state from the
15th century. Muscovy, of course, followed the Horde traditions of violence, which the
present Russian Federation inherited. We can see all this from the horrors that the
Russian Federation is creating in Ukraine.

FACT 5. The fact is that Russians are not a nation

This is an artificial generalized concept for different nations (Buryats, Mordovians,
Tatars, Caucasians, Chukchi, Chuvash and others) who were forced to live in the same
country due to wars of aggression.
Therefore, Ukrainians and Russians are NOT and cannot be relatives.

FACT 6. Ukraine has made a rich contribution to the culture of Europe!

We have all heard the story, or rather Putin’s hysteria about “Lenin’s Ukraine”. Why is
he outright lying?
As psychologists say, “a traumatized personality steals from others what it lacks.” This
is what has been happening in Russia for the past 300 years: theft and violent seizure
of territories.

Fact 3
Ukraine (Rus) and Muscovy (Horde)
are different things!
Ukraine requested the pretension to the Russian Federation for the theft of
historical names, on the analogy of Greece and FYR Macedonia name dispute.

FACT 1. The state of Kievan Rus’ (modern name Ukraine) was founded in 862
Kyiv was the capital all those and these years.

FACT 2. Guided by scientific and historical analysis, we see that there was only one
Rus’ – Kievan Rus’.
There was NO other Rus’.

FACT 3. The words “Rus’”, “Russian” belong to Kievan Rus’

(This is only Ukraine!)
These words are not directly related to Muscovy (the current name of the country is the
Russian Federation). Neither the city of Moscow nor their state of Muscovy existed yet
at that time. Therefore, the Russian Federation (ancient name – Muscovy) has no right
to use this name (and its derivatives).

FACT 4. Ukraine (Rus’) is marked on all maps of Europe separately from

Muscovy until the beginning of the 17th century. (Until Tsar Peter I stole this name),
which indicates that these were and are different states and different peoples.

FACT 5. The name Rus’ (from the Byzantine dialect – Russia) was stolen by Tsar
Peter I, who tried to seize and subjugate these lands. To do this, he resorted to the
most brazen theft of the millennium - renaming his state Muscovy to Rus’/Russia in
1721 and declaring himself the king of “All Russia”.


According to the experience and analogy of the well-known dispute between Greece
and the Republic of Macedonia regarding claims for the use of the name «Macedonia»
in the name of the country, Ukraine claims against the RF to prevent the use of the
historical name Rus/Russia (and its derivatives)

The words “Rus’”, “Russian”

belong to Kievan Rus’
(and this is only Ukrainian name)ine!)
These words are not directly related to Muscovy (the current name of the country is the
RF). Moscow and their state of Muscovy did not exist. Therefore, Muscovy/Russian
Federation do not have the right to use this name (and its derivatives).

Fact 4
Ukraine is the blood KIN of Europe
When Moscow did not even exist... Kyiv has already given 158 kings and
queens to Europe!

Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain is a great-great-great-great-granddaughter of

Queen Agatha of Kyiv in the 30th generation. Saint Margaret of Scotland is also of
Ukrainian blood.
And this explains a lot why Ukraine is so close to the heart of Europe!
The royal descendants of the ruler of Ukraine (formerly known as Kievan Rus’) Yaroslav
the Wise gave great roots to the royal dynasties of the world. Yaroslav the Wise and his
second wife – Ingegerd – the daughter of King Olaf Shetkonung of Sweden became the
progenitors of all the powerful royal dynasties of Europe. Their children moved all over

FACT 1. In Europe there were more kings and queens who were from Kyiv or
had family ties with Yaroslav the Wise (the ruler of Kievan Rus’) and his descendants,
because at that time Ukraine was one of the most developed and influential states in

FACT 2. The Queen Elizabeth II is a relative to Ukraine – she is a descendant

of our Queen of England – Agatha (daughter of Yaroslav the Wise)!

FACT 3. The daughters of the ruler of Kievan Rus’, Yaroslav the Wise, were
married to foreigners and became queens of various European states:
• Hungary – Anastasia Yaroslavivna (1023 – 1094) – wife of King András,
• Norway, and then of Denmark – Elizaveta Yaroslavivna (1024 – 1066) – wife of
King Harald,
• France – Anna Yaroslavivna (1025 – 1089) – wife of King Henry I,
• England – Agatha Yaroslavivna (1027 – 1067) –
wife of the heir to the English throne, Edward the Exile, and mother of Edgar Atheling
and Saint Margaret, Queen of Scotland.
And then Richard the Brave heart and Maria Steward – with Ukrainian, that is, Agatha’s

FACT 4. The sons of Yaroslav the Wise married European princesses:

Their mother was Princess Ingegerd of Sweden, whose brothers were kings of Sweden
and Denmark.

FACT 5. All of Europe, without exception, had family ties with Kievan Rus
All this was 100 years before the beginning of the construction of the village of Moskov.
Yes, it was just a village then!

