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Ore Geology Reviews 107 (2019) 172–185

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Fractal modeling and fry analysis of the relationship between structures and T
Cu mineralization in Saveh region, Central Iran
Mirko Ahmadfaraja, Mirsaleh Mirmohammadia, , Peyman Afzalb, Amir Bijan Yasrebic,d,

Emanuel John Carranzae

School of Mining Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Department of Petroleum and Mining, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran
College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Computation Geomechanics Research Group, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville Campus, Durban, South Africa


Keywords: The Saveh region in the middle part of the Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Belt (UDMB), Central Iran, contains
Structural control several Cu mineralization and deposits that may have been localized by structural controls in the region. Along
Cu vein-style the major thrust fault, the Saveh region comprises intrusive bodies associated with various Cu occurrences and
Cu manto-style deposits. The NW-SE major faults, especially the Khalkhab and Koshk-e-Nosrat faults on the Iranian plates,
Fractal modeling
created a sigmoid space for the emplacement of plutons during middle Eocene. The Cu occurrences/deposits are
Fry analysis
either vein- or manto-style, with vein-style being dominant. The lineaments and faults in the Saveh region were
mapped using precise local data including remote sensing (Landsat ETM+), digital elevation models (DEM),
geomagnetic airborne images, geological maps and field observations. The relationship between Cu occurrences/
deposits and geological structures (the latter being described by a lineament factor (LF) or fracture density) is
important for focusing of ore-forming fluids and mineralization. This was analyzed by concentration-area (C-A)
fractal modeling and by Fry analysis. The results of the C-A fractal modeling and Fry analysis indicate that the
vein-style Cu mineralization is associated with major NW-SE-trending faults, especially the Khalkhab and Koshk-
e-Nosrat faults. Manto-style Cu mineralization in the Saveh region is associated with minor NE-SW-trending

1. Introduction characterized by hypogene dissemination and veins of Cu sulfides are

controlled by faults in andesitic, tuff, ignimbrite, pyroclastic rocks and a
Magmatic and hydrothermal ore deposits typically exhibit spatial great range of other volcanic rocks (Carranza and Hale, 2002b; Duuring
relationships with faults and other crustal structures and discontinuities et al., 2009; Mirzaie et al., 2015; Mohebi et al., 2015; Richards, 2013,
(Betts et al., 2004; Bierlein et al., 2006; Carranza and Hale, 2002a,b; 2003; Safari et al., 2015).
Chernicoff et al., 2002; Kerrich et al., 2005; Mohebi et al., 2015; Safari The Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Belt (UDMB) is the most essential
et al., 2015; Sillitoe, 1972). The spatial correlation of different types of setting for magmatic and hydrothermal Cu deposits in Iran (Hezarkhani
magmatic and hydrothermal ore deposits with structural features is the and Williams-Jones, 1998; Hezarkhani, 2006; Richards et al., 2012;
result of emplacement of mineralization because faults/fractures play a Shafiei et al., 2009; Zarasvandi et al., 2013). This belt is 1500 km long
significant role in providing pathways for magmatic and ore-forming from the NW to SE and considered by subduction-related calc–alkaline
fluids (Adib et al., 2017; Austin and Blenkinsop, 2009; Cox et al., 2001; rocks (Berberian and King, 1981). Many different styles of Cu deposits/
Chernicoff et al., 2002; Groves and Bierlein, 2007; Niemeyer and mineralizations including porphyry-, epithermal- and manto-styles are
Munizaga, 2008). located in the UDMB, such as Sarcheshmeh (Waterman and Hamilton,
Porphyry and epithermal Cu deposits are the main resources for 1975; Boomeri et al., 2010), Sungun (Hezarkhani and Williams-Jones
copper production in the world and porphyry systems are associated 1998; Calagari, 2003), Meyduk (Aliani et al., 2009), Kahang (Afzal
with to intrusions rocks. Disseminated or manto-style Cu mineralization et al., 2012; Yasrebi et al., 2013), Mari (Maghfouri et al., 2017),

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Mirmohammadi).
Received 13 November 2017; Received in revised form 15 January 2019; Accepted 27 January 2019
Available online 29 January 2019
0169-1368/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
M. Ahmadfaraj, et al. Ore Geology Reviews 107 (2019) 172–185

