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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Talisay City
Talisay City National High School


Date: October 10, 2023

Name: JANIE-LYN P. BROÑOLA Position: Teacher
Designation: Grade 10 English teacher

Topic: SMIS (Student Management Information System)

Facilitator: Mr. Mark Anthony E. Gabato, SMIS Coordinator

Insights or Realizations (Insights or realizations gained from the facilitator, mentor, or

coach regarding new concepts learned and known concepts that were more

A. A totally new concept

This system has just been introduced in schools to be able to establish ease of
access to student information.

B. A familiar concept but learned something new.

What is different about this system is that it is now digitalized, and each
teacher has exclusive access to student information.

Lessons Learned (personal experiences of how the strategy) or not in his/her class)

A. Easy points
With the right training and with familiarization, access to student data is quick
and work of teachers is more efficient.

B. Challenging points
As this is a new system, one must get used to the interface of the system as
well. In addition, the system will only be fully functional if all the data has been
inputted in the system. Therefore, the teacher must spend time to encode all
the data necessary.

Next Course of Action

The teacher will have to be conscientious in updating student’s data in order for the
system to work efficiently.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Talisay City
Talisay City National High School


Date: October 11, 2023

Name: JANIE-LYN P. BROÑOLA Position: Teacher
Designation: Grade 10 English teacher

Topic: JHS School Forms

Facilitator: Mr. Blesil O. Bisavilla, JHS Registrar In Charge

Insights or Realizations (Insights or realizations gained from the facilitator, mentor, or

coach regarding new concepts learned and known concepts that were more

A. A totally new concept

Keeping student records is a must for all teachers, especially the advisers, so
this session was more on a reorientation of the different forms and how
important they are especially at the end of the school year.

B. A familiar concept but learned something new.

Student records, especially the SF 10 (formerly SF 137), should handled
conscientiously. For transferees, documents may be complete/incomplete
depending on whether they come from a private school. Therefore, at the
onset, SF 10 as well as other papers should be in order.

Lessons Learned (personal experiences of how the strategy) or not in his/her class)

A. Easy points
Giving the request letter to transferee students.
B. Challenging points
Following through and making sure the request reached the concerned party
should be followed up conscientiously to avoid any compliance problems later
at the end of year.

Next Course of Action

Make a list of do’s and don’ts every quarter, especially include the student
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Talisay City
Talisay City National High School


Date: October 12, 2023

Name: JANIE-LYN P. BROÑOLA Position: Teacher
Designation: Grade 10 English teacher

Topic: Re-orientation of the PHIL-IRI (Philippine Informal Reading Inventory)

Insights or Realizations (Insights or realizations gained from the facilitator, mentor, or

coach regarding new concepts learned and known concepts that were more
A. A totally new concept
This reading proficiency assessment was originally implemented to the
elementary level but has now been mandated to be implemented to the JHS
level. It deals with both the speaking and the reading speed of students as well
as comprehension skills.
B. A familiar concept but learned something new.
While language assessment is not new, this program is new considering the
time it has to consume in conducting the assessment. It also has to be done by
people who are familiar with how it is done. Therefore, in this session, the
process on how it is done, and the implementation of any reading remediation
was discussed.

Lessons Learned (personal experiences of how the strategy) or not in his/her class)

C. Easy points
Reading skills can be enhanced through varied activities in the classroom,
regardless of what subject it is done is. Reading does not only mean it is for the
English subject, it goes across all subjects as most materials are written in the
English language.
D. Challenging points
Coordination and collaboration with different subject teachers in executing
effective reading strategies in reading activities can be difficult due to time
constraint, lesson focus, and teaching philosophy.

Next Course of Action

The teachers will have to work together and plan a schedule where they do team
teaching wherein the lesson would be reading-focused.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Talisay City
Talisay City National High School


Date: October 13, 2023

Name: JANIE-LYN P. BROÑOLA Position: Teacher
Designation: Grade 10 English teacher


Facilitator: Mrs. Sharon Rose Pimentel, SPED Coordinator

Insights or Realizations (Insights or realizations gained from the facilitator, mentor, or

coach regarding new concepts learned and known concepts that were more

A. A totally new concept

The session focused on the background of Inclusive Education and how to
handle students who need special attention. They could be students with
special needs, students from indigenous backgrounds or students who are in
conflict with the law.
B. A familiar concept but learned something new.
While we believe that education is for all, teachers lack basic information and
training on how to handle such cases in the classroom. Therefore, this session
taught us strategies on how to cater to the special needs of these students.

Lessons Learned (personal experiences of how the strategy) or not in his/her class)

C. Easy points
Preparing the lessons for these students should be specialized, in a way that it
fits their capabilities.
D. Challenging points
The execution and the monitoring of these students will take extra effort on
the part of the teacher, especially when there are 50 or more students that you
also must deal with daily. Having the dedication to follow through the
monitoring plan will be challenging.

Next Course of Action

The teachers should speak to the SPED coordinator on how best to handle these
students. Also, read more on strategies on teaching students with special needs and
apply them in the class. That way, these students will feel they are given equal
attention like the rest of the students.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Talisay City
Talisay City National High School

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