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Assignment 2 : 100 marks


1. List 6 sources of errors in construc on surveys (6)

2. State & explain 5 key competencies of an engineering surveyor (5)


1. With the aid of illustra ons, discuss the use of the following instruments for providing the
following instruments for providing ver cal control during se ng out.
i. Sight rails (3)
ii. Slope rails (3)
iii. Profile boards (3)
iv. Travellers (3)
v. Offset pegs (3)


2. The reduced level at the intersec on of a rising gradient of 1.5 per cent and a falling gradient
of 1.0 per cent on a proposed road is 1193.60 above mean sea level. Given that the K-value
for this road is 50, the through chainage of the intersec on point is 2 +671.34m and the
ver cal curve is to have equal tangent lengths, calculate
a. The through chainages of the tangent points of the ver cal curve. (5)
b. The reduced levels of the tangent points and the reduced levels at exact 30m mul ples
of through chainage along the curve. (15)
c. The posi on and level of the highest point on the curve (5)

3. A ver cal curve 120m long of the parabola type is to join a falling gradient of 1 in 200 to
arising gradient of 1 in 300. The reduced level of the intersec on of the two gradients and
chainage is 1130.36m and 2+046.342m respec vely. Calculate the reduced levels at 20m
mul ples of through chainage along the curve (20)


4. A straight sec on of a proposed road having a forma on width of 8.5m is to be constructed

as an embankment having side slopes of 1 in 2. At one par cular cross-sec on, the
transverse slope at right angles to the proposed centreline is 1 in 10 and the height to the
forma on level at the centre line is 5.478m. Calculate the area of fill required at this cross
sec on. (7)
5. A railway line has a forma on width of 10m, side slopes 1 in 1 in cut and 1 in 2 in fill. The
original ground has a cross fall of 1 in 5, if the height of fill is 0.512m at the centreline.
Calculate the side widths and the areas of cut and fill. (12)

6. A straight sec on of a proposed road having a forma on width of 7.5m is to constructed as

an embarkment having side slopes of 1 in 2. At one par cular cross-sec on, the transverse
slope at right angles to the proposed line is 1 in 20 and the height to the forma on level at
the centre line is 6.45m. Calculate the area of fill required at this cross sec on. (10)

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