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SO, YOUR EMPIRE HAS FALLEN DEMISSIONNG Ce ery Cee ee een Living Rules Reference: Se ee pieseeo nent smovealllaws that elect you ora planet you control, and all other cards in your play area eee oes ee ee an Cre reee nes Sn eee es ere) See tas ear) oer a enree tients ar IN MEMORIAM A ELIMINATION 4 — Poca) player's planets have been claimed pee eres ete rots eevee errant Peers Oeics Pee eed thistime, Se eae eee eee aioe a BELLUM GLORIOSUM eae eed Pony eer Serica roe Erne eee et eee ee Ree Rene ets rey assigned. IN MEMORIAM Poca) player's planets have been claimed pee eres ete rots Seeker See ees Oeics ene eed thistime, Se eae eee eee aioe a ROGUE COMBAT DIMENSIONAL FLUX Place the demissioned players faction eee ee containing 1 or more units contrlled by poo ae na Cerne ed ect) eur enuoaecs that players not the Ghosts of Corre ter) Cen er ets eee erent ener ee G Tear aels it) Ce Eee ee nec) eesti that player These are calamity tokens Ce ord ere ene peerage pale Reeennrera penn ecient Peer Cee ad remove I matching token from 1 system Cece tere ene LIZ deeadnaugh eet moved steady fom ef POW Cree a9 Place the demissioned players faction eee ee containing 1 or more units contrlled by poo ae na Cerne ys De eet ta) ore) ne eee with a matching calamity token: oteeiieermeencnn tg Pon aee freee td magnetic ix ea, but may GEO-GRAVITIC INSTABILITY Cee ey ee eras nee! Eee Planets with a matching calamity token peer ere eee) Se eed [eereneraet epee es ee oes ee nee caer Cn pee eet XENOPHOBIC REGRESSION Place the demissioned players faction eer eae ee Dee ea ec Eee Se a Cee ay When a player gains control of planet eer Seance TECHNOLOGICAL POGROM Cee ey Se eras controlled by that player. These are Ela Ce eee ee pee eee eT planetary attachments have no effect. At the beginning ofthe status phase: penn eae] ete ty preeteeteteer read See ea ey parece eet tos TU RSC aeRO Lio) Place the demissioned players faction eer ee aera calamity tokens. Oe eee ere] eter ene) Cee oa Pee eect Sea en ee ea When a player gains control ofa planet with a matching calamity token: Pomerintenes Pie ee ee Ul Cee ey Se eras controlled by that player. These are Ela Planets with a matching calamity token have a base resources value of ores renner tie ene eee rt remove that token, Tee ea es eee tens instead G INDUSTRIAL STAGNATION Place the demissioned players faction token on this card and on each planet ee aera ee Ct eee an eee eee Cee os neon ree Eee eee ty remove that token, Pee en ey pone tec Cause a9) Cee ey Se eras controlled by that player. These are Ela Cee eee ae et ee ee ea er ieee a ret ies creer Scr eee rs See er ene Se a Pee nes erect pclae eres aera SINGULARITY ASCENSION Place the demissioned players faction token on this card and on each planet ee aera calamity tokens. Remove allof this demissioned players eet ee eens Ce cs ates ee ee et tokens in those systems and return 1 of Pree teeter eey ig Peer a ce Ey meen GAMMA RAY BURST Place the demissioned players faction een) Cesta that player These are calamity tokens Cee eee cee Planets with a matching calamity token and Peet te) G GENETIC INFERTILITY Td Sand ard and on each planet Sonor eas erie Por) Dee eee eee DUE td eet ce ety ree enon etd Per rere ete pet token, quae Zoe) eons cee ag Cerner Peoting Ela ‘AFTERMATH Deena ere ted Pec esas Se ee rer tee t een ee Peete LCSW ele 47Neo a eons Cee eee ee eer sy ee aera ek Por) De a ee cd Cree caae arte Pierre eee ey Peete er cn eer heen When a player passes: removeT matching Nine terran) shi REGIONAL QUARANTINE ond a erecre ‘AFTERMATH een ae tae tay eee) Nae Na el tle) Place the demissioned player's faction eee eed containing 1 or more units contrlled by oo ae a Cet raey with a matching calamity token and 1 or poe en erty Saree ert err tc Peete oni crcas ena NANITE CONTAGION Place the demissioned players faction een) Cesta that player These are calamity tokens Perera] eee en cr eeee Ma rs ee eee ed Pearman et nr ee aerate eens Aaland espa G MIN ta Place the demissioned player's faction eee eed containing 1 or more units contrlled by oo ae a Cerne ys De Peet) ores) At the beginning ofthe status phase: Pepe eee ert eee rs eee anna Bera Ihe Arore ght ten cree ar Sate) Place the demissioned players faction een) Cesta that player These are calamity tokens At the beginning ofthe status phase: For each system containing a matching Pan str ty Ped ships to their einforcements, fable ene ees they capture those units instead G SPACETIME ANOMALIES Pear) Place the demissioned player's faction Ger naa containing 1 or more units contrlled by oo ae a Cee et eps Cure pected eet orca) emer ety Pen ae any eae ee ec ee ence COSMIC RADIATION PT Ce Eee ee eee eesti that player These are calamity tokens CT eer system containing a matching calamity eer ee Perey ee aa Rea een aed cane Brea Nea tte a Pear) Place the demissioned player's faction Ger naa containing 1 or more units contrlled by oo ae a Ct nerd Pome ee CLs Cee eid ects At the beginning ofthe status phase: Ce eae ey Sean ee tes Peer ca ea er i ern To INTERSTELLAR PIRACY Peo Place the demissioned players faction ee eee Cesta that player These are calamity tokens Ree ara! Corr ones ining a matching calamity token: iste mee an ecard poeta es een ees ee eae rat re instead "ery tang ane ial poled. so G

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