Narbaghi (Fazli and Ghaderi, 2014), Touzlar (Heidari et al., 2015) and 2.2. Local geology
Chah-Mesi (Ebadi Rajoli et al., 2015; Cooke et al., 2005).
Many mathematical methods such as fractal modeling (Mandelbrot, All outcrops in the region are associated with Cenozoic and older
1983) and fry analysis (Fry, 1979) have been proposed for describing intrusive rocks (Fig. 2). Most of outcrops are related to upper-middle
spatial distribution of ore deposits and their spatial relationships with Eocene volcanic units, which have been covered by significant sedi-
structures (e.g., faults and ring structures). These methods have been mentary rocks. The plutonic rocks in the central part of the region
used by many researchers to investigate the spatial pattern of known consist of quartz monzodiorite, quartz monzogabbro, granite and
deposits’ occurrences for delineation of gold mineralized zones and for granodiorite, which are medium-to high-K, metaluminous and I-type
understanding of geological events (Afzal et al., 2013; Carranza and with 52–71 wt% SiO2 (Rezaei-Kahkhaei et al., 2011). Felsic magmatic
Sadeghi, 2014; Carranza, 2009; Miguel Haddad-Martim et al., 2018, rocks, which include dacite, latite and ignimbrite, exist in the eastern
2017). part of the region. Metamorphic rocks have a trend towards the Sa-
This research aims to determine the spatial relationship between nandaj-Sirjan zone (to the east) and have a tectonic contact with the
structural features and Cu occurrences/deposits in the SW part of the Eocene volcanic rocks of the UDMB. Although the basal contact of the
Saveh 1:250,000 scale map sheet, in the middle part of the UDMB, slate-phyllite unit is tectonized and not well-exposed, the unit is thrust,
central Iran, by using concentration-area (C-A) fractal modeling (Cheng in the study area, over Eocene volcanic rocks and Oligo-Miocene sedi-
et al., 1994) and Fry analysis (Fry, 1979). Linear structural features, mentary rocks (Davarpanah, 2009). Over poorly exposed Tertiary
specifically faults, were extracted and interpreted from aeromagnetic basement rocks, which are metamorphic in the SW and sedimentary in
and remote sensing data, digital elevation model (DEM), geological the W and NW, are outcrops of important volcanic and sedimentary
maps and field observations. A map for structure density was generated series of Tertiary age with lower layers cut by intrusive plutonic rocks
and subsequently classified using the C-A fractal model. The main (Caillat et al., 1978). The SW part of the 1:250,000 scale Saveh geo-
trends in the spatial pattern of Cu occurrences/deposits were detected logical map sheet is characterized by exposures of Eocene rocks how-
via Fry analysis. The main structural zones were compared and corre- ever; older Upper Triassic, Lower Jurassic and Cretaceous successions
lated with the known existing Cu occurrences and deposits in the study are locally exposed in some parts of this region (Caillat et al., 1978).
area. The most considerable volcanic activity that has happened in the Eo-
cene includes a wide spectrum of rock types such as andesite, trachyte,
2. Geological setting trachyandesite, rhyolite, rhyodacite, ignimbrite and acidic tuffs and
intrusive rocks (granite, granodiorite, quartz monzodiorite, and quartz
2.1. Regional geology monzogabbro). Displacement by pressure faulting has completely dis-
rupted the volcanic units (Rezaei-Kahkhaei et al., 2011). Numerous Cu
The area is situated in the SW part of the Saveh 1:250,000 scale occurrences and deposits in the Saveh region occur within the middle
geological map (Fig. 1) in the central part of the UDMB and is aligned part of the UDMB (Fig. 2) including various types of Cu mineralization.
parallel to the Koshk-e-Nosrat and Saveh faults with NW-SE trend. The The most important Cu occurrences and deposits in the study area are
UDMB formed during the closure of the Neotethyan Ocean between presented in Table 1. There are many silicic veins/veinlets within high
Eurasia and Arabia plates (Dercourt et al., 1986; Agard et al., 2007; amounts of Cu minerals in the volcano-plutonic bodies hosted in faults.
Rezaei-Kahkhaei et al., 2011). This region includes calc-alkaline rocks As a result, the stratigraphic age of the host rocks for Cu deposits/oc-
within middle-Eocene volcano-sedimentary sequences intruded by currences is younger than the faults in the study area, as depicted in
plutonic rocks during Oligocene to Miocene (Fig. 1; Aghazadeh et al., Table 1.
2015; Keshavarzi et al., 2014; Rezaei-Kahkhaei et al., 2011). There are
many massive outcrops and terranes of volcano-plutonic rocks as well 2.3. Structural setting
as many large-scale structural features specifically faults with NW-SE
and N-S trends, which crosscut the volcanic and sedimentary rocks in The Saveh region is situated in a zone where structural directions of
this region. the central Iran range vary from N130E to N100E (Caillat et al., 1978).
The basement rocks in the central part of the UDMB include infra- The general trend of the geological units in this area is NW-SE along the
Cambrian-Paleozoic sedimentary rocks overlain by Mesozoic strata, UDMB, which is a part of the Alpine–Himalayan orogenic and me-
which are overlapped/intruded by Cenozoic intrusive rocks tallogenic belt. The Pyrenean and late-Alpine orogenic phases played an
(Aghazadeh et al., 2015). The Cenozoic magmatic activities were se- integral role in the development of the Alpine–Himalayan belt and the
parated into the following two major stages (Aghazadeh et al., 2015): UDMB as well as the development of regional structures and main faults
(1) intensive Paleogene volcanism followed by emplacement of Oligo- in the UDMB. This belt hosts many magmatic and hydrothermal de-
cene-Miocene intrusive massifs (Berberian and Berberian, 1981; posits (Aghazadeh et al., 2015; Berberian and King, 1981; Caillat et al.,
Haschke et al., 2010; Honarmand et al., 2014); and (2) late Miocene- 1978; Stampfli, 2000; Stocklin, 1974). In the SW portion of the Saveh
Quaternary volcanism (Emami, 2000). The Paleogene magmatism 1:250,000 scale map, there are three sets of major and minor faults,
happened during the Eocene and was associated with Neo-Tethys sub- which are related to two different generations as follows (Caillat et al.,
duction. The Neogene magmatism are related to slab break-off and 1978; Rezaei-Kahkhaei et al., 2011): (1) E-W trending faults are asso-
thermal re-equilibration in a post-collisional tectonic setting (Omrani ciated with the Pyrenean orogenic phase. These faults are apparently
et al., 2008). the oldest generation of faults in the region and have been offset by
Plutonic rock types in the central part of the UDMB have a variety of younger faults. The length of the displacement of the E-W trending
lithological units including granite and quartz diorite, granodiorite, faults by younger faults is more than decameters in some parts. (2)
monzodiorite and gabbro. These intrusive rocks occur widely within the Faults with NW-SE and NE-SW trends have been formed in the last
study area (Rezaei-Kahkhaei et al., 2011). The central part of the UDMB phase of the Alpine cycle. These faults cut across various formations
hosts porphyry, epithermal, and manto-style metallic occurrences/de- with significant length and have a great abundance compared to other
posits, especially for Cu, Au and related elements such as Kahang (Afzal existing faults in the area. All these faults are shown on the published
et al., 2010; Yasrebi et al., 2013) Dali (Ayati et al., 2008, 2013), Zefreh geological map; however, due to multiplicity only some faults have
(Shahraki et al., 2009), Khankishi and Narbaghi (Fazli and Ghaderi, been selected for this study (Fig. 3, Table 2) based on their significant
2014). Radiometric dating by Zarasvandi et al. (2005) (K/Ar) and Ayati structural role in the emplacement of intrusive bodies (Morley et al.,
et al. (2013) (40Ar/39Ar) revealed that the known Cu porphyry deposits 2009; Rezaei-Kahkhaei et al., 2011).
were generated between 16 and 21 Ma. Based on previous works in the Saveh region, the main faults

