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Journal of Molecular Structure 1126 (2016) 147e153

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Modification of ferrierite through post-synthesis treatments. Acidic

and catalytic properties
Kamila Brylewska a, b, Karolina A. Tarach a, Włodzimierz Mozgawa b,
 ra-Marek a, *
Zbigniew Olejniczak c, Urszula Filek d, Kinga Go
Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, 3 Ingarden St., 30-060 Krako
w, Poland
Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, AGH University of Science and Technology in Krako w, 30 Mickiewicz Av., 30-059 Krako
w, Poland
H. Niewodniczan ski Institute of Nuclear Physics of PAN, 152 Radzikowski St., 31-342 Krako
w, Poland
Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, PAS, 8 Niezapominajek St., 30-239 Krakow, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The main emphasis of this work was placed on a detailed characterization of structural, textural and
Received 9 November 2015 acidic properties of FER zeolites with different Si/Al ratios in terms of their activity in ethanol dehy-
Received in revised form dration reaction. Subsequent dealumination and desilication procedures were found to be an efficient
15 December 2015
methods of a secondary system of mesopore generation in the ferrierite crystals with preservation of
Accepted 16 December 2015
their microporous characteristics. Through ethanol dehydration both the acidic and the textural features
Available online 19 December 2015
have a significant influence on catalytic performance of hierarchical ferrierites. It was shown that higher
catalytic activity and selectivity to ethylene is ensured by zeolites with highly preserved microporous
characteristic, i.e. well-developed micropore area and intrinsic acidity.
Ferrierite © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ethanol dehydration

1. Introduction down procedures are based on preferential extraction of the two

main structural units of zeolites [8], i.e. [SiO4]4- tetrahedra (via
Unique properties of zeolites inherent for their microporous desilication) [9], or [AlO4]5- ones (via dealumination) [10]. Bottom-
nature are responsible for a wide range of their applications in the up techniques employ templates (e.g. surfactants, porous carbon or
refining chemistry, petrochemistry [1,2], environmental protection carbon nanotubes, mesoscale cationic polymers, etc.) and further
[3], and adsorption processes [4]. Both architecture of uniform modifications including synthesis of both nanosized zeolite crystals
micropores of molecular dimensions (typically 0.25e1 nm) and the [11], zeolitization of mesoporous materials and recrystallization.
presence of strong Brønsted acidity are typical of zeolite structure Top-down methods lead to the formation of an intracrystalline
only [5,6]. Despite undisputable advantages, zeolite based catalysts mesoporosity while the bottom-up approach focuses on the gen-
have one main drawback concerning internal diffusion limitations, eration of an interparticle mesoporosity.
particularly when large molecules are involved [7]. This limitation Ferrierite (FER) is a well-known medium-pore zeolite with a
leads to a decrease in catalytic activity due to restricted access of system of intersecting channels of 8- and 10-membered rings
reagents to micropores and their slow molecular transport to and (MRs) [12]. In addition, 6-MR channels run along the [001] direc-
from active sites. Therefore zeolite based materials that combine tion. Intersection of the 8-MR and 6-MR channels leads to forma-
the presence of strong acid sites, responsible for the catalytic ac- tion of spherical ferrierite cages accessible through 8-MR windows
tivity, with system of mesopores, providing the overcome of in- [13,14]. Both in H-form and metal-exchanged ferrierites exhibit
ternal diffusion limitations, are attractive catalysts in various remarkable catalytic performance in a various acidic and redox
reactions. Methods of synthesis of zeolites with secondary meso- reactions regarding high stability toward (hydro)thermal and
porosity have been assembled around two main approaches. Top- chemical treatments, e.g. skeletal isomerization of n-alkenes to
isoalkenes [15,16], n-paraffin cracking [17], alkane hydro-
isomerization [18], styrene epoxidation [19], NOx reduction [20],
* Corresponding author. and N2O decomposition [21]. However, a factor that limits full
E-mail address: (K. Go
0022-2860/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
148 K. Brylewska et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 1126 (2016) 147e153

