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How the brain says ‘oops’!

Marin Krebbers (s5122155)

Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen

Introduction Results Critical assessment

- The medial frontal cortex (MFC) has - Readings were divided up into before - I think this article is a good summary of
been shown to play a large role in and after the button was pressed (fig. the conclusions of the original paper. I like
evaluating performance and decisions. 3). the fact this study brings something new
- However, not much is known about - Individual neurons show a preference to the table and adds significantly to our
how this area can support both for a specific part of the conflict understanding of these brains areas.
domain-specific and domain-general monitoring process (fig. 4). - However, I think it would have been nice
performance evaluation. - Similar neural activation patterns were to show a part of the data the researches
found while participants did the Stroop drew their conclusions from. Although, in
- Zhonzheng Fu, together with 6 other the paper this isn’t that clear either.
researchers conducted a study to find (domain-general) and MSIT
out whether there are neural (domain-specific) test.
For future research
representations that support both types - Groups of neurons showed activity
of performance evaluation. - Investigating the underlying mechanisms
either exclusively before or after the
that make the coexistence of these types
button press
of performance monitoring possible
Methods - Investigating performance monitoring
- The study was conducted on 34 across multiple domains, such as
epileptic patients. perception and memory.

- These patients were undergoing

seizure monitoring through electrodes.
The researchers used the depth Applications
electrodes (fig. 1) to monitor individual
neurons. Figure 3: Temporal division of readings, can be found back
- Understanding performance monitoring
in the x-axis of fig. 4. can help understanding mental
- Two areas of interest within the MFC illnesses such as OCD and
were monitored (fig. 2). schizophrenia (van Veen, 2006)
- Participants performed two tests: - I think we can use this knowledge to
- Stroop test: name the ink colour of a improve AI performance monitoring
word, while the letters will spell out a systems, maybe to make general
colour. This test is domain-general. problem solving more possible.
- MSIT test: identify a target character in
- We can improve upon adaptive
a sequence of characters. This test is
learning systems if we know more
about the inner workings of
performance monitoring (fusco, 2022).

- Fusco, G., Cristiano, A., Perazzini, A., & Aglioti, S. M.
(2022). Neuromodulating the performance monitoring
Figure 4: An example neuron shows very high activation for network during conflict and error processing in healthy
errors, but not for other parts of the monitoring process.
populations: Insights from transcranial electric
stimulation studies. Frontiers in Integrative
Neuroscience, 16.
- van Veen, V., & Carter, C. S. (2006). Error detection,
Figure 1: Depth electrode which will be positioned inside
correction, and prevention in the brain: a brief review of
the brain area of interest. data and theories. Clinical EEG and neuroscience,
Discussion 37(4), 330-335.

- The data suggests individual neurons - Ullsperger, M., Danielmeier, C., & Jocham, G. (2014).
encode different parts of performance Neurophysiology of performance monitoring and
adaptive behavior. Physiological reviews, 94(1), 35-79.
monitoring, like conflict, error and
conflict probability. - Fu, Z., Beam, D., Chung, J. M., Reed, C. M., Mamelak,
A. N., Adolphs, R., & Rutishauser, U. (2022). The
- Two distinct populations of neurons geometry of domain-general performance monitoring in
(within the same brain areas), show a the human medial frontal cortex. Science, 376(6593),
focus on domain general and domain
specific performance monitoring. - Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. (2022, May 5). How the
brain says 'oops!'. ScienceDaily. Retrieved June 5, 2023
- This suggests there are neural from
representations of domain-specific and 1.htm
domain-general performance
Figure 2: pre-SMA (supplementary motor area) and dACC
(dorsal anterior cingulate cortex). Both part of the MFC. monitoring.

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