M. Ahmadfaraj, et al. Ore Geology Reviews 107 (2019) 172–185

Fig. 1. Study area location (blue rectangle) in the UDMB (Alavi, 1994). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the web version of this article.)

specifically the Koshk-e-Nosrat, Khalkhab and Saveh faults occurred in Eocene volcanic rocks is repeated on both sides of this fault by a dextral
the Eocene (Morley et al., 2009; Orang et al., 2015; Rezaei-Kahkhaei offset of about 7–11 km (Morley et al., 2009; Fig. 2).
et al., 2011). Moreover, igneous rocks were emplaced during late Eo- During the lower Oligocene, an important dextral faulting system,
cene and Oligocene and, therefore, are younger than the main faults which is observable in Iran, produced a compression in the Saveh re-
(Caillat et al., 1978; Davarpanah, 2009). Mineralized vein/veinlets in gion. This phenomenon brought to the end of the evolution of Eocene-
the different minor faults indicate that the ore deposits/occurrences are rifting, which was replaced by plutonic intrusive massifs in a large
epigenetic because silicic vein/veinlets are present within sulfide ores portion of the Central Iranian range. These intrusions and tectonic
which imply that the silicic vein/veinlets are epigenetic with respect to movements were responsible for the hydrothermal alteration along
the ores, therefore, the mineral veins are younger than the host's stone joints, fractures and faults, and mineralization and thermo-meta-
(Rezaei et al., 2015). morphism of a part of these Eocene volcanic sequence (Caillat et al.,
Generally, the basin-margin thrusts have trends of WNW–ESE to 1978). During the Oligocene, extensional tectonics prevailed in the
NW–SE. In the study area, a thrust sheet composed predominantly of Saveh region resulting in the division of basement into a new horst-
Eocene volcanic was transported to the SW onto the NE margin of the graben system. These dislocation movements brought about an en-
basin during late Upper Red Formation time (Morley et al., 2009). In hanced volcanic activity (Caillat et al., 1978). At the end of the Mio-
the Saveh region, the Koshk-e-Nosrat faults (Fig. 3) form outcrop geo- cene, important dextral-faults, which are observable all over Iran, re-
metries that are straight to gradually curvilinear, which are somewhat activated the great faults and resulted in preferential folding of the
diverted by topography, representing that they are steeply dipping important Miocene sedimentary rock series (Caillat et al., 1978).
(Morley et al., 2009). Along the Koshk-e-Nosrat fault, a large fold in the

M. Ahmadfaraj, et al. Ore Geology Reviews 107 (2019) 172–185

Fig. 2. Geological map of the SW part of Saveh region and Cu occurrences/deposits shown by stars for vein- and manto-style deposits (see Table. 1 for description).
Map projection: NUTM, WGS84 (Caillat et al., 1978).

3. Material and methods 3000 m) using ArcMap software. Different numbers of vein- and manto-
styles were determined in the different LF classes for the determination
Geological structures in the Saveh region were detected by applying of relationship between structures and mineralization styles. Based on
directional filters to Landsat ETM+ imagery and digital elevation the results obtained in the previous steps and the distances between
models (DEM) with a pixel size of 10 m, and were also extracted from central points of high intensity LF polygon for the known Cu occur-
1:250,000 and 1:100,000 scale geological maps as well as field mea- rences/deposits, the Cu mineralization genetic styles (vein- or manto-
surements. Analytical hill shading is a technique for generating shaded styles) were determined by the number of Cu mineralization in each
topographic images of surface elevations to detect lineaments based on distance class. This categorization was determined based on 1 × 1 km2
simulating of the effect of natural light on the earth’s surface. These cell size and distance classification of high intensity LF from Cu oc-
data were used for determination of the lineament factor (LF), which currences/deposits in 500 m intervals.
describes the abundance of structures in the study area. Based on the
final map of integrated lineaments obtained from satellite imagery,
DEM, aeromagnetic, analog and digital geological maps, a lineament 3.1. Fractal modeling
factor (lineament abundance) map portraying frequency, lengths and
intersections of lineaments was generated to study the Cu mineraliza- Fractal geometry, established by Mandelbrot (1983), is a significant
tion styles in the study area. Following this, a C-A fractal modeling was branch of nonlinear mathematics and has been put into practice in
used to classify the LF in the study area. Fry analysis (Fry, 1979) was many geological fields since the 1980 s. Fractal modeling has been used
the utilized to identify the distribution and spatial relationships be- for classification of various data in the geosciences (Agterberg, 1995;
tween high fracture zones and regional lineaments. The Cu occur- Zuo et al., 2009; Carranza and Sadeghi, 2010; Afzal et al., 2012; Afzal
rences/deposits dataset was compiled from the internal reports of the et al., 2013; Ahmadfaraj et al., 2016). Various fractal methods have
experts and private companies and Geological Survey of Iran. The re- been improved and applied in the geosciences to separate geological
sults obtained by fractal modeling and Fry analysis were compared with populations, e.g., concentration–area (C–A) by Cheng et al. (1994),
the locations of known Cu occurrences/deposits based on distance be- concentration–distance (C–D) by Li et al. (2003), concentration–volume
tween the central point of high intensity LF and Cu occurrence loca- (C–V) by Afzal et al. (2011), concentration–number (C–N) by Agterberg
tions. Finally, the Cu occurrences/deposits were classified as vein- or (1995), Mandelbrot (1983) and density-volume (D-V) by Yasrebi et al.
manto-style. (2014). Fractal analysis have been carried out for classification of dif-
Areas with high intensity LF were converted into polygons and their ferent regional variables (such as ore grade and geophysical para-
respective central points were obtained and the spatial relationship and meters) based on the geological, geochemical and mineralogical char-
distances of these central points from the known Cu deposits/occur- acteristics in different ore deposit types (Afzal et al., 2012, 2013;
rences were analyzed. Distances between high intensity LFs and Cu Carranza and Sadeghi, 2010; Carranza, 2009Gonçalves et al., 2001;
occurrences/deposits were classified into 500 m intervals (maximum Gumiel et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2010; Zuo et al., 2009). Log–log plots
via fractal analysis are used to explain and classify geological