potential of ferrierite in some of the above reactions is a reduced Si and Al concentrations in studied materials were determined
dimension of the pore system, especially 8-MR pores, in relation to by XRF method using an Energy-Dispersive XRF spectrometer
size of typical substrates. From the point of view of catalytic ap- (Thermo Scientific, ARL QUANT’X with the Rh anode, the X-rays of
plications, a material with an ideal acidic properties should be 4e50 kV (1 kV step), 1 mm size beam).
found at the crossing point of zeolitic route ensuring high con- The N2 sorption processes at 196  C were studied on an ASAP
centration and strength of acid sites and mesoporous route guar- 2420 Micromeritics after activation in vacuum at 400  C for 12 h.
anteeing the highest possible accessibility of acid sites to bulky Surface area (SBET) and micropore volume (Vmicro) were determined
reagent molecules. It is a common agreement that demetalation by applying BET and t-plot methods, respectively. Pore size distri-
procedures can lead to a distortion of crystal structure, an bution and volume of mesopores (Vmeso) were obtained by applying
appearance of amorphous phase, or a total destruction of zeolite the BJH model to adsorption branch of the isotherm.
structure. However, properly selected modification conditions
allow generating of mesopores in zeolite structure and preservation 2.2.2. IR spectroscopic characterization e the concentration of acid
of their crystallinity. Our studies were aimed at hierarchization of sites
ferrierite that allowed overcoming of the diffusion restrictions in 8- For FTIR studies, the samples were pressed into the form of self-
MR ferrierite channels thus improving the catalytic efficiency of supporting wafers (ca. 5 mg/cm2) and evacuated in IR cell at 500  C
this material. The main emphasis was placed on development of under vacuum for 1 h. To obtain information on the concentration
cheap and efficient method of mesopores generation in 8-MR of Brønsted and Lewis acid sites the vacuum treated zeolites were
zeolite, for which attempts so far undertaken were ineffective. saturated with an excess of pyridine (Py) at 330  C, and then
evacuated at 170  C to removed physisorbed Py molecules. The IR
2. Experimental spectra were recorded with a Bruker Tensor 27 spectrometer
equipped with a MCT detector. The spectral resolution was 2 cm1.
2.1. Catalyst preparation All the spectra presented in this work were normalized to 10 mg of
Parent ferrierites (Si/Al ¼ 9, HSZ-720KOA, Tosoh Co.; Si/Al ¼ 23,
CP914, Zeolyst) hereafter denoted as FER/9/P and FER/23/P were 2.3. Catalytic tests
modified by demetalation post-treatment methods. Dealumination
was carried out with 0.2 M HNO3 solution (100 ml of solution per Activities of the modified ferrierites were studied in ethanol
3 g zeolite) at 65  C for 30 min. After dealumination, samples were dehydration in vapour phase. For each experiment, 0.05 g of fresh
colled down in ice-bath, filtrated and washed with distillate water catalyst was mixed with 0.5 g of quartz grains and placed in a
until neutral pH. Then, dealuminated samples Fer/9/deAl and Fer/ differential microreactor connected on line with a gas chromato-
23/deAl were alkaline treated with 0.2 M LiOH solution (100 ml of graph. Reaction products were analysed using a Perkin Elmer Clarus
solution per 3 g zeolite) at 65  C for 30 min and named Fer/9/deAl/ 580 equipped with Elite-Plot Q capillary column (30 m of length,
deSi and Fer/23/deAl/deSi. As before, after desilication samples 0.53 mm of inner diameter) and TCD detector. Prior to the catalytic
were cooled down in ice-bath, filtered and washed with distillate reaction the samples were standardized under continuous helium
water until neutral pH. Subsequently, all samples were subjected to flow for 30 min at 300  C. Then helium as a carrier gas was passed
threefold Naþ/NHþ 4 ion-exchange with 0.5 M NH4NO3 solution over liquid ethanol maintaining a concentration of ethanol in he-
carried out at 60  C for 1 h. Finally, the obtained materials were lium flow 0.56 mmol/dm3. The total flow rate of the feed stream
again filtrated, washed (pH ¼ 7) and dried at room temperature. All was kept at 35 cm3/min. The reaction temperature was changed
procedures applied for parent ferrierites modification were sum- from 100 to 300  C. The space velocity in performed catalytic test
marized in Table 1. Also, notation of resulting materials was also was kept at 1.1 gethanol/(gcatalyst$h). The calculation of TOF (turnover
presented therein. frequency/s1) values was based on equation (1) given in
Refs. [22,23]:
2.2. Characterization methods
Reactant flow rate mmol s1  Conversion
TOF s1 ¼ 
2.2.1. Chemical composition, structural and textural studies Quantity of sites mmol g 1  Catalyst weight ð g Þ
Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements were carried out (1)
using a X'Pert Pro Philips (PANalytical Cubix diffractometer), with
CuKa radiation, l ¼ 1.5406 Å and a graphite monochromator in 2q
angle range of 10e40 . X-ray powder patterns were used for
structural identification of relative crystallinity value (%cryst.) for 3. Results and discussion
all zeolites. Crystallinity of studied samples was determined as a
sum of integral intensity of the most intense reflections in range of 3.1. Structural and textural characteristics
2q of 22 e27 and of integral intensity of parent zeolite's reflection.
Results are shown in percentage scale. Fig. 1 presents X-ray diffraction patterns of parent and acid/base

