Power Structure and Power FLow Pyramid

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 Identify a social institution that demonstrates some form of

injustice with the power-holders at the top.

Here are few examples:

1. CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: Studies have shown that there are

particular ethnic groups and economic status who are more likely to be
stopped, searched, arrested and sentenced to longer prison terms.
Moreover, those who belong to the marginalized level cannot afford to
2. HEALTH CARE INSTITUTION: Disparities in healthcare access and
outcomes exist based on ethnicity, income and other factors. Those
people who are elite are more likely can avail to high-end hospitals and
health services.
3. ECONOMIC SYTEM: Income inequality and lack of access to financial
resources and opportunities can perpetuate cycles of poverty and restrict
social mobility.

 Explain how its power structure resembles the pyramid.

The power structure and the power flow pyramid are similar in a sense
that both are hierarchical in nature. There are individual or groups at the
top of the power structure who hold most of the power and influence and
this is the opposite of those who are in the lower down the hierarchy.

Moreover, both of them exhibit a concentration of power at the top. In the

power flow pyramid, the topmost level has the largest proportion of power.
While in the power structure, a small group of individuals or institutions
often hold unequal amount of power and influence. This can lead to a
situation where a select few individuals or groups have important impact on
the society and can shape the way it functions.

Lastly, both involve in the transmission and distribution of power. In the

power flow pyramid, the power is transmitted from higher levels to lower
levels through power holders then to the institution and to the people. While
the power structure in the society distributes power through wealth, status,
authority and influence.

In conclusion, the power flow pyramid provides vivid understanding with

regards to hierarchical nature of the power structures in the society as well as
the transmission and concentration of power within the structures.

 Explain how this power structure would work if it were inverted,

with People on top.

If power structure would be inverted, with the people on the top, it would
mean that power and authority would be equally distributed among the
population and decisions are made through democracy. In this inverted
power structure, the people would have a greater say about the allocation of
the resources and the process of decision making. The government would be
accountable to the people than the other way around.

With people on top, the emphasis would be on the collective good rather
than individual gain. The decisions would be made with a focus on the well-
being of the entire population, rather than just a select few. This could
result in policies and practices that prioritize social justice, equality and

However, it is important to understand that inverted power structure will

not solve all societal ills. There would be challenges and conflicts that will
possibly arise in terms of decision-making and allocation of resources.
Lastly, the implementation of inverted power structure would require
significant shift to the system that already have.

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