Table 1
Geological and mineralization characteristics of the Cu occurrences and deposits in the study area.
No. Name X Y Stratigraphic Age Ore elements Descriptive Style Host Rocks References

1 Abbas Abad Favbolaghi 463,228 3,887,569 Eocene Cu Manto Crystal and breccia tuff Amidi et al. (2005), Zagros Mes Sazan Co (2014)
M. Ahmadfaraj, et al.

2 Abbas Abad-1 480,581 3,899,963 Eocene-Quaternary Cu, (Ag, Pb) Manto Latitic-andesitic tuff (Zamin Kavan Alvand Co (2014)
3 Abbasabad-2 480,452 3,898,790 Eocene-Quaternary Cu, (Ag) Vein Gabbro Diorite-Granite (Zamin Kavan Alvand Co (2014)
4 Chargol-1 478,554 3,898,537 Eocene Cu Manto Latite-Andesite-Tuff Mes Poian Alborz Co (2015), Saeedi and Gholami (2011)
5 Chargol-2 478,403 3,897,370 Eocene Cu, (Ag) Manto Latite-Andesite-Tuff (Mes Poian Alborz Co (2015), Saeedi and Gholami (2011)
6 Goltapeh 468,935 3,898,141 Eocene Cu Manto Latite-Andesite Saeedi and Gholami (2011)
7 Jaafar Abad-1 447,423 3,890,488 Oligo-Miocene Cu (Mo, Au) Vein Granodiorite-Tonalite Azarm et al. (2001)
8 Jaafar Abad-2 449,725 3,889,694 Oligo-Miocene Cu , Au Vein Granite Azarm et al. (2001)
9 Koh Zireh-1 478,228 3,893,054 Oligo-Miocene Cu, (Mo) Vein Granodiorite Saeedi and Gholami (2011)
10 Koh Zireh-2 478,422 3,892,810 Oligo-Miocene Cu, (Mo) Vein Granodiorite Saeedi and Gholami (2011)
11 Koshk-e Bahram-1 475,460 3,890,481 Eocene–Oligocene Cu Manto Andesite-Andesitic basaltic-Tuff Parsi Kan Kav Co (2013), Haghparast et al. (2015)
12 Koshk-e Bahram-2 474,779 3,889,353 Eocene–Oligocene Cu Manto Andesite-Andesitic basaltic-Tuff Parsi Kan Kav Co (2013), Haghparast et al. (2015)
13 Koshk-e Bahram-3 473,106 3,890,326 Eocene–Oligocene Cu Manto Andesite-Andesitic basaltic-Tuff Parsi Kan Kav Co (2013), Haghparast et al. (2015)
14 Narbaghi-1 459,096 3,887,945 Oligo-Miocene Cu Vein Granodiorite Amidi et al., 2005, Zagros Mes Sazan Co (2014), Fazli and Ghaderi (2014)
15 Narbaghi-2 460,716 3,883,958 Eocene Cu , Ag Manto Trachyandesite Zagros Mes Sazan Co (2014), Fazli and Ghaderi (2014), Saeedi and
Gholami (2011)
16 Narbaghi-3 460,220 3,883,589 Eocene Cu , Ag Manto Trachyandesite Zagros Mes Sazan Co (2014), Fazli and Ghaderi (2014), Saeedi and
Gholami (2011)
17 Narbaghi-4 461,722 3,882,499 Eocene Cu , Ag Manto Dark pyroxene andesite-Andesitic Zagros Mes Sazan Co (2014), Fazli and Ghaderi (2014), Saeedi and
basaltic Gholami (2011)
18 Takht-e-Chaman 456,242 3,892,556 Eocene Cu Manto Porphyritic andesite Khoei et al. (1999), Amidi et al. (2005)
19 Zalibolagh-1 463,573 3,891,599 Eocene Cu Manto Porphyritic andesite Amidi et al. (2005), Haeri et al. (2015), Khoei et al. (1999)
20 Zalibolagh-2 469,036 3,888,413 Eocene Cu Manto Dark pyroxene andesite-Andesitic Haeri et al. (2015), Khoei et al. (1999)
21 Zarandiyeh-1 460,188 3,900,810 Eocene–Oligocene Cu Vein Rhyolite-rhyodacite Pars Gostaran Aghigh Co (2014)

