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Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 1
Keita Amano and Chiaki Hoshinomori and Youth Continue

“Keita. I…I-“
A night in autumn.
Under the starry sky.
My rival, Chiaki Hoshinomori.
Faced me, Keita Amano, a guy who has a girlfriend.
“-I really love you.”
And confessed while blushing.
(Eh? W-What is this? Is this an elementary school game that needs you to
tell “When. Where. Who. To who. What.” from a random situation? T-This is
too sudden, right.)
I think my brain will freeze if I relax for even a second. However, I
managed to snap out of it and tried my best to deal with this
incomprehensible situation.
(I need to calm down first…Hmm, n-no problem. Now that I’m
memorizing everything, I managed to get a hold on what’s happening until
right now.)
Calm down. Anyway, let’s confirm one by one…Alright, let’s begin.
When: A night in autumn after our friends, including Chiaki and me,
played for a whole day.
Where: We have our own reasons to go home a bit late. Then, in the end,
we ended up staying at this dating hotspot, Starry Plaza, alone. A boy and a
Who: My rival, and also a respected creator that I found out just then…A
girl that’s my enemy in every way, Chiaki Hoshinomori.
To who: The lonely passerby that’s dating Tendou-san, the school idol,
under the strings of fate, which is me, Keita Amano.

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What: A love confession.
(That’s a too sudden turn for the worse! The “what” option.)
What the hell is this? If there’s an author that’s supposed to create stories
for us, I want to tell him that this is a rash and careless plot. I’m sure that the
editor responsible will immediately and mercilessly cross out the last line
with a red pen.
What is this?
I can’t help but sigh quietly and put my hand on my forehead.
…Uh, I did more or less foresaw this. I can tell that Chiaki’s trying to
“confess” something to me from the situation.
However, initially, I thought Chiaki’s “confession” is about her “real
(After all, she just admitted, “Keita, I’m actually the person who’s
frequently chatting online with you” a second ago…)
If there’s something that Chiaki wanted to tell, naturally, I would think
that’s something extra related to her true identity…
So, for example, even if Chiaki suddenly reveals that “I’m an alien bi-bi-
bo-bo,” or “Konoha and I have superpowers that we use to hunt a group of
creatures called Dark Beasts every night.” While I’ll ask “really” in a
shocked manner, my mind is not as faded out in this situation. Even though I
can’t accept it, I’m still “mentally prepared” for what’s to come.
Then, at this point, …I can’t believe Chiaki said, “she loves me.”
This is way too unexpected, no matter how you think about it.
It’s like I’m staring at the sky and hoping for an outfield hit. Then,
someone from the audience suddenly launched Yoga Flame towards my
waist. This is something more than lethal.
Anyway, I can’t digest the situation at all. However, even so…
…I made eye contact with Chiaki, who’s looking at me with a serious

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(It looks like…this isn’t a situation where I can escape or fool over…)
This is literally a bolt from the blue to me. But, from Chiaki’s perspective,
I guess she finally managed to come to this after an enduring struggle. Even a
dense protagonist like me can understand that.
Also, it’s because I understand this, …I’m not willing to give a quick
answer to her sincere feelings and actions.
(…Yep, …I guess so…)
I slowly lowered my head down and stared at the tip of my sneakers for a
…So, I finally made up my mind.
(…What’s wrong with being unable to understand?)
For example, even if I don’t “completely” understand this confession.
Even if her feeling shocked me.
Even so, I…am confident that I know “what Keita Amano’s really
thinking” more than anyone. This is undoubtedly true.
If that’s the case, the least I could do right now is to answer her
wholeheartedly and sincerely.
I have to return her feelings.
I exhaled before facing Chiaki once again.
Under the starry sky.
Although Chiaki’s blushing really hard right now, …she didn’t look away
from me. Her eyes are boiling with determination as she stared back at me.
That overwhelming “staunchness” made me respect her sincerely. At the
same time-
That’s why I’m also answering as sincerely and truthfully as I can.
I replied to her confession.
“Thank you, and I’m sorry.”

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I lowered my head as I spoke up.
…There are a lot of things I want to say, ask, and confirm right now.
However, at the last moment, all of my emotions and feelings are
concentrated in this appreciation and apology.
I will only keep my head lowered in silence until Chiaki permitted me to
raise my head.
Perhaps she would be angry. Perhaps she would be upset. Perhaps she
would yell at me for answering insincerely.
…However, even if her action is one of the above.
(I need to accept her feelings truthfully right here, and right now…It’s
because that’s all I can do.)
A moment of silence filled between us two. A couple second passed,
which felt like an eternity…
“…Please raise your head, Keita.”
Chiaki spoke to me in an unexpectedly gentle tone. So, I slowly raised my
So, I gulped and mentally prepared myself as I look at Chiaki’s face
I saw an unexpected yet hazeless and bright smile.
Then, she…continued with her usual hasty and at-a-loss attitude and told
“Ah, actually! I’m the one that should apologize, Keita. Even though I
know that you have a girlfriend, I still confessed to you just to make me feel
better. How selfish of me! Yes, you should blame me!”
Chiaki’s still talking to me like that in her old ways.
Although I felt like I’m about to cry for a second, …I managed to suppress
it and smiled immediately. Then, I put my hands on my waist and tried my
best to answer with the usual flippant “rival” attitude.
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“Eh, you’re cheered up that quickly?”

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“Yeah. It’s more like, in reality, this is probably the most disgusting attack
I’ve ever received from you.”
I stared at Chiaki sulkily. Then, she protested with her eyes full of tears.
“W-What was that! I can’t believe you called a girl’s sincere confession
disgusting! You’re a complete jerk, Keita!”
“It’s really disgusting. No one told you to do things like this that can only
result in you hurting yourself.”
I let out a massive sigh after saying that. Then, I continued with a bitter
“After all, …Chiaki, you’re still very important to me, no matter what.”
Chiaki’s giving me a slightly embarrassed look. I almost submerged
myself into that floaty and loving atmosphere unconsciously…However! At
that moment, I immediately put out a serious expression and distanced myself
from Chiaki before reaching my hand out and rejecting her.
“Ah, e-even if I say that you’re important to me, I’m absolutely only
viewing you as a friend!”
“That’s a complete rejection! D-Do you have to be that brutal!”
“Of course! After all, I swore my loyalty to my girlfriend, which is
Tendou-san. That’s why I’m doing something like this! I really hope that she
wouldn’t misunderstand anything!”
“Y-You sure are noble…but it’s okay for you to care about me just a little
bit more, right…”
“So, you, t-the girl that’s falling in love with me, can you please keep your
distance away from me!”
“That rejection is pissing me off! Uh, even though it’s true that I fell in
love with you! Even though it’s really a fact, yes!”
After I heard Chiaki’s retort, I can’t help but scratch my head with a blush.
“Eh? Ah, hmm, well, uh, thank you, well, for being interested in a person
like me…”
“Eh? It’s nothing, well, uh, ah, yes, …you’re right…”
Chiaki was embarrassed, too, after she witnessed my reaction.

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The two of us just plopped our heads down silently for a while as we’re
focused on being embarrassed…
…Crap! When did this turn into a loving atmosphere again, I’m such an
“D-Damn you, little devil! You’re trying to waver my loyalty towards
Tendou-san again!”
I quickly distanced myself away from her. Chiaki’s about to cry out.
“No, no, no! I’m treated like a demon a few seconds after my confession,
what kind of hell is this! Y-You can at least view me as an important friend,
right. Keita!”
“W-Well, it’s not like I want to hurt you…But think about it, in my stance,
I basically have to eliminate all beings that are hostile to Tendou-san…”
“There’s a limit for blind loyalty! I-It’s not like you’ll be struck by
lightning even if you care about a friend like me a bit more…”
“Y-You’re doing it again! Look, you’re trying to bewitch me like that…!”
Just like that, Chiaki and I started yelling at each other. Then, the couples
around made a loud “ahem” cough as they cleared their throats.
Both of us seem to have forgotten that this place is supposed to be a quiet
and romantic dating hotspot.
Chiaki and I immediately lowered our heads and apologized. “I’m sorry.”
Then, we fled the plaza as if we’re escaping from something.
We’re now at the stairs that go from the platform of Starry Plaza to the rest
After a short walk, we’re already in the middle of the mountain that’s so
quiet that we can’t sense any human around.
In the dark and flourishing forest, only the stairs that leads to the foot of
the hill is lighted. There’s no one hiking aside from us. We can only hear the
calls of the crickets and the noise coming from the wind blowing the dead
This silence seeming voided the chaos earlier.
The two of us realized this, so we stopped at the same time. Then…

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We burst into laughter, perhaps it’s because we’re feeling relieved.
Suddenly, I feel like the nervousness that shared by us two that lasted from
the confession to right now finally disappeared, even if we acted like it’s
The two of us walked along the stairs, shoulder-to-shoulder. Then, after a
while of quiet walking…
“…Ah, …let me ask you this, Chiaki. I-I’m just trying to reference this…”
“What’s wrong, Keita?”
I scratched my face slightly…Then, I thought that there’s nothing wrong
with asking this in terms of the atmosphere, so I spoke up determinedly.
“Chiaki, why do you love me?”
I think I shouldn’t ask this. Chiaki let out a “pfft” as if she just got punched
really hard.
I hastily tried to smooth things over.
“I-I’m sorry! I-I get it! Even I know that this is a ‘why don’t this guy go
die’ question. However, Chiaki, I sincerely don’t know which part of me do
you love…It’s more like, the process is way too complicated. Honestly, I’m
still perplexed…”
After I managed to express my thoughts, Chiaki wiped the corner of her
mouth with her sleeve before saying “r-right” as she continued.
“Indeed, perhaps you’ll feel perplexed since I’m always arguing with you.
Uh, …it’s because I knew your true identity a while ago, that’s why I’m
falling for you on my own…”
“My identity…Ah, you mean our interactions online…”
Come to think of it, Chiaki and I are bitter rivals in reality, but NOBE and
Mono are good friends of mine. Although it kind of freaks me out since
people will think I’m falling in love with another girl, I really think those two
(one in reality) are important to me. So, even if I can’t let this go yet, it’s not
hard for me to understand.
“I get it.” I nodded. Then, Chiaki plopped her head down embarrassingly
before counting the stairs as if she’s trying to cover something and continued.

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“W-Well, Keita, even so, it’s not just from what we did online. Uh, to me,
the time when I get to chat about gaming with you in real life, that’s
precious...and relaxing…”
“R-Really, …well, …I’m honored….”
“I-It’s fine…”
I can’t help but scratch my cheeks and fell silent…N-No, I don’t know
what I should do in situations like this. Since I’ve always been a shabby
loner, there are no smart options for me to choose when people are
complimenting or liking me. It feels like I’m talking about a buggy game
with other online players.
“A-Also, Keita, let me tell you, let me tell you! The reason that I love you!
Well, actually, a big factor of that comes from the suggestion of developing
During this time, Chiaki seems to be moved by something and tried to
continue excitedly. Crap, …if I do nothing, I think she will continue to talk
about “the reason why she loves me.” What a creative way for harassment.
After I cleared my throat loudly, I decided to stop this discussion.
“I-I get it! Yep, Chiaki, how should I put this, I roughly understood why
you love- No, uh, well, w-why you like me. It’s okay now.”
“R-Really? I’m glad to hear that.”
Chiaki pressed her chest in relief. I can’t help but mumble after seeing her
like that.
“Ay, of course, the messages with NOBE and Mono has always spiritually
supported me. Moreover, I’m actually thrilled when I get to chat with you in
real life as well…”
I feel like Ms. Chiaki’s blushing really hard, and she’s even staring at me
with a hopeful look.
I hastily shook my head and distanced myself away from her!
“If you think I’m lowering my guard, then you’re dead wrong! Nasty girl!”
“Keita, don’t you think your cold treatment is a bit too much! E-Even if
you’re doing the right thing as Tendou-san’s boyfriend, but I feel like your

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personality is slowly corrupting!”
“B-But, Chiaki, aren’t you trying to have sex with me whenever you have
a chance?”
I wrapped my arms around my body as I shiver. Chiaki’s face immediately
flared up as she yelled at me!
“I-I’m not! Please don’t think of me as Konoha!”
“You’re not supposed to say that, right. I can’t believe that’s how you view
your little sister…”
“S-Shut up! Keita, you’re overly self-conscious right now, anyway!”
“B-But, Chiaki-san, you’re interested in me, right?”
“You’re annoying! I’ve never seen such an annoying confession plot in
romantic comedies! How much do you want your reputation as a man to
“I-I guess you’re right…”
I admitted that I’m overreacting as well…However, when I got my
girlfriend, my “harem” level isn’t high enough to clever adapt to a situation
where a girl confessed her love to me.
This situation is tough, so I can’t help but stop as I scratched my head. So,
Chiaki glanced at me from a couple steps lower, …and then she lowered her
head depressingly.
“…My confession is really causing you a lot of pain, right…”
“D-Don’t say that-“
I immediately wanted to comfort her, but Tendou-san’s face flashed in my
mind right away. So, I fell speechless…and Chiaki’s lowering her head even
more as she mocked herself.
“…I’m sorry, Keita. In reality, I’m the selfish one for confessing to you…
and even requesting you to ‘maintain the same relationship’ with me after
your rejection.”
“S-So, for a while, I need to distance myself away from the Hobby Club-“
“Y-You can’t do that! I won’t allow it!”

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Chiaki’s eyes bulged at my sudden loud announcement. As for me, …I
clenched my fist tightly as I slowly walked down the stairs.
Then, I turned around in front of Chiaki and took a deep breath before
telling her.
“…Honestly, I’m really honored to know that you’re interested in me.”
“When you confessed to me, I said ‘thank you’ right away to show my
appreciation to you, right? That’s really what I meant. After all, it’s
impossible for a loner like me…to feel annoyed or frustrated when someone
confessed to me, right? Instead, I want to say that this is the happiest thing
I’ve heard in my whole life.”
I interrupted Chiaki and continued.
“So, the one that should be disciplined…isn’t you. Instead, …it’s that
cowardly heart of mine that can’t help but feel overly excited about your
confession and feelings.”
“…B-But, the root cause of that is due to my confession…”
“You’re wrong.”
I finally made up my mind when I’m talking to her.
I smiled at Chiaki, …and then I announced it clearly once again.
“Thank you, Chiaki. I’m happy that you’re interested in me, and I sincerely
respect you for mustering up your courage to confess to me. That’s why, …
from now on, I should be the one that works harder. You absolutely don’t
have to suppress or lose anything anymore!”
Tears began to form in Chiaki’s eyes after she heard what I just said.
However, she stopped herself from crying out. Instead, she answered with a
“Thank you, Keita.”
“…You’re welcome, Chiaki.”
We smiled at each other for a moment…Then, we walked down the stairs
together once again.
Chiaki’s rubbing her eyes next to me, and I pretended that I didn’t see any
of that. I even tried to joke around.

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“By the way, I didn’t expect that I’ll encounter a plot that’s straight out of
dating sims like this in my entire life.”
“W-What was that. It would be creepy if you compared me as a female
character in dating sims!”
Chiaki, who’s a moe hater, retorted angrily…Yep, this is the usual Chiaki.
I argued with that my usual frustrated face as well.
“Ms. Chiaki, don’t you think you’re a little bit impolite with your tone on
dating sims?”
“Why am I the one that’s being corrected? You’re the one that said
something impolite first!”
“Eh, normally, shouldn’t it be honorable when you’re called a female
character in dating sims?”
“Which universe’s ‘normal’ are you referring to! How about this, will you
be happy when someone described you as a male character in otome games-“
“I’m honored. Doesn’t that mean I’m a handsome dude?”
“Eh, really! This is weird! I-I feel like this is different than the female
characters in dating sims!”
“You’re right, Chiaki. Even if we’re talking about female characters in
dating sims, you’re like the ones that the developers will add a plot to in fan
“You’re finally calling me a female side character, right! There’s a limit
for rudeness, Keita!”
“Then, let me tell you this. There’s a lot of female side characters that are
even more popular than the female protagonist. A lot of companies noticed
this. They’ll put up a little trick at the start and purposely leave the female
side character with the most personality to fan discs-“
“Eh, you’re definitely not trying to calm me down! …Ah, Keita, d-don’t
tell me, you’re implying that I’m actually more attractive than Tendou-san-“
“Nope, I just want to say that female side characters are essential in dating
sims as well. It has nothing to do with you. I should say, including 2D anime
characters, no one in this world’s more attractive than Tendou-san. Since
when did you become this ignorant? That’s scary.”
“Cold treatment! I said this before, Keita. Don’t you think you love

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Tendou-san a bit too much and treated me way too harshly!?”
“But my feelings towards Tendou-san are nothing but true love…”
“Can you stop that! How many times do you want to say that to a rejected
“But Chiaki, I feel like you’re actually an excellent female side character.”
“I said that it won’t comfort me in the slightest! The more you call me a
female side character, the more I feel ashamed!”
“Uh, Chiaki, I think you should be ashamed over your thoughts on all the
female side characters…”
“Shut up! A boy that thinks the entire world works like dating sims like
you is so damn annoying!”
We started arguing over moe elements, just like usual.
Once we’re finished, Chiaki and I looked at each other with a lightened
During this time, Chiaki perhaps realized why I’m doing all of this, so she
looked away from me a bit embarrassingly.
So, I turned away as well…This is an excellent opportunity, so I decided to
convey my sincere thoughts that are a bit embarrassing.
“…Uh, honestly, Chiaki…I think to chat with you like this, …how should
I put it, …it’s not like I hate it…”
“S-So, I feel like…it would be great if I can chat with you cheerfully from
now on.”
Chiaki’s ears turned red as she nodded slightly. I continued.
“Like I’ve said before, including this point, I hope you can still participate
in the Game Hobby Club…Uh, of course, only if you wanted to.”
“O-O-O-Of course! I-I’m just the same…!”
Chiaki’s suddenly agreeing with me excitedly. I’m relieved to see that. At
the same time, another worry showed up in my heart as I scratched my head.
“H-However, what should we do when things went this way?”
“What do you mean?”

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“Uh, for example, Chiaki, …are you really okay with this? You have to…
chat and play happily with a guy that rejected you. I feel like I’m taking
advantage of you…”
“Ah, I don’t think so.”
Chiaki immediately answered in an unexpectedly clean way. I blinked my
eyes as she continued
“Well, if we’re talking about taking advantage, I’m just the same as well.
The girl that failed her confession, yet she can still maintain a friendship with
the boy. Don’t you think I’m the one that got something ‘good’ out of this?
It’s like I can continue to play without insert a 100 yen coin.”
“That example is too frivolous, right?”
“Does it? But, isn’t that like what I’ve said before? Ah, also, if you think
I’ll continue treating you as a guy I love, then you’re dead wrong.”
“R-Really…I guess you’re right.”
“O-Of course.”
…I feel like another unexpected silence fell onto us.
I went on after clearing my throat with a cough.
“Well, Chiaki, does that mean you’re willing to continue our friendship?”
“O-Of course! I should be the one to say that!”
Chiaki smiled as she reached her hand out. To that, …I didn’t overreact
and calmly shook her hand as a friend before answering.
So, when we started walking again, we can see a bright and spacious area
just a bit lower. That’s a platform connected Starry Plaza to the rest station at
the foot of the hill via the long stairs. It even has a couple of benches for
people to sit down and relax. Although we can’t see clearly due to the
distance, I think someone is sitting there right now as well.
I stared at that dazedly as I thought, “Perhaps we can’t catch the bus.”
Then, I fell silent. During this time, Chiaki seems to have misunderstood
something and sighed a bit awkwardly.
“Ah, …uh, Keita, …but, I’m sorry.”
“Eh? What are you talking about?”
“Well, …even though I said we should keep it the same way, I think the
atmosphere will still get a bit awkward sometimes, like right now.”

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I didn’t mean it that way right now…However, I understand what’s Chiaki
trying to say.
She continued.
“But it would be great if you can tolerate it…”
To Chiaki’s words, I answered with an “of course” as I nodded.
“It’s more like, I think it’ll be weird if we tried to suppress it that much.”
“Yeah. Ay, so, please remain ‘natural’ from now on in every way.”
“I got it, the person that likes me.”
“Goodbye, Keita.”
“Sorry, Chiaki, even though you’re my rival, I’ll never prank you that way
“You have to keep your own words, the guy that decided to keep a girl’s
who interested in him.”
“Goodbye, Chiaki.”
“Sorry, Keita, even though you’re my rival, I’ll never prank you that way
We went back and forth as we searched for a solution for our friendship
After that, I realized there’s something we need to reflect on as well.
“Right, can I tell everyone that you confessed to me?”
“Oh, we got a ‘bullying’ case here! W-What are you trying to pull off! Are
you trying to write ‘Chiaki Hoshinomori Loves Keita Amano♡’ on the
blackboard? You’re trying to do that, right!”
Chiaki protested with tears in her eyes, I quickly tried to smooth things
“I-It’s not like the ‘bullying’ you’re talking about! Eh? So, you wanted to
keep your confession, …or should I say, you want to keep the fact that you
love me as a secret?”
“Of course! Isn’t that embarrassing!”
“Y-You’re right. It’s quite embarrassing to love a guy like me.”
“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen this heavily self-abased side of yours.

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No, I’m not talking about that kind of embarrassment.”
Chiaki spoke up and complained. I continued after clearing my throat.
“But if we’re keeping it that way, it’ll be quite troublesome to me.”
“You’re saying…troublesome?”
“Yep. After all, this means that I’ll have to keep your confession to me as a
secret to Tendou-san as well, right? …Honestly, I feel like from a boyfriend’s
perspective, I feel kind of guilty…”
Chiaki seems to have realized the problem and sighed. I continued.
“Logically, I didn’t cheat on anyone. However, don’t you think ‘staying as
a friend with a girl that confessed to me and pretend nothing’s wrong’ is a bit
too much…?”
Chiaki started thinking about it after she heard what I said.
“When you put it that way, I-I feel like it’s a bit too much as well.
Logically, I’m not a mistress behind Tendou-san, but I do feel like I did
something I never was supposed to do.”
“Yeah…Also, Keita, this is quite sudden, but I’m feeling a little throbbed
right now.”
After I asked, Chiaki…shouted the answer out excitedly for some reason.
“We were still loners a while ago. Now, …we’re already like this, getting
annoyed with normie relationship problems like we're in Terrace House.
That's why I’m so throbbed!”
“…Uwah! You’re right!”
I didn’t realize before she said it. T-This is impressive, we’re making a lot
of progress! What a luxurious trouble for us to have! There should be a limit
to how normie we can be!
We can’t help but stop walking and stare at the sky for a moment.
Alright, the jokes end here.
We finally arrived at the platform that we saw earlier after a long walk on

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the stairs. There’s a celestial globe made with bronze here, and even benches
for people to take a small break. Although there’s no one around right now,
the atmosphere feels a bit warm somehow.
Even so, Chiaki and I aren’t going to sit down here. We glanced at the
celestial globe at the corner of our eyes as we walked through the platform
and started talking again.
“Sigh, honestly, from my stance, I also hope to explain this properly to
Tendou-san as well.”
Chiaki was troubled by what I just said earlier, but she still nodded
forcefully in the end.
“You’re right. If Tendou-san hates me because of that, or she’s blaming
the relationship between you and me. I can only say it can’t be helped since
it’s all my fault.”
“…It’s all our fault.”
After I corrected her, Chiaki started to get embarrassed before nodding her
“I understand. Keita, we should explain our relationship to Tendou-san as
soon as possible. I feel like that’s the only way to keep our relationship
without any troubles.”
“Yep. Indeed, we really need to quickly end this part.”
“Yeah. I feel terrible for Tendou-san if we’re hiding everything away from
“Yes. I also hope that I can maintain a relationship built on trust with the
person I’m dating with.”
“Right. I also wish the person that’s important to me can keep it that way. I
really hoped that.”
Chiaki smiled gently at me. My heart was filled with what she just said…
It’s hard to translate this kind of emotion into words. So, right now, I can
only stare at her eyes before nodding confidently.
We passed the platform and continued walking along the stairs.
Then, we only chatted about gaming until we arrived at the rest station.
This situation is…Well, although we can’t say that we’re keeping it in the
exact same way, even so, it’s still gratifying for us to talk about games.

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So, when we arrived at the rest area, even though we’re still a bit nervous,
we don’t feel uncomfortable anymore.
(Perhaps it’s because even if the ending is bitter, we still managed to say
what we need to…)
Actually, in all honesty, I can never judge how Chiaki feels right now. The
pain of being rejected after confessing to a close friend. I don’t think I can
casually imagine it and reaching my own, arrogant conclusion. Moreover, I
can never forget that I rejected Chiaki…I hurt someone that fell in love with
me…Honestly, I’m still feeling a tinge of pain in my heart right now.
We hurt each other.
However, at least, there’s no further damage.
While a scar might form, but the pain will disappear, and it will heal- I
I glanced at Chiaki, who’s next to me, and then I realized she’s giving me
the usual pouting face.
“Keita, why are you staring at me? You’re disgusting.”
Chiaki causally insulted me. I also replied with my usual manners.
“It’s okay. I think there’s a faint smell of sea tide coming from you.”
“What do you mean by I smell like sea tide!”
Then, we started bickering with each other without holding back just like
we were. This makes me really relieved right now.
If that’s the case, I think we can still treat each other as “friends” or
“partners” in the Game Hobby Club from now on.
We pressed our chests in relief after reaching this conclusion as we walked
towards the rest station.
When we arrived at the kiosk, there’s suddenly an unexpected voice
calling us.
“Hey, isn’t this Amano and Hoshinomori? What are you two doing here?”
I freaked out as I turned to where the voice was coming from. Then…
“Eh, Uehara-kun…and Aguri-san?”
A normie x gal couple is resting at the seats of the kiosk.

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“Oh, Amanocchi, Shin-chan, thanks for today.”
Aguri-san waved as she smiled. Chiaki and I looked at each other in shock
as we walked towards them, who should be already on the bus to home.
So, when we came next to the table, Uehara-kun asked.
“Shouldn’t you guys went home already?”
“Hey, that’s my line, Uehara-kun. What happened to you two? Didn’t you
guys go onto the bus to downtown an hour ago?”
I started searching in my memory as I said that. In reality, I did see these
two and Tendou-san’s bus heading towards downtown leaving an hour ago.
Just as I’m feeling thoroughly unbelievable, Uehara-kun said a “well”
depressingly before speaking up.
“The bus broke down suddenly after 5 minutes. Then, the driver checked
for a while for a cause. In the end, he didn’t know how to fix it. So, he
apologized and asked the passengers to go back to the rest station and take
the next bus. There’s nothing we can do.”
“Wow, I feel terrible for you.”
Aguri-san crossed her arms angrily at my sympathy.
“Jeez. We even had to walk all the way back here. We spent 20 minutes in
the dark mountain roads. Also, I think the next bus is arriving late as well.
This sucks.”
Aguri-san said that as she stared at the roundabout facing the window near
the entrance. Indeed, there’s not a single bus stopping there. After we
questioned further, it seems the buses going to our homes are delayed too.
“So, why don’t you guys sit down and wait as well?”
We were urged by Uehara-kun, so we sat next to them. Then, this time,
Uehara-kun started questioning us.
“So? Why are you two still here? Did your buses break down too?”
“Ah, nope, it’s not that. We’re…”
Just as I’m preparing to explain, Chiaki suddenly stepped on the tip of my
foot and made me realized.
…Right, what am I going to say?
“I met my partner with a fated connection online, and she even confessed

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to me.”
Am I really going to say that? Well, while this is a fact, …but if I don’t
explain in order and in detail. This is going to be troublesome if it got out
since I have a girlfriend. However, in situations like this, the bus could arrive
at any time…
Just as I’m hesitating to answer, Chiaki spoke up cleverly for me.
“Well, we went to the restroom on our own before the bus started to leave,
but we ended up missing it. After that, when we’re chilling and waiting, I
suggested going to Starry Plaza behind to kill time given a chance….”
“Ah, that’s why you two are coming from behind?”
After Uehara-kun heard Chiaki’s explanation, he understood quickly
without any questions.
During this time, Aguri-san let out an “Eh!”
“What the hell, I didn’t realize there’s such a romantic spot here! We
should have gone there if we knew it! Jeez…!”
Aguri-san plopped on the table as she rubbed her hands while throwing a
tantrum. I answered her with a bitter smile.
“Uh, it’ll take a long time for a round trip. Even if the arrival of your bus is
different than ours, you won’t have time to watch the stars since it takes 30
“Really. I guess it can’t be helped if you put it that way…By the way,
Amanocchi, Shin-chan, you two are interested in stars as well? I didn’t
expect that. I thought you two don’t care about anything outside of games.”
“T-That’s impolite. We’re at least interested in the stars…R-Right,
“Y-Y-Yeah, Keita. I don’t want to be treated like a girl that’s o-only
interested in gaming!”
We glanced at each other before lowering our heads awkwardly…I-I really
can’t say it. Actually, 90% of our motives is taking the rewards of the mobile
game. That’s why we’re climbing the hill. But I really can’t say it right now!
Aguri-san stared at us suspiciously…Crap. This person is really sensitive
towards relationship issues. She will start getting her own ideas if this

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I freaked out as I looked around before immediately changing the topic.
“R-Right. Tendou-san should be on the same bus as you two, where is
I looked around as I asked. Then, Uehara-kun answered.
“Ah, come to think of it, she said she wanted to walk around the kiosk, so
she left the seat.”
“R-Really…Uh, w-well, then I’ll go look for Tendou-san…”
After I said that, I quickly tried to leave to avoid Aguri-san’s question- At
that moment.
“Amano-kun, Hoshinomori-san, good evening.”
Someone suddenly spoke up behind us. Once I turned back, …the cutest
being on this planet, which is my girlfriend, Karen Tendou, is waiting there
with a smile. Even though she was exhausted from the long walks of today,
because of her blonde hair, she still looks just as bright and refreshing.
“T-Thanks for today!”
I got nervous for some reason and greeted like I’m a junior in a sports club.
Then, I hastily stood up and gave away the seat on my left that was for my
luggage to make sure she has a place to sit. However, Tendou-san’s
“Ah, Uehara-kun, Aguri-san, I’m sorry, but can you give me some space.”
Once we realized, she was already sitting between Uehara-kun and Aguri-
(…Uh, I-I guess that works too…It’s not like there’re rules requiring
couples to sit together every time…Yep…)
Although everyone is feeling the seat arrangement isn’t right, I managed to
give myself an explanation. I guess Tendou-san is just taking her original seat
before our arrival.
During this time, Uehara-kun spoke up. “W-Well-“ Then, he stood up.
“The bus isn’t arriving yet. I’m going to the bathroom.”
Aguri-san stood up as well after hearing what he said.

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“Ah, then I’m going too. Tendou-san, please keep sight of our luggage.”
Tendou-san suddenly let out a sound while trembling. To that, Aguri-san
tilted her head.
“Uh, …I’m just trying to get you to watch our stuff…I-Is there any
“Eh? Ah, n-no, it’s nothing…I understand. I, Karen Tendou, will watch
you two’s luggage, even if it meant sacrificing my own life!”
“You don’t need to give up your own life for it…Uh, alright, …well,
Aguri-san looks dumbfounded as she prepares to leave with Uehara-kun,
who’s already walking towards the toilet.
I saw her leaving…as an idea suddenly popped out in my heart. Then, I
kicked Chiaki’s leg.
(Shouldn’t we mention the thing we’ve talked about earlier right now?)
I tried to suggest to her with eye contact and my expressions. So, Chiaki
looked confused for a second, but she immediately gave me a determined
look and nodded.
Chiaki turned her body along with the chair and faced Tendou-san. After
that, just as she’s going to speak up with an extremely serious look-
“A-Amano-kun! Have you played the newest series in Battlefield?”
-Tendou-san suddenly opened her eyes and asked me.
While I’m a bit confused, I still answered her question.
“N-Nope, how regretful, I didn’t play that…”
“R-Really? You never played that…Ah, h-how about Hoshinomori-san…”
“I’ve never played it…I’m sorry…”
…The conversation is over. I-It’s because we have never played the game
she’s talking about.
Moreover, there’s something more important right now…
“Uh, Tendou-san? Well, there’s something important that Chiaki and I

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wanted to tell you right now-“
“This game is really based on WWI, the immersion is powerful!”
“Isn’t that topic over already!”
The Battlefield discussion seems to be continuing again! Tendou-san
started talking non-stop.
“No. Personally, I’m really fond of FPS that’s based in the near-future with
intense combat and futuristic items! However, there are some situations
where you have to participate in a slow battle to emphasize the importance of
teamwork and tactics! Think about it, the reason why online battle games are
fun is that they’re not just focused on accuracy-“
“P-Please wait, Tendou-san! I-I’m not against other people’s game
commentary. Even so, can you put that game aside from a second?”
I tried my best and interrupted Tendou-san. She let out an unwilling “ugh”
mumble…Eh, has she always been like this? Uh, even though Chiaki and I
will go haywire when we’re talking about our favorite games…However,
Tendou-san should be able to observe the mood and act decisively…
A-Anyway, Tendou-san stopped talking about Battlefield.
Chiaki and I cleared our throats as we sit upright once again. Then, just as
we’re preparing to talk about that-
“I’m going to take a walk around the kiosk.”
-Tendou-san suddenly stood up before hearing us! I hastily spewed a
couple of “no” and stopped her!
“How many times do you want to go to the kiosk, Tendou-san!”
“Perhaps they got new products already.”
“Only an online game store can update that quickly! Also, didn’t you bet
your own life on taking care of Aguri-san’s luggage?”
“Ho, why do I have to bet my own life on Aguri-san’s stuff?”
“Even though your question makes a lot of sense! By the way, didn’t you
say it yourself, Tendou-san?”
“My brain wasn’t working properly just then. Well, I’m going to the kiosk,
see you later!”
“Your brain isn’t working correctly right now as well! E-Even if you made
that promise when you’re unconscious, a promise is a promise! I can’t

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believe you’re this irresponsible. This isn’t like you, Tendou-san!”
“Ugh, …you’re right. I-I understand. I…will take care of the luggage.”
Tendou-san sat back down with a face full of regret. It looks like she’s
about to bite her own tongue and kill herself. After that, she stared at Aguri-
san’s stuff silently…
“Uh, …Tendou-san? So, …well, there’s something that Chiaki and I want
“…Tendou-san? Hey…?”
Tendou-san’s paying full attention to Aguri-san’s bags.
“Eh, are you serious! You can at least talk to people when you’re keeping
watch, right? Tendou-san, can you please at least say something.”
“That’s casual! That’s even more casual than I’ve imagined! If you’re
paying this little attention, are you sure that you can hear what we’re saying!”
“Please listen to us seriously, Tendou-san! Please, Tendou-san!”
I can’t take it anymore. So, I stood up and reached my hand towards
Tendou-san’s shoulders-
-So, with a “bap” noise, my hand was swept away.
Her sense of rejection is way too apparent…At the moment, Chiaki and I
froze. However, after that-
“Thanks for the wait. I’m sorry for asking you to keep watch.”
“Amanocchi, is the bus still not here yet?”
-Since Uehara-kun and Aguri-san returned from the toilet, we vaguely
went over everything.
Chiaki and I gathered up with those two as we whispered to each other.
(This feels really strange…Ay, I guess we can say it next time, right?)