FACT 6. Rokselana / Hürrem Sultan is the wife of Sultan Suleiman, a Ukrainian

native of Rohatyn, who for the first time in the entire history of the Ottoman Empire
became the legal wife of the Sultan, at the same time changing all the basic laws of the
state. Roksolana’s Ukrainian blood flows through 28 generations of Turkish rulers, and
their and the Sultan’s direct descendants still live in Istanbul.
Ukraine’s blood ties with England, Scotland, France, Norway, Sweden, Denmark,
Poland, Turkey, Hungary...

Fact 5
Ukraine was the third NUCLEAR state
in the world
Until 1991, the nuclear power of Ukraine was greater than that of China, France and
Great Britain in general! Russia persuaded Ukraine to hand over nuclear weapons to it
in exchange for security guarantees under the Budapest Memorandum. However, the
RF itself violated this agreement.
In 1991, Ukraine was the third nuclear power in the world (after the USA and RF) in
terms of the number of nuclear weapons. Ukraine was both a scientific developer and a
leading producer.
After the liquidation of the USSR in December 1991, there were thousands of nuclear
warheads and hundreds of intercontinental ballistic missiles and bombers on the
territory of Ukraine.
Ukraine agreed to remove nuclear weapons from its territory, signed the 1992 Lisbon
Protocol, and accordingly joined the 1994 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as a non-
nuclear state. According to the Budapest Memorandum, security was guaranteed to
Ukraine by three countries: Russia, Great Britain and the USA. At the same time,
Ukraine demanded security guarantees from all nuclear powers (Russia, USA, Great
Britain, France and China). Therefore, even now these countries must be responsible
for how the Russian Federation destroys a peaceful country.
We can ask whether the Russian Federation would invade Ukraine if nuclear weapons
were still stationed on its territory. The answer is obvious: NO.
Of course, the Russian Federation is afraid of this, because nuclear weapons limit its
aggressive imperial actions.

Today, the RF brutally violated the rights of Ukraine and the Budapest Memorandum
and therefore Ukraine can return its nuclear status. All this can start new processes of
the security picture of the world – the creation of new military alliances other than
NATO, the creation of new security and defense systems, etc. Therefore, Ukraine’s
nuclear map will be a powerful argument in the new restructuring of the world security

Fact 6
Ukraine is the BARN of Europe
Almost 1/4 of all the world’s chernozem reserves of the Planet are concentrated on the
territory of Ukraine. That is why the harvests here are high, and the products are rich
in vitamins and trace elements.
Ukraine is an important agricultural country:
 è 1st place in Europe in terms of arable land area;
 è 1st place in the world for the production of healthy seeds (without GMOs);
 è 1st place in the world in the export of sunflower and its oil;
 è 2nd place in the world for the production and export of barley;
 è 3rd place in the world for growing corn;
 è 4th place in the world for growing potatoes;
 è 5th place in the world for rye production;
 è 8th place in the world in wheat production and export;
 è 5th place in the world for honey production and beekeeping (75,000 tons);
 è 9th place in the world for the production of chicken eggs;
 è 16th place in the world in production and export of cheese.
Therefore, Ukraine can meet the food needs of
600 million people! It is all of Europe!

Today, it depends on Ukraine whether there will be hunger in the world and no matter
how much Ukrainian wheat Russia steals and exports from Mariupol and Berdyansk
through the Crimea, russia will never be able to replace or move Ukraine from the
agricultural market, on which much depends on Ukraine.

In history, due to the fact that Ukraine is rich in bread, many times they wanted to
capture it (Hitler), capture and destroy the nation (Stalin and Putin).
Fact 7
Ukraine is a source of GAS for Europe
Ukraine occupies:

 è 1st place in Europe for proven reserves of uranium ores;

 è 2nd place in Europe and 10th place in the world in terms of titanium ore

 è 2nd place in the world in terms of explored reserves of manganese ores (2.3
billion tons, or 12% of world reserves);

 è 2nd place in the world in terms of iron ore reserves (30 billion tons);
 è 2nd place in Europe in terms of mercury ore reserves;
 è 3rd place in Europe (13th place in the world) in shale gas reserves (22 trillion
cubic meters)

 è 4th place in the world in terms of the total value of natural resources;
 è 7th place in the world in terms of coal reserves (33.9 billion tons);
 è 1st place in the world in terms of production of inert gasses.

Europe’s largest reserves of shale gas have been found in Ukraine – more than 10
trillion cubic meters. Thus, Ukraine can become the largest producer and exporter of
gas, removing Europe from the Russian “energy needle”. Moreover, this is already
about the true independence and strategic security of Europe.

That is why Putin is specifically worried about the possible loss of economic dominance,
and not about the expansion of NATO, and he certainly does not care about the
Russian-speaking people in Donbas. This is a fiction, a legend, an excuse for war. In
addition, he only cares about his importance killing thousands of people for the sake of
his profits.