22 Zarandiyeh-2 460,230 3,900,728 Eocene–Oligocene Cu Vein Rhyolite-rhyodacite Pars Gostaran Aghigh Co (2014)
23 Zarandiyeh-3 460,213 3,900,328 Eocene–Oligocene Cu, (Au) Vein Monzodiorite Pars Gostaran Aghigh Co (2014)
24 Zarandiyeh-4 460,631 3,899,880 Eocene–Oligocene Cu Vein Gabbro-Diorite Pars Gostaran Aghigh Co (2014)
25 Zarandiyeh-5 460,932 3,899,877 Eocene–Oligocene Cu Vein Andesite Pars Gostaran Aghigh Co (2014)
26 Zarandiyeh-6 460,929 3,899,756 Eocene–Oligocene Cu Vein Andesite Pars Gostaran Aghigh Co (2014)
27 Zarandiyeh-7 460,741 3,899,597 Eocene–Oligocene Cu, (Fe) Vein Andesite Pars Gostaran Aghigh Co (2014)
28 Zarandiyeh-8 460,768 3,897,979 Eocene–Oligocene Cu, (Fe) Vein Andesite Pars Gostaran Aghigh Co (2014)
29 Zarandiyeh-9 460,747 3,899,724 Eocene–Oligocene Cu, (Fe) Vein Andesite Pars Gostaran Aghigh Co (2014)
30 Dinar Abad 430,784 3,891,266 Eocene Fe, Cu Vein Andesite-Rhyodacite tuff (Behniya et al. (2000), Consulting Engineers Chekan Co, 1996a)
31 Peyghambar-1 424,572 3,898,889 Eocene Cu Vein Andesite-Basaltic breccia-Tuff Rezaei (2015)
32 Peyghambar-2 424,676 3,898,629 Eocene Cu Vein Andesite-Basaltic breccia-Tuff Rezaei (2015)
33 Peyghambar-3 424,376 3,898,804 Eocene Cu Vein Andesite-Basaltic breccia-Tuff Rezaei (2015)
34 Kalak Bala-1 417,599 3,898,537 Eocene–Oligocene Cu, (Fe) Vein Granodiorite-Andesite-Basaltic breccia- Parsi Kan Kav Co (2010), Ghalamghash et al., 1998)
35 Kalak Bala-2 417,315 3,898,824 Eocene–Oligocene Cu, (Fe) Vein Granodiorite-Andesite-Basaltic breccia- Parsi Kan Kav Co (2010), Ghalamghash et al. (1998)
36 Kalak Bala-3 417,720 3,899,454 Eocene–Oligocene Cu, (Fe) Vein Granodiorite-Andesite-Basaltic breccia- Parsi Kan Kav Co (2010), Ghalamghash et al. (1998)
37 Kan Zar 433,771 3,891,860 Eocene Cu, (Fe, Au, Ag) Vein Andesite-Andesitic basaltic-Tuff Azarm et al. (2001); Consulting Engineers Chekan Co, 1996a and b)
38 Khalkhab-1 416,489 3,891,202 Eocene–Oligocene Cu, Pb, Zn, (Ag, Sb, Vein Granodiorite-Andesite-Tuff Zharph Kavan Pasargad Co (2014)
39 Khalkhab-2 412,982 3,892,090 Eocene–Oligocene Cu, Pb, Zn, (Ag, Sb, Vein Granodiorite-Andesite-Tuff Parsi Kan Kav Co (2010), Ghalamghash et al. (1998)
40 Khalkhab-3 412,275 3,892,320 Eocene–Oligocene Cu, Pb, Zn, (Ag, Sb, Vein Granodiorite-Andesite-Tuff Parsi Kan Kav Co (2010), Ghalamghash et al. (1998)
41 Khalkhab-4 411,898 3,892,601 Eocene–Oligocene Cu, Pb, Zn, (Ag, Sb, Vein Granodiorite-Andesite-Tuff Parsi Kan Kav Co (2010), Ghalamghash et al. (1998)
42 Kohe Zagheh-1 431,375 3,895,469 Eocene–Oligocene Cu Vein Basaltic breccia-Andesite-Tuff- Ghalamghash et al. (1998)
(continued on next page)
Ore Geology Reviews 107 (2019) 172–185
Table 1 (continued)

No. Name X Y Stratigraphic Age Ore elements Descriptive Style Host Rocks References

43 Kohe Zagheh-2 431,798 3,895,138 Eocene–Oligocene Cu, (Fe) Vein Basaltic breccia-Andesite-Tuff- Ghalamghash et al. (1998)
M. Ahmadfaraj, et al.

44 Kohe Zagheh-3 434,419 3,893,352 Eocene–Oligocene Cu, (Fe) Vein Basaltic breccia-Andesite-Tuff- Ghalamghash et al. (1998)
45 Kurdkhalaj 435,226 3,895,331 Eocene-Quaternary Cu, Au, Fe Vein Granite-Andesite Zarmesh group (2014a)
46 Mohammad Bagher-1 411,019 3,896,513 Eocene–Oligocene Cu Vein Basaltic breccia-Andesite-Tuff Ghalamghash et al. (1998)
47 Mohammad Bagher-2 410,066 3,896,514 Eocene–Oligocene Cu Vein Basaltic breccia-Andesite-Tuff Ghalamghash et al. (1998)
48 Niaz (Yuzak) 429,033 3,886,067 Paleocene-Eocene Fe, Cu Vein Granodiorite-Andesite (Consulting Engineers Chekan Co, 1996a, Company Zharph Kavan
Pasargad (2015)
49 Rangraz-1 449,006 3,892,518 Eocene Cu, (Fe, Mn) Vein Andesite-Andesitic basaltic Zarmesh group (2014b)
50 Rangraz-2 448,314 3,892,288 Eocene Cu, (Mo, Au) Manto Lithic Andesite-Lithic Tuff Zarmesh group (2014b)
51 Rangraz-3 446,909 3,892,908 Eocene Cu, (Mo) Vein Andesite Latite Zarmesh group (2014b)
52 Rangraz-4 446,979 3,893,325 Eocene Cu, (Mo) Manto Lithic Andesite-Lithic Tuff Zarmesh group (2014b)
53 Rangraz-5 446,721 3,893,338 Eocene Cu, (Mo) Manto Lithic Andesite-Lithic Tuff Zarmesh group (2014b)
54 Rangraz-6 447,558 3,893,369 Eocene Fe, Cu Vein Andesite Zarmesh group (2014b)
55 Rangraz-7 446,735 3,893,186 Eocene Cu Vein Lithic Andesite-Lithic Tuff Zarmesh group (2014b)
56 Siligerd 433,376 3,890,630 Eocene Cu Vein Andesite-Tuff Azarm et al. (2001), Consulting Engineers Chekan Co, 1996a, b)
57 Sirjand (khaneh Zaar) 434,722 3,889,913 Eocene–Oligocene Cu Vein Porphyritic andesite Khoei et al. (1999), Behniya et al. (2000)
58 Torshak 408,439 3,894,877 Eocene–Oligocene Cu, (Au) Vein Gabbro Diorite-Andesite-Tuff Kavosh Kani Mohajer Co (2013)
59 Vidar-1 414,549 3,912,145 Eocene-Quaternary Au, (Fe, Mn, Cu) Vein Andesite Zarmesh group (2014c)
60 Vidar-2 415,099 3,912,992 Eocene-Quaternary Ag, Au, Cu Vein Andesite Zarmesh group (2014c)
61 Vidar-3 416,266 3,914,708 Eocene-Quaternary Cu Vein Andesite Zarmesh group (2014c)
62 Vidar-4 415,980 3,911,993 Eocene-Quaternary Fe ,Cu Vein Andesite Zarmesh group (2014c)
63 Yekeh Bagheh Bala 417,041 3,891,195 Oligo-Miocene Cu, (Sb, Ag, As) Vein Granodiorite (Consulting Engineers Chekan Co, 1996a, b)
64 Chelesban 399,871 3,908,810 Eocene Cu, Au Vein Ignimbrite with trachytic to rhyolitic –