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(Yeah. It’s not like we have to say it right now, anyway.)
Although Tendou-san’s a bit strange right now, we’re exhausted after this
long day, anyway. The time’s getting late, so Chiaki and I didn’t really care
about her “unreasonable excitement” that much. In reality, Chiaki and I just
had a bunch of embarrassing interactions at Starry Plaza just then.
Even so…
(To us, I think we need to explain everything to Tendou-san to end this
vague relationship. We can’t revert back to ‘friends’ completely before
With that, we managed to switch up the mood and started walking again.
Even so, right now, we’re hiding something together from Tendou-san…as
if we’re cheating behind her. What the hell is this?
I can’t help but look at Chiaki, and she did the same thing as well. We
started staring at each other. This is embarrassing, so we immediately
plopped our heads down. However…
(So, why is this cheating situation still going on! If we don’t explain and
end everything clearly to Tendou-san, the subtle relationship between Chiaki
and I can never be resolved!)
Even so, I don’t think it’s right to say this over text or phone. This is a
critical case where Tendou-san, Chiaki, and I have to be present and explain
everything. Sincerely. There’s no doubt about that.
I let out a huge sigh as I looked at Tendou-san, who’s chatting with
Uehara-kun and Aguri-san, dazedly before making a conclusion.
(Sigh, there’s a lot of chance for us three to talk in the Hobby Club,
This isn’t a long-distance relationship. We can solve this within days.
Just as I’m thinking about this, the buses that are heading to our
destinations arrived one by one.
The buses started successfully this time.
We can finally end this long and intense day.
Karen Tendou
I let out a deep sigh as I stared at the dark road from the window of the

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moving bus. Uehara-kun and Aguri-san are sitting behind lovingly. However,
I distanced myself from them for a bit and took a seat at the front. The two of
them will probably think that I’m considerate, but it’s actually not.
I just want to….stay alone.
After all, I really don’t want to talk to anyone right now.
The reason is that…is because…because…
(Amano-kun and Hoshinomori-san started ‘dating’ each other. HOW CAN
I screamed inside my heart as I lowered my head and start fisting the
empty seat next to me with my left hand.
There’s a traffic of boiling emotions with nowhere to go inside me.
They’re ravaging every piece of me.
Anger, depression, jealousy, jealousy, JEALOUSY, hate, and-
(I will never….never tolerate something like this!)
(I can’t believe things are going this way…going this way…This is too
I can’t help but try and pinch my cheeks…It hurts. It hurts so much.
Perhaps I’m pinching the wrong spot, so I tried the other side as well. In the
end, the result is the same. It’s just that both sides hurt equally now.
This time, the sadness in my heart overwhelmed anger. Tears nearly fell
out of my eyes.
However, I immediately cheered myself up. “I can’t do that!”
The same thing goes for playing games. If I cried out of depression,
everything’s over. While it’s fine to cry out of regret and hate for it to be the
fuel of the next match, however, crying out of sadness will extinguish the fire
inside my heart. It’s because those kinds of tears will really end everything.
After I adjusted my breaths, I tried to cheer myself up once again. So, …I
tried my best to be objective as if I’m describing this to another person…and
started remembering how did I know those two started ‘dating.’

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Around an hour ago.

When the bus broke down, Uehara-kun, Aguri-san, and I started chilling
around the kiosk after we walked all the way back to the rest station.
However, I really can’t deny the fact that I’m an extra when I’m facing
Uehara-kun and Aguri-san as a couple. So, after a slight consideration, I said,
“Ah, I-I’m going to walk around the kiosk.” Then, I left the seat directly.
That’s the worst mistake I’ve made today.
In reality, there’s almost nothing to see at the kiosk. I quickly started
strolling inside since I have nothing else to do…So, I noticed it.
The entrance towards Starry Plaza.
I’m glad to know that I can kill time for a moment. However, after I read
the instructions, I realized there’s not enough time for me to get to the top
and come back.
But, even so, I can never give up “seeing a sky filled with beautiful stars,”
no matter what. Anyway, I believed the instruction that mentioned there’s
already enough space to watch the stars on the path to the plaza. I started
walking up to the middle of the mountain while thinking I have to try it out to
So, at last, the starry sky that I saw is really incredible.
Especially when there’s a spacious rest area in the middle of the hill. I can
see an even more fantastic starry sky there. I sat on the bench for tourists
alone as I enjoyed the view for a while.
…I even wished that Amano-kun is here to watch the stars with me.
So, when I reveled on the stars for roughly a minute, my hairpin fell onto
somewhere dark behind the bench.
I stood up helplessly and went to the back. Then, I bowed down and started
looking for the hairpin with poor vision.
However, the hairpin rolled to somewhere far away. In the end, I finally
found it behind the celestial globe.
I grabbed the pin as I let out a sigh in relief. Then, I pressed my chest,

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thinking it’s almost time for me to go back to the rest station-
-Just as I’m about to stand up, suddenly, I realized someone’s here as well.
I can’t help but freak out and even hid at the corner of the celestial globe
out of reflex.
So, when I’m peeking at the corner to see what’s happening, I found out a
couple is walking towards here from the mountain path.
Honestly, there’s no need for me to hide, but I might as well stay to
prevent them from getting scared by suddenly popping out. Anyway, I
decided to stay hidden and planned to leave after the couple passed through
the platform.
I stayed behind the celestial globe and thought about what the hell I’m
doing depressingly as I waited for the couple to pass. However, no matter
how long I waited, those two aren’t showing up.
I’m baffled by what those two are doing, so I can’t help but peek from the
celestial globe.
…In the end, I saw someone unexpected.
(Eh, isn’t that…Amano-kun and Hoshinomori-san?)
I bulged my eyes out of the unbelievable scenery. As for those two, they’re
chatting with each other cheerfully.
“We were still loners…normies…troublesome…This!”
“…Uwah! You’re right…”
Although I can only hear some fragments, I can guarantee that it’s them
with those voices and the interaction.
(Why are they together…)
I’m slightly palpitating, but I still continued to observe the situation.
During this time, the two stopped at the stairs for some reason…Then, they
stared at the sky before falling into silence.
(…W-What’s with this hidden atmosphere…! Eek…!)
I’m incredibly anxious out of my sheer jealousy…No, come to think of it, I
think my emotions were too vigorous at that time. However, a boy and a girl
staring at the sky while throbbing…Is there another way to describe this
situation aside from romantic?
Just as my worries are getting consolidated with each passing minute, the

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two walked down the stairs.
I quickly stopped peeking and hid behind the globe again. I made sure that
I’m entirely silent…Please don’t complain about why I’m doing this. Do you
understand the feeling of not being able to escape if you decided to hide?
Anyway, I was hiding behind the globe and held my breath.
Amano-kun and Hoshinomori seem to be unaware of my presence as they
walked silently.
Immediately following that, when they arrived at the rest area where I’m
hiding, …they suddenly started talking…
Yes, they started that decisive conversation.
“Sigh, honestly, from my stance, I also hope to explain this properly to
Tendou-san as well.”
“You’re right. If Tendou-san hates me because of that, or she’s blaming
the relationship between you and me. I can only say it can’t be helped since
it’s all my fault.”
“…It’s all our fault.”
I didn’t understand any of that in the least bit at that time. However, even
though I don’t understand, …my heart is beating so fast that I’m feeling a
tinge of pain. Something in my heart is warning me to not listen any further.
However, …before I can put my hands around my ears.
That ‘brutal’ sentence is already out of Hoshinomori-san’s mouth.
“I understand. Keita, we should explain our relationship to Tendou-san as
soon as possible. I feel like that’s the only way to keep our ‘relationship’
without any troubles.”
Right away, I can feel all emotions are lost in my eyes.
…What did she just say?
I think I just imagined things. Yep, this is just a usual misunderstanding.
Exactly, there’s the only possible conclusion. Haha.
I was trying my best to cheer up…However, as if the two are trying to add
insult to injury, they started a continuous attack on me.
“Yep. Indeed, we really need to quickly ‘end’ this part.”

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“Yeah. I feel terrible for Tendou-san if we’re hiding everything away from
“Yes. I also hope that I can maintain ‘a relationship built on trust’ with the
person I’m dating with.”
“Right. I also wish ‘the person that’s important to me’ can keep it that way.
I really hoped that.”
Then, the distance became further, and I can no longer hear what they’re
No, even if I heard a voice, I think I can’t interpret it as a conversation.
This is because my heart is already totally messed up at that point.
(Eh? What is this? Ugh, so, why are they…)
I wrapped my legs behind the globe and started pondering it non-stop.
However, …no matter how hard I’m thinking, thinking, and thinking, …I can
only reach one conclusion.
The interpretation is just like…when I’ve heard.
(Amano-kun and Hoshinomori-san started dating. So, they’re going to end
this with me soon.)
I screamed at the top of my lungs as I stood up. Amano-kun and
Hoshinomori-san seem to be so far ahead that they didn’t realize I’m here.
-In comparison, I didn’t realize that another couple saw me while climbing
down the hill. They were totally freaked out…Ay, I guess the reaction is
normal if a hysterical blonde hair girl suddenly appearing from behind the
celestial globe while screaming…Come to think of it, I still feel like I did
something terrible to them. I’m sorry, but I hope that it’s not going to be
turned into an urban legend in the future.
Anyway, I quickly apologized to the couple and ran as if I’m trying to
escape. The tears that have been building in my eyes were blown away by the

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wind and sparkling behind.
My mind is going haywire when I’m running. I can’t think properly. I’m
frustrated and depressed. I didn’t understand the meaning of all this, why are
things going this way.
I can’t accept the reality.
Even so, when I’m back at the rest station, there’s only…one clear answer
in my heart.
That is…
(I-I will never acknowledge this…! I can’t agree with this…! I
absolutely…absolutely disagree with this!)
They plan to ‘end’ this with me on their own. Then, they’re going to march
onto a new journey selfishly.
To that, I really can’t let that slide easily.
(Yeah, …no one will allow that!)
Well, …that realization is mine is like a father that’s unwilling to meet his
daughter’s boyfriend for a marriage proposal.
After all, if I heard a request like that.
If I let…the two to…end everything with me like this.
I’m sure that…there’s nothing I can do.
It’s impossible for me…to have any means to fight against…a couple that
sincerely loves each other.
That’s why, …when we’re alone at the rest station, I kept on avoiding
when they’re trying to report about the date or the breakup.

The replay ends here. I returned to the quiet bus at night. When I looked
back, Uehara-kun and Aguri-san are lying on each other’s head lovingly as
they fell asleep. I…made up my mind once again after I saw that lovely
“…It’s not over yet. It’s not over yet. After all, …Amano-kun…confessed

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to me…”
I remembered a while ago, that extremely passionate, …that confession
that’s making me blush by only thinking about it.
…Indeed. Didn’t I hear Amano-kun’s passionate confession a while ago?
There’s no way he’s lying. But if that’s the case, why is he dating
I finally realized at this point.
(Right! How could I not know until now! I bet he didn’t find the right way
– to reject Hoshinomori-san’s confession!)
Everything can be explained this way.
I theorized further.
(Yeah, that’s right! I’m sure this is the answer! Amano-kun has always
been a gentle and kind person! He can never reject a confession from his
friend, Hoshinomori-san, in that romantic situation! This has to be right!
So, things have gotten intense after some back and forth. In the end, they
plan to discuss this with me for a proper “ending.”
If that’s the case, I’m entirely relieved…No, it has to be this way.
(In reality, there’s no way for them to love each other…It’s not going to
I trust Amano-kun a lot, yet there’s a fear passing at the corner of my
brain…No, Karen, you don’t need to consider a possibility like that.
The theory must be correct. It has to be correct.
(Yeah. After all, it made sense. It has to be right.)
I can’t help but grin coldly at myself, who’s a bit too “clever” and
(Sigh, by the way, I can even acknowledge the “misunderstandings” and
“mistakes” that I’ve caused and used them in my theory…)
I’m terrified by my high standards. This woman, Karen Tendou, how ugly
and calculating do you have to be?
However, this is the only time where I have to appreciate my outstanding
wit. Thanks to this, …I can correctly identify the “enemy” and the
“countering” method.

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To put it simply, the enemy…isn’t Hoshinomori-san. Instead, it’s the
“couple declaration” that they made under a string of misunderstandings.
As for the counter…
(If that’s the case, there’s only one thing I need to do!)
I glared at the starry sky from the window.
Then, I put my fist together with all of my determination and raised them
forcefully to the starry sky outside.
(Whenever they’re trying to talk about “that” thing, I’ll have to avoid,
avoid, and avoid. I need to cause their relationship to stagnate. This is for the
benefit of everyone!)
To say how powerful my fist raise was-
“Ding! Stopping at the next station.”
-It made me accidentally press the STOP button.

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Chapter 2
Konoha Hoshinomori and Guided Ones

“You…confessed to Amano-senpai?”
My scream is echoing throughout in the bathroom of Hoshinomori’s house
that’s full of steam.
I can’t help but stop washing my hair and look back. Then, onee-chan sank
her mouth into the bathtub and made a bunch of “bubububub” noise in
To clear up the mess in my brain, I washed away the bubbles on my head
with a shower as I started remembering how did things go this way.
The night after our gaming hike with the rest station at the mountain as the
finish line.
Onee-chan, who’s taking the next bus to get her mobile game rewards,
returned home almost an hour after me. Since it’s getting late, I’m more or
less worried about onee-chan going home alone. So, I’m quite relieved when
I saw her coming back at the expected time…However, upon closer
examination, I realized there’s something wrong with her.
Her eyelids were swelling a bit, and her mood seems to be unusually
excited. While she talked a lot, she didn’t mention too much about the things
that happened after I left.
Although my parents, who’re sitting on the sofa and paying full attention
to the TV shows, didn’t pick up on this, I noticed it because I ate dinner
together with onee-chan.
I can’t let this go that easily. Don’t tell me this onee-chan, who’s kind of a
cute girl, encountered something that she’s not even willing to tell her parents
after I left. My head is filled with nasty scenarios. I really hate all the hentai
game knowledge I’ve built up in my brain in times like this.
However, it’s not like I can question this directly in front of my parents. In
the final moments of my frustration, I decided to suggest something we
haven’t done for a couple years to onee-chan.

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Do you want to bath together today?
Of course, onee-chan rejected initially due to embarrassment. Even so,
basically, my older sister can’t deal with stubborn people. After a while of
begging, she immediately agreed with a blush…Uh, as a little sister, I’m also
worried about her passive attitude…
Anyway, back to the topic, I managed to find out what happened during
the “Lost Hour.”
In the end, I didn’t expect an ultra wild plot like this.
From a different perspective, onee-chan’s relationship is quite likely to go
straight to a bad ending like the plot development in hentai games. I really
didn’t see this coming.
I slowly washed the shampoo on my head away. Then, I turned the bath
stool towards the tub direction and prepared to ask for details.
“You confessed to him…What the hell is wrong with you, that’s really
My question made onee-chan raise her head from the bathtub. She’s even
blushing really hard in embarrassment and looked away before answering
“It’s not like that. Well, …it’s too much to call it a confession, Konoha.
After all, I just…I just expressed my thoughts…and my feelings for Keita to
know without holding back…”
“Eh, if that’s not a confession, then what is?”
I asked dumbfoundedly. Then, onee-chan put her finger on her chin and
tilted her head as if she’s trying to be cute.
“…Want me to tell you now?”
“Why are you acting like the host of a variety show! I can’t pretend you
can treat your confession like this. Our onee-chan isn’t feminine in the least
bit, you’re in the negative zone!”
“But I revealed everything about NOBE and Mono to him as well…”
Another ultra wild plot. What is this? Did onee-chan lose her mind?
The bathroom is echoing with the noise of water droplets falling from my
hair and splashing onto the ground only.

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I froze entirely and fell speechless. Then, onee-chan let out an “ah” before
apologizing to me and continued.

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“So, Konoha, you don’t need to pretend to be NOBE and Mono anymore.
Thanks for everything in the past.”
“Uh, …eh? I-I can’t change my feelings if you said that suddenly…”
“…Uh, K-Konoha, cut!”
Onee-chan pretended to be adorable and raised her arms with a splash.
She’s even talking like a director at the scene…What is this?
“Eh, the problem isn’t with the way you said it! Why did you suddenly
switch me off from the NOBE and Mono roles without any confirmation!”
“…I-It’s because your pay keeps rising…”
“Why is the reason so similar to those overseas series? By the way, onee-
chan, when did I ask for a high salary from you!”
“Y-You’re the one that robbed it from your onee-chan! The “feelings”
Keita has for NOBE and Mono are the rewards you took..”
“My onee-chan is feeling pretty smug after insulting someone! This is
super annoying!”
“So, please stop stealing Keita’s feelings from onee-chan, Konoha.”
“Stop giving me that victim look! You’re the one that asked me to act like
those characters!”
“Moreover, Keita mentioned you have a fatal difference with the
personality of NOBE and Mono. What a horrible character selection.”
“You’re even saying that I’m a horrible character at last! I-I dealt with so
much crap because of your terrible role assignment!”
“You’re right. Now that I’ve revealed my identity to Keita, and I even got
a decent reaction. So, I feel like the time when you pretended to be me, It
should be kept as a secret from everybody. What a terrible history.”
“Hey, I feel like that’s cheap enough for me to kill someone.”
“…I-I’m sorry, Konoha. I’m really hyped with the confession, so onee-
chan was a bit high just then.”
Onee-chan sank her mouth into the bathtub and made a bunch of
“bubububub” noise again, this time it’s in guilt.
I let out a sigh as I turned the stool back to the showering space again.
Then, I decided to shower while I ask for all the details once again.

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“Then? How did the confession go? Sigh, judging from the atmosphere
and the process, I can already feel you two didn’t go together…”
However, if that’s the case, I’m curious why onee-chan isn’t sad at all.
She raised her head from the bathtub and gave me a rough explanation.
So, when I finished showering, onee-chan finished explaining everything.
“I got it.” I washed away the bubbles on my body as I answered.
“Although the confession was unsuccessful, you two didn’t lose your
friendship or somehow turned into a cheating relationship.”
“Yes. This is all thanks to Keita’s honesty and gentleness.”
Onee-chan said that before smiling embarrassingly. I immediately got it
after seeing her expression.
(Ah, this way, it looks like onee-chan loves him even more, after all. This
is enough, forgive me…)
Well, the worst part is that even I have to praise Amano-senpai’s way of
“dealing with another girl’s confession when he’s in a date.”
(He didn’t give a vague expression. Instead, it’s a direct rejection.
However, he paid attention to not hurt the girl too much…This is a 10/10
rejection. But, that’s why I want to ask, don’t you think senpai is cheating a
bit too much!)
Getting a girl to love him even more despite rejecting her. This is cheating.
That’s nasty. Ah, I hate it, I hate it.
…H-He’s really adorable.
(What is this! What is wrong with Keita Amano! If he’s even more
attractive when he managed to maintain his chastity over other girls, doesn’t
that make everything worse for onee-chan and me! Our emotional drama
already got two girls that understand how a woman feels when she’s
depressed with love despite all of us being virgins! Why! None of our
problems were solved yet!)
What is this twisted situation? It’s literally like a family-friendly version
hentai game, except all the sexual parts are gone with only adult relationships
remaining. I can’t believe something like this exists in reality.
My heart hurts when I think about it. I can’t help kick everything around.

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The hot water on the ground is splashing everywhere.
Onee-chan looked at me worriedly…This onee-chan, I bet she didn’t even
realize she’s still genuinely in love yet. It’s great for me to confess to Amano-
senpai, and it seems we can still be friends happily! I guess that’s what she
I don’t think that mindset is wrong. Compared to onee-chan getting
tortured by unable to confess her feelings and real identities, she must’ve felt
a lot better now. However…
(Can love…be bound by rationality that easily?)
It was over after the confession was rejected. The possibility of this route
was utterly destroyed. The failed female protagonist will only appear as a
“friend” in the following episodes…Does love in real-life have such a
systemic “ending” like this?
The feelings she has as a girl, it completely switched to that of a “friend”
after a rejection…Things like this shouldn’t be as easy as onee-chan has
imagined it.
…No, am I overthinking this just because I played a lot of hentai games?
After all, I really suspect the friendship between a guy and a girl.
“…Sigh, whatever.”
I looked at onee-chan. …Then, I smiled and congratulated her.
“Isn’t this great? It’s not bad to be normal friends with senpai, right.”
Onee-chan blushed at what I said. After that, she answered with her
brightest smile.
“Yeah! Thanks, Konoha!”
“Well, I’ll take a shower now, Konoha. You should warm yourself up in
the bathtub.”
“…Thanks, I will.”
Onee-chan and I switched places, and I went into the bathtub.
Onee-chan’s bath water is still hot, warm enough for me to feel how
blessed she is.

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Then, a week later, the calendar reached November.

This year, Hekiyou High School planned to host the cultural festival in late
November. Thanks to this, I, as the student council president, was busy
dealing with a bunch of chores. I can’t even play hentai games freely, not to
mention a date with boys from other schools. This is upsetting.
Also, I asked onee-chan how Otobuki High School’s cultural festival is
going. I got an unexpected reply: they’re not even organizing a festival this
It seems that Otobuki’s “mega cultural festival” will only be held once in
three years.
That feels pretty relaxed. I’m getting envious. However, a once-in-three-
years opportunity means that it’ll be more luxurious and exhausting than
other schools. That has its own issues as well. I’m already sympathizing with
the students that are in the council next year right now.
Anyway, that’s why Otobuki’s students are basically enjoying their usual
autumn school lives. Onee-chan and Amano-senpai, who’re second years, are
preparing for the school trip in late November. It’s a bit busy, but I heard
they’re still operating normally.
So, the Game Hobby Club meetings seem to be held three times a week as
-There’re no obstacles.
(I thought they would feel a bit more awkward…)
Indeed, in contrast to the worries I had, I think the relationship between
onee-chan and Amano-senpai is going pretty well. Of course, I should put an
asterisk reminding people that “this is my idea after I heard what onee-chan
told me.” However, at least I can guarantee that there aren’t any significant
changes in their friendship.
Moreover, I guess onee-chan is glad that she’s chatting even more happily
with Amano-senpai about gaming. Of course, their perspectives on gaming
still haven't changed. So, I think their “bickering frequency” is the same.
Perhaps even that was treated as a joke between them as well. She was

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thrilled…To put it simply, onee-chan finally developed a “normal friendship”
with Amano-senpai at this point.
From onee-chan’s perspective, this is a summary of her relationship with
Fellow > Rivals > True Love > One-sided Love > Normal Friends (NEW!)
…Onee-chan is incredible in this six months. What happened? Perhaps a
reality show director is handling my onee-chan’s life right now?
Come to think of it, the real monster should be a certain otaku boy.
After all, a lot of things happened between onee-chan and him. On the
other hand, he even started dating the school idol and almost kissed his
friend’s girlfriend. At the same time, he just robbed a hentai game loving
girl’s heart. The no.1 spot of “King of Plot Twists,” Keita Amano.
…I guess I went off-topic for too long.
Anyway, onee-chan seems to be just as happy as she was right now.
By all means, she can still talk “normally” to Trashara, Karen Tendou, and
even Agu-senpai. The effect of the confession on her wasn’t as significant as
I expected.
Although that was an excellent outcome, …from onee-chan’s perspective,
I feel like that’s “exactly” why she can’t let it go.
I heard onee-chan and Amano-senpai want to explain that confession thing
sincerely to Tendou-senpai before returning to their normal lives.
…Honestly, this “fits” their style.
It’s dumb and naïve, and also unexpectedly selfish…However, it’s kind of
respectable in some parts. What a pure decision that fits onee-chan and
Amano-senpai’s style.
However, from what I’ve heard from onee-chan, that’s “exactly” the
problem that they’re struggling with.
Basically, it’s already hard for onee-chan, Tendou-senpai, and Amano-
senpai to talk to each other. Even if it’s possible, they can’t lead the
discussion, and Tendou-senpai would leave before they can even start
discussing it…The pattern occurred a few times in this week alone.
If that’s the case, why don’t you two just text or call her? Although I
thought about that, it seems that they think it’s not sincere enough…These

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people are surely a pain.
Anyway, that’s why onee-chan still can’t get over this little bit right now…
“Senpai, don’t you think this feels a bit weird?”
“Eh? What do you mean by weird?”
After school, a Wednesday in the second week of November. I managed to
squeeze out a little time by quickly finishing everything in the student
council. Currently, I’m sitting with Amano-senpai at the lunch area of the
convenience store.
On the plain table, there’s a bottle of black coffee in front of me, which
feels a bit manly. As for Amano-senpai, he got himself a carton of lemon tea
with a long straw.
Senpai is sipping his lemon tea with a peaceful expression as if he’s a
herbivore. I can’t help but smile upon seeing that look, but then I realized
today’s not the time to enjoy it. So, I calmed down and asked him again.
“Uh, I mean the “difficulty” of striking up a conversation. Is it normal for
that to happen?”
“There’s nothing about normal or not, …it really happened…”
Amano-senpai looks like he still doesn’t understand what I’m suspecting.
I deeply sighed and decided to be straightforward.
“Is Tendou-senpai avoiding you two?”
Amano-senpai gave me a shocked expression after hearing what I said.
However, he immediately let out an “ahaha” laugh as if this is a joke.
“Konoha-san always gets these interesting thoughts…”
“No, senpai, I’m not fooling around. In reality, when two out of three
people wanted to ‘mention’ something, yet they can’t even talk about it…
Will the situation happen this frequently?”
“Ay, like what I’ve said before, there’s nothing about normal or not. It
really happened.”
“That’s why I think this is weird-“
Just as I’m leaning forward as I continued to theorize, Amano-senpai
interrupted with a confused look.
“To say that it’s weird, …basically, why would Tendou-san ‘avoid’ this

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He hit the nail on the head right away. I fell silent. Then, senpai continued
after taking a sip of his lemon tea.
“Sigh, from your argument’s perspective, I’m not entirely unable to
understand what you’re saying. Honestly, from my impression, …I can more
or less feel that Tendou-san is especially fast at stopping the topic.”
“L-Look, that means I’m indeed right-“
“However, I can’t find a reason.”
I fell silent again. Amano-senpai scratched his head.
“So, I think…the reason why we can’t explain the confession thing to
Tendou-san successfully, I guess it has to do with ourselves, right? Think
about it. Perhaps we subconsciously think that ‘we really don’t want to say it’
or ‘it’s hard to explain’ and just subtly missed the chance, right?”
This is genuinely what Amano-senpai or onee-chan will guess….Also, this
is the most reasonable explanation.
However, I still feel like something is wrong.
We, …no, onee-chan and Amano-senpai’s relationship is always full of
turmoil and misunderstandings. However, not all of that was based on
‘accidents,” right. Someone has to plan something in advance with a clear
idea, and a misunderstanding occurs after a series of interactions.
In this case, if two out of three people “want” to talk about it…If the
discussion ended up failing, this could only mean that the remaining person –
Tendou-senpai, is planning something else.
I can’t help but mumble with a stiff face. Then, Amano-senpai smiled
gently at me.
“Thank you, Konoha-san. I feel like you’re always worried about us.”
“Eh? Ah, it’s not like that. Instead of saying worrying…”
“I freaked out when I heard from Chiaki that she told everything to you.
However, at this point, I also felt from the bottom of my heart that this is the
best outcome.”