Table 1
Detailed procedures and conditions of modification of studied zeolites.

Type of modification Conditions Notation

ion-exchange Naþ/NHþ
4 0.5 M NH4NO3, T ¼ 60  C, t ¼ 1 h FER/9/P
dealumination/ion-exchange Naþ/NHþ
4 0.2 M HNO3, T ¼ 65  C, t ¼ 30 min FER/9/deAl
dealumination/desilication/ion-exchange Naþ/NHþ
4 0.2 M LiOH, T ¼ 65  C, t ¼ 30 min FER/9/deAl/deSi
K. Brylewska et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 1126 (2016) 147e153 149

partly plaguing micropore system [25]. The most efficient method

of mesopore formation turned out to be acid and base subsequent
treatments. This modification allowed generating of mesopores
(Smeso ¼ 108 m2/g, Vmeso ¼ 0.24 cm3/g) in ferrierite structure and
maintaining its crystallinity (86%).

3.2. IR spectroscopic characterization

3.2.1. Nature of hydroxyl groups

An analysis of position and intensity of the hydroxyl bands
typical for studied materials allowed us to obtain preliminary in-
formation on their acid properties. Several kinds of species can be
distinguished in IR spectrum in OeH stretching vibrations' region
(Fig. 2): silanols located on external and mesopore surfaces
(3745 cm1), hydroxyls attributed to extraframework aluminium
species (3645 cm1) and acidic SieOHeAl groups (3595 cm1)
[26e30]. The intensities of the SieOHeAl groups band in native
zeolite FER/23/P is noticeably (5-fold) smaller than in FER/9/P,
despite 3.5-fold difference in aluminum content between both
zeolites. Indeed, the presence of 3645 cm1 band in the IR spectrum
of FER/23/P suggests that not all Al atoms are in tetrahedral
framework positions generating acidic SieOHeAl species, part of
them exist as extraframework material.
In the case of both dealuminated zeolites, a small reduction of
the intensity of the acidic groups SieOHeAl band (3595 cm1) can
be observed due to the extraction of aluminum atoms from zeolite
It is well known [30,31] that alkaline leaching of 10- and 12-MR

Fig. 1. XRD patterns of parent and modified ferrierites recorded at room temperature.