Ore Geology Reviews 107 (2019) 172–185
M. Ahmadfaraj, et al. Ore Geology Reviews 107 (2019) 172–185

Fig. 3. Simplified structural map of the Saveh region, showing locations of important faults (see Table 2 for further information).

Table 2
Details of important faults in the study area.
Fault name Strike Length (Km) Dip Fault type Reference

Abbas Abad 90–130 22 – Dextral strike-slip Amidi et al. (2005)

Takht-e-Chaman zone 135 9.5 90 Dextral strike-slip Amidi et al. (2005)
Koshk-e-Nosrat 100–110 150 60 S-80 S Reverse-oblique slip to sinistral strike-slip Ghalamghash et al. (1998), Orang et al. (2015)
Saveh 110 32.65 – Reverse-oblique slip to sinistral strike-slip Ghalamghash et al. (1998), Orang et al. (2015), Morley et al. (2009)
Gheshlagh 110 16 – Oblique-slip reverse Ghalamghash et al. (1998)
Ghermez Aghash 135 13 – Dextral strike-slip Ghalamghash et al. (1998), Orang et al. (2015)
Khalkhab 100 17.65 – Sinistral strike-slip Ghalamghash et al. (1998), Rezaei-Kahkhaei et al. (2011)
West Vardeh 110 5 – Thrust Fault Ghalamghash et al. (1998)
Rang Zard-North part 113–131 – 62 S-78 S Reverse to reverse-dextral-oblique slip Ghalamghash et al. (1998), Orang et al. (2015)
Rang Zard-south part 124–138 – 62 S Reverse-dextral-oblique slip Ghalamghash et al. (1998), Orang et al. (2015)
Nour Ali Baik 80 10 37 S Sinistral strike-slip Ghalamghash et al. (1998), Orang et al. (2015)
Pichgerd-Chenaghchi 125 29 – – Alai-Mahabadi and Khalatbari Jafari (2000)
Noubaran 130 38 75 SW Reverse dextral Alai-Mahabadi and Khalatbari Jafari (2000), Khodaparast et al. (2014)

Fig. 4. Maps of lineaments derived from (A) geological map with 1:250,000 scale (Caillat et al., 1978), (B) geological maps with 1:100,000 scale (Alai-Mahabadi and
Khalatbari Jafari, 2000; Amidi et al., 2005; Ghalamghash et al., 1998), (C) directional filtering of Landsat ETM+ image, and (D) analytical hill shading of 10 m
resolution DEM.

M. Ahmadfaraj, et al. Ore Geology Reviews 107 (2019) 172–185

Fig. 5. Final map of integrated lineaments in the study area.

Fig. 6. The LF map for the study area.

populations for mineralogical data because threshold values are iden- where A (T s ) and A (T s ) represent two areas with concentrations
tified as breakpoints in those plots (Afzal et al., 2013, 2011). In this less than or equal to and greater than or equal to the cell value T; s is the
research, the C–A fractal model (Cheng et al., 1994) was utilized for threshold value for a concentration (here LF) zone; and 1 and 2
separation of zones with different LF intensities. are characteristic powers. Threshold values represent boundaries be-
Cheng et al. (1994) presented the C-A fractal model, which is uti- tween different classes of LF.
lized frequently by various researchers for modeling and discriminating There is a relationship among area (A: cell’s numbers with LF values
of geochemical anomalies from background. This model demonstrates a higher than a certain threshold occupied by cell area) and threshold LF
power-law relationship between elemental concentration and the area values which can be expressed as:
occupied by elemental concentrations greater than a certain threshold
(Cheng et al., 1994; Carranza, 2009; Heidari et al., 2013; Meigoony A (LF s) LF (2)
et al., 2014; Rezaei et al., 2015). Cheng et al. (1994) developed this where A(LF) indicates the occupied area by cells with the LF values
fractal method using lithogeochemical data in the Mitchell-Sulphurets higher than a threshold s, and the exponent α is fractal dimension
porphyry system, British Columbia and found that fractal patterns exist
(Cheng and Li, 2002; Cheng et al., 1994). A log–log plot for area A(LF)
inside and outside different alteration zones. The purpose of the C-A versus LF value describes a multifractal behavior consisting of a series
fractal modeling is to indicate a power–law correlation between area
of straight lines or segments. Each segment is an indicator of a popu-
(A) and threshold T concentration values, which can be expressed as: lation, which is self-similar for certain intervals of LF values. These
thresholds were determined based on break points defined by the fitted
A (T s) T 1; A (T s) T 2
(1) line segments.