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“Yep! After all, thanks to this, I can chat happily with you once again.”
Senpai smiled like he’s sincerely happy before continuing.
“Even though the interaction I had with you on the internet was fake, …
I’m still thrilled when I’m just merely talking to you. Also, I love it.”
“Eh? It’s fine. Uh, well…”
He’s still looking at me with an innocent expression and straight-up
cozying to me…I don’t know how to answer aside from feeling embarrassed.
(T-This is cheating! Amano-senpai will only stop me from talking about
erotic things…However, what he just said was just as vicious and lethal! J-
Jeez, I can’t believe he’s such a cheeky person. Won’t he feel embarrassed by
saying stuff like that…!)
C-Crap, my face’s flaring up. What is this? This is too weird. Thanks to all
the hours I have in hentai games, I will never embarrass myself over erotic
things now…How can this senpai make my heart beat so fast by saying
something so innocent? I can’t accept it. I’m unwilling to accept it.
I curled my lips before letting out a sigh, even using my hands to fan my
During this time, Amano-senpai spoke up with a slightly bitter smile.
“So, I also want to explain everything sincerely to Tendou-san and enjoy
the time with everyone without feeling guilty…Hmm, it’s quite difficult.”
“Uh, you didn’t mention anything about onee-chan’s confession to
Trash…no, Uehara-senpai, or Agu-senpai?”
“Yes. It’s because I feel like we must be ones that report to Tendou-san.
For example, …if you heard another girl confessing to your own boyfriend
little by little from your friends or some other people, isn’t that the worst?”
“Ay, I feel like that’s quite annoying…”
At least onee-chan will give others a terrible impression. I bet Amano-
senpai cared this the most.
“That’s why I hope we can explain it to Tendou-san as soon as possible, …
but why are things not going well for us?”
Amano-senpai sighed. I suggested to him once again.
“Uh, senpai, like I’ve said before, that’s because of Tendou-senpai…”

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“You mean she’s avoiding us? Konoha, while I appreciate you for
worrying over us, …but I’ll feel bad if I just force the responsibility on
Tendou-san without any evidence.”
“…Perhaps, you’re right…”
I can’t think of anything else to retort.
An awkward silence fell onto the two of us. I get it, I’m very annoying
However, …no matter what, I still can’t disagree with what I’ve said.
(Onee-chan and Amano-senpai feel awkward. While this is worthy of
compassion, …but my instinct is mumbling even more information at me.
This problem must have a “lethal misunderstanding” hidden within it!)
Also, I can guarantee that the “truth” can become my weapon as well…It
just depends on how I use it. This expectation is why I’m trying my best to
clear everything and meet with Amano-senpai today.
However, I think it’ll be difficult for me to ask Amano-senpai for more
details right now.
I let out a sigh and said, “I understand.”
“As a spectator, I’m not going to ask for anything anymore. Sorry for
saying all that weird stuff.”
After I apologized, senpai freaked out and quickly waved at me.
“No, no, no, it’s okay! I really appreciate you for worrying over us! Sorry,
I feel like we’re trapping ourselves in some unnecessary ‘restrain’ and even
dragging you down…Ah, speaking of dragging you down, I also wanted to
apologize for something else. I think you spent a lot of time and effort
pretending to be Mono and NOBE as well. Uh, I’m sorry.”
Amano-senpai bowed down and apologized to me. For a second, I was
shocked and bulged my eyes, but then I chuckled and answered.
“Why are senpai apologizing? You’re quite weird, you know. Aren’t you
the one that was lied to?”
“Uh, but I think you wasted a lot of time because of me…”
After he said that, Amano-senpai seems to be embarrassed by what he said
to me before and scratched his cheeks.
…What’s wrong with this person? He’s literally the definition of Mr.Nice

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Guy. Even if he was pranked on a TV show, he seems to be the type that says
“thanks for today everyone” and hand out drinks to the staff.
However, …that’s right. This is what Amano-senpai looks like. He’s the
guy I…we love. Vulnerable, doubtful, a baffling amount of restraining, …
and always being honest.
I chugged down my bottle of coffee and let out a “phew” as I sighed.
(Although I hate to say this, I think I can slightly understand what’s on that
psycho little brother’s head. While we’re almost the same, but if I’m senpai’s
little sister, …I’m sure I’ll be the type that overprotects him.)
My onee-chan is just as awful. However, despite her looks, she still got a
quite prominent part from a creator’s perspective. So, I’m not that worried
about her. But when it comes to Amano-senpai, …how should I put it? He
seems even more vulnerable to tricks than onee-chan, especially when it’s
about interpersonal relationships.
Uh, but, onee-chan also counts as a “beautiful” girl. Judging from senpai’s
immediate rejection of her confession, perhaps he got some fierce mental
resistance? …No, no, no, if I’m the one that confessed, I’m afraid that I’ll
push senpai over with my full strength and rape-
“K-Konoha-san, are you okay? I feel like you’re breathing so fast and your
glare is scary!”
“Ah! I’m sorry. I was a bit turned on just then.”
“What are you going off about…Ay, it seems that you’re just the same as
usual. I’m relieved.”
“Eh, senpai, can I ask you how do you define “same as usual” please!”
“Why are you even protesting with an unwilling-to-admit look? If you
don’t like that, then please act more politely in front of me…”
“Ah, senpai, come to think of it, don’t you think some bottles look a bit too
“As soon as I’ve said it!”
Senpai looked at me, dumbfoundedly…Right, I get this is my “usual” look.
Honestly, I realized his impression of me just then, so I barely and reluctantly
flipped on my erotic switch.
I smiled mischievously at senpai and fondled the bottle on the table with a

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flirty look. As for senpai, …he’s not embarrassed anymore and even let out a
sigh before looking in the distance…Crap, the once-innocent Amano-senpai
is already used to erotic things. Who stained his mind…I guess it should be
After defiling senpai, I started talking about hentai games, which is
something we haven’t been able to talk about in a long time.
“By the way, senpai, did you play anything good for fapping recently?”
“You’re bringing that up as if you’re just casually talking about the
“Also, I didn’t. I’m not feeling it.”
“Feeling what?”
“So, lately, I’ve been using Amano-senpai only.”
“I’m not going ask you where did you use it. Absolutely not!”
“Isn’t it masturbation?”
“AH! AH! AH!”
Amano-senpai covered his ears and screamed. I pouted.
“…Senpai, what’s wrong with you? You’re acting like as if we weren’t the
same type.”
“Eh, we aren’t the same type in reality! I didn’t know you thought I was
the same as you!”
“But senpai plays hentai games…”
“If you think all hentai game lovers are like you, then you’re dead wrong!
Hentai game lovers aren’t defined as ‘people who loudly talk about sex,’
right! Moreover, …I’m the type that wants to enjoy hentai games from a plot
or the game’s perspective-“
“Oh, so whether the character is adorable isn’t important? It’s okay for the
girl’s face to look like a geometrical square?”
“…Uh, I didn’t mean that, …well, …I also hope the illustrations are cute
as well…”
Amano-senpai started stuttering. Crap, he’s so cute. That’s why I can never
stop sexually harassing senpai.
The actual problem is that I don’t talk about erotic things usually, and I

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don’t intend to. I only go overboard in front of Amano-senpai because his
reactions are really adorable.
I can’t help but continue asking.
“By the way, senpai, what are your preferences on that side?”
“What kind of serious sexual harassing question is that?”
“It’s nothing. I’m just asking for your ‘opinion’ on the game. I was
thinking, how would senpai rate ‘that part’ when you’re playing hentai
“Ugh, …what a cunning way of paraphrasing…!”
As long as I mentioned that we’re talking about games, this person is just
as easy to trick.
He gave me a frustrated look for a while…Then, although his face is as red
as a tomato, he mumbled and answered.
“I-I feel like…as long as it’s n-normal…”
“What do you mean by normal?”
“Uh, it’s because, honestly, I’m a typical guy. No matter how impressive
the plot is, I can’t go on when there’s something unusual going on in the
intimate scenes…”
“Ah, just like the common issues I’ve briefly talked about earlier. The
gentle and introverted protagonist suddenly goes berserk during the scenes.
That plot will make people feel uncomfortable. Even if it’s okay for
fanservice, it doesn’t make sense when it comes to the plot or the characters.”
After I expressed my agreement, perhaps senpai was interesting in gaming,
so he spoke up.
“Yeah, Konoha-san! When the player just felt ‘hey the story’s good,’ if the
protagonist suddenly starts swearing in the sex scenes, I really don’t know
how I should feel about the plot!”
“Exactly. I experienced that. Even though it’s pure romance, yet the main
character suddenly pulling out sex toys at that scene. I think I’ll lose around
70 to 80% of my mood as well.”
“This means that you’re still 20% excited, right. Uh, that’s not important.
It’s really like what you’ve said. From this point alone, perhaps you won’t
encounter it in dating sims. This is just a standalone hentai game issue – a

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sudden appearance of the creator’s sexual fetishes.”
“You’re right. Also, that kind of plot is the scene that ‘exposes’ everything,
so I’ll feel that the character is only being the true himself/herself at that
“For example, …the straightforward MC is, in reality, a douchebag that
ties up the female protagonist with ropes. Ay, of course, it’s fine when both
sides agree…”
“Right. Just like senpai and me.”
“This person started making up things again.”
“Hey, despite my looks, I’m really interested in BDSM.”
“Who cares. I should say, I don’t want to know my friend’s true fetishes.”
“Also, isn’t senpai a hidden sadist?”
“I’m getting more and more determined to charge you for sexual
harassment and damaging my reputation.”
“Senpai is getting embarrassed again, even though you’re enjoying it.
Wow, senpai is surely cute.”
“The person that tarnished her reputation with sexual harassment always
thinks about this kind of flippant stuff…”
“Ah, so, whenever senpai thinks about me while fapping, please refer to
the walkthrough I gave you just then.”
“This is the first time that I really want to forget a walkthrough.”
“Also, in my imagination, senpai is a guy that never holds back when it
comes to insulting people with swears.”
“You have never heard me swearing in real life, though.”
“Eh? What did senpai just scold me? A female pig?”
“I didn’t say that!”
“…Oh, ho…”
“This person is enjoying herself way too much! I think you’re already
happy enough from the ending you imagined in the head!”
“…Alright, let’s put the jokes aside.”
“I’m not going to forget everything just because you said that!”
Senpai is good at fussing over things. No matter how ridiculous I was, I’m

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only 90% serious with what I just said. I hope he doesn’t consider me as a
pure erotic girl.
We drank our coffee and lemon tea and rested for a while.
Then, senpai cleared his throat and said, “Well…”
“I should confirm this from you. Your love of hentai games and saying
erotic things, did Chiaki ask you to act like that for me…”
He’s asking me very worriedly-
I slowly stood up from the chair and pointed both fingers to my waist…
After that, I generously announced.
“Please just relax! I’m not wearing it!”
“Then you’re literally a true erotic girl! Also, isn’t this meme a bit too
old!” [Note: This is a joke by the Japanese comedian Tonikaku Akarui
Senpai complained loudly. The supermarket staff glanced at us, so I sat
back down and answered him.
“That was just a joke, …however, I only wish that senpai would believe
me on this.”
“Believe what?”
“I, Konoha Hoshinomori, no matter when and where, will never wear
panties in my heart!”
“The most regrettable part is that I know you’re not pretending.”
“Senpai talks like that again. No man in this world will hate a lusty high
school junior girl, right.”
“…Well, Konoha-san, if there’s a guy from another school that bragged
about not wearing underwear started talking to you, how would you feel?”
“Eh? I’ll call the cops right away. That’s disgusting. It sends shivers down
my spine when I’m just thinking about it.”
Senpai squinted and stared at me, …the Hekiyou student council president
quickly looked away.
“…I-I mean, think about it, people will only tolerate because I’m cute-“
“No, that’s enough, Konoha-san. It’s okay. I understand that you’re not

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acting already. Please just shut your mouth.”
“Hmm, …I get it, senpai is surely nasty as well. You want me to shut my
mouth and spread my legs-“
“Shut up!” (in English)
I’m afraid that this is probably the first time senpai used an English word.
Yes, if that’s the case, even I will freak out and immediately quiet down.
So, after nearly a minute of silence, when both of us have calmed down,
senpai chuckled and spoke up.
“Yep, ..but Konoha-san, even though I said that just then, …I’m still
relieved. That erotic side of you is the real Konoha-san.”
“Uh, although I’m the one that’s trying to prank, I don’t feel good with you
representing ‘the real Konoha-san’ with that interaction alone…”
I let out an annoyed look, and Amano-senpai laughed genuinely for a
while…Then, with that smile, he reached his pale and soft hand to my side.
“So, please stay as my ‘bad company’ from now on, Konoha-san.”
Although I froze for a moment, …at the next second, I deeply sighed
before grabbing his hands tightly and answered.
“Jeez, you’re certainly cheeky…I’m the one that should thanks senpai.”

After I bid farewell with Amano-senpai and left the convenience store, …
instead of going home directly, I started walking towards downtown.
(I should check out the game store.”
Perhaps it’s because I’ve chatted with Amano-senpai about hentai games, I
really wanted to play something right now. Since I’m still wearing Hekiyou’s
uniform, I can’t enter the hentai game area…However, I somehow wanted to
play pure romance titles right now, so it’s not that big of a problem.
The sunset stained the city. Rarely, I started appreciating the scenery
around as I slowly strolled on the street.
(After all, I’ve been busy lately, …uh, even though I didn’t finish

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Even so, for some reason, I feel like my shoulders aren’t as tight as before.
It’ll never be like this even if I had a good sleep or just took a hot bath. Right
now, I’m feeling pretty relaxed.
(Is it because I can finally reveal my fetishes and honest words that I’ve
kept for a long time?)
However, I think it’s not just that alone. This level of peacefulness can be
acquired every night by lazily lying on the bed half-naked.
I can’t help but mumble at this confusing phenomenon.
The reason is that Konoha Hoshinomori has always invested all her energy
on everything, …such as the student council, jobs, hentai games, and
imagination. The energy output is quite massive. So, I’m two times as
sensitive to ways that can relive tiredness or stay focused. If we’re talking
about coffee or energy drinks, I’m even confident that I can brag about them
easily for three days.
So, I hope that I can understand the “reason” why my body and soul are
full of energy. Perhaps it’s from the bottled coffee at the store? Or is it
because I temporarily isolated myself from the chores in the student council?
On the way to the game store, I put my fist under my chin and started
pondering about it. I compared every single element to my previous state and
verified them in detail.
So, I became lost in thoughts for around 10 minutes.
After I saw the destination, I finally finished my investigation and said my
conclusion out loud.
“It’s been a long time since I last saw an alive Amano-senpai. This
stimulated my sexual desires and increased my vitality in the end.”
“Seriously, please just die, you stinky bitch.”
A middle school brocon is looking at me with a despising and arrogant
-Kousei Amano is right here, and I didn’t even notice it.

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“W-Why are you here…”
I bulged my eyes in surprise as I backed up quickly. Then, Kousei Amano,
who still acted like he didn’t care anything, swept up his bangs as if he’s
pretending to be cool and answered with a sigh.
“That’s my line. Why would a bitch mumble next to a road and even dare
to talk about ‘sexual desires’ openly? Ah, I get it, it’s because you’re a bitch.
Bitches certainly suck.”
“Eh, can you not call someone a bitch in public? That’s horrible to hear!
“What do you mean by horrible to hear, it’s because the word ‘bitch’ is
your name. I can’t help it, right?”
“I have a perfectly fine name called Konoha Hoshinomori!”
“Can you please stop acting like ‘Hoshinomori’ is your name? You’re
saying that like you’re related to Chiaki-senpai.”
“I’m her little sister! I’m really her biologically related little sister!”
“…I feel like I shouldn’t trust genetics when I’m looking at you.”
“What a coincidence, me too!”
How can I agree that this guy shares the same bloodline as Amano-senpai?
Honestly, what’s wrong with Amano-senpai’s family dynamic and
environment? Why would one family have the mindsets of this little brother
and that older brother? What a mysterious parenting method, …well, I’ll skip
our family for now.
Just as I’m letting out an “ugh” and stared at him, …Kousei Amano seems
to have lost all interest in me. He even tried to rapidly walk away from me. I
pulled a fast one and chased after him and spoke.
“Wait! You just met a senior, yet you’re leaving without bothering to
greet, where're your manners?”
“…I can’t believe the bitch that’s mumbling about her sexual desire is
talking about manners…”
Kousei let out a huge sigh. I scolded him even further.
“Jeez, your brother is way better than you. I really want to boil his nail
stain for you to drink.” [Note: This is an idiom in Japan that urges the person
to be more respectful.]

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“I would love to!”
Kousei answered with a determined look, …that’s crazy. Kousei Amano,
he’s still just as insane.
He cleared his throat and started walking as he gave me a disgusted look.
“By the way, can you stop messing with me? This will affect my
recommendation and evaluation.”
“Why! Moreover, I’m just heading in the same direction as you!”
“Hmm? If you’re looking for rich middle-aged men that are hunting girls, I
think you can find them near the station.”
“What is your impression of mine!”
“Eh, of course. It’s-“
“Ah, sorry, please don’t say it, I don’t want to hear anything.”
I put my hand on my forehead and interrupted his answer, …my head is
dizzy from the pain. Kousei Amano, …he counters me so hard.
I kept a bit of distance from him as I headed towards the game store.
“…Kousei, don’t tell me you’re going to the game store as well?”
Kousei bulged his eyes in surprise upon hearing my question.
“Eh, you’re going as well? But they don’t have any adult toys for sale…”
“I’m really going to punch you…I’m just going there to buy some games.”
“Oh, a bitch can sometimes understand how a human should be.”
“What is that wicked concept of ‘a bitch’ in your head? …Whatever, I’ll
stop here. However, aren’t you the weird one? You’re not as interested in
gaming as your older brother do, right?”
“You’re right.” Kousei answered calmly.
“I’m not really into games. Even if I don’t say anything, my brother will
buy something home as well.”
“Huh? Then why are you going to the store alone?”
“Is it necessary to ask that?”
Kousei is answering me with a calm “why are you even bothering to ask
this” tone.
“I’m on patrol. I need to check whether the place that my brother often

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visits is dangerous.”
“That’s crazy.”
I can’t help but say it out loud. Although I lack any words to describe this
situation, in my heart, this is how I feel about Kousei. That’s crazy. Totally
insane. What’s with this little brother?
Kousei doesn’t care that I was shocked and continued naturally.
“Ay, to my brother, that place is even less dangerous than a playground, …
but think about it, there’s a chance for him to meet something terrible.”
“Why are you looking at me with a bitter smile?”
“Moreover, I heard that the game store is where the ‘fake girlfriend’ first
talked to my brother, …if only I was there, I could’ve prevented all of this.”
Kousei started biting his lips. I can’t help but answer on Tendou-senpai’s
“However, a lot of things started because she talked to Amano-senpai…”
“Yeah, it was the beginning of this ridiculous romantic harem farce and
disrupted the peace that my brother enjoys.”
“It’s not a farce…”
I was a bit pissed off. Then, Kousei suddenly remembered something and
“Oh, but, after a series of events, Chiaki-senpai ended up confessing to my
brother. I’m thrilled to know that.”
“Eh? Kousei, how did you know that? Did your brother tell you?”
“Do you think my honest brother will go out of his way and brag about the
confession to his little brother? That’s what a bitch will think.”
“W-What’s wrong? Then why would you know about the confession…”
“Are you serious?”
Kousei smiled at me, who’s freaking out.
“I’m just kidding. Tapping my brother, do you think I’ll really do that?”
“Highly likely.”
“Ay, even though I have thought about it.”

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That’s crazy. The guy’s trying to joke while lacking the appropriate
personality. That’s way too insane.
But Kousei looks like he doesn’t care about my reaction and continued.
“Even if I’m not wiretapping, at my level, I can get a rough picture just by
looking at my brother. For example, what is bothering him today; it seems
that he’s happy. His body temperature is 36.5 degrees Celsius; he’s going to
scratch the side of his waist in three seconds; his current urination desire is
around 27%. I can see all of that.”
“Your abilities are even crazier than a tapping device?”
“Yep, so I can roughly guess what happened on that day, …however,
thanks to your reaction, I fully understand now. Thanks.”
Crap. This guy is trying to make me spill my beans…Seriously, he’s tough
to deal with.
I can’t help but put my hand on my forehead again. Then, rarely, Kousei
started answering depressingly.
“However, they’re kind of insane. I didn’t expect Chiaki-senpai to confess
in times like this…”
“Yeah, …I can only agree with you on that alone.”
“Well, compared to that ignorant blonde hardcore gamer, the Mother of
God Chiaki-senpai is way more attractive…Even so, the best part about my
brother is that he instantly rejected her because he’s dating another girl!”
Kousei continued with sparkling eyes, …this person is finally casually
describing another person’s older sister as the mother of god. I bet his mind is
fully occupied with my onee-chan giving birth to his brother’s clones. That’s
Although I still can’t deal with Kousei, I do agree with what he just said.
“Sigh, well, I’m the one that respects onee-chan from the bottom of my
heart. She wanted to end this with a confession despite knowing that it
wouldn’t go well. Even when she was rejected, the girl can immediately
admit her failure and continue going forward…Honestly, I feel like onee-
chan is way too bright and charming.”
I thought I was a couple step ahead of onee-chan when it came to

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relationships a while ago, …but once I snapped out of it, she was already far
Just as I’m sighing, Kousei nodded and continued.
“Yeah, I think both my brother and Chiaki-senpai are incredible and
handsome. That’s why I…really hate the current situation.”
“…Perhaps you’re right.”
“Also, I heard that fake girlfriend has been more or less avoiding my
brother and Chiaki-senpai, am I right?”
“Ah, did you get that from your brother?”
“Nope. I acquired this piece of information by utilizing my personal
psychoanalysis and theorized it from my brother’s actions and expressions.”
“What are you even trying to be in the future?”
If he used that kind of power in other perspectives, I’m sure that he can
achieve a lot of things. Tragically, right now, this guy is just a pure pervert.
Kousei didn’t even realize my compassion and even exhaled agonizingly
from his nose.
“By the way, screw that so-called god of love, why would it always messes
with my brother’s peaceful life and relationships?”
“Uh, I don’t feel like senpai’s life is filled with misfortunes…”
I almost tried to retort. However, I’m slightly echoing to the “senpai’s life
is disrupted by relationship” point.
(The embarrassing confession at the station, and the answer he gave to
onee-chan…Indeed, perhaps senpai has been “forcing himself” to date
I put myself, who can’t relax because of the work in the student council,
and senpai, who’s tangled up in a mess of gaming, relationships, and
friendships, in the same boat.
…Uh, I don’t think working in the student council is “useless,” moreover, I
feel like that’s more meaningful and beneficial than playing hentai games…
However, just because it’s meaningful, it doesn’t mean that it’s better than
the lazy and boring life of mine.
Also, I can guarantee that senpai feels the same way.

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(Although it pisses me off to agree with Kousei, …if I’m asked whether it
fits “Keita Amano’s style” for him go all-out and date Tendou-senpai, people
are going to be suspicious.)
From this perspective, Amano-senpai should still end up with onee-chan,
right- No, it should be the best for him to date me! We can play hentai games
during the holidays, and then we can have erotic developments in real life.
Isn’t this lazy yet loving at the same time, …hmm, ho, ho…
“Ugh, I picked up a menacing aura that’s hostile to my brother, …it looks
like it’s somewhere around here!”
“Who even are you!”
A small clump of hair popped up from Kousei’s head.
I sighed as I looked at the entrance of the game store.
“Anyway, let’s go back to the topic. I’m really here to check out some
games only. Please just finish your so-called patrol duties and leave.”
“Of course, I meant to do that. Ay, if it’s possible, I wish I can execute a
bitch today, though…”
“What am I guilty of, say it!”
“The entire world population is guilty if you’re charging on that!”
“Although your view on the world is already bitchy enough, there’s really
not enough evidence to charge you.”
“See, I’m innocent.”
“Yes, just for today…I’ll stand-by near the station next time to catch you
in action.”
“Eh, I’m not going to talk to some random middle-aged guy.”
“Well, enjoy your remaining out-of-jail life, bitch.”
“No one will bid farewell that way! That’s enough, bye, you middle school
After I said goodbye to Kousei angrily, I walked straight to the dating sims
area. As for Kousei, he really started patrolling from the corner of the store.
That guy is even trying to check the curvature of the corner of the shelves, …
a-are you serious…This isn’t just being overprotective, right…

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However, it’s useless for me to just keep my eyes on another family’s
pervert little brother.
I changed my mood by start checking on the new releases in the dating
sims area.
(It’s been a while, there’s a lot of titles that I don’t recognize…)
Aside from the games that are transferred from their hentai counterparts, if
it was a dating sim developed for consoles at the start, even I can’t grasp
them as well.
(I think Amano-senpai should be more familiar here…)
I guess I’m more well-educated when it comes to hentai games. However,
I shouldn’t overlook Amano-senpai’s “wide but shallow” mindset. Since as a
result, he has a high chance of knowing something great in the fields that I
haven’t touched on before. If specialized players like me need to recommend
hentai games to Amano-senpai, I need to go for the extreme route.
I grabbed the dating sim packages in order and looked at the cover
cheerfully as I thought about Amano-senpai.
(Perhaps this is why senpai is popular among gamers. He can chat happily
with them, as long as the person loves gaming.)
Also, he’s sincere, frank, and not trying to appeal to someone. This makes
him comfortable to talk to. I guess that’s why senpai managed to do well with
Tendou-senpai, even though she’s a hardcore gamer.
I thought about it as I grabbed the next game. It’s called Golden Memories
2. Although I didn’t recognize it, …it seems interesting. It’s just that it
reminded me of Tendou-senpai since all the females are in blonde hair.
I read the “the typical young boy trying his best to get close to the school
idol” description at the bottom of the cover. Then, I can’t help but think about
those two.
(However, …is Amano-senpai happy with that? The girl that suits him…
isn’t Karen Tendou, after all-)
Things immediately happened when I just started thinking.
“Hey, Konoha-san? Hello, didn’t expect to see you here, what a
I can hear a familiar voice from behind.

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I turned back tremblingly, then I found out the person that’s standing there-
it’s the blonde angel that showed up in my mind.
The empty Golden Memories 2 package slipped off from my hand.

“Ah, sorry, I think I startled you.”

Tendou-senpai said that as she quickly crouched to pick up the game for
me. I snapped out of it and apologized. “I-I’m sorry.” Then, I reached my
hand out to take the package…For some reason, Tendou-senpai didn’t hand
me that right away. Instead, she stood up and stared at the box.
I started freaking out. Tendou-senpai smiled embarrassingly and said, “Ah,
I’m sorry.” Then, she handed me the package.
“It’s because that situation is literally the same as the first time I talked to
“It’s nothing. This is where I talked to Amano-kun for the first time. At
that time, he grabbed the first title in the series, …that’s why I remembered
what happened then.”
“Ah, …r-really.”
I heard their experience as I put the game back onto the shelf. During this
I can see Kousei glancing at us at the gaps of the shelves. He seems to be
observing us from the opposite row.
Just as I’m feeling helpless, Tendou-senpai tilted her head.
“What’s wrong, Konoha-san?”
“Ah, it’s nothing…I’m fine.”
There’s no reason for me to cover Kousei, but no one benefits if I exposed
him. That’ll only make Kousei call me a bitch and casually insult Tendou-

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senpai. Kousei Amano, he’s really a force to be reckoned with. Everything
went wrong when he showed up. Is he the Joker in Old Maid?
I let out a huge sigh and managed to pick up myself before smiling at
“What a coincidence! Tendou-senpai, do you come here often?”
“Yes, you’re right. I always come here.”
“Oh, really.”
The conversation ended…Come to think of it, what can I even talk about
with Tendou-senpai? Also, there’s no one in the store aside from us (and
Kousei). The staff seems to be busy behind the cashier. There’s nowhere to
go to escape this silence.
Tendou-senpai gave me a slightly frustrated smile and quickly tried to end
“W-Well, I’ll be leaving. See you, Konoha-san.”
“Eh? Ah, sure, goodbye, senpai…”
I almost bid farewell with a wave…During this time, someone is fiercely
staring at me, which sent shivers down my spine. I quickly tried to confirm,
…and I found out Kousei is ordering me with his eyes at the gaps of the
(Bitch, ask this woman why is she avoiding my brother and Chiaki-senpai.)
The audacity of this guy…! Although I thought about it, I’m unwilling to
admit that I want to know the reason as well…I had to ask.
I quickly called Tendou-senpai.
“Ah, p-please wait, Tendou-senpai!”
“Hmm? Ah, yes, what’s wrong?”
Tendou-senpai stopped leaving and turned back. Her blonde hair is
sparkling in the store, …this girl is really straight out of a dating sim…
I can’t help but be shocked at that scene. Then, I managed to say what I

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“Uh, …how should I put it, …well, r-recently, my onee-chan is troubled
by something. She feels like…you’re avoiding her…Honestly, is that true?”
Even though I came up with a bunch of plans, I ended up asking her
directly. However, I think I have to frank on this issue.
Tendou-senpai bulged her crystal-clear blue eyes at my question. She
answered shockingly. “Eh? Well, uh…” To be honest, I feel terrible for her,
even a girl like me understands that I’m intervening too much.
I hastily tried to smooth things over.
“Ah, Tendou-senpai, please take it with a grain of salt. As a little sister,
I’m just worrying about onee-chan. Although I asked that just then, I feel
like onee-chan shouldn’t be as frustrated as I thought. I guess I’m…
perceiving this level of chitchatting too ridiculously-“
When I’m smoothing things over, Kousei keeps pressuring me “ask for
more” with his look, but I didn’t care.
After I’m finished, I quickly tried to walk away. “Well, I’ll be leaving…” I
wanted to escape right away, but…
“Konoha-san, p-please wait!”

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Unexpectedly, Tendou-senpai stopped me this time. I looked back in
surprise, then Tendou-senpai blushed embarrassingly for some reason.
“S-Sorry, Konoha-san. Uh, …I wanted to ask you something too since
you’re Chiaki-san’s little sister.”
“R-Really. You want to…ask me something?”
I don’t understand what’s happening at all, so I tilted my head.
On the other hand, while Tendou-senpai is happy that she immediately
stopped me, but senpai seems to be troubled by something. She fell silent
with a hesitant expression.
However, I’m waiting patiently. Instead of saying this is for Tendou-
senpai, this is just for onee-chan and even myself.
Also, on the other side of the shelf, Kousei is observing the development
with bright eyes, …please just go home, you pervert.
So, the silence lasted for nearly 10 seconds.
Tendou-senpai finally raised her head with a determined look, …and
looked straight into my eyes.
Then, carrying a slightly nervous expression, she asked me a surprising
“From…from your perspective, do you think Chiaki-san and Amano-kun
‘love’ each other!”
This question is way too unexpected. It made me let out a noise in shock.
On the other side, there’s a braindead “Keita Amano x Chiaki Hoshinomori”
superfan, which is Kousei Amano. He’s trying to get closer and closer, …
seriously, please just get home. A middle schooler (brocon) eavesdropping on
two beautiful high school girls over a shelf in the game store, that’s enough to
call the cops.
I tried to exile the ghost called Kousei out of my brain as I asked Tendou-
senpai once again.
“Uh, …why are y-you asking that?”
“Ah, sorry. I guess you’re right. It’s hard for you to answer when you were
asked by Amano-kun’s girlfriend.”
“Uh, yep, …yeah.”

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Hmm? Is this person trying to emphasize that she’s senpai’s girlfriend just
then? Or is it just because my mind’s too messed up? Am I the only one that
thinks she’s trying to tie me up?
(…Ah, nope, Kousei is also sniffing at Tendou-senpai’s “Amano-kun’s
girlfriend” comment. Crap, my mind is just as messed up as that guy? I need
to do some soul-searching.)
That guy is 10/10 when it comes to being a negative role model.
I gave Kousei a dumbfounded look. Suddenly, Tendou-senpai is looking
around vigilantly. It looks like she wants to discuss something more in-depth.
For a second, I was afraid that she would find out Kousei. However, he’s
aware of Tendou-senpai’s blind spot and moved quickly in the store without
a sound. No sweat.
(…Are you a cockroach?)
Who is this almighty pervert? Although I feel like a hentai game-loving
student council president is more or less the same, I really feel like I’m sane
after I met him. That’s unbelievable.
After Tendou-senpai confirmed that there’s no one aside from us (except
for the colossal cockroach), she took a step closer to me. Even though it’s
after school, her hair still smells like she just showered with shampoo…
Seriously, what’s wrong with this person? I’m getting pissed off at her
angelic aura.
But Tendou-senpai didn’t notice my tangled up emotions, she even
explained with a serious look.
“Actually, …I witnessed it by chance when we were playing GOM that
“Witness…you witnessed what?”
Did she witness the moment that onee-chan’s confession is rejected? No, if
that’s the case, she wouldn’t ask whether they “love” each other…
I’m getting more and more confused since I don’t know what she’s talking
about already.
However, …at this moment, Tendou-senpai threw another grenade.
“…I witnessed the moment that your sister became a couple with Amano-

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Upon hearing that, even Kousei let out a noise in shock at the back of the
shelf, not to mention me. However, since our reaction completely
synchronized, Tendou-senpai miraculously didn’t realize he’s here.
My eyes were floating around out of the sheer surprise. Tendou-senpai
It seems that she somehow heard senpai and onee-chan’s conversation that
night. The details can be omitted as “it’s just the usual stuff.”
Also, the conversation that she heard seems to be literally the one after
they started “dating.” Then, at last, things ended at the brutal “let’s end this
with Tendou-san once and for all” conclusion.
So, of course, Tendou-senpai felt like “you’re got to be kidding me.” In the
end, she’s now avoiding those two from talking about “that thing.” …This is
what happened.
“…Hmm, uh…”
I can’t help but mumble since this is so hard to explain.
…Well, I can understand the process from Tendou-senpai’s own
The problem is that…I already know the correct answer from onee-chan
and senpai.
I can’t help but put my finger on my forehead and replied to Tendou-
senpai. “Please let me think for a while.” Then, I started analyzing this.
(Uh, …what is this situation?)
If I believe what Tendou-senpai has mentioned, this means that Amano-
senpai and onee-chan are “together” already, but they decided to lie to me…
(That’s absolutely impossible.)
I quickly rejected this possibility. The two will never be smart enough to
lie about things like this.
If that’s the case, this means that Tendou-senpai still misunderstood
(So, this means that, right? The two were discussing how they should
explain the confession. Then, this dumb blonde girl misunderstood they have
“paired” up. This is the truth, right? No, …this Karen Tendou girl can’t be

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that dumb, right…)
Just as I’m about to go back to square one, the Karen Tendou in question
swept her bangs with a very depressed look.
“Phew, …I’ve always been like this.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m way too observant and sensitive. I guess it makes people feel that I’m
not an adorable girl, …even I was scared by my talents.”
(Yep, this girl is absolutely an idiot.)
At this moment, I can already confirm that this person is just freaking
herself out. Case closed. During this time, someone is also letting out a
despising noise behind the shelf…Damn, I feel like that guy and I shared the
same conclusion at the same time. Don’t tell me we’re just as disgusting?
This pisses me.
Anyway, I understand what’s going on now. I mumbled. “I get it.” After
that, Tendou-senpai spoke up once again.
“It’s just that, I’m not so sure if we’re talking about whether I’m absolutely
confident about this.”
“What do you mean?”
“The most troublesome is still Amano-kun’s reply. Think about, after all,
I titled my head and expressed my confusion to Tendou-senpai, who
suddenly fell speechless along with a blush.
As for Tendou-senpai, …she put her hand on her flaring cheeks and
mumbled to me.
“Isn’t he the best boyfriend that I, Karen Tendou, am hopelessly in love
“What a pain.”
Hiya, I didn’t switch on my narrative mode and actually said it out loud.
However, whether it’s lucky or not, Karen Tendou, who’s heart is
blossoming in love right now, can’t hear it.
She mumbled happily to herself and continued.

