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Week 1 to-do list

Modified lab start time (this week only)

• The lab starting time for Group A: 1:30 pm
• The lab starting time for Group B: 3:30 pm

Due Sep 5th at 9 am

• Watch relevant demonstration H5P video tutorials and submit your grade.
• Students will not be allowed in the lab unless video tutorials are completed.

*Only the students who completed demonstration videos are allowed to enter the lab.*

Before the lab

• Re-watch relevant demonstration videos
• Fill out the emergency contact information & sign the consent form.
• Printout Week 1 Lab manual.
• Complete the prelab assignment in the lab book.
• Print out the Week 1 datasheet.
• Put away your bag and jacket in the locker.
• Put on the lab coat before entering the lab.

At the lab
• Your TA will check your dress code and check your prelab before letting you in the lab.
• Sanitize your hands
• Find your station (the information will be posted on Moodle & at the door of the lab).
• Put away things not needed for the lab.
• You need
o Printed Lab Manual
o Week 1 datasheet
o Lab book (should have prelab hand-written in the lab book)
o Calculator (do not use your phone for calculation)
• Wait for the mini quiz and TA’s direction

Before starting the lab procedure

• Wash hands with soap. Wipe your working area with a disinfectant

At the end of the lab

• Submit the Week 1 datasheet.
• Clean & tidy up the bench. Wipe your working area with a disinfectant.
• Check with TA.
• Wash hands with soap.
• Take off your lab coat outside of the lab.

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Start working on Project 1 lab report as soon as you complete your lab work!

Attend lecture on Sep 8 (Fri) 13:15 – 16:00 (longer lecture!!!)

• Topic: Spectrophotometer review, lab report writing

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