M. Ahmadfaraj, et al. Ore Geology Reviews 107 (2019) 172–185

Fig. 7. The C-A graph versus cell value in the region (see Table. 3 for the LF populations).

Table 3
Range of LF values obtained by C-A fractal modeling of the LF map (see Fig. 7).
Populations Background Low intensity Middle intensity High intensity

Break points A-B B-C C-D D-E E-F F-G G-H H-I I-J

LF cell values 0–0.7 0.7–2 2–5 5–12.6 12.6–28.2 28.2–33.9 33.9–42.7 42.7–60.3 60.3–63.7

Fig. 8. Lineament factor distribution map according to the C-A model (see Table 3 for description of classes).

3.2. Fry analysis translations (also known as Fry plots) of point objects where every point
object is used as translation origin (Vearncombe and Vearncombe,
Mapping at scales related to a geological problem with an emphasis 1999). Fry analysis was used by Vearncombe and Vearncombe (1999)
on structural geology is effective for analysis of directional controls for describing the spatial distribution of five types of prospects in dif-
regarding mineralization. Fry analysis was established as a geometrical ferent localities and with different geologic ages. For n data points,
method for spatial analysis (Fry, 1979). Fry analysis was applied to there are n2 – n Fry plots. Therefore, a Fry plot increases subtleties in
specify the spatial relationships and distribution among structural the point objects spatial distribution. The resulting Fry plot is further
lineaments, Cu mineralization and deposits in a studied area. It involves analyzed by construction of a rose diagram recording lineament

M. Ahmadfaraj, et al. Ore Geology Reviews 107 (2019) 172–185

Fig. 9. Central points of high intensity LF areas (HP) and locations of known Cu mineralization (see Table 4 for description about index type and distance).

Table 4
Distances between central points of high intensity LF areas (HP) with Cu index and known Cu mineralization. V: Vein, M: Manto.
Cells Fry plot Rose diagram Relationship

Major trend the Fry plots of Cu Axial ratio of ellipse defined by rose Vector mean Confidence interval
mineralizations (degree) diagrams of Fry plots (degree)

Total lineaments and fractures of Strong

study area
1 90 6.92 100.7 (280.74) 13.9 strong
2 60 2.41 124.9 (304.94) 3.2 Weak
3 – – 102 (281.97) 11.6 –
4 99 2.15 101 (281.05) 6.6 Very strong
5 71 1.29 70.9 (250.94) 6.2 Very strong
6 110 2.73 93.6 (273.64) 6.8 Strong
7 – – 115.5 (295.54) 3.3 –
8 – – 122.2 (302.16) 6.8 –

number of occurrences/deposits


2 Manto

Fig. 10. Number of vein- and manto-style Cu mineralizations associated with different classes of distances to central points of high intensity LF areas (HP).

frequency vs. directional sector. The Fry method produces a graphical Fry analysis was carried out for cells with dimensions of
point distribution, the ‘Fry plot’, that directly displays the strain ellipse 29.5 × 19.5 km2. These cell sizes were determined based on the dis-
in form of a characteristic central vacancy and/or a high point density tances between Cu occurrences/deposits and high intensity LF. This cell
ring in vicinity of the central vacancy (Kumar et al., 2014). size is considered proper for distinguishing between manto-style from

M. Ahmadfaraj, et al. Ore Geology Reviews 107 (2019) 172–185

12 13 14 18 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 34 36 37
0-500 1 3 2
500-1000 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
1000-1500 1 1 1 1
1500-2000 2 2 2 1 1 1
2000-2500 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1
2500-3000 3 1 1 1 2 1 1

Fig. 11. Number of Cu mineralization per class of distances of central points of high intensity LF areas (HP) from known Cu deposits/occurrences.

Table 5
General characteristics of Fry plots and rose diagrams.
Cells Fry plot Rose diagram Relationship

Major trend the Fry plots of Cu Axial ratio of ellipse defined by rose Vector mean Confidence interval
mineralizations (degree) diagrams of Fry plots (degree)

Total lineaments and fractures of 103 1.93 108.2 (288.22) 2.3 Strong
study area
1 90 6.92 100.7 (280.74) 13.9 strong
2 60 2.41 124.9 (304.94) 3.2 Weak
3 – – 102 (281.97) 11.6 –
4 99 2.15 101 (281.05) 6.6 Very strong
5 71 1.29 70.9 (250.94) 6.2 Very strong
6 110 2.73 93.6 (273.64) 6.8 Strong
7 – – 115.5 (295.54) 3.3 –
8 – – 122.2 (302.16) 6.8 –