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“Konoha-san, I think you must’ve seen his fantastic confession, right.”
“Y-Yeah, …y-you’re right…”
“Also, I’ve typed what he said at the time into a complete text file. Do you
want to read it?”
“No, thanks.”
“Ah, this is my favorite part…”
“I said I don’t need it! Don’t shove your phone to me!”
“Y-You’re right. Konoha-san, you’re single, after all. I didn’t think this
“Why are you insulting me after backing down!”
Just as I’m dumbfounded, Tendou-senpai put her phone back into the
pocket and cleared her throat.
“In other words, I’m not really suspecting Amano-kun’s love and sincerity
for me…Instead, I’m really confident about him.”
“Ah, yes.”
Indeed, about that, I already understood so much that I don’t want to
“However, in the end, he accepted Hoshinomori-san’s confession…This is
baffling. Something isn’t right.”
“Yeah, something’s wrong. I wonder where?”
I stared at Tendou-senpai and spoke sarcastically. However, Karen Tendou
didn’t realize what I meant and even nodded with a sincere look.
She’s saying that while raising two of her fingers in a V-pose…It feels
“First of all, the most probable one, …Amano-kun ended up not being able
to reject Hoshinomori-san’s confession out of his ‘sympathy’ for her.”
No, usually, the most probable one is that you misunderstood everything,
yet you didn’t even consider that? Really.
Tendou-senpai theorized further on her own with a serious look.
“This is a situation where no one benefits. If they just ‘end’ the
relationship with me and start dating, …Amano-kun will pair up with
Hoshinomori-san out of his compassion even though he’s genuinely in love

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with me. This is a tragedy for Hoshinomori-san as well. After all, he loves
“Oh, yes, really…”
I’m picking my ears as I casually listened. Kousei is doing the same thing
behind the shelf.
However, in contrast to our casual reactions-
Tendou-senpai…suddenly plopped her head down as if she can’t think
something through.
Just as I’m observing the situation with a dumbfounded look, she slowly
and helplessly spoke up.
“Then, …there’s another…although it’s highly improbable…and I do hope
so, …it’s actually stuck at the corner of my heart…another explanation…”
“…What explanation?”
I urged her to continue.
Tendou-senpai…smiled hopelessly and told me the “explanation” that she
shouldn’t even mention.
“Hoshinomori-san and Amano-kun actually love each other – this
I fell speechless at that agonizing smile…While I shouldn’t be the one to
say this, but I can’t treat her like the “dumb girl that misunderstands
everything” and laugh.
“…If that’s really the truth, …then all I’ve been doing…is ‘avoiding’ the
two, …that will be way too embarrassing and lame…”
I can’t help but glance at Kousei’s direction. However, this is the time
when he turned around, and I can’t see his face…What’s wrong, …why don’t
you give me a mischievous look…
Tendou-senpai asked the initial question once again.
“Let me ask you this, Konoha-san. From your perspective, …do you think
your sister and Amano-kun ‘love’ each other?”

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I gulped.
…It’s because I realized something.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for me.
(Right now, …don’t tell me I’m in control of this relationship?)
The realization is too heavy that my shoulders started trembling.
(Right now, can I…control everything?)
Of course, I can cheer for Tendou-senpai.
On the other hand, as long as I provided evidence that onee-chan and
Amano-senpai really love each other, …I can easily end Tendou-senpai and
Amano-senpai’s relationship right here.
Also, I can directly support onee-chan this way.
Aside from that.
It’s possible for me to just- rob senpai away.
(Everything is in my control…)
-My body is shivering, and I can’t think of anything.
Come to think of it, I, …Konoha Hoshinomori, has always been somewhat
isolated out in this romantic comedy.
It’s because I’m in another school. It’s because I’m late. It’s because I’m
younger. It’s because I’m just, Chiaki Hoshinomori’s little sister.
Although there’s a lot of reasons, no matter what, I’ve always been the
farthest away from Amano-senpai’s heart. This is apparent.
…I’ve always thought about this.
If I was the first girl that Amano-senpai met when he was a true loner.
I’m sure that Amano-senpai and I will be like where we’re today. We
would chat about everything and joke with each other, …and then we’ll build
up a loving, boring, …and a happy relationship at last.
The reason why we aren’t like that is just because of the unfortunate
…That’s the worst reason to give up my love. I can’t give up because of
However, right now.

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I, Konoha Hoshinomori-
I acquired everything I need to restart Amano-senpai’s everything and the
chance for me to become no.1 again.
“S-Senpai, …Amano-senpai is…”
My lips are trembling from this unexpected opportunity.
…There’s nothing to hesitate, right. After all, the girl asked for my
suggestion. I’m just saying my opinion, there’s nothing wrong.
It’s not wrong to head towards my love, right?
My mind repeated what I’ve said to onee-chan in the past.
“My love…can only be controlled by myself.”
Yes. This will work. This is what I’ve believed in.
Moreover, this isn’t something that only I’ll benefit from.
Of course, Kousei, who’s listening with full ears, should also hope that his
brother’s relationship to end, right.
Also, more importantly, …even if Amano-senpai is just temporarily single
after that, onee-chan would love to see that, right. Of course, I plan to rob
him away.
Yes, there’s nothing wrong with this, …exactly. So, you should just say it,
Konoha Hoshinomori!
I made up my mind and puffed up my chest.
I faced Karen Tendou’s eyes that are sparkling with fear.
I smiled, honestly.
And followed the sincere desire that’s boiling in my heart-
-I answered.
“Of course, Amano-senpai…will always love you, Tendou-senpai.”

10 minutes after the decisive encounter, I saw Tendou-senpai, who felt

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much better, going home before putting my fingers on the dating sim shelf.
Then, I plopped my head and let out the loudest sigh possible.
(Why! Why didn’t I lie to her! Am I an idiot? Do I want to die? Am I
chickening out? Hypocrisy? Anyway, screw that Konoha Hoshinomori 10
minutes ago!)
Even though it was my own decision, right now, I don’t understand why I
did that at all.
(I feel like I did it based on some kind of beliefs…)
However, I don’t remember what I was thinking back then. I feel like
that’s something even I can’t translate the idea into words 10 minutes ago.
(I wasted the chance for onee-chan and I to find our love for that kind of
motive, …I’m really messed up…)
I sighed again as I dazedly opened my eyes. So, I saw the package of
Golden Memories 2 on the shelf in front of me.
I left the shelf and subconsciously grabbed the box before checking on it
(…This must be the wrong option, right…)
Even though I’ve played a bunch of dating sims and hentai games, why
would I still make such a rookie mistake in real life? I literally didn’t learn
anything from the games. However…
Just as I’m looking at the package dazedly, I can suddenly hear a voice
calling me from the side. Then, I can see Kousei, who quietly went around
the shelf and came in front of me.
“Yes, yes, yes, I know what you’re going to say.” Facing the pervert
middle schooler with a stiff face, I answered while chuckling.
“What the hell, bitch. You’re useless, bitch. That’s what you wanted to
say, right? I’m sorry for not breaking up your brother and Tendou-senpai
apart. I also wanted that-“
Yes, just as I’m answering cynically.
Him – Kousei Amano, walked next to me and mumbled quietly.

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“You’re dumb, …just like a certain twisted brother of mine.”
Although I can’t really hear it, …I can’t help but look back when I heard
Kousei’s gentle voice. I’ve never seen him talk this softly.
So, Kousei is still facing me with his back and even switching to his usual
stern tone before bidding farewell to me.
“Bye, Hentainomori-senpai.”
“Who are you calling Hentainomori! Hey, Kousei! Wait!”
Kousei ignored my protest and quickly made a beeline…Jeez, what’s
wrong with that guy…
…Ay, but thanks to that, I finally got myself out of this vicious cycle from
feeling depressed at my own idiotic actions, …yep.
“…Alright, now that I’m here, let’s buy this.”
I took the Golden Memories 2 box and headed towards the cashier.
Just as I’m standing there and waiting for the staff to grab the game from
behind, …suddenly, I realized something.
“Come to think of it, that guy finally called me ‘senpai’ for the first
Although he called me a pervert, even so, I guess I’m making progress,
…Why am I making progress. I don’t get it at all.
Then, the staff took the software from inside the store.
“Thanks for the wait. Do you want to checkout now?”
“Yes, no problem.”
I answered with a smile as I paid for the game. Then, I put it in my bag and
walked outside.
Just like that, when I’m walking towards the sunset alone, …unbelievably,
I realized that I’m not really depressed anymore.
Instead, right now, I’m looking forward to the game that I just bought.
(Being unable to find my love and are now stuck in a slow and half-assed
life…Sigh, I guess it’s not so bad, after all.)
I smiled bitterly at my own innocency.

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So, this dumbfoundedly typical after school life of today ended with a

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Chapter 3
Gamers and Trip Preparation

I have a girlfriend, a handsome friend, and sometimes I’ll talk about

relationships with my friend’s girlfriend. I was even confessed by another girl
Do you know who this refined man that stood above all normies is?
Eh, you don’t? Right, it’s because you guys are loners, after all. Even if
you browse all the online news, there are no sources for you to receive
information in the normie world. In a sense, you guys have insufficient data.
It can’t be helped.
Well, let me introduce myself to everyone.
Hello, I’m the king of the normie world, abbreviated as Normie King –
Keita Amano.
Man, to be honest, I’m way too popular recently. What a pain, …I’m
swamped. There’s no time for me to relax. I can’t even sleep well.
Sigh, but this can’t be helped, this is the life of a heartthrob, right?
Think about it, even though loners like you may not understand,
interpersonal relationships can be exhausting sometimes.
I have to play with my friends, go out with my girlfriend, and I have to
listen to someone, right?
Sigh, my shoulder hurts. I’m spending way too much money on drinks and
food. I can no longer only focus on games and anime like you guys. What a
pain, this hurts my brain.
However, after my transformation, on the contrary, …and, I’m saying the
word “contrary.” The lonely otakus that have a massive chunk of time for
themselves by staying home. Oh, how impolite of me, but I’m really envious
of free people like you that can live for their hobbies.
I really wanted to switch places with you guys. I’m already tired of girls.
Instead, I just want to play games alone.
Although I should say, there’s not a lot of people that can take my position

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aside from me!
Think about it. After all, our most significant difference is, …while it’s
impolite for me to say this, but our most significant difference is how we
“conduct” ourselves, isn’t it?
Whether it’s my girlfriend, friends, or the girl that confessed to me. Sigh,
how should I say this?
They’re getting closer because they’re attracted by the man, the myth, the
legend – Keita Amano’s charm, right.
So, to be frank, this isn’t a spot that anyone can take. I’m sorry, it looks
like I made you all hopeful. Not all lonely otaku can pass all of the
challenges, except if you’re in a light novel. Otherwise, only a “real man”
like me can do.
Alright, it’s time for me to go. I’m busy.
Eh? You’re asking me where I’m going?
Do I even need to say it?
It’s time for me to leave this fictional world where I’m a normie god by
default, and back to reality.
In other words, this means the 2F classroom on a certain day of November,
the time when we have to form groups for the school trip-
“Well, is anyone willing to take the ‘lonely’ Amano-kun? No? Then, the
group that loses the rock, paper, scissors will take Amano-kun! Alright,
-The hell is this world.

“I want to die…”
After school, when we finished the grouping assembly. I laid on the table
and mumbled depressingly. Uehara-kun, who’s sitting in front of me, smiled
bitterly and tried to comfort me.
“Hey, hey, hey, Amano. You can’t just say ‘I want to die’ casually.”
“…It’s okay, Uehara-kun. I…didn’t mean that in a casual way.”

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“That’s a big problem! Eh, Amano, cheer up…”
“The cold-hearted traitor shouldn’t talk. Uehara-kun, you didn’t even
invite me to your group.”
I slightly raised my head and stared at Uehara-kun. He looked away and
scratched his head.
“I-It’s not like that, …I really wanted to let you in. However, there’re
already too many people in my group. I can’t kick other members out just to
add you, right…”
“You’re that kind of person…”
“Ugh. W-Well, what would you do if you were me then? …You have to
kick Tendou or Mizumi away if I’m added to your group. Are you sure that
you’ll invite me…?”
“Sorry, Uehara-kun. Stay safe.”
“You’re that kind of person too.”
Uehara-kun gave me a dumbfounded look. I let out a sigh. It’s time for me
to stop whining depressingly, so I raised my head from the table.
Then, I smiled bitterly with “a sense of reality” and told Uehara-kun how I
really feel right now.
“Weirdly, I feel like this is good in some ways.”
“What do you mean?”
“Ay, I should say, this is how I was always treated in the class.”
I looked at the classroom. Two guys are observing us while laughing at me
for making a fool out of myself. This isn’t just my persecutory delusion. It’s
actually quite severe, and it makes me sad.
So, Uehara-kun frowned explicitly and fiercely glared at them. Crap.
I quickly continued.
“Uh, you don’t need to do that, Uehara-kun. In reality, I’m a professional
gag material.”
“But you…”
“Moreover, like what I’ve said before, I think this keeps me winded up. …
Indeed, as long as I’m in this class.”
“Winded up?”

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I scratched my cheeks as I continued.
“Think about it, …recently, people like you’re willing to talk to me like
this, and Tendou is willing to date me. …This way, I think I may get
complacent from time to time. I thought I’ve become ‘some kind of figures’
“Some kind of figures, …really.”
Although I put it in a very abstract way, I didn’t expect Uehara-kun to
understand it instantly. …I guess he felt the same since he only became
popular in high school.
“Keita Amano is Tendou-san’s boyfriend while also being a member of the
Game Hobby Club. Just like that, I feel like I…got some kind of titles,
characters, or a place that I belong to. …It’s because everyone is so nice to
“Eh, that’s indeed what’s happening, right. You’re Tendou’s boyfriend,
and Keita Amano from the Game Hobby Club.”
“You’re right. However, …that’s just something that Tendou-san, Chiaki,
Aguri-san, and you have given me. This isn’t a title or a character that I
earned for myself. I can acknowledge this, …as long as I’m in this class
where none of you can protect me.”
In the end, I’m still not a popular guy. I can’t create as well as Chiaki does,
nor can I lighten up the mood as Uehara-kun does.
I’m still just…the introvert that sits at the corner of the classroom, Keita
However, once I started chatting happily with Tendou-san or Uehara-kun,
I’ll often accidentally forget about this. I thought I became someone amazing.
Like when I was escaping from reality just then, …my arrogant side almost
got the better of me. So…
I smiled at Uehara-kun.
“Just as I’m about to be proud of myself, this class will remind me. From
this perspective, I really appreciated that.”
“Your temper is ridiculously twisted. I think you’ll appreciate everything
sooner or later.”

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“Sigh, …even so, this class is reminding me too much…”
Sigh, I let out a sad sigh. Even though…it’s all my fault.
In reality, I’m not familiar with my classmates, aside from Uehara-kun. I
once beautifully imagined that I can get closer to Uehara-kun’s group. …Ay,
we’re still on our own in the end.
Uehara-kun sighed as he moved on.
“In the end, you’re in Kaburagi’s group, right?”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
I glanced at the male trio at the corner of the classroom. So, it seems that
those three are looking at us too, and we made eye contact. They smiled as if
they’re despising me before looking at each other and burst into laughter
rudely. Also, the guy in the middle that’s putting his legs on the table while
shaking his chair. He’s the core member of that group, Sakon Kaburagi.
I guess they’re in the moderate delinquent group. …No, they should count
as moderate and reasonable delinquents. Although they give other people a
despising look and act all mighty, they’ll never pick a fight with someone
Those three boys always act together and are xenophobic. So, I don’t think
they pair well with Uehara-kun, even though he’s a normie. As for the
weaklings in class like me, …I guess I don’t even need to explain our
relationship. To them, Keita Amano is an excellent source of entertainment.
Uehara-kun looks like he’s fed up with it and continued.
“Then, including you, and Murata’s group who was teasing you just then,
there’re 6 people in the gang, right? …Although I feel like I shouldn’t say
this, …it’s literally hell for you.”
“S-Stop it…”
Being together on a school trip with the classmates that especially like to
pick on me, …or should I say, despise me. …My stomach’s already in pain
when I’m merely thinking about it.
“…I would just not show up if I were you…”
“I-I told you to stop saying it.”
“Moreover, if I ran away, those 5 people should laugh at me even more

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“The hell that you fell in is quite horrible. There’s nowhere to escape.”
“Yep. So, I have to go even if it meant costing my life.”
I talked about my determination and smiled. However, Uehara-kun backed
down for a bit.
“…Y-You’re quite ‘manly’ inside…”
“Hmm? No, when my stomach hurts this much right now, I’m just a
passerby no matter my performance.”
“I mean, …comparing people who jumped into hell without knowing how
painful it is, and people who jumped despite knowing the pain, which one is
I thought about his comparison. Then, I said something that came up in my
mind. “Ah, come to think of it-“
“In reality, Tendou-san is the craziest weirdo, right. She feels good in
“I can’t believe you can casually say that your girlfriend is a weirdo.”
“Ah, actually, the person that can discuss the hellish and bloody scenes in a
game happily as if it’s an attraction, she’s pretty crazy as well. …Also, I
know a girl that can create a hell-like game…”
“Anyway, I can feel that you’re surrounded by weirdos.”
“Ay, but among all of them, you’re still my best friends.”
“But, I really want to return the friend title to you right now.”
“Why are you suddenly saying something so rude!”
My friend suddenly wanted to cut ties with me while we’re just chatting.
I freaked out and began to tremble. “I’m just joking, it’s a joke.” Uehara-
kun answered with a smile.
During this time, the bell that signal the end of lessons rang across the
Uehara-kun stood up and returned to his seat. He even looked at me with a
warm expression and asked me before leaving.
“However, in reality, …there’s another reason for you not wanting to be
absent in the trip, right?”

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“Oh, you saw me through?”
I scratched the back of my head as I answered his question.
“Well, …even though 90% of the trip is torturing for me, however…if I
did go, there’s the slightest possibility that I can enjoy it with Tendou-san. I’ll
be there if she calls.”
I answered as my face flared up in embarrassment.
Uehara-kun laughed out. Then, for some reason, he repeated that sentence
“Amano, you’re indeed ‘manly’ inside.”
Karen Tendou
Hoshinomori-san is trembling with tears in her eyes.
“Is anyone willing to add Hoshinomori-san in? I hope everyone can
volunteer if it’s possible. Think about it, you can just decide it with rock,
paper, scissors. It’ll be pitful if Hoshinomori-san is treated like an ‘extra,’
right? I hope everyone can take Hoshinomori-san back to your own group.”
Mori-san, the serious, capable, yet a bit thick-lined class president, is
nagging at every group to voluntarily take Hoshinomori-san. Thanks to that,
Hoshinomori-san is shaking with a blush during this 5 minutes. …Honestly,
she’s being displayed in public right now.
(To her, it’s easier to just decide with rock, paper, scissors if it turned out
like this…)
“Hey…” I can’t take it anymore, so I spoke politely, and I stood up. Then,
I tried to suggest to Mori-san seamlessly that we can solve this with rock,
paper, scissors, or drawing lots. However, she picked the right opportunity,
the lens on her sharp glasses flashed for a second as she rejected my
“Hey, is Tendou-san trying to treat her own classmate as an extra?”
“N-No, I didn’t mean that…”
Mori-san gave a snort of contempt to my vague bitter smile.
“Then, can you please don’t give us a half-baked suggestion? This will
interrupt the discussion.”
“…I’m sorry.”
I feel like it’ll only cause Hoshinomori-san more pain if I pressed on. So, I

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can only sit back down. The classmate next to me looked at Mori-san
dumbfoundedly. “What’s wrong with her?”
“She’s always treating Tendou-san like a thorn in her flesh. Is she mad
with the fact that she’s not the center of the class?”
“Ay, Mori-san is the class president, after all…”
“That’s still terrible even if that’s true. Sigh, …although it’s not convenient
for us to take Hoshinomori as well.”
“…You’re right…”
I can’t help but start pondering it after I heard my groupmate’s opinion. I
looked at Hoshinomori-san.
Speaking of her, she’s still blushing really hard with her head plopped
down. She’s even quietly apologizing to the class president and everyone
around. “I-I’m sorry…” …I feel really sorry for her.
(Honestly, I really want to help…)
Everything’s okay if I said I’m taking her. The problem is that I can’t deal
with it that simply.
That’s because, …although I feel like I shouldn’t be the one to say this, in
reality, my group is both “popular” and in “fierce competition” because
Karen Tendou is here. In other words, there’re a lot of students that are
thinking, “I want to be in the same group as Tendou-san, but I can’t” in this
In this situation, …it’s going to be awkward for me to take Hoshinomori-
san casually. It feels like you’re hired by a renowned company based on
relationships. It’s okay if I’m the one that’s taking the anger, but it’s not good
if people are mad at Hoshinomori-san too.
(Moreover, …currently, I don’t want to interact with her too much…)
In reality, the case of her becoming couples with Amano-kun remains
unsolved. I want to avoid staying next to Hoshinomori-san for a long time if
it’s possible.
Anyway, although Hoshinomori-san and I are partners in the Game Hobby
Club, I still haven’t helped her yet.
Also, another problem is that a “group” can only have 5-6 people.

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Actually, not everyone in this class is cold-hearted. If it’s a two people
activity, someone should be willing to form up with Hoshinomori-san.
However, this is a problem that relates to the entire group. I can’t add a
subtly-distanced member based on my personal feelings.
So, I would hope that I can leave for a second in times like this and let the
members discuss it.
“Uh, I’m sorry, …can I have a word?”
“…What’s wrong, Tendou-san?”
The class president is looking at me with a clearly annoyed look. Honestly,
I’m a little bit irritated. Still, I managed to give a smile and suggest to her
politely that we should let the groups discuss this. However…
“Here you go again, Tendou-san. I can’t believe you’re trying to ignore a
person with no groups. You’re trying to make people settle down into groups
so that close friends can talk to each other. Isn’t that a bit too insensitive?”
“N-No, but, instead of wasting time like this…”
“So, it’s over as long as a group takes Hoshinomori-san! Tendou-san,
seriously, can you shut up for a second and stop dragging the discussion?”
“…I’m sorry.”
…I can only back down and take a seat. …I’m getting impatient at Mori-
san. Still, basically, …people once wished me to become the class president,
yet I refused them since I want to be in the Game Club. I can’t get too angry
at her.
Mori-san urged everyone in the class to exercise their “kindness”
“Alright, is anyone willing to take Hoshinomori-san!”
Everyone looked away from her. …Of course.
So, Mori-san finally began to knock on the teacher’s desk impatiently.
“Eh, no one wants to take Hoshinomori-san? Isn’t this a bit too cold?
Hoshinomori-san is one of us, after all.”
Hoshinomori-san plopped her head down even further as if she can’t take it

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“…Tendou-san? What’s wrong with you?”
“Eh? Ah…”
Once I snapped out of it, I realized I’ve been unconsciously scratching the
table with my nails. The classmate glanced at me, worriedly from the other
seat. I quickly tried to cover it.
“Nothing, I’m fine.”
I answered calmly, yet I’m confused with this unknown wave of emotions.
(What was I thinking? …While Hoshinomori is actually a partner in the
Hobby Club, but more importantly, she’s my ‘rival’ right now. There’s no
reason for me to be that considerate towards her…)
Just as I’m thinking about all that, a boy suddenly raised his hand with a
After Mori-san asked him what, he suggested lazily.
“If the class president is that determined, why don’t you just take
Hoshinomori under your group?”
The class president, who’s seeming unaware of the idea, bulged her eyes.
Perhaps it’s the inappropriate reaction, everyone in the class start yelling as if
they’re adding insult to injury.
“Yeah, everyone can be solved if the class president took her.”
“Yes, yes, yes, don’t you think it’s way too cunning for you to act
“I think a class president’s job is to solve problems.”
Everyone in the class expressed their dissatisfaction with the class
Eventually, she admitted defeat and shrugged helplessly. The class
president mumbled with a sigh.
“…Jeez, there’s no way.”
My shoulders suddenly started shivering. Although someone from the
other seat gave a worried “Tendou-san” voice again, …I can’t even react

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Mori-san pushed her glasses and turned her body towards Hoshinomori-
san as if she’s thoroughly annoyed by it.
“Well, Hoshinomori-san, just ‘follow’ my group, alright?”
After she heard that, Hoshinomori-san immediately blushed once more.
However, she still tried to squeeze a stiff smile and answered Mori-san’s
“A-Alright, t-thanks-“
-At the moment that she’s about to accept that, I stood up abruptly, which
knocked the chair away along with a loud noise.
It made everyone in the classroom fell silent.
When the classmates are holding their breaths, …I immediately gave my
usual polite smile. Then, I directly went through the classroom and walked
next to Hoshinomori, who’s shivering in her seat.
Still sitting, …Chiaki Hoshinomori raised her head and looked at me with
a shocked expression. How hateful, my rival in love. The little devil that’s
trying to take Amano-kun away, my biggest source of frustration. However…
“Eh, Tendou-san? Although this counts as an assembly, we’re still in the
lesson, please restrain yourself-“
Mori-san seems to be advising me in a displeased tone.
…However, that’s none of my business.
I smiled before wrapping my arms around Hoshinomori-san’s shoulders,
who’s still seated, and hugged her tightly.
Hoshinomori-san gasped in confusion. Everyone in the class is shocked as
But I’m unmoved by everyone’s reaction at all, and even announced to
them calmly.
“Who will give Hoshinomori-san to groups that don’t even know her
worth? Listen, no matter who’s saying what, from now on, Chiaki
Hoshinomori Chiaki belongs to me – Karen Tendou. No objection, get it?”

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Everyone froze, and they can’t say anything. …Really.
I gave a brighter smile. …In comparison, I asked fiercely.
“GET IT!?”
Suddenly, including Mori-san, everyone in the class, …no, even the
teacher, who’s getting drowsy at the corner is-
“Y-Yes, madam!”
-Everyone straightened their backs and stood up before saluting at me.
Tasuku Uehara
“Well, in the end, only Tendou and Hoshinomori is in the same group?”
After school, on the day that we formed groups for the trip, 2F classroom.
Although the Game Hobby Club is always talking about gaming, just like
its name, it’s hard for us to not talk about the school trip today.
Hoshinomori nodded excitedly to what I’ve said.
“Yeah, I guess so! Man, I’m indeed blessed! Tendou-san was like a
‘prince’ to me jus then! I really appreciated that!”
“P-Please stop bringing that up, Hoshinomori-san.”
Tendou-san blushed in embarrassment and stopped Hoshinomori.
However, Hoshinomori still can’t suppress her excitement. All she’s thinking
about right now is to express her gratitude. She waved her hands around and
“I already feel like ‘Tendou-san’ isn’t polite enough! It’s not going to work
if I don’t call Tendou-san with something like ‘my lady’ from now on!”
“Who are you trying to be? Please just call me in the old way.”
“I got it, my lady.”
Hoshinomori straightened her back and answered. …Tendou smiled in an
increasingly creepy way and approached her.
“…I-I’m sorry, Tendou-san. …B-B-But if I keep calling you that way, I
can’t suppress the ‘sense of love and respect’ in my heart that’s going
haywire right now…”
“No, no, no, your ‘sense of love and respect’ should never go haywire…”

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“Ughh, …ughh, …miss, …my lady, uwah…!”
“You’re really going crazy! I-I understand! How about we just call each
other directly, with the name. Uh, Hoshinomor- N-No, Chiaki-san.”
“Huh! C-Can I? I got it, K-K-K-K-Kar…Karen-sama!”
“Ehhh, Chiaki-san?”
“…Ughh, K…Karen…-san.”
“Yes, very good.”
Hoshinomori became deflated and greeted her usually. Even so, her eyes
are still filled with hazeless admiration towards Tendou, … wholly
convinced. If Hoshinomori is a puppy, the respect and fondness in her eyes
are perhaps enough to break her tails by twisting too much.
Just as Aguri and I are still enjoying this unexpected outcome, someone…
Keita Amano is spectating the two girls sulkily.
“Tch, …I’m supposed to be the only loyal dog that follows around
What kind of repulsion is that? Even though I can feel that he’s filled with
love, but is that right for a boyfriend? I’m seriously baffled, Amano. The
name-calling part should be the troublesome one, right. Why are you trying
to be a loyal dog?
The two annoying loyal dogs stuck themselves on Tendou. So, she sighed
as if it’s seriously frustrating her before turning to me.
“But I didn’t expect Uehara-kun and Amano-kun to be in different groups.
I thought you two will end up together, no matter what…”
I answered Tendou-san with a bitter smile.
“Yeah. However, even if Amano’s in my group, this still feels pretty
awkward. I should say he will probably feel that he doesn’t belong. While it’s
weird for me to say this, but a close friend having a good time with others
should make you feel somewhat…l-lonely?”
Although I put it a bit too vaguely, Amano, who’s ears are still as sharp as
always, immediately corrected me.
“Yep, I think I’ll be ‘jealous’ if Uehara-kun played happily with other guys
when I’m next to him!”

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“Phrasing! I can’t believe you’re saying that in front of your girlfriend!”
“It’s because this is a fact, I can’t help it! I don’t, nor I want to hide this
“You’re still just as manly! But you’re showing it at the absolutely worst
time possible!”
“Ay, forget about the grouping thing… But, Uehara-kun, w-we’re entering
the bath together.”
“Don’t give me that girly look! Why are you pretending to be cute and
blushing while trying to invite me! Don’t act like a female character in my
story, please!”