leached ferrierites (Si/Al ¼ 9 and Si/Al ¼ 23) while data concerning

chemical composition is summarized in Table 2. Dealumination of
both zeolites resulted in an increase of Si/Al ratio due to removal of
Al atoms. Subsequent alkaline treatment of dealuminated zeolites
led to reduction of Si/Al parameter due to extraction of Si atoms
from zeolite framework (Table 2). Diffraction patterns of modified
materials are typical of FER structure (Fig. 1) [24]. All modified
materials exhibit high crystallinity (Table 2). Surprisingly, for
modified ferrierite of low aluminium content a small disturbance in
its crystallinity is evident, however, no formation of amorphous
phase was observed.
Parameters describing textural properties of zeolites were
derived from low temperature nitrogen sorption (Table 2). Both
dealumination and subsequent desilication lead to an increase of
volume and surface area of mesopores. Parameter typical of
microporous environment i.e. micropore volume was only slightly
disturbed, indicating preservation of micropore structure. A
reduction of micropore volume observed for dealuminated zeolite
FER/23/deAl comes from generation of extra-framework material Fig. 2. IR spectra of studied ferrierites in the region of OH groups vibrations.

Table 2
The chemical composition obtained from XRF analysis, the textural parameters obtained from low temperature nitrogen sorption and crystallinity of studied samples (%crys.).

Sample name Si/Al % cryst. SBET [m2/g] Smeso [m2/g] Smicro [m2/g] Vmeso [cm3/g] Vmicro [cm3/g]

FER/9/P 8.5 100 280 10 270 0.09 0.13

FER/9/deAl 10.4 98 290 45 245 0.10 0.13
FER/9/deAl/deSi 8.5 94 305 86 219 0.24 0.11
FER/23/P 29 100 295 14 281 0.07 0.13
FER/23/deAl 33 87 210 42 168 0.07 0.09
FER/23/deAl/deSi 16 86 326 108 218 0.24 0.12
150 K. Brylewska et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 1126 (2016) 147e153