vein-style mineralization especially in the SE part of the region. Then, 4.2. Classification of lineament factor (LF) map by fractal modeling
the trend of lineaments was evaluated in the form of rose diagrams
using Rockworks software. Lineament and fault trends are compared In this study, the dimension of gridding cells is 1 × 1 km2 for the
with rose diagrams. Construction of rose diagrams for lineament and generation of an LF map based on the distribution of lineaments and
faults in individual cells and in the whole study area helped to interpret fault positions. An LF map was constructed based on the frequency,
the spatial patterns of the mineral deposits. Rose diagrams displaying lengths, and number of lineament intersections with scores of 1, 2 and 3
paleo-current data, including the vector mean and standard deviation, using RockWorks software package (Fig. 6). The abundance of fault
vector magnitude, maximum percentage, number of measurements, and intersections is important for magmatic and hydrothermal mineraliza-
number of stations (Moreno et al., 2011). tion especially vein- and manto-style of deposits because these inter-
sections create suitable spaces for the emplacement of Cu mineraliza-
tion within the host rocks which have highest score (Berger et al.,
4. Results and discussion 2008). However, lengths of faults are important for the formation of
hydrothermal deposits and according to the fluid flow approach, the
4.1. Lineament extraction length of faults has the second importance in the area. Faults frequency
includes pre- and post-mineralized structures and it had the lowest
The Landsat ETM+ data show lineaments in the study area (Fig. 4C). score (Carranza, 2009; Pirajno, 2009).
The azimuth of 315° is the major trend of faults based on the 1:250,000 On the basis of LF cell values, the C-A plot was created and,
and 1:100,000 scale geological maps (Alai-Mahabadi and Khalatbari therefore, four populations were distinguished (Fig. 7). Direct lines
Jafari, 2000; Amidi et al., 2005; Caillat et al., 1978; Ghalamghash et al., fitted to the points on this plot illustrate a power-law relationship be-
1998). Furthermore, the kernel size (7 × 7) shows main lineaments tween the thresholds values and area. Additionally, the LF values have a
within a shaded relief map (Fig. 4C) in the study area. The 10-m re- multifractal nature in this region, which indicates that there are several
solution for the DEM of the study area was applied for detection of populations in the LF distribution. High intensity LF cell values are
minor lineaments (Fig. 4D). Major lineaments have NW-SE and W-E greater than 28.2. Middle intensity LF cell values vary between 12.6
trends whereas minor lineaments have a trend of NE-SW. The major and 28.2. Low intensity LF cell values vary between 0.7 and 12.6.
lineaments played a main role in the emplacement of the intrusive rocks Background LF cell values are < 0.7 (Table 3, Fig. 8). As a result, the
(Figs. 4 and 5). high intensity parts of the LF map are associated with the Koshk-e-
Nosrat, Khalkhab and Saveh faults, which are older than magmatic
rocks and mineralization in the central and eastern parts of the study

M. Ahmadfaraj, et al. Ore Geology Reviews 107 (2019) 172–185

Fig. 12. Distribution of Cu occurrences/deposits and lineaments on the ETM satellite image in the whole study area and each numbered cell: (A) Fry plot for total
lineaments and fractures of study area: (B) Rose diagram for total lineaments and fractures of study area; (A1) Fry plot for cell number 1; (B1) Rose diagram for cell
number 1; (A2) Fry plot for cell number 2; (B2) Rose diagram for cell number 2; (A3) Fry plot for cell number 3; (B3) Rose diagram for cell number 3; (A4) Fry plot for
cell number 4; (B4) Rose diagram for cell number 4; (A5) Fry plot for cell number 5; (B5) Rose diagram for cell number 5; (A6) Fry plot for cell number 6; (B6) Rose
diagram for cell number 6; (A7) Fry plot for cell number 7; (B7) Rose diagram for cell number 7; (A8) Fry plot for cell number 8; (B8) Rose diagram for cell number 8;
(see Table 5 for more description).

area. trends of main structures (Fig. 12). Thus, the results obtained by Fry
A central point of high intensity LF areas is hereafter referred to as analysis indicate that the vein-style Cu deposits/occurrences have a
HP (Fig. 9). Based on the results (Table 1), 49 of the 64 known Cu direct relationship with WNW-ESE-trending faults whereas the manto-
occurrences/deposits in the study area are located < 3 km from HP, of style Cu deposits/occurrences are associated with NE-SW-trending
which 14 are manto-style and 35 are vein-style. There are 37 HPs, and faults.
only 17 of them are mined and are located < 3 km of a known manto-
and vein-style mineralization, whereas for the other HPs neither manto-
nor vein-style mineralization is observed is observed within 3 km of 5. Conclusion
their vicinity. Comparison between high intensity LF areas and dis-
tances of HPs from the known Cu mineralization indicates that high The results obtained by C-A fractal modeling and Fry analysis based
intensity LF areas are located < 1 km of Cu vein-style mineralization on lineament factor derived by remote sensing, geological observations
(Fig. 9, Table 4). Moreover, many Cu manto-style mineralization are and DEM data showed that there is high spatial correlation between Cu
located > 1 km from high intensity LF areas. occurrences/deposits and faults and fractures in the Saveh region,
Most Cu vein-style mineralizations exist in high intensity LF areas central Iran. Vein- and manto-style Cu mineralizations have, respec-
(Fig. 10). In this study, six Cu vein-style deposits are located < 500 m of tively, NW-SE and WNW-ESE trends that are similar to the trends of the
a high intensity LF area (Fig. 11). Furthermore, eight Cu vein-style main lineaments. The vein-style Cu mineralizations are associated with
deposits are situated 500–1000 m of a high intensity LF area (Fig. 11). lineaments and faults in the areas with high lineament factor intensity.
In contrast, manto-style Cu occurrences/deposits are situated in the E
4.3. Comparison between Fry plots and Rose diagrams and SE parts of the study area and have with good spatial association
with the regional faults, specifically the Khalkhab and Koshk-e-Nosrat
The distribution trend of the Cu occurrences/deposits was achieved faults based on the fractal and Fry analysis. However, intrusive masses,
by constructing a Fry plot utilizing GeoFryPlots software. In Table 5, an which exist between the Khalkhab and Koshk-e-Nosrat faults, have a
overview of the Fry plots and the rose diagrams is presented. Com- spatial relationship with vein-style Cu mineralization whereas manto-
parison between results derived via the Fry plots and rose diagrams style Cu mineralization occur in the marginal parts of the intrusive
indicates a direct correlation between trends of structures and trends of bodies. The results derived from the study area reveal that the fractal-
Cu vein-style mineralizations (Fig. 12). However, there is a difference Fry modeling can be used in the primary stages of exploration of manto-
between the trends of Fry plots for manto-style mineralization and the and vein-style Cu mineralizations.

M. Ahmadfaraj, et al. Ore Geology Reviews 107 (2019) 172–185

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