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“Ah, if Mizumi-kun is in the bath as well, I’ll feel even happier.”
“I already feel like you’re meaning something else!”
“Eh, what meaning?”
“…That’s enough…”
I think I’ll only suffer irreversible damage if this continues, so I decided to
back down.
Amano took my spot, who’s temporarily resting due to mental tiredness,
and explained to Tendou.
“Ay, it’s actually just like what Uehara-kun has said. Even if we’re in the
same group, I bet there will be other troubles as well. From this perspective, I
don’t think my group is so bad.”
Amano laughed. Tendou smiled in relief and said. “Really?” Once I
snapped out of it, Aguri and Hoshinomori are showing a relieved look as
well. However, …I’m the only guy that’s frowning.
(No, it’s actually not good, right. To Amano, he’s almost in the worst
group possible from my imagination.)
They despise, hate, and are jealous of Amano, to the point that they’re not
even trying to hide it. A group that’s entirely formed by that kind of people.
…It’s hard to estimate how much pressure Amano would handle mentally.
However, Amano didn’t look like that at all. Instead, he laughed while
teasing himself. “Ay, I’m a loner wherever I go, anyways.” …I don’t know
whether he’s trying to act cool, or he doesn’t want the girls to worry.
I glanced at Tendou and Hoshinomori…before sighing deeply alone.
(…Tendou already helped Hoshinomori, who’s her rival in love, yet I…)
One of my reason is that I do mind my friends aside from Amano. Even so,
I still shouldn’t just hand Amano, …a friend of mine to groups like that.
(Damn, …what am I even doing?)
Wave after wave of regret hit my chest. …After I entered high school, I’ve
always been like this. I try my best to be kind to everyone and act all smooth
and slick. I wanted to find a better answer, and then…
…and then I realized what my “sincere thoughts” really is before getting

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shocked by it.
Just as I’m being tormented by regret alone, Aguri seems to have noticed it
and tried to prank with Amano innocently and lighten the mood.
“Ahaha, Amanocchi is always in hell as long as he’s with people.”
“You’re saying that like I’m a cockroach! A-Actually, the hell is fine as
long as you weren’t there!”
“I don’t want to go on a trip with a pathetic gaming otaku too…”
“I don’t want to walk around the old capital with a flippant gal as well!”
“What was that!”
“Then what do you want!”
Amano and Aguri are still bickering with each other relentlessly like
they’re family.
I can’t help but look at them with an envious look.
(…I…can never convey my thoughts into words as these guys do…)
This is my bad habit after I changed myself in high school. For these two
years, I’ve always lived on “an observant answer” rather than my own
thoughts. Perhaps this is why logic dictates my action way faster than
When a decision has to be made, I’ll always think, “What would everyone
(he/she) think?” “What should I do to keep everyone happy?” This isn’t a bad
thing. Instead, this ability is irreplaceable to survive in our society. …
However, whenever I look at Amano, I’m always ashamed of myself like
(I’m sure that’s why Kousei hates me…)
In reality, after I considered the “surrounding” mood, I cut ties with
Amano in the end. While this is bad for Amano, …from the entire class’s
perspective, this is guaranteed to be the correct choice. Logically, this is the
answer with the lowest risk to everybody.
However, to Amano personally, it’s the worst scenario possible. Even so,
“Anyway, I’m perfectly fine with my group! You’re not there, anyways!”
“That pisses me off. …Amanocchi, …you should go to the back of the
toilet later- and press the switch with a skull face on it. Then, after the hidden

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stairs appeared, come to the gloomy basement. You can find me there.”
“What kind of meeting place is that! What are you going to do to me!”
“…Hoho, …I’ll let you see the real ‘chicken cabbage hotpot’ there.”
“It’s an Oishinbo invitation! However, that’s why I’m getting even less
idea of what I will encounter! S-Save me, Uehara-kun!” [Note: Oishinbo
(The Gourmet), a cooking manga written by Tetsu Kariya.]
Amano suddenly started relying on me. His eyes…wasn’t filled with anger
or mistrust towards me at all, that just…makes me even more upset.
“A-Alright. Hey, Aguri, you shouldn’t bully Amano too much.”
“J-Jeez, Tasuku, I’ll never bully a stranger.”
Aguri pretended to be adorable once I talked to her. In comparison, Amano
hid behind me and answered.
“L-Liar! Aguri-san will never be gentle on a stranger like me…”
“Huh, Amanocchi doesn’t count as a stranger to me anymore.”
Her tone made me freak out for a second. However, …Aguri continued
with her crazy pranks, obviously.
“Amanocchi is…my ‘dependent’ already.”
“Dependent! Eh, I didn’t know that I’m your dependent?”
“Yep, you’re right. …By the way, Amanocchi, I’m not that familiar with
gaming jargon. I want to ask you…the word dependent means devil servants,
pawns, or slave, right? That’s the meaning, right?”
“Let’s forget whether it’s right or not, I can already feel what’re you trying
to mean by using that word!
“That’s great.”
Aguri beamed a devilish smile at Amano. At the next moment, she
requested to me with an angelic smile.”
“Anyway, Tasuku, you should know by now. I’m always a warm and
gentle girl, …unless I’m with that disgusting otaku. Give him back. Bone
broths take a long time to make.”
“This person is trying to cook me into a chicken cabbage pot!”
Amano is shivering with tears in his eyes. He’s even trying to rely on me
from the bottom of his heart. In contrast, Aguri approached me with a

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mischievous smile. …Jeez, these two, just as I’m troubled by something
I comforted these two people by saying, “Alright, alright, I know you two
are really close to each other.” …Then, I moved the topic away from the
groups as if nothing happened.
“But, 4 nights in Osaka, Kyoto, and Tokyo, …I don’t know whether I
should say that this is a cliché schedule or a packed one.”
Hoshinomori agreed with me and said, “Yeah.”
“Well, if I remembered correctly, it’s one night in Osaka, one in Kyoto,
and two in Tokyo, right. …This feels kind of explicit. I think they’re trying to
make us travel through the entire Honshu with this chance…”
“However, to me, I’m already relieved that we don’t need to stay in Kyoto
and Nara for 3 days. If it’s a metropolis, we can fulfill our wishes and go buy
and eat whatever we want, right? I especially want to use this opportunity to
do a café tour.”
“Ah, that’s true.”
Unexpectedly, Tendou is the one that agreed with Aguri. She’s reading the
travel guide that she took from somewhere and reviewed it.
“I want to do a tour with this chance as well.”
“Oh? Really, there are some shops that Tendou-san is interested in? I can
go with you depends on the situation-“
“-The unlicensed arcades that are filled with tough opponents.”
“Bye, Tendou-san. We’ll play ‘on our own’ during the school trip!”
However, Tendou-san laughed out as if she didn’t notice it
“This is a rare chance for me to meet those unusual players that you can’t
see ‘on the surface’ like national competitions or online matches. I have to
thoroughly enjoy this. …Ho ho ho…”
“Yep, what is Tendou-san even trying to learn from the trip…?”
The gal that’s focusing on shopping and gourmet food is dumbfounded at
the goal of this blonde girl.
Tendou cleared her throat and continued.
“O-Of course, I’m a girl as well. There’re other important goals on this trip

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“Right. Our school idol can’t be that feminine-lacking-“
“I’m going to eat up Amano-kun clean.”
“What is this blonde girl going off about?”
All the Hobby Club members fell speechless. Tendou-san told everyone on
her own.
“This is a trip, everyone. There’s a lot of chance for me to see the sides of
Amano-kun that I usually can’t, right? The Amano-kun that just woke up, the
Amano-kun that’s getting drowsy, the Amano-kun that finished bathing, the
Amano-kun that’s getting airsick, the Amano-kun that’s getting carried away
on a stretcher, and the Amano-kun that received new powers after signing a
contract with the devil.”
“That last Amanocchi is way too rare! Also, what are you even looking for
on the trip!”
“What am I looking for? …Of course, it’s the loving time that I’ll have
with Amano-kun. Isn’t that right, Amano-kun?”
Amano was appointed by Tendou. I thought he would be embarrassed. …
Instead, that’s not the case at all, he’s just as excited as Tendou.
“Of course, Tendou-san! I-I also want to see all sides of you too, that’s
why I’m going! The Tendou-san that just woke up, the Tendou-san that’s
getting drowsy, the Tendou-san that finished bathing, the Tendou-san that’s
standing in a CLAMP pose on the Tokyo Tower, and the Tendou-san that’s
defeating enemies with the power of songs. Also, the old-fashioned gal that’s
making a fool of herself in the Omotesandō cafés. I’m going on the trip so
that I can see all of them!”
“Hey, that disgusting otaku there, did you just insult me while praising
Tendou-san? Huh?”
Aguri complained. However, Amano and Tendou are already looking at
each other lovingly. They entered a world of their own.
Hoshinomori smiled bitterly and concluded.
“Ay, well, a-anyway, I’m looking forward to the trip. Moreover, on the 4th
day, you can visit Tokyo’s…or should I say, Chiba’s Disneyland and play for
the entire day.”
“Yeah. Also, you don’t need to go by groups on that day. The couples can
stay together…”

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I quickly shut up in the middle of my sentence.
…H-Hoshinomori is looking at us with an empty and helpless smile.
Crap. Honestly, this Game Hobby Club consists of two pairs of couples
and an unrequited lover. It’s not really a friendly group for Hoshinomori. At
this point, it only became even more apparent.
Amano, Tendou, and Aguri seem to have noticed the mood too. An
awkward silence took hold of the scene.
So, …unexpectedly, Amano was the one to break the silence first.
“Ah, come to think of it, there’s a new ride in Disneyland, Tendou-san.”
“Eh? Uh, y-yeah, y-you’re right. If I remembered correctly, …is that the
impressive railcar-based shooting entertainment facility created by the
combination of VR and projection mapping?”
“Yeah, exactly, that’s right. Then, I remembered that will display
everyone’s final scores, right.”
“Perhaps, …you’re right.”
Tendou tilted her head since she doesn’t understand what is this about. Just
as Aguri, Hoshinomori, and I were confused, Amano cleared his throat, …
then, at the next moment, he pointed his finger at Hoshinomori suddenly.
“Well, we’ll have a match there to see who’s better at gaming, Chiaki!”
Hoshinomori froze. Amano’s acting like he’s trying to cover up his
embarrassment, so he faced Hoshinomori with an even more provocative
attitude and continued.
“Aside from our viewpoints on ‘moe,’ it’s been a couple months since
we’re regarded as having the same stats for a couple months. I feel like it’s
time for Chiaki and me to differentiate ourselves and see who’s better at
gaming! Yes!”
“R-Really, that’s what you want? …I-If so, even if we aren’t going to
Disneyland, we can still fight each other in an arcade or handheld
“No, you’re wrong, Chiaki! It’s only meaningful if we’re competing with
each other with the latest rides in Disneyland, which we don’t often visit! We
can’t train beforehand this way! In other words, this means that we’re testing

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our ‘gaming power’ purely!”
“Ah, …I guess you’re right…”
“Then, this means that you’re willing to fight me, okay?”
“W-Well, …I guess so…”
Amano’s momentum overwhelmed Hoshinomori, so she accepted his
suggestion. However, it’s not just Hoshinomori, just as everyone is confused
as to what he is talking about…
Amano smiled and said, “it can’t be helped” before concluding.
“To ensure fair and serious competition, Chiaki must stay next to me on
the day. After all, it would be a headache if she trained when I’m not
It was not until now that we understand what Amano is trying to say.
Aguri, Tendou, and I looked at each other, …before we agreed to Amano’s
suggestion respectively.
“If that’s the case, as your protector, I’ll have to witness this match as
“If Tasuku decided that, I’m following too. Moreover, I want to see
Amanocchi losing.”
“You guys are comparing your scores with the latest entertainment
facilities? As the president of the Game Club, I can’t miss this activity. Please
let me accompany you.”
Hoshinomori’s tears are forming in her eyes, yet she immediately waved
and rejected us.
“No, no, no, you all don’t really need to mind me, the couples can just
However, Amano answered angrily.
“Oh, this means that you’re admitting defeat before the fight.”
“Ugh. K-Keita, I didn’t say that! I will never lose to you!”
“Then accept the invitation. We’re taking the fast pass together, …I’m
afraid that we’ll wait until dusk, so you have to stay with us before then.”

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“B-B-But, …that way…”
Hoshinomori glanced at Tendou. To that, I guess Amano knows what’s she
thinking, so he proposed something that’s a bit more considerate to his
“…Uh, how about this. We need to give some time for couples to watch
the parade at night after the battle. So, before then, …I’m sorry, you’ll have
to stick with me, Chiaki.”
Amano smiled at her.
As for Hoshinomori, …although her head remains plopped down, at the
next second, she gave her usual provocative smile to Amano and answered.
“Jeez, it can’t be helped. I got it. …Keita, I accept your challenge!”
“That’s right.”
Amano and Hoshinomori shook each other’s hands like they’re in a sports
event. Aguri and I watched with a smile.
The entire Game Hobby Club is filled with a warm atmosphere.
…However, there’s only one person within all of us.
Only Karen Tendou is showing a tinge of darkness in her blessing smile.

“You’re saying that Amano and Hoshinomori secretly started dating!”

My shout is echoing throughout the quiet reference book area of the large
book store.
“Eh, you’re too loud, Uehara-kun.”
As for the girl that’s blaming me with a frown, she’s the blonde idol of our
“Uh, but, you…”
My mouth keeps opening and closing, and I can’t muster any coherent
words out. It’s because the information I received from Tendou is way too
unexpected, I can’t make up my mind right now. However, from her serious
look, I don’t think she’s joking with me.

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I took a deep breath. At the same time, I looked around to give me some
time to answer this. …Even though it’s a usual evening, this rural but
spacious book store doesn’t have many customers around. In reality, this is
one of the largest book stores with the most abundant catalog here.
Regrettably, it’s far away from downtown, so there’s not a lot of business
around. However, since it has a lot of books that you can’t buy from the small
stores in downtown, the locals still loved it.
So, when the Game Hobby Club meeting is over, I came here after bidding
farewell to Aguri to try and find the latest manga, which was sold out in other
Coincidentally, during this time, Tendou suddenly texted me and said,
“There’s something that I really want to talk about.”
Honestly, in the beginning, I’m aware of “the risk of meeting another girl
other than my girlfriend,” so I almost tried to reject it. However, Tendou said
it’s not going to take me long. Anyway, I decided to meet her since this
urgency doesn’t really fit her style.
Tendou seems to be around the book store as well, she came 5 minutes
after we messaged each other. We decided to head to the reference book
where no one’s around and just discuss there. It’s not something to praise
about when you’re chatting in the book store. However, like what I’ve said,
this is a classical rural “spacious but not a lot of people around” bookstore. I
feel like we won’t get any interruptions here. Moreover, Tendou is basically a
celebrity here. I’m afraid that people will get the wrong idea if I went into a
café with her alone. From this perspective, even if someone saw us in the
reference book area, I can wrap everything up with an “Oh, it’s just a
So, we stood together and stared at the reference bookshelf dazedly before
greeting each other. …But the “topic” that Tendou brought up is way too
shocking. It made me fell speechless until this moment.
During this time, Tendou suddenly apologized to someone by lowering her
head. Once I took a look, I think I might have caught a woman’s attention,
who looked like she’s a housewife. So, I quickly bowed as well. Then, that
woman smiled before going back to her business again. Thank god that she’s
well-mannered. We pressed our chests in relief.
“S-Sorry, but why are you getting that suspicious…”

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“Alright, I’ll tell you. It happened on the night after we played GOM…”
Then, Tendou briefly summarized on why she’s getting suspicious.
However, once I listened to the details, my first impression is…
“…I think you’re indeed annoyed by this. So, I feel like I shouldn’t say
this, …however, objectively, I think I’m getting that usual
‘misunderstanding’ feeling.”
“Ah, really?”
To Tendou’s opinion, I explicitly gave a puzzled response, but Tendou
seems to be agreeing with me too.
She put her hand on her cheeks and continued with a sigh.
“Currently, in my heart, I think there’s a 90% chance that I
‘misunderstood’ the whole thing.”
“Hey, hey, hey, what the hell. You just freaked me out for no reason.”
I shrugged helplessly. …It’s because Tendou went out of her way and
called me to discuss something with a serious tone. I thought something went
I felt pretty dumb and tired of seriously listening to her, so I randomly took
a reference book from the shelf and started reading it.
“If you’re 90% certain that it’s a misunderstanding, why don’t you just
confirm it from the guy. …Eh, by the way, I didn’t know that the public
exam will be this hard, isn’t that crazy?”
I think this is the maths public exam questions from the past, …but that’s
all I can read. It’s not just that I can’t calculate the answer, I can’t even read
the questions. …I don’t think I’m that incapable of studying in Otobuki…
Just as I’m feeling a sense of fear for my future career, Tendou glanced at
the question bank that I opened and mumbled.
“…Well, I don’t really like multiple-choice questions.”
“Eh, why? I do love it, multiple-choice. Even if I don’t know the question,
there’s a chance for me to luckily guess the correct answer, right?”
“You’re right. However, it’s because there are more choices, so…”
Tendou looked down slightly and mumbled as she’s saying that.
“It’ll make people unsure whether the answer that they chose is correct.”

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“…Really, …perhaps you’re right.”
I nodded calmly and closed the question bank before putting it back onto
the shelf. …Then, I answered Tendou again.
“Sorry, I was answering too imprudently. …Even though the possibility is
lower than 10%, you would still fear that theory is true, right.”
Tendou looked down and appeared to be biting her lips.
“…Actually, I have talked about this with Konoha-san beforehand.”
“Yes. Uh, I ran into her in the game store. …Initially, I understand that I
shouldn’t let people know this, …the thing is, I can’t handle it on my own
Witnessing Amano and Aguri started dating -if I was the one that saw a
scene prone to misunderstanding like this, perhaps I’ll react in the same way
as Tendou. While I’m insecure about it, …I can never muster up my courage
and confirm with the two. Even so, I’m not strong enough to take this all on
my own.
From this perspective, perhaps Konoha-san is distant enough for her to talk
I urged Tendou to continue.
“Then? What did Konoha-san say?”
“Yep, …she said I misunderstood everything and even said that Amano-
kun should love me. She really cheered me up.”
“Oh, …after everything, she’s indeed a nice girl.”
Tendou smiled faintly. In reality, what Konoha-san said probably saved
her from getting crushed by her insecurities. However…
“However, …with that alone, it’s still not enough to completely ‘heal’ this
sense of insecurity.”
“Yep, …perhaps you’re right.”
It’s like only filling up the surface of a gunshot wound. After the pain

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disappeared and the appearance returned to normal, …the bullet is still in the
body. Even though it’s possible to live in your daily lives, there’s still a scar
However, there’s only one way to thoroughly heal this.
“…If that’s the case, I think you have to directly ask them.”
You have to open the wound again to take the bullet out.
“You’re right…”
Tendou smiled helplessly as if she’s saying, “I understand.” …Ay, I guess
She fell silent. To lighten up the mood, I grabbed another question bank
again. This time it’s Japanese literature. Once I flipped over the page, I can
clearly see a paragraph quoted from a famous text.
<Consider how the protagonist feels from the underlined paragraph D, then
proceed to choose an appropriate answer from 1 -4 below.>
…I’m not good at this type of question. Although I know the answer that it
wants, I feel like it’s kind of unacceptable. I think no one knows how the
protagonist feels aside from the person. No one can decide what the correct
answer is. Strictly speaking, even the author of that text is not allowed to
decide on that.
During this time, Tendou looked at the question bank that I flipped over
and mumbled.
“…That kind of thing, no one will know aside from the protagonist…”
Is she referring to this reading exam? Or…
I flipped over the pages as I mumbled.
“However, the annoying part is that it’s not guaranteed that what the
protagonist said is the truth.”
“…Hoho, you’re right. It’s like you claiming to be ‘dedicated to your
girlfriend,’ that’s a good example.”
What’s wrong with these people’s impressions of me? Am I defined as a
player now? …I feel like this turned into a joke around, so it’s not like I’m
genuinely pissed off.

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I turned over to the kanji question page and asked Tendou.
“So? What do you want me to do by talking to me? You want me to
confirm this with Amano without a trace?”
“No, that’s unnecessary. I don’t like relying on other people that much.”
Tendou quickly rejected my offer, …she’s still a staunch girl. “If that’s the
case, why did you call me…” I asked, and Tendou said, “Well…” She gave
me a slightly frustrated look.
“For some reason, before I decide to ask Amano-kun and Hoshi…Chiaki-
san, how should I put it, …I hope that someone can give me a small push.”
“Well, you don’t need to find me for that…”
“No, Uehara-kun, …last time when we were playing the Game of Life at
Hoshinomori’s home, didn’t you ask your girlfriend? You asked her how did
she think about Amano-kun.”
“Ah, …that time, right? I didn’t know you saw everything, Tendou?”
“Instead of saying that I saw everything, I merely heard your questions. I
can’t hear Aguri-san’s reply clearly, though.”
Tendou continued after she explained.
“However, …right now, I’m in the same situation, so I kind of admire you.
You dare to ask that kind of thing directly, …that worths some respect.”
“Uh, …it’s really not that much…”
To cover up my embarrassment, I started reading the questions from page
1 again without meaning anything else.
So, Tendou sighed deeply.
“I can never do that. Once Amano-kun is involved, …it’ll make me…
incredibly weak.”
“In other words, …this proves how much you love him, right? I do feel
like that’s amazing.”
“Really, …or it could be that I still don’t fully trust Amano-kun yet.”
“If you have to say that, …I guess it’s true…”
I can’t think of anything to say at the moment. It’s because I used to be like
her, …there are some parts which I can’t trust Aguri yet. …No, I’m wrong. I
think I feel the same right now.

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Just as I’m calming down, Tendou said, “but-“ and continued the topic
“At that time, you mustered up your courage and asked. Also, even though
I don’t know the details, you got a good answer, right?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“So, I hope I can be just like you too.”
“I got it.”
I finally understand why Tendou is finding me to discuss with her, …why
did she choose me to “push” her.
I closed the book and put it back onto the shelf. …Then, I looked at
Tendou once again and faced her with a smile.
“Relax, Tendou. From what I’ve heard, the thing that you just talked about,
it’s very likely that you’re just freaking yourself out.”
“Yeah. So, …just go and find Amano and Hoshinomori to talk everything
out, the result must be good.”
“…Thank you.”
Tendou’s tears formed in her eyes for a second. Then, she quickly bowed
to me as if she’s trying to cover it up.
Although I freaked out for a second, I realized why she’s doing this, so I
accepted her gratitude silently.
Tendou kept her head down for 3 seconds before facing me again.
Then, the usual, refreshing “Karen Tendou” smile is already back onto her
“Uehara-kun, you’re a good person.”
“Yeah, yeah, see? If you got that, it’s time for you to stop
misunderstanding me-“
“Yes. …That’s why I’m increasingly suspecting that you’re a player.”
“Meeting with a girl other than your girlfriend in a quiet place secretly, and
even cheer her up. …I feel like it’s a bit too much for a guy. Honestly, I can’t
deal with you.”

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“That’s too unreasonable! I just made a big mistake, what is this? I’m not
benefiting at all!”
“Benefits? Well, …ah, uh, how about I pay cash?”
“That’s just making it worse! What kind of guy will charge a fee for
discussing with a friend’s girlfriend!”
“…I feel like it sounded way worse now that you’ve said it.”
“Really! I don’t need your money! However, please more or less respect or
like me!”
“Oh, this means that, even though you have a girlfriend, yet you still wish
your friend’s girlfriend to like you. Is this what you’re trying to say. …
You’re literally the worst douchebag on the planet.”
“I guess you’re right! Sigh, …that’s enough, whatever. I’m tired.”
I feel like I’m already resistant to being called a player or a prick in recent
times. Sigh, do whatever you what, how troublesome.
I decided to conclude this discussion as soon as possible and leave.
“Anyway, you can’t distance yourself from your partner just because of a
dull misunderstanding. Moreover, the school trip is here soon.”
I said that as I left the reference book area. “Yeah.” Tendou followed
behind and answered.
“By the way, Uehara-kun, how are you doing? Are you on good terms with
The boomerang hits me. Yep, …I’m the one that’s distancing myself away
from my partner.
Tendou is glancing at the suspense novel area as she asked me with a face
full of sorry.
“Don’t tell me you still mind the incident between Amano-kun and Aguri-
“Uh, …well, it’s not like I can pretend nothing happened.”
Honestly, …perhaps Tendou feels the same way. That attempted kissing
scene still flashes over in my mind from time to time. Also, it’s because of
this, …I want to push my relationship with Aguri further to eradicate that

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In the end, the more I think about it, the harder it is for me to break away
from this relaxed and friendly state.
After I explained to Tendou, she answered deflatedly. “I can feel that…”
Then, we went through the cashier and the automatic doors, and the bitter
chills suddenly started attacking us.
Our bodies shiver as we walked forward. We planned to stay together
before we have to go our separate ways.
Tendou is so cold that she hid her chin in her scarf. As for me, I think I’m
trying to return what she said earlier and asked her to discuss something in
depth with me.
“Uh, honestly, …compared to me, do you feel that Aguri is happier when
she’s with Amano recently?”
She answered almost immediately, without any sense of consideration or
hesitation. This just makes her reply all the more truthful and sincere.
Tendou is even adding insult to injury when I’m depressed already.
“It’s more like, I feel like Aguri-san’s most beautiful moment is when she
is bullying Amano-kun. Honestly, …from what I’ve seen, I think she was
pretty adorable at times like that.”
“I can’t be any more serious. As Amano-kun’s girlfriend, aside from
feeling jealous, I’m even envying that Amano-kun can have family-like body
contact with such a cute girl like her.”
Tendou mumbled with a sigh. So, I sheepishly tried to ask her.
“…On the contrary, when Aguri is talking to me lately…”
“…Sigh, to be honest, she’s as quiet as a cat that entered another person’s
“What’s that, isn’t that hopeless?”
“Please relax, Uehara-kun.”
“Relax what?”
“…Amano-kun will give me the more or less same impression when he’s
with me.”

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“Ah, …perhaps you’re right…”
Walking shoulder to shoulder in the northern lands covered by chilly
winds, …a boy and a girl are carrying a sense of desolateness.
We kept silently walking until we arrived at the point of divergence…
We only bid farewell to each other.
Then, we walked on our respective homes while shivering from the sheer
…For some reason, I really want to eat a bowl of chicken cabbage pot right
Keita Amano
After I got home from the Game Hobby Club meeting, my mum, who
should be at home first since she finished her part-time job earlier, isn’t here.
It looks like she went to buy something as well.
“…Well, let’s play.”
There’s still some time before dinning, so I acted decisively. I quickly
changed into my usual clothes and washed my face as I prepared for gaming.
After pouring some tea into the cup and putting it on the table, I laid down on
the sofa and turned on the handheld console. Thus, the most blessed moment
of the day began.
-At this exact second, I felt unbelievably touched.
(Strange, I feel like it’s been a long time since I can play games this lazily.)
Of course, I’ve always immersed myself in gaming. However, perhaps it’s
because I can only touch it a little recently, so I don’t have a “wow I’m
having so much fun” feeling. …Uh, even though it’s still unbearable when
you look at the skyrocketing total playtime. …Should I say that it’s an
emotional problem? Think about it, it’s like sleeping. Taking a one-hour nap
8 times and sleeping 8 hours at once, the “I did sleep” feeling is very
different, right? I think that’s the situation here.

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I laid on the sofa and supported the console with the slop of the handle.
Then, I hummed as I started playing the game.
Right now, I’m playing the latest series in Pokemon. By using an item
called Poketickets, you can collect, train, and trade all kinds of Pokemon
before sending them into battle. [Note: No idea what that is, perhaps it’s
something from Pokemon Go. I just translated it literally.]
Honestly, I’m not really fond of RPGs that are centered around combat or
trade. …To put it simply, it needs you to interact with other people. I don’t
want to mention the reason. I don’t even need to say it, right. Don’t force me,
…it’s because I’m a loner.
E-Even so, I often play with my little brother. I know some weird friends
that play it back in middle school too, so I’ve played a lot of titles in the
series. Anyway, to be honest, although I don’t like competing or cooperating
with others, I still bought it just like usual.
“Sigh, after I actually played it, it’s quite unwilling for me to admit that it’s
kind of fun.”
I can’t help but mumble.
The best part about this series is singleplayer. I think it’s pretty impressive.
Due to the nature of the title, it was considered to be quite competitive and
focused around battling and interacting with others. On the internet, these are
usually the parts that will be mentioned. However, I think training the
Pokemon bit by bit alone is just as compelling.
Catching wild Pokemons, train them, forming teams, fighting the enemies,
conquering the obstacles, and move forward.
When you’re fighting with a robust Pokemon trainer, you need to consider
the types of the enemy’s pokemon and their entering sequence. Then, you
need to choose yours based on countering types and moves. If your strategy
worked perfectly, it’s hard to not feel proud of yourself. Conversely, when
you saw the opponent is starting with unexpected Pokemons or moves,
naturally, you’ll be surprised. The back-and-forth battle is filled with joy and
despair with the success or failure of your moves. One of my standards of
rating a game is “whether it’s interesting to fight a tough opponent.”
However, the Pokemon series is guaranteed to be enjoyable when you’re
fighting others.
Also, the better part is that, basically, every Pokemon in this game is more

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or less balanced.
Uh, of course, if you go online, there’s a bunch of discussion about the
meta. However, even if you forget about those and just train your Pokemons
based on preferences, there wouldn’t be any problems in singleplayer, at
least. Moreover, it kind of makes sense to think of a strategy based on your
favorites when you’re battling the others.
Anyway, Pokemon is a game that’s full of love while being magically
balanced at the same time.
“…Ay, even though I can’t find any opponents that match my skills.”
…When I encountered this situation, honestly, it’s hard for me to not hate
it because the game is super exciting! Damn! All the opponents online are too
powerful! If only there’s someone just as poorly skilled as me- Wait.
“Eh, right, I don’t know whether Chiaki played Pokemon too.”
Due to the confession and the school trip, I don’t really feel like talking
about gaming with everyone. If Chiaki did play it, I think she would be an
excellent opponent…
Just as I’m considering such a possibility dazedly, I can hear someone’s
opening the door. Then, I can hear a guy saying, “I’m home.” It’s my little
brother, who just finished his club activities. I spoke up when he opened the
door to the living room.
“You’re back, Kousei.”
“I’m back, brother. …Eh, mom hasn’t got home yet?”
Kousei put down his bags as he asked. I answered while still focusing on
my console.
“Yep, I think she’s buying something.”
“Oh, …brother, so you’re having fun while the demon is gone.”
Kousei is mischievously smiling as he looked at me, who’s still lying on
the sofa. The screen is the battle against a girl that’s wearing a swimsuit, so
it’s a bit embarrassing.
I leaned forward to block the screen and pouted.
“W-What’s wrong, why does it matter?”
“No one said anything’s wrong. That’s why I hate self-conscious otakus.”

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I can’t feel any sense of respect or love from this little brother. I’m a bit
envious of Chiaki, who’s little sister can chat with her all she wants. …Even
though, sometimes I feel saved when Kousei gave his usual calm attitude to
Kousei quickly packed everything up and changed his clothes. Then, he
pushed my legs away and squeezed onto the sofa. I don’t really mind and
even put my legs on Kousei’s lap as I continued to play.
Kousei chugged the tea that I poured for myself, and then he grabbed the
remote before starting to randomly switching the channels. I don’t think he
wants to see anything specific. He switched in the middle of the evening
At last, the TV showed “Insane amount of shrimps appeared from the
bowl…! A surprisingly filling meal!” This is one of those casual and
mundane shows. Even so, it seems that he’s not into it as well. Kousei treated
the ridiculous reaction of the female reporter as background music and started
playing on his phone.
We brothers played on our own for a while. …Then, around 5 minutes
later. Kousei mumbled when the news introduced the third restaurant that
offers large meals.
“…I’m hungry.”
“Yeah, it’s getting late, and the shows are about gourmet food.”
“Right. But I don’t think no one in the family is interested in meals like
“We don’t eat much, after all. It’s useless to give us an unmatching filling,
Looking at the TV, I can see a bunch of salmon roe pouring from the bowl
to the plate. The reporter is getting really excited. …Sigh, while salmon roe is
tasty, but, honestly, I only need a moderate amount.
I paid attention to the game again. During this time, Kousei asked again.
“…Brother, let me ask you this. When you’re with Tendou-senpai, …are
you happy?”
“Why are you suddenly bringing that up?”
I smiled bitterly and remained focused on the game as I answered.

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“Of course I’m happy. I’m thrilled.”
Kousei answered like he’s not interested. You’re the one that asked me,
though. What a plain response. I mean, I guess it’s just chitchat for killing
time to him, anyway.
I don’t really mind since I’m focusing on the game. Unexpectedly, …
Kousei continued asking.
“…Well, how about when you’re with Chiaki-senpai?”
Although I don’t understand why he is suddenly bringing up Chiaki, I
guess there’s no need for me to overthink this, so I answered sincerely.
“Yeah, I’m happy. A lot, actually. We like chatting with each other about
gaming. Even though some parts cause us to fight, …recently, we’re enjoying
yelling at each other too.”
Especially after that confession thing is over, it’s only becoming more
apparent. I didn’t expect the “barrier” caused by rejecting and being rejected
isn’t as severe as I’ve imagined. I guess we’re chatting even more happily
because we expressed our sincere feelings.
“Oh, …it’s quite fun, isn’t it…”
Kousei is still answering as he looked at the extra-large meals episode on
the TV. …He’s really talking to me just to kill time. This is the subtle
distance that Kousei has between me.
So, we chatted with each other about TV shows. Then, around 15 minutes
later, someone’s opening the door again. This time, it’s my mom with a
bunch of shopping bags.
Mom yelled, “it’s cold” as she walked towards the kitchen. Then, after she
put all the veggies and beverages into the fridge, she started talking to us
“Sorry. I’m standing in the book store reading magazines, that’s why I
forgot the time.”
I was the only one that reacted, barely. Kousei is paying attention to his
phone. Of course, he’s not fighting with his family. I guess this is like the

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roles of the older and younger brother.
When mom’s walking towards here to put the car keys back to the
cupboards in the living room, she suddenly looked at me as if she found
something amazing to talk about.
“Right, right! Eh, Keita, mom saw it today.”
“You saw what?”
I urged mom to continue as I’m still focusing on the game. Then, mom
said something unexpected.
“The one that’s famous in your school. …That blonde beauty that I forgot
the name!”
I immediately choked. Kousei glanced at mom for a second.
He caught onto the conversation for me, who’s still freaking out and
“You mean Karen Tendou-senpai?”
“Yes, yes, yes, I’m quite sure it’s her. Hiya, what an adorable girl, she’s
like a doll. Mom freaked out for a second there. What did she eat to have
such a beautiful look?”
Mom stared at my short legs as she sighed. …Well, my mother didn’t
know that Tendou-san and I are dating. Although it’s not like I’m trying to
hide it, you can tell from her appearance that she’s a usual housewife. …So, I
don’t really want to tell her everything, …unless Tendou-san’s visiting my
Kousei’s aware of this part too, so he didn’t bring this up as he talked.
“So, that Tendou-senpai is at the book store too?”
“Yeah, I think she’s with her handsome boyfriend too.”
Kousei and I reacted shockingly at the same time. Mom slightly tilted her
head out of confusion for a second. However, I think she wanted to talk more,
so she waved and continued.
“I feel like there’s an unusual atmosphere between them. Ay, I thought,
why would they call me at the start, so I can’t help but peek at their

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Perhaps…that isn’t mom’s imagination. If she met Tendou-san, I guess it’s
not weird to bring up the word “Amano” in the conversation.
But, more importantly, who’s the handsome guy next to Tendou-san…
I tried to seamlessly spy on my mother.
“Uh, …what does that handsome boyfriend look like?”
“Huh? Why are you asking that?”
“Why. …T-Think about it, perhaps it’s someone I know.”
“Don’t you have zero friends in high school?”
My mom’s horrible. She just stabbed her own son in the chest with a calm
I urged her to continue with a twisted smile.
“I-I met some f-friends recently.”
“Hiya, really? That’s great. What kind of people are they? Did you know
any girls?”
Mom blasted me with question after question. I got a girlfriend already, not
to mention knowing any girls. Also, my girlfriend is the one that we’re
talking about …From my mother’s perspective, I think all this information
would be overwhelming to her. …But I didn’t say it since it’s troublesome.
“Forget all that, what does Tendou-san’s handsome boyfriend look like?”
Is it Mizumi-kun, Uehara-kun, or someone I don’t know at all…?
Just as all kinds of possibilities are coming up in my brain, mom answered
“I don’t remember that much, even if you asked…”
I guess so. It’s impossible to remember the features when you only took a
look at someone on the streets. I can’t identify the person even if I got
“Ah, but if I remembered correctly, that boy got a ridiculous voice and
reactions. In terms of a comedian, …he’s the kind of guy that will say ‘what
kind of day is this’ as he choked?” [Note: This refers to the comedian Eiji
“It’s Uehara-kun.”

