DIVI POORNACHANDRA RAO Hands On Question 1 Final Code

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class Player: def __init__(self, playerName, team, playerType, isCaptain, runs,

wickets): self.playerName = playerName self.team = team self.playerType =

playerType self.isCaptain = isCaptain self.runs = runs self.wickets = wickets def
calculatePoints(self): points = self.runs + self.wickets * 10 if
self.isCaptain.lower() == "true": points *= 2 return points class Tournament: def
__init__(self, playerList): self.playerList = playerList def getPlayerList(self,
playerType, points): result = [] for player in self.playerList: if
player.playerType.lower() == playerType.lower() and player.calculatePoints() >
points: result.append(player) return result if result else None def
findPlayerPoints(self, team, points): result = {} for player in self.playerList: if
player.team.lower() == team.lower() and player.calculatePoints() > points:
result[player.playerName] = player.calculatePoints() return result if result else
None if __name__ == "__main__": numPlayers = int(input()) playerList = [] for _ in
range(numPlayers): playerName = input() team = input() playerType = input()
isCaptain = input() runs = int(input()) wickets = int(input()) player =
Player(playerName, team, playerType, isCaptain, runs, wickets)
playerList.append(player) tournament = Tournament(playerList) playerType = input()
points = int(input()) selectedPlayers = tournament.getPlayerList(playerType,
points) if selectedPlayers: for player in selectedPlayers: print(player.playerName)
print(player.runs) print(player.wickets) else: print("Player Not Found.") team =
input() points = int(input()) playerPoints = tournament.findPlayerPoints(team,
points) if playerPoints: for playerName, points in playerPoints.items():
print(playerName, points) else: print("Player Not Found.")

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