zeolites results in development of mesopore surface what is mmol and 0.10 cm2/mmol for pyridinium ion (PyHþ) and coor-
detected in IR spectrum as a significant increase of the 3745 cm1 dinatively bonded pyridine (PyL), resp. [30]) the concentration of
band of the SieOH located on external surfaces. Subsequent desi- both Brønsted and Lewis acid sites was determined. The obtained
lication of zeolites FER/9/deAl and FER/23/deAl with LiOH results values were compared with the Al content derived from chemical
only in a slight increase in the intensity of the silanols band. analysis (Table 3). For parent zeolites the discrepancy (ca. 2e30%)
However, the formation of mesopore system inside zeolite struc- between Al content obtained from chemical analysis and IR studies
ture was confirmed by an increase of surface area in textural studies points to limited accessibility of acid sites in 8-MR channels and
(Table 2). Such observation leads to a conclusion that the formation ferrierite cages. In comparison with total number of Al both deal-
of secondary system of mesopores is not inherent for the growth of umination and desilication enhance the number of Al sites that are
the SieOH band. reached by pyridine (B þ L) suggesting an improvement of acces-
The desilication as the modification associated with the selec- sibility of acid sites due to generation of additional mesoporosity.
tive removal of silicon caused increase in the overall amount of The only exception is FER/23/deAl for which pore blocking by
aluminum in the structure, in line with Al content determined in aluminium extraframework material is responsible for limited acid
chemical analysis [30]. Although desilication of zeolite is consid- sites accessibility.
ered as a silicon-selective process, it is well known that alkaline In parent and dealuminated zeolites small amounts of Lewis
treatment leading to the formation of secondary mesopores is also acid sites were detected by Py, while for desilicated materials the
responsible for the extraction of some aluminium species. The Al number of electron acceptor species able to bond the probe
atoms previously extracted from framework during alkaline increased. Especially in FER/23/deAl/deSi large amount of Lewis
leaching of zeolite grains are supposed to realuminate on external acid sites easily accessible to Py originates most probably from
surface forming new SieOHeAl species and/or Lewis acid sites realumination on mesopore surface. Similar effect was not
easily available for bulky reagent molecules [31]. Therefore, in observed for aluminium rich zeolite FER/9/deAl/deSi. Indeed, the
desilicated zeolites either no changes or a small increase in in- extent of silicon extraction was found to be dependent on
tensity of the SieOHeAl band is observed. aluminium distribution through zeolite crystals. The Al excess
prevented surface zones from OH attack, thus the AlO-4 enriched
surfaces were less prone for silicon extraction [36e38]. Conse-
3.2.2. Quantification of acid sites e IR studies of pyridine sorption quently, the Al-poor ferrierite FER/23/deAl/deSi turned out to be
Pyridine is widely used probe molecule in IR quantitative eval- more prone to desilication, while Al-rich FER/9/deAl/deSi structure
uation of solids. Due to kinetic diameter of Py (0.6 nm) [32], there was more resistant to alkaline leaching, in line with the values of
are steric constrains for accessibility of all acid sites in FER struc- generated Smeso (Table 2).
ture. Wichterlova' et al. [33] reported that pyridine did not cover all
bridging hydroxyls groups, even at 300  C. Also Trombetta et al. [34] 3.3. NMR studies
claimed that pyridine molecule is too large to reach the acidic
centers hidden in internal cavities, that are accessible through the 8 In the 29Si MAS NMR spectrum of FER/23/P (Fig. 3) two main
or less member ring channels. In summary, only the SieOHeAl peaks with the maxima at 116.0 and 112.1 ppm were assigned to
groups located in 10-MR and on external surface were easily Si(0Al) sites. Less intense peaks at e 109 and 105.6 ppm were
accessible and protonated pyridine [24]. assigned to Si(1Al) sites, giving the Si/Al ratios equal to 30 for FER/
In our case, an excess of pyridine was contacted with zeolite at 23/P and 10 for FER/9/P, which are in reasonable agreement with
330  C for 15 min, then the IR cell was cooled down to 170  C and the Si/Al ratios from the chemical analysis (Table 1). Even for highly
the physisorbed molecules were evacuated at the same tempera- siliceous FER/23/P the resolution of five different Si sites [39,40]
ture. Indeed, for parent zeolites FER/9/P and FER/23/P the bands of was not achieved due to line broadening generated by disorder,
SieOHeAl groups were significantly reduced after sorption of resulted from the Al substitution of the silicate framework. In line
pyridine (spectra not shown). Only 20e30% of total intensity of the with literature reports the T(2)þT(3) and T(4)þT(1)þT(5) frame-
SieOHeAl group was not covered by Py at 330  C pointing to the work sites can be grouped in the sites of the type T(A) and T(B),
existence of acid centres that are not able to protonate pyridine due respectively [41]. Thus, the 112.1 ppm peak was assigned to site
to the steric hindrance. The sites not accessible for Py molecules are T(A) and the 116.0 ppm peak to site T(B), respectively. In 29Si MAS
located in 6-MR channels and in 8-MR pores not available through NMR spectrum of FER/9/P (Fig. 3), for which the Al concentration is
10-MR windows. significantly higher than in FER/23/P, three main peaks
In the region of C]C vibration pyridine sorption led to the at 115.5, 111.0, and 106.5 can be distinguished. However, in this
appearance of the bands at frequencies 1545 cm1 and 1455 cm1 case of the central one a superposition of Si(1Al) and Si(0Al) sites
assigned to interactions of the probe with Brønsted and Lewis acid occurs. Additionally, a resonance line at 98.8 ppm is assigned to
sites, respectively [35]. Basing on the intensities of the 1545 cm1 Si(2Al) sites and line at 101.8 ppm is assigned either to defect sites
and 1455 cm1 bands in the spectra recorded after desorption at (SiOH) or to Si(1Al) sites.
170  C and the values of their absorption coefficients (0.07 cm2/ In 27Al MAS NMR spectra of both parent ferrierites (Fig. 3) a
maximum at 54 ppm typical of tetrahedral AlIV and small peak of
octahedral AlVI at higher shielding (0 ppm) can be identified. Small
Table 3
The amount of the aluminium (Al) derived from chemical analysis as well as the intensity of the peak at 0 ppm can indicate that the amount of
Brønsted (B) and Lewis (L) acid sites concentrations determined in quantitative IR extraframework octahedral Al atoms (AlVI) is negligible and the
studies of pyridine sorption. majority of aluminium atoms is located in the tetrahedral frame-
Sample name Al [mmol/g] B [mmol/g] L [mmol/g] B þ L [mmol/g] work positions (AlIV).
Acid leaching leads to the removal of Al atoms from zeolite
FER/9/P 1492 1198 10 1208
FER/9/deAl 1219 1115 20 1135 framework positions which is reflected by a reduced intensity of
FER/9/deAl/deSi 1492 1363 51 1414 AlIV resonance line, due to decreasing values of Si/Al ratio for both
FER/23/P 457 304 19 323 zeolites. Surprisingly, highly siliceous ferrierite was more prone to
FER/23/deAl 404 278 10 288 dealumination than aluminium rich zeolite. According to the 27Al
FER/23/deAl/deSi 808 320 185 505
MAS NMR spectra subsequent LiOH treatment enhances the Al
K. Brylewska et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 1126 (2016) 147e153 151