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I got it. Just as I’m smiling bitterly, mom continued with a stunned look.
“Hiya, it’s really someone you know?”
“I guess.”
“Can you stop looking at the length of my legs suspiciously?”
You’re the one that gave birth to me.
I stared at mom bitterly as she continued.
“Alright, let’s forget about her boyfriend’s weirdness for now.”
Uehara-kun’s reaction was casually referred to as being weird. …Really.
…Uehara-kun looks weird when he’s met by people that don’t know him. …
It’s hard to make a living.
“However, they look they’re destined for each other. A cute girl should
stay with a handsome boy.”
“Think about it, it’s like the disparity between celebrities. Although it’s
worthy of discussion for a while, didn’t nearly all of them ended up failing?”
“R-Really? B-But, there’s true love like the one between Romeo and
My eyes are floating around as I told my family. Then, Kousei answered
with an emotionless look.
“Didn’t the two die in the end? I don’t think I can take it from a family’s
My little brother is still just as heartless to me. Does this guy not love his
Just as I’m complaining quietly, mom seems to be bored by the topic and
went away as she clapped her hands.
“Alright, it’s time for dinner. I’m cooking Keita’s favorite burger steaks
“Ah, nice. …No!”
Mom went to cook dinner before I can even protest, …even though I’m

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really looking forward to burger steaks!
I was pissed as I looked at Kousei to try and look for comfort. So, …he
mumbled while giving me the usual despising look.
“Sigh, get a hold of yourself, …the dumb Romeo that’s going to suicide
due to a misunderstanding.”
“Phrasing! A-Also, I’m not Romeo!”
“Oh, that you’ll never get a happy ending with Juliet.”
“Brother, you’re a typical guy, so you should learn to be one. Just find
another normal girl and live happily ever after. That’s enough.”
Kousei said that as he looked at his phone. From the kitchen, I can hear
mom’s humming excitedly as she started cooking. …N-None of you knows
how I really felt…!
Perhaps my family doesn’t love me.

After school, 10 days before the school trip.
I took a sip of the diluted coke I grabbed from the drink bar as I listened to
Aguri-san, mentioning a strange word in the family restaurant. Then, I tilted
my head.
“Yes, Loverbears.”
The gal sitting in front of me is showing a satisfied smile again. The
current mood seems to be testing my knowledge. Let see, …I guess this is a
word that all normies know.
I put the cup onto the table as I crossed my arms and nodded repeatedly.
“L-Loverbears. Yep, I get it. Loverbears are famous.”
“Yeah. Amanocchi, even you knew it.”
“Of course. Come to think of it, …uh, …I heard it from my relatives’ kids,

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“Yeah, even the little kids liked it.”
“I got it.”
“You got it?”
Aguri-san gave a puzzled look at my reaction. She took a sip of her hot
lemon tea and continued.
“After all, it’s very soft and gentle, feels pretty nice…”
“Yeah. …Also, uh, right, it tastes pretty sweet-“
“-Yep, it’s not that. Loverbears aren’t like that.”
“Yeah, I think it doesn’t taste sweet…”
“Yeah. It’s more like, it tastes bland, yet there’s a hidden saltiness-“
“Of course, it’s not like that too…”
Just as I’m looking away with sweat forming on my forehead, Aguri-san
let out a dumbfounded sigh. Then, she looked at me with a compassionate
look as if she saw everything through.
“…Hey, Amanocchi.”
“Yes, what’s wrong, Aguri-san?”
“Loverbears…is a variant of teddy bears.”
“…Really, …yep, of course, I know that.”
“Eh, you can’t continue. That ‘I got it’ impression of yours is already
We’re still chatting about useless things in the family restaurant just like
usual, …then-
I think we laughed at the same time. It’s quite exciting.
Honestly, it’s been a long time since we’ve come to the family restaurant
together. After the attempted kissing incident, although it reached a
conclusion on the surface, we still have a lot of worries. So, we don’t meet
each other that often anymore.
However, it’s actually okay for us to host a family restaurant meeting once

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in a while. We’re still us.
…I’m sincerely glad that we can still be “friends,” just like we were.
After we laughed for a while. Aguri-san started bringing out the topic of
the day.
“Loverbears are the limited teddy bears that are only available in
Disneyland each day. The unique thing about it is that it’s always in pairs.
Whether it’s illustrations, key chains, or teddy bears, none of them are left
“Ah, …so, Loverbears is from the word lovers and bear?”
“Exactly! Eh, Amanocchi, what do you think?”
Aguri-san is asking me with sparkling eyes.
To her, I answered honestly with an innocent smile.
“I feel like all personnel that is involved in developing the bear should be
I sighed as I answered Aguri-san, who’s slapping the table.
“It’s a race that refuses to acknowledge the existence of loners, right?
Naturally, I’m their enemy.”
“Don’t you have a famous girlfriend right now!”
“If you think ‘having a girlfriend = a higher-up species that have friends,’
then you’re dead wrong! Aguri-san, you don’t understand loners at all!”
“No, no, no! What’s wrong with you calling yourself a loner despite
having a girlfriend! Normally, that’s pretty annoying!”
“You noticed it, Aguri-san. Yes, I’m this annoying. However, that’s why…
for me, who has already lost his place in the loner’s industry, I should be
called the true loner king, right!”
“I’ve never seen someone throwing a tantrum like this before! Amanocchi,
you’re getting weirder. …Eh, no, you’re already a weirdo to start out with.”
“No, I’m not a weirdo. I’m a passerby. My inner passerby is so deep that
I’m excited to be called a weirdo by someone else. So, I can’t believe you’re
calling me a weirdo. …Please don’t randomly use such a fantastic word to
praise me!”

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“Uh, I feel like your way of throwing a tantrum has entered the ‘strange’
“Ay, we’re off-topic. Let’s move back.”
“You’re right.”
“Then? Aguri-san, when are we declaring war on those pervert bears?”
“What was that? …Eh, Amanocchi, please just forget your racist views
towards Loverbears for a second.”
“I can’t. Those guys will never be my friends, no matter what happens.”
Just as I’m pissed off, Aguri-san quietly provided an additional piece of
information to me.
“…Even if a lot of people believed the limited version of Loverbears will
make the couples that bought it stay together forever?”
“Aguri-san, why are you still drinking lemon tea! We have to go and buy
the Master Loverbears now! Hey, let’s go!”
The go-with-the-flow boy that immediately stood up and urged the gal.
Aguri-san is staring at me with a unique half dumbfounded, half respected
“Amanocchi, although you’re genuinely a little peasant, you’ve reached a
refreshing level…”
“I’ve never heard such subtle praise before.”
“It’s okay, I’m not just praising you. Sigh, just sit down first.”
I sat back down unwillingly after Aguri-san advised me.
“So, Amanocchi, even though I don’t think I need to ask now, …you
wanted the limited Loverbears, right?”
“I want it, even if it meant sacrificing your communication skills to the
“Don’t just sacrifice me on your own, alright? However, while I say that, I
want to get it even if it meant sacrificing your hair growth.”
“Can you stop sacrificing my future as well?”
“In a sense, isn’t that a ‘bright’ and reflective future?”
“Shut up, …alright, let’s put the jokes aside. The one that you’re talking
about, …the limited Loverbears? Is it that hard to buy?”

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Aguri-san answered my question with a vague expression.
“Hmm, it’s not that bad. …While it’s limited, the numbers aren’t that
“Huh? If that’s the case, it’s not hard to buy it, right? If we can only get it
there, we have to go to Disneyland as soon as possible.
I guess that’s why Aguri-san brought up the Loverbears here.
She nodded and continued.
“Yep, so, the problem isn’t with whether you can buy it or not. Although
people believed the spell, I don’t think it’s hot enough for people to line up
for hours just to get it. That’s why as long as we charge towards the store
after entering the park, it’s almost certain that we can get it. However, the
real issue is…”
“The real issue?”
There’s enough stock, and you have a chance to buy it. What’s the problem
then? I chugged the not-so-iced coke down to my throat. Then, Aguri-san
gulped as she spoke up.
“…The limited Loverbears cost 20,000 yen…”
I almost spat all of my coke out. After I reluctantly swallowed all of them,
I started trembling as I responded.
“2-20,000…? Ehhhh! Uh, that’s a bit…”
Aguri-san said that as she passed me her phone.
The screen shows an adorable pair of teddy bears that’s the size of my
palm, …but the numbers below the image aren’t adorable at all.
Aguri-san took her phone back as she sighed.
“Sigh, …can I sell a disgusting otaku’s hair growth to someone…”
“Please stop reviewing the possibility of that weird trade. However, it’s
20,000 yen…”
“20,000 yen…”
“…But, honestly, we really need that, right…”
“…Yeah, …exactly. …Amanocchi, you and I were thinking of the same

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Our sighs overlapped each other. The two of us didn’t go to the drink bar
for a refill. We fell silent.
After a while, I managed to spoke up.
“…Our partners have been worrying over us for a while now…”
“…I understand.”
“Even so, …currently, we’re a bit too depressed to create an indisputable
“…I understand.”
“With this situation, if we gifted a limited teddy bear out with an incredible
effect out to our partners on the last day of the school trip…”
After I said that, …I thought of Tendou-san’s face as I smiled warmly.
“…I feel like if we do that, …it’s really reassuring for the person we’re
“…I understand.”
Aguri-san must be thinking about Uehara-kun as well, she showed a pretty
warm and gentle expression, which I rarely see.
Although we thought about our partners’ cheerful face for a moment
elatedly, …after 10 seconds, the two of us laid onto the table once again.
“But it’s 20,000 yen…”
This is unaffordable for high school students.
Uh, our parents will cover some of our costs during the school trip. …Even
so, I don’t feel good about using that money to buy expensive gifts for our
boyfriend/girlfriend. I should say, I can’t face my parents and Tendou-san
properly if I did that.
So, we have to acquire 20,000 yen on our own. …However, usually,
Aguri-san and I don’t really have extra cash in our wallets. Also, we would
often come to the family restaurant and drink. I didn’t even need to say this.
Moreover, aside from the monthly pocket money I get from my parents,
I’ll also get them to put me into some part-time jobs during the summer and
winter holidays, just to balance everything out-
When I thought about that, Aguri-san made eye contact with me. She…

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only gives me this look…whenever she has something hard to tell. This
means that she’s trying to do that in the beginning….
“Amanocchi, let me ask you this…”
I’m shivering from the bad feeling. …This feels, ...oh crap.
I quickly looked away from her and spoke up.
“Ah, t-time’s almost up, we should go-“
“Do you want to…work in retail with me?”
“Look, here it comes! A lethal idea for any otakus! It’s like asking a
cockroach whether it wants to work in pharma, that’s what a devil would
“Uh, it’s not that severe…”
Aguri-san smiled bitterly, and I still maintained my staunch attitude.
“Retail is the only job that I’ll absolutely never do! Let’s take a hundred
steps back, …even if I can cut the time for playing Pokemon to work, I’ll
never do retail! I really appreciated you for inviting me, but is there anything
else to work in? Other jobs!”
“Eh, Amanocchi, we’re not in a position to choose our jobs, right? We
need short-term jobs, and we can’t do rough work. That’s what the search
results gave me.
“N-No, I-I’m still a guy. I’m perfectly suited for rough work…”
“You can’t handle it at all. Even if you can, I can guarantee that you’ll
mess up your body before the school trip, Amanocchi.”
Although I’m unwilling to admit this, Aguri-san is right, I’m not suited for
intense work, anyways. Sigh, while I can squeeze determination out, it’s not
going to help. If I got sick, I can’t go or enjoy the school trip. It’ll be
Aguri-san continued.
“Uh, I got a text from my friend that said there are two spaces left. …
Initially, I wanted to say that you’re the only one I can invite. …Amanocchi,
but you hate retail, right?”

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“Instead of saying I hate it, it’s more like I can’t do it…”
…Sweat began to appear on my forehead, …my stomach hurts.
I tried to think about this once more, then I realized there’s nothing more
terrifying than this word. Earning money by cleverly dealing with all kinds of
people. …If I, who can’t even talk to others properly, took the offer, I think
the manager will be very frustrated as well.
I’m trembling with just imagining it. My disappointment will not just hurt
myself; it can even drag others down too. …This is literally hell for me.
Aguri-san noticed that my face turned pale, so she immediately tried to
comfort me.
“Y-Yeah, yeah! Ay, I’m sorry, Amanocchi! I was just asking, really.
Moreover, I completely didn’t expect you to accept the offer at all!”
I raised my head helplessly and looked at Aguri-san. She nodded hard.
“Yes, yes!”
“I’m just asking as a last resort, really! Uh, …I just feel that if I can work
with you, I think I’ll be more hardworking…”
I froze. Then, Aguri-san continued embarrassingly. “Ah, this doesn’t mean
anything special. She’s shy.
“Perhaps you forgot about this. However, I’m not a girl that can chat with
everyone happily as well. So, to be honest, although I’m not as repulsive as
you do, I don’t really like retail either…”
“Yeah. However, …if I’m with you, I think I’ll feel better.”
“Yep, work is easier when there’s someone you know…”
“I guess so. However, it’s not just that. Uh, …it’s embarrassing for me to
say this, Amanocchi. Sometimes, when I’m in front of you, I tried to
subconsciously act like an old sister. How should I put it, …when you’re next
to me, I-I think I’ll work harder than usual.”

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I wanted to cry for a bit since I’m really throbbed right now. However,
Aguri-san immediately continued with a “but.”
“Ay, if Tasuku’s here, I’ll be 3,000 times stronger than my max
“I guess so.”
But if she’s saying that, as long as I’m thinking about Tendou-san, I can do
the same…
When I lowered my head, Aguri-san seems to be freaking out as she tried
to conclude.
“Anyways, Amanocchi, although I talked a lot just then, it’s okay for you
to reject. After all, you don’t need to force yourself to buy the Loverbears
with me-“
During this time, I suddenly remembered what mom had told me. It’s
charming when people who’re meant for each other are together. …I also
understand at the start that I don’t match Tendou-san at all. A guy that’s still
not popular or famous, Keita Amano.
Neither am I a strong character nor do I have any special abilities. I’m not
handsome nor adorable, just like an unpopular Pokemon.
If someone still loves me and chose me despite all of that.
Also, at this moment, …if a talentless and incapable guy like me can rely
on “hard work” to earn “relief” and “love.”
Then, …I’m definitely taking the opportunity, that chance-
“…I’m doing it.”
-I'm betting the determination of a passerby like me. I can never miss a
chance like that.
Aguri-san froze when I suddenly changed my mind. …Even I freaked out
for a bit as well. Actually, my body is shivering. Retail is the least suitable
field for me to work in.
However, even so…

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I clenched my fists on my kneecaps that are already full of sweat.
Then, I slowly raised my face as I tried to muster up my courage and
answered her.
“If you don’t mind a guy like me, please let me challenge it…and take that
retail job.”

So, we’re preparing for the school trip…

The preparations for the final “collapse” are slowly being completed.

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Chapter 4
Amano and Aguri and Deadly Party

I have a girlfriend, a handsome friend, and sometimes I’ll talk about

relationships with my friend’s girlfriend. I was even confessed by another girl
All of you know…the name of this refined man who stood above all
normies already, right!
Hello, I’m the popular normie guy that’s about to go viral, Keita Amano.
Hiya, what a pain. Why am I in pain? …Of course, it’s the activities that
all normies look forward to. The schedule of the school trip is so packed that
I’ve been busy!
Even though this is just the end of the first day. Eh? You’re asking me
what did I do on the first day? Hoho, I went to Osaka. An Osaka trip.
Eh? You want me to say what did I do precisely?
…Uh, hmm, sigh, …why does it matter, let’s forget about that. Yep.
A-Alright, it’s time for me to go. It’s because I’m swamped.
Eh? You’re asking me isn’t this narration ending too quickly?
No, no, no, it’s hard to blame the guy.
After, if we’re talking about reality, it’s the first night of the school trip
right now. We’re in the 6-person room allocated for the groups-
“But we didn’t have fun in Osaka today because of someone.”
“He can’t even figure out how should we transfer to the next train, really?”
“Gamers (laugh) are super useless.”
“Sigh, I’m really envious of those 5-person groups, the room is more
“Hey, hey, hey, he’ll hear it if we’re talking too loudly. The guy is hiding
at the corner and trying his best to stay on his phone.”

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-I can’t even escape to my imagination, what a hostile environment.

I left the unbearable room. Once the door closes, I can hear Kaburagi-san
and his friends’ laughter.
“…They’re actually happy.”
I mumbled with a sigh. Then, I plopped my head down as I walked across
the corridor. …The yukata provided to the guests to wear in the rooms is way
too large. A tiny guy like me can’t move properly with it.
“Ay, even though it’s actually my fault for getting onto the wrong train…”
Well, if I want to look for a tiny excuse, they did walk slowly on purpose,
which ruined my transfer plans. Then, they made fun of me because I was
freaking out. The same thing repeated again and again, …at last, I made a
mistake at transferring to the next train. This is the full background.
Even so, I’m undoubtedly the guy that made a mistake in the end. I think
I’ve said this before, as long as “someone is dragged down with me,” I feel
really upset. Especially for a person like me, …unless I absolutely believe
that I’m right, otherwise I don’t want to confront others.
…I get it, nothing can be solved if I don’t clear everything up. However, I
can also predict an end where no one benefits.
“…Sigh, how embarrassing…”
I sincerely hate how “powerless” I am. It’s like I’m being possessed by an
evil spirit, I feel so heavy.
The first day of the school trip. Honestly, it’s…way tougher than I’ve
imagined, to the point where I don’t want to think about what happened
today. It’s so depressing that I still feel tired despite just took a bath and went
back to my room for a break.
I waited for the elevator at the end of the corridor deflatedly. During this
time, there’s seems to be a group of 7 girls loudly talking as they walked
They lined up behind me and started whispering.

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“Eh, I remember the elevator here is pretty narrow, right?”
“Ah, …it’s only for 6 people at a time, right?”
“That’s not good.”
“We can squeeze in, even though Nozomi’s weight is quite…”
“Shut up. However, even if we’re squeezing in, look…”
When they finished that sentence, I can feel someone’s staring at me
fiercely from behind. To be precise, it’s 7 servings of girls’ looking at a lusty
wolf. Although I’ve never been one before.
My forehead began to sweat. Then, I mumbled as I secretly left the scene
while walking stiffly.
“…Ah, …c-crap, I left something in the room. …Yeah, yeah, yeah, …
I brought up a useless excuse as I quickly walked away. Then, the elevator
came, and I can hear the girls stepping into it as they talked.
“… Where're the stairs?”
Right now, I think I finally realized why I’m not getting fat despite being
an otaku. However, I guess I’m just overthinking this. After all, I’m a normie
king. …This is the 8th floor, but the lobby is on the 1st floor. Yep, I just need
to walk down. It’s okay, there’s no problem, I’m absolutely okay. I feel like
the lights on the stairs keep blinking. Of course, there’s no one around.
Honestly, this is super scary, but it’s fine.
“I got a bunch of time, anyway…”
I mumbled pathetically to myself as I slowly walked down the stairs. Just
as I’m unlocking the screen of my phone to lighten up the mood, the group
chat window that I used appeared.
<Me: Is anyone free right now? I’m having a hard time staying inside my
<Tasuku Uehara: Sorry, Amano. I’m playing poker in the room, can’t go
with you now.>
<Karen Tendou: I’m sorry, Amano-kun. The girl in the same room as me is
discussing some serious relationship issues right now…>
<Chiaki Hoshinomori: I’m going to the bath now…>

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<Aguri: Ha, the lonely and discussing otaku is rejected by everyone. How
poor of you!>
I’m even more depressed. Since I don’t really invite people on my own
that often, my heart turns cold when I mustered my courage to talk to
someone, and all of them rejected me. I really want to cry. I really want to
die. I really want to drag Aguri-san into hell with me.
I put my phone into the pocket as I walked down the stairs quietly.
…Although I guess everyone knew it at this point already, this is how I
went through my first day of the school trip.
The seats in the buses are arranged in groups as well. So, I didn’t even get
to talk to Uehara-kun, not to mention Tendou-san. As for the 5 people in
Kaburagi’s group (excluding me), I think they switched to “treating me as
entertainment” mode. Their mischievous waves of laughter lasted for hours.
Recently, I entirely believed that I’m a normie. However, once I took a
step out of the Game Hobby Club, I immediately became a loner again.
Uehara-kun and Tendou-san, who can basically strike up a conversation with
anyone, is way out of my league.
“However, …I put a lot of effort in my own ways too…”
Actually, around a week before the trip, I tried to look for opportunities
and muster up my remaining courage to try to talk to Kaburagi’s group. …It
ended badly.
Perhaps it’s because I’m acting like a servant, right now, they utterly
despised my dignity as a man. They gave me an even more explicit attitude.
I’m falling deeper and deeper into this abyss.
I deeply sighed as I passed through the stairs between the 3rd and 4th floor.
“…Sigh, …I really…”
Should I say I didn’t improve, how should I put it? In the end, I still don’t
understand what did I do wrong, nor how I should self-improve. This is the
lethal part.
For example, right now, …should I just try my best and get closer to
Kaburagi-san’s group in my room? Should I just wait and take the elevator
calmly? …I don’t get it. What would Uehara-kun or Tendou-san do…

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“…For some reason, even though I can’t think of a real solution. I
remembered the two conquering these obstacles with ease…”
Crap, I’m getting even more depressed. Although I, a guy that can’t
befriend anyone in high school, have started worrying over the school trip
since year 1, this is way closer to hell than I’ve imagined. I wouldn’t have
come if I knew it-
-Just as I’m about to regret my decision, I slapped myself on the face.
“What am I talking about? I’m enjoying the last day with Tendou-san, and
then I’ll give her the present that I worked my butt off to buy it. For this goal,
everything so far is nothing.”
Moreover, it’s not like someone violently beat me up. Really, I can’t be
that weak.
I cheered myself up and walked towards the lobby calmly, so-
“Look, that guy came to the lobby as well. Yeah, I won.”
“Seriously, Kaburagi won again, damn.”
-My groupmates, who seem to have taken the elevator first, laughed as
soon as they saw me. At this moment, …I’m finally breaking down.
I don’t know whether it’s anger or frustration, even I knew that my face is
flaring up right now. However, that’s why I’m all the more unwilling to
admit defeat. I want to stop my face from blushing but to no avail.
I stopped embarrassingly and started trembling. By all means, I don’t even
know what I should do anymore. I feel like there’s nowhere in the world that
I can go to.
(This is…too ridiculous…)
Come to think of it, my brain knows it’s not that ridiculous. However, …
my heart can’t cheer up right away. My heart is unwilling to cheer up.
I really don’t want them to see my “depressed” side. As a gamer, and as a
casual player, I’m not going to provide that sort of terrible entertainment even
if it meant my life. I’m really determined. But…
Currently, I can’t even find something I can rely on to get up once again.

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I…I can’t help it, …just as I’m about to give up and plop my head down
directly to them-
-At this moment, suddenly, someone called me.
I was alerted and quickly raised my face. Then, right there…
“Y-Yes, …phew.”
It’s Chiaki, she seems to be still catching her breath for some reason. I fell
speechless. Then, Chiaki smiled embarrassingly and quickly explained.
“Uh, well, it’s because I’m hastily changing my clothes to come out. …Ah,
no, it’s not like that, well, I was at the bath! But I saw your message just as
I’m taking off my clothes. …Wait, forget about that, pretending you didn’t
hear anything about me undressing!”
Chiaki seems to be explaining to herself, and she seems to be freaking out
too. …This girl is still just as bad as talking to people as I do.
Looking at her, I immediately felt...all my helplessness disappeared in a
I think…there’s somewhere for me to go in this world. It’s cramped, but
it’s very warm.
Once I snapped out of it, Kaburagi-san’s group seems to be looking at us
with a jealous look. …To Chiaki, …I don’t feel right about this atmosphere. I
can’t take it anymore if Chiaki got targeted as well.
Finally, my brain is working again. So, I urged Chiaki to walk to the stairs.
“Well, let’s go upstairs, Chiaki.”
“Eh, we’re going up?”
“I remembered it now, there’s a rest area with some vending machines on
the 3rd floor. There are no tourists around, perhaps it’s a good idea.”
“Ah, really. I got it, please go there.”
“Okay, …drinks on me, as thanks.”
“Hmm? Even though I don’t know why you’re thanking me, but I’ll gladly
take it this time. Yeah!”
Chiaki followed me on the stairs with a cheerful look.

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As for me, …I looked away from her and turned forward. Then, I quietly,
…really quietly so that she can’t hear it, and mumbled.
“…Thank you so much.”
“Ah, it’s nothing, no sweat.”
“H-How did you hear it!”
“Ehhhhh! Why are you mad at me!”
Chiaki was suddenly scolded by me, so she freaked out and nearly cried.

“Yeah, yeah! That’s it! The 4-star game ratings are really the most reliable
and should be referenced!”
“Exactly! Uh, although 5-star and 1-star ratings are just exaggerations.
Especially when I’m hesitating whether I should buy It or not, sometimes I
really have to thank 5 stars and 1 star for that final push!”
“Yes, yes!”
“However, from what I’ve remembered, I think only 2-star to 4-star ratings
can balance out between the pros and cons of the game!”
5 minutes after we met up, a boy and a girl are chatting with each other
energetically in the vending machine area of the 3rd floor.
Chiaki leaned forward excitedly after hearing what I said as if she’s like, “I
agree too.”
“Yeah, yeah! Ay, on the other hand, I’m deeply resonating when there are
5-star ratings for a famous game. Also, I feel good when I give a 1-star rating
to a trash game too!”
At the same time, I nodded vigorously at what she said.
“Yes, yes! Sometimes, when I’m playing a truly crappy game, although I’ll
feel it’s way too harsh for a 1-star, I feel saved at the same time. For example,
…ah, luckily, I wasn’t the only person that feels that kind of annoyance and
“Agreed! Also, I like those ratings that list out the bad points while saying,
“5-star, because I’m super impressed!” It’s really reassuring to read them!”

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“I get it! Even though some ratings lack fairness, I still feel like there’s no
problem with that! However, by all means, it’s just based on personal
At this moment, the two otakus are finally willing to pause the exciting
I’m drinking the soda that I didn’t see at home (which tastes just the same)
as I looked around.
The quiet rest area on the 3rd floor. A simple space with 4 vending
machines, a trash can, and two sets of double seats.
However, it seems that no tourists are renting the rooms on this floor
today. It’s tranquil. Aside from that, there’s a bit of distance between the rest
area and the stairs, so Otobuki students wouldn’t come. I guess this is an
excellent place to kill time. But…
Even so, due to the incident just then, I fear that Kaburagi-san’s group will
come and look for us. So, I’m a bit worried.
I guess Chiaki wanted to draw my attention, so she tried to speak
sarcastically to irritate me.
“You’re poor, unlike me, who got in the same group as Tendou-san.”
“Ughhh, …you detestable seaweed!”
The bean sprout that can’t be in the sunlight, how miserable.”
Chiaki chuckled before taking a sip of her soda. …Although she’s usually
my irritable rival, for today, I feel like I’m saved by her from the bottom of
my heart.
I can’t but smile, Chiaki replied excitedly.
“That’s great, Keita. You’re still yourself.”
“What are you talking about?”
“What am I talking about.”
After Chiaki smiled bitterly, she carefully put the soda can on the table
with both of her hands. …She looks way different in a yukata compared to
me. It looks adorable on her. Perhaps it’s because of her figures. Even though
I don’t want to admit this, …in reality, this girl is beautiful.

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…I still feel like I couldn’t calm down, so I can’t help but look away from
“However, …why can’t we find a chance to talk to Tendou-san recently?
There’s a lot of chance for the two of us to talk like this.”
Chiaki agreed and continued helplessly.
“…Like right now, I’m the same group as Tendou-san, so I really want to
clear it up as soon as possible. I feel like I’m doing something bad with you,
…even though we’re completely friends currently.”
Chiaki smiled after finishing that. …It looks like she’s not forcing her
smile, and it made me press my chest in relief.
(O-Of course. There’s no way for her to still love a guy that brutally
rejected her just then. Really, I’m being way too self-conscious now…)
Perhaps I’m the guy that’s viewing Chiaki as a girl somehow. I’m way too
girly. I need to reflect on myself.
This time, I looked at Chiaki directly and started chatting with her.
“By the way, Chiaki, do you play Pokemon?”
Chiaki’s eyes brightened at my question as she leaned forward to me again.
“Yeah! Of course! Keita, Keita, you play Pokemon too!”
“Of course! Eh, how’s your progress right now?”
“Well, …ah, …since I’ve been creating games recently, so I didn’t
progress a lot. …All of my team members are at around Lv.30…”
“Eh, really! Me too, me too. Just the same as you!”
Usually, I would’ve played a lot more, but because I was working. So, my
progress coincidentally matched with Chiaki’s.
Chiaki suggested to me in excitement.

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“Well, well, now’s a good time for a battle, let’s battle!”
“I was thinking just the same thing! I was looking for a suitable opponent!”
“Me too, me too! Hiya, it’s best when there’s a friend, indeed!”
When I’m looking at Chiaki’s hazeless smile as she’s talking lovingly,
surprisingly, I will also feel blessed and satisfied too.
Chiaki seems to can’t hold it anymore and stood up. Then, she smiled and
suggested it to me.
“Well, I’m grabbing my console now. Let’s play-“
-Just as she’s about to finish that sentence.
“G-Good evening, Amano-kun…and Chiaki-san.”
A blonde beauty that’s a bit nervous…my girlfriend, who’s wearing a
yukata, came and talked to us.
We immediately stopped chatting. At the same time, we answered Tendou-
san nervously in unison. “G-Good evening.” …For some reason, even though
we didn’t do anything wrong, we feel like we’re being interrogated.
An awkward silence fell between us three. …During this time, I suddenly
(Eh, isn’t this the best time for us to explain the confession?)
We’re the only three here, there’s no one around. This situation allows us
to talk in peace.
I think Tendou-san and Chiaki realized this as well. That’s why we’re all
nervous for some reason.
Everyone is still unwilling to speak up. …I have to be determined here.
After making up my mind, I’m finally going to mention “that thing.” I took
a deep breath.
“…W-Well, Tendou-san! There’s something that Chiaki and I-“
For a moment, Tendou-san’s face is filled with anxiety. But, even so, we
have to talk about this sooner or later, so I mustered up my courage-
“Ah, …w-well, it’s time for me to take a bath!”