Ukraine is an important industrialized country:

 è 1st place in Europe for ammonia production;

 è 2nd largest gas transportation system in Europe and 4th in the world;
 è 70% of inert gas producers on the world market;
 è 3rd place in Europe and 8th place in the world in terms of installed capacity
of nuclear power plants;

 è 3rd place in Europe and 11th place in the world by the length of the railway
network (21,700 km);
 è 3rd place in the world (after the USA and France) in the production of

 è 3rd largest exporter of iron in the world;

 è 4th place in the world in the export of turbines for nuclear power plants;
 è 4th in the world manufacturer of missile launchers;
 è 4th place in the world in the export of clay;
 è 4th place in the world in terms of titanium exports;
 è 8th place in the world in the export of ores and concentrates;
 è 9th place in the world in terms of exports of military-industrial complex

 è 10th place in the world for steel production (32.4 million tons).

Everyone thinks that the reasons for the war are either clinical due to the
severe mental state of the president of the RF or due to some historical
reasons, but experts unanimously declare that the main reason for the
invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine was shale gas.
Fact 8
Ukrainian innovators have created a
giant plane MRIYA!
An-225 Mriya is the heaviest cargo plane ever to fly, capable of carrying the world’s
heaviest cargo.
The maximum weight of the aircraft is 640 tons.

The plane was built in 1988 at the Kyiv Mechanical Plant.

The reason for the construction of the An-225 was the need to create an aviation
transport system for the Buran reusable spacecraft project. The plane exists in a single
“Mriya” set the world record for take-off weight and carrying capacity.
An-225 possesses more than 250 records in the field of aviation. Among them is the
transportation of a single cargo weighing 187.6 tons, as well as an absolute record for
carrying capacity – 253.8 tons!

March 4, “There is no Mriya (Dream) anymore”. The world’s largest transport plane An-
225 “Mriya” was destroyed by the Russian army at Gostomel airport near Kyiv.

Fact 9
People are the main TREASURE of
According to UN statistics Ukraine is ranked first in Europe in terms of the number of
people with higher education per capita! This testifies to the high authority of science
and education in society, to the high quality of scientific thought of Ukrainians and the
quality of the workforce.
The entire civilized developed world (which knows or is currently studying history,
facts, analyzes, defends international laws) today helps Ukraine to save itself from the
RF, this is a sign of respect for the heroism and peacefulness of Ukrainians, as well as
for high human qualities.
There are many famous Ukrainians in the world! These are not only the modern
descendants of Rurik, who carry the genes of the ruler of Kievan Rus’ until now – from
Queen Elizabeth II to the King of Spain Juan Carlos I de Bourbon, these are also
thousands of great people who contributed to the well-being of Ukraine and the world!
Did you know that Leonardo DiCaprio, Sylvester Stallone, and Milla Jovovich have
Ukrainian blood? Did you know that the blood of Hürem Sultan (Rokselana) and Sultan
Suleiman flows in Roxan Kunter, a modern popular TV host in Turkey?
In Ukraine, many great people in the past are still paving the way for new generations.

The whole world is helping Ukraine to save itself from the RF,
which is a sign of respect for the heroism and peacefulness of


In the rating of Top-100 great Ukrainians, who determined the course of the
history of the country and the world from the time of Kievan Rus’ to the
present day, the following are the brightest personalities.

Fact 10
Ukraine means PEACE and LIFE!
That is why we act together – world leaders, kings, presidents, actors, scientists,
entrepreneurs, ordinary people wear blue and yellow clothes or embroidered shirts, or
simply come to Ukraine, or help Ukraine locally in their countries – but the whole world
today is united helping Ukraine as a symbol of truth and the power of good!
The British, the French, the Americans, the Italians, the Arabs, the Hindus, and the
Chinese can be "Ukrainians" today because today it is not only the heroism of the
Ukrainian nation, but it is also a SYMBOL OF THE UNITY OF THE WHOLE WORLD for the

To be Ukrainian today means to be peaceful in order to save, and brave to protect the
world from the tyranny of deranged dictators who threaten the entire universe with the
destruction of the Planet!

Ukraine holds this blow!

But at what cost?
Standing ALONE in front of the bullets thousands of civilians and soldiers of Ukraine
died at the hands of the rashists!
Hundreds of children will never open their eyes… their future has been taken away!
Therefore, military, material, and political support to Ukraine are the least we can
provide TOGETHER!

WE ARE ALL UKRAINIANS today, not by nation, but by honour!

We all want to LIVE, we all want to stop this bloody war!

We already know:

 è Concessions to terrorists lead to world war – as was the case with the Czech
Republic and Hitler

 è putin = hitler = fascism

 è Secret pacts between countries are evil!
 è Today, it is unacceptable to be neutral about the war in Ukraine!
 è Underestimating the nuclear threat is deadly!
We must all together:

 è Protect the world from violating its international laws!

 è Act and introduce all embargoes!
 è Condemn world terrorists at the Hague Tribunal!
 è Ban and completely destroy nuclear weapons on the Planet!
 è Protect the life of each person as a shrine!
 è To protect the lives of children as two shrines!

On behalf of Ukraine and all Ukrainians, we

of Poland, Great Britain, Lithuania, Belgium, Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia, Switzerland,
Moldova, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, USA, Canada, Australia,
Austria, Azerbaijan, France, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and
others who accepted our refugees provided them with human living conditions,
protection and food.

Glory to Ukraine!
Glory to the Heroes!

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