29 27
Fig. 3. Si MAS NMR and Al MAS NMR spectra of studied ferrierites.

concentration in both ferrierites. The octahedral Al species, AlVI, are 33% only. Indeed, for the FER/23/deAl a reduced micropore volume
present in noticeable amount only in hierarchical FER/23/deAl/deSi. was observed, thus the limited acid sites accessibility is the most
probable reason of its poor catalytic performance. In a whole range
of temperatures the highest conversion of ethanol was observed for
3.4. Catalytic studies Al-rich zeolites and it was found to decrease in the following order:
FER/9/deAl > FER/9 > FER/9/deAl/deSi. The Al-poor zeolites FER/23/
Catalytic activity of ferrierites was evaluated in dehydration of P and FER/23/deAl/deSi were mainly characterized by lower activ-
ethanol in the vapour-phase at temperature ranging from 100  C to ity, however at 300  C they were even more effective than Al-rich
300  C and atmospheric pressure, with space velocity of 1.1 h1. samples. It is well seen that the most effective catalysts were
Catalytic performance of acid and acid/alkaline treated materials those representing the well-defined micropore structure and pre-
was compared with bulk zeolites in regard to the type of generated senting high concentration of acid sites. As mentioned earlier, the
mesoporosity and retained acidity. We attempted to correlate the lowest catalytic activity was recognized for FER/23/P/deAl what is
performance of the catalyst with acidic characteristic of Brønsted in line with limited crystallinity and poorly accessible microporous
and Lewis sites. However, the assessment of the role of Lewis structure. It has been reported that in ethanol dehydration the
acidity in dehydration of ethanol is still an open issue. All ferrierites catalytic activity of microporous zeolites ZSM-5 was distinctly
were catalytically active in the temperature range of ca. higher than zeolites containing precisely defined porosity [30,42].
200e300  C giving diethyl ether (DEE) and ethylene (C2¼) as Catalytic behaviour of Brønsted acid sites in materials with dual
products competitively formed at atmospheric pressure. Conver- meso-/microporosity was previously demonstrated as being
sion of ethanol (Fig. 4)(a) increases with reaction temperature dominated by microporous environment, what was assigned to
reaching 100% at 300  C for all FER/9/P originated samples. The bulk better fit for adsorption of small alkane or alcohol reactant mole-
FER/23/P and acid/alkaline FER/23/deAl/deSi also follow this trend. cules [42]. Such conclusion is justified for studied Al-rich ferrierites
The FER/23/deAl is poorly active; the conversion of ethanol reached
152 K. Brylewska et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 1126 (2016) 147e153

Fig. 4. (a, b) Conversion of ethanol versus temperature and concentration of Brønsted and Lewis acid sites, (c) TOF values versus concentration of Brønsted and Lewis acid sites, (d, f)
yields and (e, g) selectivities to diethyl ether DEE and C2¼ versus temperature for studied catalysts.
K. Brylewska et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 1126 (2016) 147e153 153

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action is. Thus, while the mesopore system can offer improved
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