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-Just as Tendou-san and I mentally prepared ourselves, Chiaki was the one
that avoided it.
I fell speechless. Then, Chiaki got near me and whispered.
(Keita, this is a rare chance for you to talk to Tendou-san alone on the trip!
Please take the chance while it lasts!)
(Eh? But Chiaki, if we don’t explain it now, I don’t feel comfortable
during the trip…)
(That’s just something trivial! Yes, I will never destroy the chance for my
friend and his girlfriend to create good memories just to talk about those
Chiaki suggested this to me with a warm smile, …this girl is really…
As for me, …although I was perplexed for a second, I still decided to
accept her favor.
“Uh, well, Chiaki, I’ll battle you next time.”
I waved at her. Tendou-san is still hesitating. “Eh, well…” Chiaki waved at
me before quickly leaving.
“Yes, please! Well, well, Karen-san, take your time chatting!”
Chiaki quickly left the corridor. I looked at her back before urging Tendou-
san to sit down.
“Ah, take a seat, Tendou-san.”
“Eh? Ah, okay, well…”
Tendou-san nervously took a seat at where Chiaki was. She’s still a bit
confused, so I tried my best to be cheerful.
“Uh, thank you, Tendou-san. You came here because you’re worried about
me, right?”
“Eh? Ah, y-yes. However, well, I can’t leave the room for a while,
Tendou-san plopped her head down deflatedly. …Ah, Tendou-san showing
a melancholic look in a yukata, she’s stunning. It’s like a movie. Phew…
Wait, this is wrong. I have to smooth things over! I quickly shook my head
and waved.
“No, no, no, that’s not true! I’m the one that shouldn’t say all those

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depressing things!”
“That’s obviously not…”
“Moreover, it’s like what you just saw, Chiaki was there for me!”
“Really. …Chiaki-san…is faster than anyone…”
F-For some reason, the more I tried to comfort her, the more depressed
Tendou-san is. What should I even do…
I scratched the back of my head, …and then I squeezed one of my few
topics for chatting left.
“T-Tendou-san, you play Pokemon?”
I sincerely hate that I can still only talk about gaming in this situation.
However, that’s who I am, so I can’t help it.
As for Tendou-san, …she shook her head.
“No, I’ve never played it.”
What’s wrong with me? I ended the topic just because the person didn’t
play the same game as me. Am I an idiot? That’s why I can’t get a friend.
That’s what I deserved.
During this time, Tendou-san seems to have realized that I’m having a hard
time, so she started talking about Pokemon.
“Uh, is the latest title in the series fun?”
“Eh? Ah, yes! It’s enjoyable! I’m having fun even if I’m playing alone!”
“Really? But Amano-kun, won’t you battle the others?”
“Yep, I can’t find a good opponent…and I don’t have any friends at all…”
Crap, this is embarrassing. Tendou-san is worrying over me once again.
Just as I’m sweating while trying to think of something, …Tendou-san
suddenly clapped her hands and gave me a bright smile.
“W-Well, then I’ll give Pokemon a try-“

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However, at this moment, I finally remembered the promise I made with
Chiaki. To prevent Tendou-san from worrying over me, I smiled and
“Ah, but! Chiaki seems to be willing to battle me! The most miraculous
part is that she has the same progress as me! Hiya, that’s precious! This is
really precious!”
At this moment, …Tendou-san’s eyes lost all energy.
“Really, …Chiaki-san will play with you, …I see…”
“Y-Yes! Tendou-san, so you don’t need to worry about me! I’m okay!”
“Haha, …r-really…”
Eh? T-This is weird. Tendou-san’s looking away from me. Why? Is she
getting dumbfoundedly at how incapable her boyfriend is? Or is it I didn’t
comfort her enough…
The conversation paused again. Only the sounds from the operating
vending machines are echoing throughout the place.
…Strange. Staying alone with my beautiful girl at night on the school trip,
…isn’t this literally the normiest scene possible?
However, what is this dense atmosphere that feels like the intro of a horror
Tendou-san suddenly laughed on her own.
“…I saw it from afar. …You and Chiaki-san seemed to be having a good
time just then…”
What? I feel way worse than when I’m in the same room as Kaburagi-san
and his friends.
I managed to keep a smile on my face and told her.
“T-Tendou-san, I’m a million times happier when I’m alone with you right

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Tendou-san suddenly gave me a mischievous smile. Honestly, it feels
super creepy and freaked me out.
During this time, Tendou-san quickly tried to smooth things over.
“N-No, everything’s fine. I get it. From the conversation, you’re just
saying that to compliment me. I understand that I should have a more
depressed reaction. However, …I don’t want to.”
She clenched her fist tightly at this point.
“I, Karen Tendou, …even if I deeply understand that it’s just compliment,
there’s no way for me to not feel happy when you praised meeeee!
“Uwah…? T-Tendou-san, what’s wrong! Why are you crying!”
“Even if my brain rejected it, my body still feels excited! Amano-kun…”
“Eh, why are you saying this in public! Are you okay!”
I’m insanely worried right now. However, Tendou-san tried her best and
told me this with tears forming in her eyes.
“I still really love you…”
“M-Me too! Wait, no, no, no, no, what is this! What do you mean by
‘still’! I strongly feel that I’m disappointing you!”
“You’re wrong. I’ll never be disappointed at you. It’s just that I…”
After I asked her again, Tendou-san seems to be pondering something for a
second. Then, ...she suddenly took out a tissue paper from nowhere and
wiped her tears and snivel. Then, she finally returned to normal and answered
with a smile.
“No, it’s nothing. Please don’t mind it, Amano-kun.”
Suddenly, I feel like I’m suddenly distanced away from her. For some
reason, this reminds me of the Tendou-san that I just knew. Even though
she’s gentle to everyone, …I feel like our hearts aren’t sincerely connected.

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Just as I’m being swept by waves of insecurities, Tendou-san returned to
normal already and changed the topic.
“Please listen to me, Amano-kun. Today, Chiaki-san, …haha, it’s funny.
We went to the playground for a bit when we’re in groups-“
After that, Tendou-san talked about what happened to her today cheerfully.
I can only answer with a smile…
So, the first day of the school trip ended with a bunch of insecurities.
Tasuku Uehara
The second day is a class tour around Kyoto, so there’s really nothing
worth talking about.
Taking a bus to tour around the temples and pagodas, I barely listened to
the guide’s explanation. Then, I saw the major landmarks with my friends,
sometimes taking photos and emptying my brain as I walked.
We can chat, after all. So, it’s more interesting than school. However, I’m
suspecting whether this is way better than the daily joyful moments I have.
“I didn’t expect this to be quite plain, the school trip.”
Masaya stayed next to me as he said that. This is a really emotionless
thought, but he’s right.
For us, we just feel this because our group is just the same friends in
school. If the usual members act together like always, it’s just our daily lives,
even when the place is different. The worst part is that we’re not interested in
temples and pagodas.
However, despite my look, sometimes, I’ll be attracted to Kyoto’s view as
well. In moments like that, I can’t help but feel… “Ah, I really want to see
this with Aguri.” Of course, I don’t want Masaya to laugh at me, so I didn’t
put up such an attitude.
However, in this world, someone is innocent enough to say their thoughts
out loud directly, not to mention the emotion or attitude.
“Ah, I really want to see this with Tendou-san.”
A lonely boy is watching a buddha statue’s reflection on the Kyoto-chi
Pond near the Kinkaku-ji. He’s mumbling intoxicatedly.
I realized a friend of mine is already left behind his groupmates, so I
helplessly sighed as I tried to strike up a conversation.

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“Hey, Lonely.”
“What kind of straightforward and pathetic nickname is that. Stop it,
The lonely boy gave me a powerless look. After I confirmed that
Kaburagi’s group is still off the distance, I stood next to Amano, and we
watched the golden structures together.
“Having a girlfriend and yet you two are in different places, does it feel
lonelier than just being alone, Amano?”
“What kind of normie theory is that. …Perhaps the past Amano will say it,
but I guess you’re right, maybe.”
Amano looked at the scenery hopelessly and depressingly. His situation is
that he doesn’t even have a friend in the class, the level of loneliness is
outstanding at this point. Actually, all I need to do is just hang out with him
more, but I’m not on good terms with Kaburagi’s group. If I stick close to
Amano to counter them, it’ll just make Amano uncomfortable when we’re
separated into groups. This is what I want to avoid.
The best I could do is to talk to Amano when we’re in a class activity like
Suddenly, Amano took a good look at my face and sighed.
“…Sigh, Uehara-kun is really like Romeo, after all…”
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
“But Romeo always complicated the misunderstandings, and then he died.
You’re just the same…”
“Hey, you still got the nerve to insult your only friend right now.”
I pretended to grab Amano’s shirt. He smiled and said, “I’m sorry.”
Then, even though it’s just a simple explanation, he confessed that there’s
seem to be a distance and disparity between him and Tendou. He’s pretty
upset with it.
I started looking at the golden buildings and gave him a bitter smile.
“Well, when it comes to whether people match her or not, most men in this
world can’t do anything about it. You’ll just get upset if you care too much
about it.”
“You’re right. From my perspective, …I also feel like it’s fair to

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disappoint others. However…”
Amano mumbled as he looked up to the slightly clouded sky.
“If I was the one that stained Tendou-san’s smile, I can never forgive
“…What’s wrong?”
He’s not a confident person, but I feel this situation is more complicated
than it sounds.
After I asked, Amano let out a complicated “Ugh…” mumble.
“Instead of saying anything specific happened, it’s more like this
accumulated over time. For example, I really can’t get over Tendou-san’s
attitude. Also, …Kaburagi-san and his friends are more-“
Just as Amano is about to finish that, he suddenly looked behind me and
I thought whether something’s wrong and turned back, then I realized…
Unexpectedly, Kaburagi is already coming up to us with a mischievous
smile. His 4 groupmates are right behind him.
“B-Bye, Uehara-kun.”
Amano hastily left me and planned to group up with Kaburagi. However,
Kaburagi ignored Amano completely. Instead, he came up to me and smiled,
pretending that he’s my friend.
‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt while you guys are having fun,
Kaburagi usually calls me “Uehara” directly, yet he’s imitating Amano and
add a “-kun.” The 4 groupmates behind him are snickering quietly. …I bet
he’s joking with the friendship I have with Amano. It’s okay for Masaya to
joke with me, but I don’t know these guys, and they still tried to mock me.
It’s really pissing me off.
However, it’ll bring nothing but trouble to Amano if I start a fight here. So,
I explicitly…didn’t react and ignored Kaburagi, paying my full attention to
the elegant Kinkaku-ji.
Kaburagi’s disappointed at my reaction. Typically, we’ll dismiss and

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return to our own circles. …Except for today, Kaburagi seems to be braver
than usual.
It’s not just Amano. I guess he wanted to piss me off before going back
too. So, he added one more insult…that’s wholly unnecessary and cheap.
“Uehara-kun, help me say hi to your brainless and indecent girlfriend as
For a moment, I was so pissed off that he’s about to receive a punch to the
face. However, my calm side immediately stopped me.
(The school trip will be in ruins if I did that.)
If I start a fight here, …it’ll be awkward for my groupmates…and my
friends. I barely made a decision here and quenched my anger, so I decided to
just insult Kaburagi back. Anyway, I turned to him- During this time, I
finally realized-
Amano is already…the lonely and weak Keita Amano, is already grabbing
Kaburagi by his collar.
Including Kaburagi’s groupmates and me, …they don’t understand what’s
happening, not to mention Kaburagi himself. All of us are observing this,
Then, …the first one to speak up is Kaburagi.
He’s still trying to laugh it off while seeking acknowledgment from his
friends, instead of talking to Amano directly.
“Wow, mad teenagers are super scary. Are you getting sick from playing
too many video games? What a pain-“
“Shut your damn mouth.”
Amano interrupted him viciously with an unprecedently deep voice.
Kaburagi immediately fell silent. His groupmates are holding their breaths.
…Amano’s eyes are entirely locked on him, no one knows what’ll he do
next. What an unusual and tense atmosphere.
Luckily, there’s no tourist around at this time. …This may spiral out of
control quickly. In reality, another group of people is already approaching us
from behind.

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Perhaps Kaburagi feels hopeful with that, so he tried to get his hippy smile
out again. …However, after he looked at Amano’s eyes again, his face
immediately froze. It’s hard to blame him, after all…
-That was our first time to see someone going mad this completely.
That was entirely different than when he’s angry at me. He’s going insane
at this point.
It’s not about whether he’s good at fighting already. I can feel Amano is so
determined that…he’ll bit his opponent viciously even if only his head
remains. …It’s incredibly terrifying.
Amano is grabbing Kaburagi’s collar even more tightly.
Kaburagi’s completely frightened at this point. This is…not just a small-
scale conflict or argument anymore.
At this moment, I finally realized and interrupted them.
“Hey, A-Amano, stop it!”
I loudly dissuaded him, and it made Amano snap out of it. His arms
immediately gave up as Kaburagi escaped.
Kaburagi returned to his groupmates as he’s choking and coughing loudly,
…his face turned red out of embarrassment and anger. He glared at us
fiercely before running away, and his friends quickly followed behind him. I
can see that they’re just as frightened as Kaburagi does.
I look at Kaburagi’s group leaving dazedly. Suddenly, Amano looked back
and said, “Eh.”
I immediately freaked out, and my whole body turned stiff. However…

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“Uh, well, let me ask you this…”
If I had to describe Amano’s expression, -in a sense, it fits his usual style,
and it’s actually quite embarrassing. His eyes are full of tears of regret.
He pointed at the direction where his groupmates just left as he tremblingly
“Do you think…I-I can still get my…happy…school trip back?”
I shook my head silently. Then, I patted his head slightly.
“Give up. It was already a total game over just then.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me…”
The lonely gamer’s momentum disappeared right away as he sighed
deflatedly with his head down.
I gave Amano a dumbfounded look. He then mumbled frustratedly.
“Damn, it’s all Aguri-san’s fault. …That stinky ass gal…”
“Hey, hey, hey, you’re cursing her?”
“It’s okay for me to curse her.”
“Haha, who are you to Aguri. …Alright, it’s time for us to go, Amano.”
I pushed Amano’s back and urged him to step forward as I laughed it off.
However, on the other hand…
“…Seriously, who are you. …No, who am I to Aguri…”
I can’t help but frown as wave after wave of bitter regret swept through my

In the end, Amano still can’t merge with his group on the 2nd day. …It’s
not just that. The decisive barrier is already here, and the sightseeing seems to
be over. However, he doesn’t seem upset to the point that I have to worry
about. …I was confused, so I took the chance to sit next to Amano on the bus
going back to the hotel. I asked him why he doesn’t mind. Then, he answered
with a shocked look.
“It’s because I don’t really regret it. It’s different than why I got on the

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wrong train yesterday. Even though I feel like ‘I messed up’ today, but I’ll
never hope for a ‘restart.’ This is unbelievable. …Ah, but I guess that’s what
a psycho thinks, right?”
I can’t bring myself to face Amano, …while he’s saying all that with a
bitter smile.
“Sigh! Damn, why can’t I…”
I keep scratching my head to try and vent out the frustration. The girls that
came to the guys’ room to play was slightly startled.
“What’s wrong, Tasuku? Feeling lonely for not seeing your girlfriend?”
Masaya said this jokingly. This guy’s casual attitude is really precious in
times like this.
I laughed and said, “shut up” before standing up from the cushion.
“Well, I’m taking a bath.”
“Okay, take your time.”
The hotel on the 2nd day is different than yesterday, which is just a straight
public bathhouse with a huge tub. Although the onsen seems to be man-
made, it still got a vast open-air bathhouse. I’ve heard that there are towels
and showering kits provided. So, after I put on the yukata, I left the room
with my phone and wallet only.
I slowly walked on the corridor made of wooden floor that produces noises
when you step on it. It seems that our school is the only one renting the hotel
today. I can hear my classmate’s shouts everywhere. …Although I’m part of
the school trip as well, I don’t like these noises when I’m thinking about
I picked the shortest route to the bathhouse and just walked casually in a
direction with fewer people. During this time, I suddenly realized that I can
call Aguri to chat with me here. However, I’m still regretting the incident on
the day. So, I don’t feel like meeting her right now.
Even so, …I’ll accept it if she invited me. …I carried this pathetic thought
as I wandered around the corridor while holding my smartphone- During this
“Ouch.” “Sorry!”
Just as I’m about to make a turn, I accidentally bumped into someone. I

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didn’t consider this since there’s not a lot of people here.
I apologized and tried to walk on the side. …At this moment, I noticed the
person’s signature bright blonde hair that’s impossible to unsee.
“Ah, Uehara-kun, it’s you?”
The blonde girl sighed in relief. I was a bit irritated and complained to her.
“What’s that reaction? I feel like you’re feeling upset for immediately
“Amazing. It looks like you really understand how a girl thinks.”
“Oh, you can rely on me if you want to know about a girl’s heart, …or
The pointless conversation replaced our greetings. I rubbed the back of my
neck and said, “Then?” and urged Tendou to speak up.
“Can I ask why is our school idol, who’s being chased all the time,
strolling depressingly around a corridor which no one goes through on a
school trip?”
“Hey, hey, that’s my line, Uehara-kun, who’s famous for being smooth and
We glared at each other fiercely for a while. Then-
-Both sighed deeply at the same time.
We leaned on the wall of the corridor directly and started exchanging
“So, Ms. Tendou, how’re you doing on the trip?”
“So-so, …negatively. How about you, Mr. Uehara?”
“So-so, …negatively.”
We sighed again. Tendou put her finger on her forehead as if she’s trying
to suppress the headache.
“Couples separated in different classes is indeed a big problem.”
“Yeah, there’s virtually no time for us to have time alone. Although
there’re ways for us to squeeze some time out…”
After I said that, my groupmates’ faces flashed in my mind. …When I’m
having fun with those guys, I don’t think I can excuse myself and leave just

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because I want to see my girlfriend. I guess Tendou’s more or less the same.
It’s not accurate to say there’s no way for the couples to meet. However,
it’s indeed hard for us to see each other directly.
Tendou mumbled.
“…I’m so useless, even Chiaki-san acted immediately…”
I don’t understand what’s she saying and tilted my head. But Tendou
doesn’t want to explain it.
She looked up to the roof of the corridor and mumbled to herself.
“Love, what even is it…”
“Hey, hey, hey, that line is straight out of a fairy tale.”
I gave her a bitter smile. Then, Tendou cleared her throat embarrassingly
with a blush on her face.
“This isn’t funny. Please think about it. Right now, when you consider the
way that Amano-kun and I have interacted with each other, …which action
sets us apart from friends?”
“Do I even need to say it, you…”
To her question, I can’t help but blush before looking away and answer.
“A-Aren’t you two…going to kiss or do something even more in the
Upon hearing my answer, Tendou’s face flared up even harder than I do.
She’s pissed.
“What a shallow way of thinking! That’s what a flirty boy looks like!”
“Eh! Didn’t you say something similar to Amano in the past! Like that
time, you said that you want to take the relationship to the next level…”
“T-That’s not related! Moreover, actually, Amano-kun and I…have never
done anything like that before!”
“Is that something you should be proud of?”
“I-I’m really envious of you. Your morals are flimsy!”
“Shut up, Tendou! I…I haven’t done anything with my girlfriend either!”

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The argument immediately stopped. We dropped our shoulders deflatedly
before speaking up helplessly.
“Tendou, …let’s stop this kind of pointless mutual attacks…”
“You’re right, …I’m sorry…”
I think we ended up in a frustrating situation every time we met. What is
this? Why are things also going south whenever I’m talking to Tendou?
Tendou continued. “Actually-“ I guess she wanted to lead the discussion.
“If we eliminate all those kinds of direct actions, …how should a couple
prove to everyone that they’re really dating?”
“It’s hard to say. …For example, how long the relationship is, whether you
two are on good terms, does the couple match each other, …like those?”
“…If those are real standards, I’m not confident in myself…”
I can’t help but feel a tinge of pain in my heart after hearing Tendou.
Indeed, …when compared to Hoshinomori and Aguri, the girls that are the
closest to Amano, I really don’t think Tendou can stand out in those
categories. I-It’s not just Tendou. I’m the same. No matter how you think
about it, right now, the closest person to Aguri, …the person that’s the most
connected to her, should be…
After I fell silent, Tendou slowly brought out her smartphone. Just as I’m
looking at her, she scrolled on the screen and said something unexpected.”
“…Why don’t we ask Konoha-san too?”
I was surprised at the sudden and mysterious choice. Tendou answered
with a smile.
“In a way, isn’t she the most energetic person among us? So, I think she
might have an unexpected clear answer for this kind of questions.”
“I get it. I guess it makes sense. …However, are you two that close
“Instead of saying we’re close, …Konoha-san comforted my worries down
in the past. I got a unilateral good impression on her from that on. We would
text each other sometimes, …sigh, even though she’s replying quite rashly.”

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“Replying rashly?”
“Yes. …Look, it’s like this.”
Tendou showed me her phone with a bitter smile after saying that.
The screen showed the message history between them.
<Me: Konoha-san, what do you think love is?>
<Konoha-san: What, did you hit your head on the trip? You’re really
It’s really rash. Uh, …honestly, I deeply understand how Konoha-san
feels. I feel like Tendou’s way of chatting is indeed annoying, and only a
hipster will talk to people like that. That interaction is a good example.
However, I think Tendou liked Konoha-san’s response too. She chuckled
happily and typed the same question again.
<Me: Seriously, Konoha-san, how would you define love?>
The tone is very annoying. What does she want? I will never befriend a girl
like that.
Honestly, I thought she wouldn’t reply again. …Unexpectedly, the answer
came around 10 seconds later. Tendou’s smartphone vibrated.
Tendou unlocked the screen as I peeked. The answer is…
<Konoha Hoshinomori: Sex.>
This girl is super straightforward. Tendou and I were shocked. …I-I didn’t
know Konoha-san is a girl like this before? Is she showing her real side
because Tendou is really annoying?
We fell into a mood that’s hard to describe. …To be frank, this feels really
awkward. I wanted to leave, so I added a “well” as I stood up from the wall
behind. However, at this moment, Tendou’s phone vibrated again.
I bet Konoha-san randomly thought of something to cover it up. While I’m
still dragging my feet, I requested Tendou to let me see her phone again.
In the end, we received a surprising message from her. …It’s something
unexpectedly sincere.
<Konoha Hoshinomori: Until recently, I’m quite confident that love is just
sex. However, I fell into some complicated troubles a while ago, so perhaps

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it’s not just that.>
Her words made us look at each other for a second. …After that, Tendou
typed her response.
<Me: Konoha-san, then what do you think now?>
Tendou sent her message out, yet the response isn’t coming. Even so, I
stayed, and Tendou kept staring at her phone.
So, …around a minute later, Tendou’s phone vibrated.
We confirmed the screen quite nervously. …The screen showed Konoha-
san’s honest and straightforward answer that she genuinely believed in.
<Konoha Hoshinomori: I think love doesn’t just surpass rationality. It’s a
wave of stupidity and enthusiasm that easily overwhelm even desires.>
Her answer made us fell speechless. …I don’t understand how Tendou
feels, but, at least for me, …what she said…deeply stabbed into my chest. I
can’t help but look away from the screen immediately due to the pain.
(If…if that’s the case, …the person that embodies that kind of stupidity
and enthusiasm the most is…)
Crap, my chest is overwhelmed in pain. I just said “bye” to Tendou before
leaving quickly, not even bothering to hear her response.
So, just as I’m about to make a turn, I looked back and glanced at
She’s still staring at the screen of her phone.
Like a ghost standing alone on a desolate corridor.
Karen Tendou
I finally got a hold of myself after I sank my shoulders into the bath of the
open-air onsen.
Upon bidding farewell to Uehara-kun, I stood on the corridor for a while
alone. Although Kyoto is in Kansai, the wooden floor still feels cold. To
avoid other people, I came to the corner of the onsen after arriving at the

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At the edge of the spacious bath, I hid behind some rocks to enjoy the hot
water. Then…
“Wow! This is way bigger than I’ve imagined!”
I can hear girls talking near the entrance of the bath. So, I hid even deeper
to avoid being seen by them.
I already gave up on dealing with the attention that my hair and look get.
Even so, it’s still embarrassing for someone to stare at my naked body.
Just as I’m trying my best to disappear from everyone and remain silent, I
suddenly remembered Amano-kun.
(Right, …he mentioned that he’s not really getting along with the rest of
his classmates…)
Honestly, I don’t get what’s he saying since I’ve always lived in the
After I’ve experienced such a vulnerable and defenseless state, I think I
can slightly understand the helplessness he talked about.
(Really, you really hate being seen when you’re not confident in
It’s like people staring at my face when my bangs weren’t behaving. From
Amano-kun’s perspective, perhaps that’s everything in school for him.
Amano-kun is a very attractive person in my eyes. However, I can
guarantee that he doesn’t think of himself in the same way. That’s why he…
At this point, I can’t help but splash hot water onto my face.
(I’ve never thought about this before…)
Come to think of it, I’ve always cared for myself only. When I wish to
know what’s on Amano-kun’s mind, all I wanted to know is how he thinks
about me.
I’ve rarely pondered Amano-kun’s troubles or frustrations.
(However, Hoshinomori-san and Aguri-san must have…)
Suddenly, I remembered when his little brother gave me a despising look.
Why would a brocon like him give me such a low rating? I think…I can
slightly understand now.

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I’m getting weaker and weaker. …I’ve always been like this. Once it
involves Amano-kun, I’ll totally lose my cool. I can’t maintain my
confidence and pride to my own abilities, the Karen Tendou that’s upright
and straightforward. Where is he looking, what is he thinking, what does he
think about me. I really mind them.
I clenched my fist tightly in front of my chest. I feel really guilty. I feel
totally different than the love theory that Konoha-san proposed. I…I
At this moment, I noticed someone is approaching here. The person is
pushing away the hot water as she walks.
I quickly wiped the tears on the corner of my eyes and calmed myself
down. Then, I pretended to be the usual “Karen Tendou” and waited for the
person to show up.
Then, a couple seconds passed.
Perhaps she didn’t expect someone to be in this corner, so she let out a
gasp in surprise.
I smiled politely at her.
“Ah, sorry for scaring you-“
The girl spoke up confusingly to me, so I observed her again. A white,
charming skin that’s slightly reddish, a good figure that can’t be hidden with
a small towel, …and a beautiful face along with her signature hair-
I answered in shock. She quickly nodded, and it’s clear that she’s a bit
“Ah, yes, it’s me. …Well, …w-what a coincidence. C-Can I sit next to
“Eh? Sure, of course, help yourself.”

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I moved a bit aside as I said that. As for Chiaki-san, she folded her towel
as she slowly sank into the pool. Then, she squinted and let out a relaxed
“phew” noise. …How adorable.
I asked the little animal type girl, who’s chilling relaxedly.
“By the way, why are you coming to a corner like this…”
“…You’re asking this? Are you asking a loner that?”
“…I’m really sorry.”
“Hey, I’m the one that wants to ask why a person like you is here, that
freaked me out. It’s like opening the treasure chest at the start of the maze
and ending up in a final boss fight.”
“That wouldn’t just freak you out, right. Usually, people will think there’s
a bug.”
“Eh, Karen-san, you got a bug in you?”
“That’s really impolite. I’m just here to avoid others.”
“I get it. Beautiful girls attract attention, after all.”
Chiaki-san gave me a reveled look as she expressed her thoughts like it has
nothing to do with her. …Didn’t she know a lot of girls are envious of her
figure too?
Since there’s nothing to talk about now, I can’t help but stare at the night
sky. While the stars are sparkling from the hot steam, it’s far from pleasing to
the eye.
(In comparison, …when I’m climbing the stairs to Starry Plaza, that night
sky I saw from the middle of the hill seems to be even more beautiful…)
Right away, I remembered the things that happened on that night and
snapped out of it. I can’t help but look to the side, and I realized Chiaki-san is
also staring at the sky dazedly as well.
(…Now would be a good time…to confirm what I’ve seen…)
I wanted to ask her, but my mouth just opens and closes. I can’t muster a
word out.
How weak do I have to be? I’m ashamed of myself from the bottom of the
heart, so I can’t help but lower my head. Then-

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“…Well, something happened on the night when we played GOM.”
-Chiaki-san seems to have seen what I was thinking, and she suddenly
brought this up. I raised my face. As for her, she’s still staring at the sky.
A couple seconds of silence followed soon as if she’s hesitating. However,
…she’s different. She looked at me with determination boiling in her eyes.
Then, with an embarrassed smile, she revealed everything to me.
“I confessed to Keita, and then he rejected me.”
The truth suddenly revealed itself. It made me speechless.
What she said was really surprising. Moreover, …for some reason, she
looks really charming.
Chiaki-san then clapped her hands together like she’s sincerely sorry and
apologized to me.
“S-Sorry, Karen-san! E-Even though I know Keita is dating you, I still
confessed to her. I’m such a horrible person! Uh, so, please despise and scold
me however you want!”
“Eh, …ehhh?”
“Do it, you don’t need to hold back, Karen-san! Please call me a foxy
woman until you’re satisfied! Ah, no, I failed to seduce Keita in the end, so
it’s not appropriate to call me a foxy woman. Uh, well, …you can just call
me a pig! I’m a pig! Bu, bu!”
“What are you going on about! No, please don’t do that! Please stop!”
“B-B-But, there’s this dragon of ‘Atonement’ ravaging in my heart right
“You’re going with that again! Aren’t there too many things that are
ravaging your heart! Please get a hold of yourself!”
“I understand. …I…I will bite my tongue to get a hold my self! Hnnng!”
“Stop it!”
“Ow, ow, Karen-san. S-Stop it.”
Chiaki-san is really trying to bite her tongue. So, I pinched her soft cheeks
and started pulling to stop her weird and ridiculous way of atonement.

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Anyway, when both sides finally calmed down a little, I spoke up first.
“However, if you know that you’ll regret it like this, why are you
confessing to him…”
Chiaki-san scratched her cheeks after hearing my question.
“Ahaha, …I-I wonder why. …W-Weird? If I remembered correctly, …
uwahh, come to think of it, I didn’t wish for anything during that confession!
Even if Keita accepted it, the consequence would be cruel! It’s super scary!
What was I doing!”
“You only realized it now? If that’s the case, why are you…”
I’m absolutely dumbfounded. Chiaki answered with an embarrassed smile.
“Ahaha, …but, at that time, I didn’t think of anything after the confession.
…Jeez, I’m such an idiot.”
Suddenly, I remembered Konoha-san’s definition of love.
<I think love doesn’t just surpass rationality. It’s a wave of stupidity and
enthusiasm that easily overwhelm even desires.>
That sentence was repeated in my brain several times.
I fell silent. Chiaki-san continued.
“Anyway, Karen-san, I’ve always wanted to tell you this and apologize to
you. …Actually, Keita and I were thinking of the same thing.”
“…Ah, that’s why you two…”
I finally understood everything. The two are indeed not trying to tell me
that they’re dating. It’s just like what Uehara-kun had said, I’m just freaking
myself out. However…
(Why can’t I…feel sincerely happy even though the misunderstanding is
cleared up…)
There’s absolutely nothing between these two. Moreover, they’re
extremely sincere to me. Even so, …what is this kind of insecurity and worry
that’s still lingering in my heart right now?
Chiaki-san continued nervously.
“Well, Keita is really loyal to you. That’s why he wanted to explain the
confession to you! So! Well, it’s okay for you to despise or hate me, but

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please don’t blame him…”
Chiaki-san begged me worriedly. I replied with a smile.
“It’s okay, Chiaki-san. Who will hate you just because of that? Not to
mention Amano-kun…”
“Ughh, …how generous…! …M-My lady! UWAHHHHHH!”
“But could you deal with the emotions that are ravaging in your heart right
now as soon as possible?”
“I-I’m sorry…”
Chiaki-san sank her mouth into the water embarrassingly. She’s adorable,
and I can’t help but smile at her.
“However, …if you promised Amano-kun that you’re explaining this
together, why are you confessing to me alone?”
Just as I’m asking her with a thoroughly unbelievable expression, Chiaki-
san slowly stood up from the bath and faced me with a warm smile.
“It’s rare for us to go on a school trip like this. There’s no way for me to
just leave a barrier between Keita and you. Instead of that, …instead of
letting Keita suffer, I…I can break all the promises I made with Keita.”
She explained to me with a determined look. What a charming girl. As for
me, …I finally realized it.
(Ah, this…this is the real…what Konoha-san has talked about…)
If this…if this…is really how a considerate person should be-
Then, …I, …the only thing I can do for Amano-kun is…
“…Phew. By the way, the onsen is super nice and warm, …Karen-san.”
I started pondering. Chiaki-san, who sank her shoulders completely into
the bath, spoke up with an intoxicated look.
I sank my shoulders into the hot water with her too.
Then, I slowly closed my eyes and expressed my feelings sincerely.
“Really, …it feels warm. …It’s nice, Chiaki-san.”
Keita Amano
“Hiya, I didn’t expect them to just throw me away…”
The rural student, who can’t even figure out his directions, is standing in
the Tokyo station alone.

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…Hello, as you can see here, this is me on the 3rd day.
The man that was finally “abandoned” by his groupmates, Keita Amano.
I was impressed that I stood here for so long, …am I really an idiot?
I leaned on the pillar before the ticket gate as I deeply sighed.
“I feel like I’m advancing towards the devil’s abyss steadily…”
If things are progressing this way, I don’t even know what will happen on
the 4th day of the trip. …It terrifies me by merely thinking about it.
“Sigh, whatever.”
I mumbled and cheered myself up as I switched my mindset.
In reality, I’m not that upset from being “abandoned” by my groupmates.
I’ve always been a loner, so I don’t find the idea of doing stuff on my own
repulsive. The worst part is while being with everyone, they still tried to pull
some “petty actions” on me. From this perspective, now that I’m entirely
alone, I feel this is way better and more relaxing.
“Even so, there’s nothing for a loner to do in Tokyo.”
I tried to search “Tokyo,” “Sightseeing” online, but the results didn’t
impress me at all. This whole day is supposed for group activities. We
planned to go to the Tokyo Tower, Ueno, and Asakusa. But, …now that
things went this way, honestly, I don’t like following them anymore. I should
enjoy myself if I was left alone.
After a while, I decided to message the members of the Game Hobby Club.
<Me: I’m now alone.>
During this time, of course, Aguri-san is the first one to give me a
<Aguri: Comedy.>
“What comedy.”
What’s wrong with this gal? She’s pissing me off. Is she a devil that treats
my misfortunate as snacks? Just as I’m feeling angry, Uehara-kun messaged
me next.
<Tasuku Uehara: Kaburagi sucks. He’s clearly afraid of you. However, it’s
better this way, right? You go out and have some fun today.>
Seriously, why would a saint like this date a devil? This world is

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ridiculous. …Well, perhaps the disparate couple should remain silent.
Just as I’m thinking about all that, Chiaki sent me a confusing message.
<Chiaki Hoshinomori: You’re at Tokyo Station now? Please wait, I’ll help
you get this done!>
“Get this done?”
What is she talking about? Is Chiaki bringing her group to me? While I’m
happy to know that Tendou-san will be here, …but I don’t know the other
members of the group.
I endured this overwhelmingly restless feeling and waited for 3 minutes.
Suddenly, my phone is vibrating. I remained cautious since I thought
something went wrong, but it looks like it’s just a phone call. …My loner
history was too long. It’s rare for me to receive a call like this…
“Uh, strange, Tendou-san?”
I looked at the screen, and Tendou-san is calling me. While I’m still
confused, Tendou-san’s energetic voice immediately went over the phone.
“Amano-kun, let’s have a date in Tokyo. We’re touring Tokyo together!”
I’m undoubtedly moved by her suggestion.
Of course, I didn’t bother to ask for details and accepted her invitation
right away.
The result is-

“We’re here, Akihabara!”

“I figured it would be like this…”
This is a bit of a rip-off of my imagination of a “Tokyo tour.” Anyway,
Tendou-san and I came to a place like this.
Tendou-san protested me, who’s feeling a bit disappointed, with her
sparkling eyes.
“Amano-kun, what’s wrong with you! This is Akihabara, Akihabara! Isn’t
this a holy land for gamers!”

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“Well, I guess it’s true if you put it that way. …However, it’s not like
there’re games that can only be bought here nowadays…”
Well, I’m still a part of the otaku tribe, so it’s not right to say that I’m
somewhat impressed with the name “Akihabara.” …But if you ask me
whether I had a clear goal when I came here, honestly, there isn’t.
However, from Tendou-san’s perspective, this doesn’t seem to be the case.
She explained excitedly.
“I feel like there would be a lot of classic games waiting for me here,
“Uh, I’m not an old-school player. Moreover, the latest releases already ate
all of my time…”
“There’s a lot of souvenirs that you can’t see at home too!”
“Then I’m more or less interested, …but I still love the game itself
“Ah, Amano-kun, look! That’s the flagship store of Gamers, the flagship
store of Gamers! It feels really familiar!”
“Indeed, how unbelievable.”
“Please look, Amano-kun! Maids! She’s cute, really cute!”
“No, you’re way cuter than her.”
Tendou-san suddenly gasped and paused. Although it’s good that she
finally calmed down, she plopped her head down and shivered with a heavy
blush. I’m quite bothered by this, but I don’t understand why. What’s wrong
with her?
There’s nothing I can do. So, I looked at the streets of Akihabara from the
station and said thank you to Tendou-san again.
“By the way, thank you, Tendou-san. You came all the way here to hang
out with a loner like me…”
“Ah, it’s nothing.” She finally snapped out of it and answered.
“I’m the one that asked you to come to Akihabara with me.”
“But Tendou-san, are you sure that you don’t want to stick with your

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“Yeah, it’s fine. We weren’t going to the same place, anyway. Also, we
already agreed that we’re separating today.”
I pressed my chest in relief and started touring the district with Tendou-san
I didn’t know that I’ll get this feeling from walking alone, …the streets of
Akihabara really tune you up. The whole road is filled with games and
manga, something that I’ll never see back home. Even though we’re doing
nothing, I’m happy by just being in this place. This is the most “sightseeing”
thing I’ve done so far.
To enjoy this atmosphere, Tendou-san and I toured and appreciated the
streets for a while.
Then, we stumbled upon a game store and realized there’s a discount area.
Both of our eyes are sparkling as we tried finding what we like. …It’s time
for me to admit this. No matter how you put it, I’m the type that doesn’t care
romance when games appeared in front of my eyes.
During this time, Tendou-san grabbed a Nintendo game as she mumbled.
“…Actually, Chiaki-san put a lot of effort so that we can be alone today.”
I read the text behind the Dreamcast game cover and questioned her.
Tendou-san nodded as she continued
“Yes. Thanks to Chiaki-san trying her best and persuade all the
groupmates to disband as soon as possible, that’s why I can come here…”
“Oh, …really.”
I put the game back onto the shelve as I sincerely appreciated Chiaki. …
Jeez, that seaweed is really…
During this time, Tendou-san stared at my face for some reason. I stepped
back and asked her with a blush.
“I-Is there anything wrong?”
“No, it’s nothing. …Amano-kun, it’s time for us to leave, right.”
“Ah, yes, sure.”
We left the store when Tendou-san urged me. Although we tried finding
our games, we ended up buying nothing. While we’re kind of sorry to the

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store because of the window shopping, we’re already satisfied when there’s a
bunch of rare games.
It’s been an hour since we left the store and walked around the streets of
Akihabara. It’s time for us to switch places, right? Just as I started to think
about that, Tendou-san seems unable to suppress her excitement and
suggested to me.
“Amano-kun, Amano-kun! Let’s visit the arcade too!”
Going to an arcade on the school trip, it sounds like what a shallow
delinquent would do. So, a typical obedient student like me would find this
idea a bit uncomfortable. However, if my cute girlfriend’s staring at me with
her watery eyes, it can’t be helped. Goodbye, the once obedient student.
I wanted to compromise and said, “We’re just going to stay for a while…”
Then, we entered the large arcade in the middle of the path that heads toward
the station. …Entering an arcade in the middle of the day with uniforms on, I
hope I don’t get a detention.
“Eh, weird? There’s a lot of people in this arcade, right?”
My girlfriend doesn’t seem to be mind as she walked further inside. I
followed her and observed the situation around. There are more people the
further I go. Just as I’m starting to feel that this is indeed unusual, I saw the
poster on the wall.
“Ah, indeed. Tendou-san, look, a few famous cosplayers came here to
advertise a new game. …Eh, hey? Tendou-san?”
Once I snapped out of it, Tendou-san disappeared. It looks like she went
further in. This girl is still just as attracted to gaming. …Well, even though I
shouldn’t say anything.
Although I shrugged helplessly, I headed forward to try and find my
rampaging girlfriend-
“Eh? Ah, uh, wait, it’s not like that. You’re wrong. I’m not…”
-I realized something was wrong just as I’m about to move. It seems that
Tendou-san’s in trouble, and the people began to cheer.

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I got a bad feeling. So, although I feel terrible for the crowd, I forced my
way forward. So, when I finally reached the end, I saw-
-The Karen Tendou Photoshoot that’s even more popular than the
Tendou-san freaked out and waved her hands.
“I-I told you it’s not like that. Uh, I’m not participating in the activity!”
…Crap, I didn’t know Tendou-san’s being startled was this adorable. Also,
I’m not just the only one thinking that. The entire coward is overwhelmed by
her charm.
(…Ah, I guess it can’t be helped. After all, there’s an unrealistic and
adorable blonde girl wearing a high school uniform…)
Everyone will misunderstand if she appeared in a cosplayer’s scene. It’s
not right to blame those photographers.
Even so, I still can’t stand Tendou-san being caught up in trouble.
Now that I can see everything, a guy is trying to get a low-angle shot-
-I immediately yelled out and forced my way to her. Then, I grabbed
Tendou-san’s hand and pulled her to me.
“What are you doing, jeez! Hey, we’re going!”
“Eh? A-Amano-kun…”
“Uh, sorry for interrupting everyone. She’s just a passerby. I’m sorry about
the misunderstanding caused. Well, we’ll be leaving!”
I apologized as I dragged Tendou-san’s hand out of the scene.
So, we left the arcade like this and walked for around 50 meters.
“A-Amano-kun, well, …well…”
She spoke timidly to me, and I angrily answered since I’m still not over it.
During this time, although Tendou-san is acting embarrassed, …she still
mumbled to me.
“Uh, …if we’re in front of that many people, it seems a bit

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I don’t understand what she means, so I looked back. Then…
Somehow, …I didn’t even notice that I’m holding Tendou-san’s hand
tightly. We’re walking blatantly on the street with our hands together like a

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My face immediately flared up, and steam’s coming out. Then, I quickly
let go of her hand and apologized.
“S-Sorry, Tendou-san! Ah, uwah, how could I do something so
“Ah, no, that’s not true. I don’t hate it, uh…”
We plopped our heads down while still blushing. I understand that
everyone around is giving us a “what the hell are you two doing” look, but
forget that.
I scratched the back of my brain as I apologized to Tendou-san.
“I’m really sorry. …When I saw that you’re in trouble, I…I…”
I deeply reflected on myself and expressed my sincere thought to Tendou-
“I just forget everything and acted recklessly.”
I replied to her confusing reaction with a question mark on my head. For
some reason, …tears formed on Tendou-san’s eyes. …At the same time,
she’s staring at me with a very gentle look.
“Really, …you’re just the same.”
W-What does this mean? Anyway, I don’t think she’s angry…
Just as I’m freaking out, Tendou-san took a deep breath.
Then, she continued with a face full of determination.
“Well, …I need to return your sincere feelings too.”
C-Crap, I don’t know where this is going. Even though I don’t understand,
I can hear that this is something very important. So, I’m startled.
My body turned stiff. Then, Tendou-san, …my girlfriend grabbed my hand
and just directly lead me forward as she spoke up cheerfully.
“Amano-kun! We’re going to have as much fun as we can on our date!

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…I’m not sure of the details. However, …there’s nothing more important
than us having fun.
“…Yeah! Of course! Let’s enjoy today, Tendou-san!”
I answered her energetically.
Come to think of it, this was the happiest day of the school trip for her and
The morning of the 4th day that signaled the end of the school trip.
I woke up earlier than my groupmates. Then, I occupied the washstand and
tried my best to tidy up my looks.
After all, today, …is the day where we can do whatever we want in
Disneyland. This is the main show for me.
In reality, until today, I can sum up my experience on the school trip in one
sentence – “It’s not fun.” There’s nothing for me to say aside from that.
Of course, it’s quite fun to tour around with my classmates.
We toured, ate, stayed up all night, and played together.
However, Tasuku wasn’t there, …the person that I loved the most isn’t
there. Once I realized that, all of my happiness faded away.
It will be tastier if I’m with Tasuku. It will be happier if I’m with Tasuku.
This thought kept appearing in my mind, no matter what. Although I feel
terrible for my groupmates, I can’t help but think it that way.
People often say that it’s easy to be lovesick. Indeed, this kind of emotion
that permeates my body and my mind that’s harmful to daily lives is a kind of
sickness. There’s only one way to suppress the symptoms: seeing Tasuku
directly and absorb his everything.
…Ah, no, aside from that, there’s one way for me to vent this out right
I quickly clicked on my smartphone at the side of the washstand and
messaged my comrade in arms.
<Me: Amanocchi, did you shave your nose hair today?>
So, he seems to be awake as well and immediately responded.

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<Keita Amano: Why are you saying that like my nose hair always sticks
out? Please don’t do that.>
<Me: Ah, sorry. …You do mind it, …right?>
<Keita Amano: Eh, really? Is my nose hair out when I first met you in
<Me: It’s okay. It’s only 2 meters long.>
<Keita Amano: It’s literally on the floor, right! That’s a narrative trick in
novels. What kind of shocking reveal is this! I didn’t know that I’ve always
lived with my nose hair in high school!>
<Me: Uh, Amanocchi, I’m still tidying up. It’s time for us to stop talking
about nose hair, right?>
<Keita Amano: Like I’m the one that started this! Bye!>
Amanocchi sent a sticker with an angry face and left.
I can’t help but chuckle after seeing that, and then I looked at the mirror
“Alright, …I’ll be giving my everything today!”
Perhaps I’m way too excited to see Tasuku. Right now, I can see that I’m
full of energy in the mirror.
“Hey, Amanocchi. I’m here.”
I arrived at the plaza immediately after entering the Disneyland entrance.
Then, I realized the small guy that’s getting pushed around in the crowd, so I
waved and yelled at him.
So, he- Amanocchi, noticed me and cheered up right away as he dashed
“Ah, Aguri-san, good morning!”
Even though I just pranked Amanocchi this morning, he’s still running
towards me with a face full of smile. He’s slightly out of breath.
I can’t help but laugh and pat his head.
“Ahhh, Amanocchi, you’re really a loyal dog.”
“Eh? Ah, does my hair looks like I just woke up?”
Amanocchi seems to have misunderstood something, so he tried his best to
tidy up his bangs. …Jeez.

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I casually scratched his head and walked forward.
“Let’s go. We’re buying the Loverbears before everyone, Amanocchi.”
“Eh, what the hell are you doing, damn!”
I guess Amanocchi spent a long time on his hair in the morning. …His hair
is way too tidy, and it’s not adorable at all. He’s furious since I basically
trashed it.
As for me, I casually started whistling and walked into the store, not
paying attention to the guy behind.
Amanocchi started fiddling his head with tears in his eyes. Then, he let out
a sigh in relief after taking a look at the store.
“Ah, no one is lining up at the cashier. That’s great.”
“Yep, it’s not rare but expensive, after all. However, that’s why…”
“Yes. I feel like it’s very suited for Tendou-san as a present!”
The innocent boy immediately grabbed his wallet from the bag tightly with
sparkling eyes. I casually snatched the wallet from his hand. Amanocchi
almost cried out immediately and reacted as if the world is ending.
“G-Give me back my wallet, Jyaian!” [Note: Jyaian is the bully from
“Who’s Jyaian? Take it. You should keep it safe if you’re holding it.”
After I returned it, Amanocchi carefully defended his wallet and stared at
me like he’s throwing a tantrum.
“In this dreamy kingdom, only a barbaric gal will have an evil idea like
“Uwah! What the, I’m holding it really tightly just then! What kind of thief
skill is that!”
“Alright, Amanocchi. Let’s see how much you got in your wallet…”
“S-Stop it, Jyaian!”
Amano begged me with tears in his eyes. ….Oh.
(What is this? I really want to bully Amanocchi whenever I see him. At the
same time, I really wish that he’s going to be blessed.)
To me, Amanocchi is an unbelievable person. Although in terms of the

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opposite gender, he’s just a pawn compared to Tasuku. However, I don’t
think we’re just regular friends.
“…Hmm, servant? Slave? Pet? …Ah, perhaps it’s an animal you would
play with…”
“Uwah, Jyaian is mumbling something super scary!”
I played with Amanocchi’s wallet as I pondered.
Regrettably, I don’t have any siblings. But if I have a little brother, I guess
the result will be similar. Sigh, strictly speaking, it's not accurate since I don’t
have one.
I thought about this as I walked further into the store. Finally, we arrived at
the limited Loverbears area. The high-class Loverbears are paired up and
separated into different colors.
I gave Amanocchi his wallet back as we started looking for the bears we
“Hmm, …blue and pink, …does it look like Tasuku and me…”
“No, you can only choose black and white. It’s because it’s the
blackhearted devil and her saint boyfriend-“
I elbowed Amanocchi’s stomach a bit forcefully. He continued
agonizingly. “Who allowed this person into Dreamland. …Why isn’t the
magical barrier working…” He’s moaning like a disgusting otaku. Then, he
barely got a hold of himself and started picking his bears.
“If it’s for Tendou-san and me, I guess I should choose yellow that can
match her blonde hair and the classic male blue color…”
“Eh, let’s cut it in half. You only need to get the yellow one, right?”
“There’s a demon. A real demon has invaded Dreamland!”
Amanocchi started shivering. …Crap, I’m enjoying this a lot.
Anyway, I messed with Amanocchi as we rated the bears.
So, at last, I bought the pink and green Loverbears. Amanocchi got the
yellow and blue one.
The Loverbears had their price tag removed before being put into the bag.
Although there’s an adorable packaging, Loverbears should be directly given
to our partners. So, Amanocchi and I refused.
Comparatively, we left the store carefully with the bags in our hands.

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Then, Amanocchi asked me this when we’re heading towards the plaza
where everyone in the Game Hobby Club will meet.
“Aguri-san, why are you giving the green Loverbear to Uehara-kun? It’s
okay to not choose a blue one?”
“It’s fine. Amanocchi, you chose blue to represent yourself, after all.”
“Yes. This is a classic color. Moreover, you would associate the name
Amano to blue, right.”
“Yep. Well, if you picked blue, doesn’t blue sound disgusting to me now?”
“This girl suddenly stabbed me with a knife.”
Amanocchi dropped his shoulders deflatedly. I laughed and continued.
“Ay, actually, it’s not good for both sides to receive the same colors.
Moreover, instead of the common blue, …I think Tasuku’s impression needs
a manlier color. Hoho.”
“Alright, thanks for that. Instead of picking the passerby blue like me,
Uehara-kun is really more suited to a green color that reminds people of
I took out the Loverbears from my bag. Looking at the pink and green bear
sticking together lovingly, it made me smile as well. The bell on the neck of
the bears is ringing adorably.
Amanocchi took out his Loverbears like me. The yellow and blue bears are
clinging to each other blissfully too.
We can’t help but stop. Then, we looked at each other Loverbears’ and was
immersed in this sense of throbbing.
“That job…was really tough, right, Amanocchi?”
“Yeah, …it’s really tough.”
Since the local customers have terrible attitudes, the cashier job at the
supermarket is more challenging than I’ve imagined. Especially for
Amanocchi, he’s so stressed that he ended up losing weight every time his
shift was over.
Amanocchi is different from me, who’s good at slacking off and were just
trying to earn some cash. He’ll provide more-than-necessary assistance when
a customer requested it. Also, if someone complained, no matter how

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unreasonable it is, he’ll feel sincerely depressed. A boy with an attitude like
him will have a harsh life.
Even so, if Amanocchi had a small chance to “prove his love to Tendou-
san,” he remained determined and continued working. …So, finally, he got
the Loverbears that he wished for today.
Come to think of it, although I really treasure my own pair of Loverbears
too, I’m still unreasonably touched when I saw Amanocchi got his.
Also, it looks like I’m not the only one that thinks this way. Amanocchi is
looking at my Loverbears throbbingly as well as he spoke up embarrassingly.
“Uh, well, Aguri-san, thanks for everything.”
“Ahaha, what was that? Are you going to die?”
Amanocchi’s acting like he’s about to face the final boss in a game. I can’t
hold my laughter. However, in reality, I can understand how he feels right
…The meeting place isn’t far ahead.
Finally, I want to my last cheers to Amanocchi, …my comrade in arms.
So, I carefully grabbed my pink Loverbear.
After that, I put the teddy in front of me as if I’m a ventriloquist. I waved
its’ hands as I pretended to speak.
“Well, well! See you in battle, Private Amano!”
“Eh, I didn’t know Loverbear is a character like that?”
Amano gave my act a bitter smile, but he grabbed his blue Loverbear as
well. Then, he put it in front of his face and cheered me too.
“Thanks, Sergeant Aguri. I hope you do well in the fight!”
Then, we showed our faces from the teddy and chuckled at each other.
There’s a sense of warmth and courage flooding in my chest right now. I
hope Amanocchi is the same.
We put our Loverbears back into the bags carefully to prevent our partners
from noticing that there’s a present.
“Let’s go, Amanocchi.”

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“Alright, Aguri-san.”
-The two of us finally took a step towards the final stage.
Tasuku Uehara
Let’s start with the conclusion. We had so much fun at Disneyland today.
Since everyone in the Game Hobby Club agreed to stick together, the
couples didn’t get to enjoy flirting with each other.
However, it’s impossible for us to not feel happy when we can tour around
the theme park with our best friends.
Especially the fact that this is different than the double date in the Viva
Spiel Kingdom, we didn’t spend a lot of effort on weird ideas and tricks.
Thanks to that, we can genuinely enjoy ourselves in the rides.
When we were on the rollercoaster, Tendou calmly said that “it’s literally
just for freaking kids out,” and yet her legs are trembling. We all gave her a
bitter smile.
When we’re in double-seat rides, Amano and I always ended up together
since we randomly decided the seats, which made us all laugh.
When we’re in rides that give you a leisure world settings, it’s really warm
for us to Amano and Hoshinomori are so touched that they’re acting like
innocent children.
So, the evening hits in a flash, here comes the long-awaited duel between
Amano and Hoshinomori…
Well, about this activity, Amano and Hoshinomori scored equally –
ranking last among the Game Hobby Club. It’s a terrible outcome.
Those two didn’t just lose to Tendou and me. They’re even falling way
behind of Aguri, who’s not a gamer at all. Speaking of how depressed they
were, they don’t even care who won the duel anymore. Their disheartened
look always made us laugh our butts off.
Also, although there’s not a chance for the couples to be alone, I think we
should thank an arrangement like this. The time when I had fun together with
Aguri is just like the past. No, we were way more intimate. Aside from that,
I’ll acknowledge this once again for every chance.
Indeed, Aguri’s smile is always my favorite.
I bet it’s just the same for Amano and Tendou.

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You can only understand how important and blessed your partner is in a
group, instead of the two being alone. This was a throbbing day.
Even so, none of us flirted with each other today. So, at least we didn’t
distance ourselves from Hoshinomori, …but it’s hard to say. Anyway, from
my perspective, Hoshinomori enjoyed this day thoroughly.
No, it’s not just that, when compared to the past, Hoshinomori is opening
her heart to Amano and Tendou even more. I didn’t expect this. They can
give off a “best friend” mood even when they’re just arguing.
Perhaps it’s just my imagination, but I secretly asked Aguri how does she
feel about them. She has the exact same idea as I do. However, in the end,
Aguri and I didn’t understand the reason at all. It’s more like, I didn’t know
how Tendou stopped suspecting whether the two are dating or not. Sigh, …
no matter what, everything’s okay as long as they’re happy. So, Aguri and I
decided to not ask for details, especially not in front of Tendou.
So, we had our fun in Disneyland today.
Then, the sun is setting, and we need to find a good spot to watch the
The couples are finally separating from each other.
“Hoshinomori, are you sure you want to be alone?”
I can’t help but say this to Hoshinomori.
The leisurely atmosphere suddenly got a bit tenser. There’re a lot of
couples walking around happily in the dark theme park.
Although we decided this in prior, this situation still made us feel guilty to
Just as everyone is having a “why don’t we just go together” mood,
Hoshinomori quickly rejected such an indecisive suggestion.
“No, it’s too much for me to watch the parade among two pairs of couples.
That already counts as bullying to me.”
Perhaps she’s right. Even so, we’re still hesitating. So, Hoshinomori turned
around and looked back at us with a smile.
“Well! Since I’m not interested in the parade, I’m going to use this
opportunity and play the now-empty rides that were full at day! Bye!”

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Hoshinomori immediately ran off like she doesn’t tolerate any other
options. …Honestly, I’m afraid she’s just forcing herself. However, she’s
already doing so much for us. It’s not wise for us to keep her here, right.
We decided to accept her courtesy genuinely.
…Ay, in reality, …there’s something I want to say to Aguri alone. I guess
Tendou’s the same.
“Well, it’s time for us to…”
I urged them. Then, Amano and Tendou nodded in agreement.
“Okay. Well, see you later, Uehara-kun.”
“We’ll be leaving, Uehara-kun, Aguri-san.”
The two didn’t forget to bid farewell. Aguri smiled and waved at them.
“Enjoy yourselves.”
Aguri’s lighthearted cheers made Tendou answer with a smile. “Yeah, the
same goes for you.”
So, just as they’re leaving, …Amano smiled slightly at Aguri. Aguri
replied with the same smile. …It’s nothing big; that’s all of the interaction.
It’s far less shocking than the attempted kissing scene before.
However, no, that’s why.
(…I guess so…)
I can feel that a certain thorn in my heart disappeared utterly.
I spoke to Aguri after we saw Amano and Tendou leaving.
“Well, let’s go find a seat.”
“Okay, …maybe we’ll bump into Amanocchi.”
“That would be awkward, …well, even though I think it’s quite likely.”
We chatted with each other while strolling around the park. The gloomy
main streets are already covered with a lot of picnic mats. All of the families
and couples are looking forward to the parade.
Aguri stared at them gently and mumbled.
“I feel like…this is really great. It’s different than the energetic and
cheerful happiness we experienced in the morning. I guess…it’s a soothing
sense of happiness.”

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Aguri slightly blushed as she crossed her arms in front of her chest and
“…Ha, what was that. T-This isn’t like you at all…”
I can’t help but laugh out at my gal girlfriend’s emotional speech. Aguri
pouted and protested.
“W-What’s wrong! Sometimes I’ll feel like that too…”
Ay, how long since I’ve flirted with my girlfriend innocently.
We joked around as we slowly toured the park. Honestly, …I don’t care
about the parade anymore. Right now, at this moment, I feel incredibly
blessed…by just taking a walk with her leisurely.
However, Aguri seems to be looking forward to the parade. Since we still
can’t find a good place, she mumbled a bit angrily.
“Ugh, …it looks like we’re totally late…”
“You’re right. …If that’s the case, why don’t we just go further away.
Instead of squeezing ourselves in the crowd, it’s better to just watch from afar
relaxedly, right.”
“…Sigh, you’re right, Tasuku. It’s enough for me as long as I can see your
“Please don’t say that so calmly. …I don’t know how to react.”
My face is flaring up. Aguri has always presented her love to me casually.
However, if you compared the times that I don’t really care and right now,
my “damage taken from embarrassment” is two digits more.
“R-Really, …uh…”
I guess Aguri didn’t expect me to react in this way too, so she scratched
her face embarrassingly and fell silent.
We continued walking without saying much else. …Actually, I don’t really
mind whether we can find a seat or not anymore. In the end, when we
snapped out of it, we arrived at the unpopular ride that was empty since noon.
During this time, we can hear cheers from the crowd somewhere. It looks
like the parade is starting. We observed the situation dazedly and just stood
there, the lights are sparkling from afar.

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“Uwah, we can’t even see the parade from here.”
Aguri and I talked to each other, yet we’re not regretting it at all. …The
two of us just stood together. We’re already happy with just that.
So, we remained silent for a while. Then, Aguri spoke up. “Ah, right.” She
turned around and started searching for something in her bag. …Is she taking
a picnic mat out?
“Yes, yes, there wouldn’t be a better chance than this. …I’m sure
Amanocchi right now is also…”
Aguri seems to be excited, and I’m blessed as well.
However, that’s why…
I looked at her quietly. Aguri took the thing she’s looking for, …but she
immediately hid it behind her to prevent me from seeing it. Then, she gave
me a childish smile.
“Hehe, Tasuku…Tasuku! There’s something I want to say to you.”
That smile…made my heart is tightening up to the point where I feel pain.
However, I managed to answer.
“…Really. I want to tell you something, too, Aguri.”
“Eh, really? What is it, what is it? Uh, well, well, …you can go ahead
Aguri urged me with a bright smile.
Looking at her, … I can feel that my love for this girl is about to
overwhelm my heart.
I took a step closer to her. Our bodies can almost touch each other. Even
though we’re a couple, … we’ve never been so close before.
“Tasuku, you-“
Aguri is confused. However, I want to calm her down, so I bowed down

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I kissed her forehead.
Karen Tendou
“We ended up somewhere far away from the parade.”
We kept walking towards a less crowded area, and then we ended up in a
deserted place. Also, I think the rides around here seem to be closed way
earlier than the actual closing time of the park. We can’t even see any tourist
or staff members here, not to mention the people who want to see the parade.
It’s hard to believe that the famous Disneyland will be this gloomy and
quiet when it’s still open. We looked at each other. …Then, we can’t help but
“This is really like us in a sense, Amano-kun.”
“Yeah. No one can beat me when it comes to finding a lonely place.”
“Why are you proud of that.”
Amano-kun and I chuckled at each other. …We don’t really care how far
the parade is anymore. We just felt that…we’re really happy right now.
We looked at the lights of the parade from afar as we passed this relaxed
During this time, Amano-kun suddenly mumbled. “Right, right, I almost
forgot.” Then, he moved his bag to the front and started searching for
Amano-kun glanced at me. Then, for some reason, he hid his bag behind
his body to prevent me from seeing it. Although I don’t understand what he’s
trying to do, …I’m not going to peek at something that he doesn’t want me to
see. So, I looked away.
After a couple seconds, he spoke up. “Sorry for the wait.” I looked at
Amano-kun again, and then I realized…he seems to be holding something in
his hand with a smile.
“Uh, Tendou-san, there’s something important I want to tell you…”

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Amano-kun told me this embarrassingly.
Even though his face…made me feel a tinge of pain in my heart.
I still managed to answer with a smile.
“Me too, Amano-kun. There…there’s something important I want to tell
you too.”
“Eh, really? W-What is it? Uh, well, …y-you go first.”
Amano-kun urged me anxiously. …Although I don’t know what he is
hiding, he really wants to finish this as fast as possible. The evidence is that
Amano-kun’s eyes and legs can’t calm down at all. I guess he doesn’t want
me to interrupt him in times like this.
However, …he’s still willing to…prioritze me first.
(Amano-kun is always so warm and gentle to me…)
Even though I’ve been terrible for avoiding Hoshinomori and him recently.
Even though I can’t do anything right and was a total coward when we’re
Even so, he has always put me and my feelings at no.1.
I think that’s definitely not because he’s weak. He must be considerate to
me from the bottom of his heart. Sincere and honest. His feelings must be…
way tenser than I could’ve ever imagined.
“Hmm? Tendou-san?”
Amano-kun glanced at me worriedly. Right now, I understand. Everything
he did or said to me…has always been the truth. He never lied to me. He’s
always willing to face me directly. However, the reason that our relationship
is so tangled up…is because a weakling like me never trusted him.
I stepped closer towards Amano-kun. Our bodies can almost touch each
other. The distance that…we’ve never experienced before.
“Eh, hey…”
Amano-kun is confused. I’m just looking at his face dizzily.
Finally, …I…said something to him, …no, I said something to someone…
“Sorry, Amano-kun. …Even so, this is the only thing that I don’t want to
give away.”

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When I apologized.
“Eh, what are you-“
“Let us- take our love further.”
I moved towards Amano-kun’s confused face.
He’s shocked. Then, I put my lips against his.
Chiaki Hoshinomori
In front of my eyes, -I can see Tendou-san and Keita kissing each other.
I’m just…staring at the scene dazedly from afar.
My mind is messed up, and I can’t think of anything.
I escaped to somewhere desolate to just avoid those two pairs of couples.
Why are the two of them here?
Why would they do something so important at this moment?
Why would a girl like me stumble on a scene like this?
Also, why…why…
Even though Keita and I are already “friends” only.
Even so-
Why would…tears keep coming out of my eyes?
I turned around to prevent myself from seeing them kissing again.
Is it because I’m upset? Is it because I’m guilty? Or-
Perhaps, is it because the precious feeling that’s still nurturing in my heart
is actually unwilling to- obliterate that small beacon of hope?
I started running away to leave the two alone.
I kept calling his name for some reason as I ran across the Dreamland

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that’s filled with hope. All I want to do now is to go to a place that’s as dark
as possible.
Amano & Aguri
Right now, what did my lover do to me?
I can’t understand immediately and was utterly stunned for the moment.
However, …a couple seconds later, the reality that came with the fact
finally arrived.
Happiness, warmth, courage- All of these emotions are exploding in my
(I’m excited, happy, embarrassed, but I’m really happy, really happy,
really happy! So, I have to express my feelings right now…! After all, now…
now’s the best time-!)
My face is as red as a tomato, and my heart is pumping faster and faster.
The two teddy bears, Loverbears, is in my hand right now. My hands are
Right now, this is the only moment.
I love him, I love her. I love. I love. I love! So, please relax!
Now’s the time to express my feelings to him, to her…!
“W-Well! I-I-I-I-I-I-I want to give you something too…!”
The emotions are flooding. I’m stuttering. However, what a blissful
excitement that was.
My lover is staring at me with an unprecedently gentle look.
That just made me feel happy. Also, that’s why I want to return my
overwhelming emotions to my lover. I want to reveal the present as proof.
I just want to make the person that I love the most to be happy from the
bottom of my heart. I don’t want my partner to worry about me.
So, I feel like now’s the time. – At the moment that I’m about to give the
Loverbears to my lover.
“Amano-kun.” “Aguri.”
My lover suddenly called my name.
“Eh? Ah, what is it?”

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Although my face is as red as a tomato, I still snapped out of it and raised
my head. I looked at my lover with eyes filled with excitement and hope.
So, he, and she is still facing me with the most gentle…and loving
expression I’ve ever seen.
“We-“ “Let’s-“
To me-
He, and she said that decisive sentence.
-They put that brutal and cruel declaration in front of us.
“We’re breaking up.” “Let’s break up.”
…The Loverbears in my hand, their bells are ringing along with the cold
breezes that are blowing across the park.

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Hello, I’m the author that’s afraid of getting scolded at for only writing 2
pages of afterword.
…Since when did I start fearing over of writing a short afterword? This is
literally like the final phase of being bullying. I’m worried even though no
one is trying to prank me. Isn’t this like one of those syndromes?
Honestly, if I didn’t adjust the content at all, the afterword will have 16
pages. …Eh, this is too ridiculous, right. What does God even want from me?
Perhaps it’s a good meme for me to write 16 pages here. However, it’s not
worth raising the price tag of the book! Unless it’s the last volume!
Thanks to that, the memories I had when writing the last afterword is still
fresh, so I adjusted the content. The brand’s falling apart. …God, you’re way
too good at messing with me…
Well, I’m running out of space, so here’s the appreciation speech.
Cactus-sensei, I really appreciated you for adorning the novel with your
incredible illustrations. I’m sorry for making the characters go around even
though this is a school novel. Well, I’ll be relying on you.
Then, it’s the editor. Your first impression of the draft is, “My stomach
hurts from reading the school trip plot.” However, I don’t understand what
you’re trying to say at all. After all, usually, everyone is like that. In reality,
I’ve always been that way. It’s a typical school trip if you remove the flirting
scenes with the female protagonists. At least my dear readers will feel the
same, too. That’s right. Jeez, my editor needs some common sense!
Finally, readers, I’m sorry for making this volume into a description of “a
boring yet happy school trip.” There’s not a lot of storms here. I think the
characters will start making a mess out of themselves in the next volume!
Please look forward to that! No problem! The 8th volume is still a romantic
So, see you in the next volume!
Sekina Aoi

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