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Week 2 Online Activity CARBHYDRATES / SUGAR NUTN 1189


Click into the video, entitled: “Learn the Facts about Sugar – How Sugar Impacts your Health.”

Answer the following questions.

Speaker 1 - Laura A. Schmidt, PhD, MSW, MPH

1. How much added sugar, in pounds, do Americans consume on average each year?
2. What are the two largest sources of added sugar in the American diet?
3. There are three key diseases linked with excessive sugar intake. What are the three diseases?
4. American Heart Association recommends no more than ______ tsp. of added sugar per day for women
and ______ tsp. of added sugar per day for men.
5. What is the average consumption of added sugar per day for Americans?

Speaker 2 – Cristin E. Kearns, DDS, MBA

6. How many grams of sugar are in the bottle of coke that Cristin held up in the video?
7. How many tsp. of sugar are in the same bottle of coke? (Remember that 1 tsp. of sugar = 4 grams)
8. What percentage of packaged foods in grocery stores contain added sugar?
9. How many grams of sugar are in the Nutri Grain bar presented in the video?
10. To really understand if the sugar in packaged foods comes from real food, such as fruit, or if it is added,
where do you need to look?

Speaker 3 – Dean Schillinger, MD, Professor

11. True or False You can get sick from sugar in the absence of becoming obese?
12. What has changed in our environment to have resulted in such a significant increase in rates of diabetes?
13. What is sucrose made up of?
14. Which of the two molecules that make up sucrose appears to be particularly problematics and potentially
toxic to the human body?
15. What organ digests, absorbs, and metabolizes fructose?
16. What is excess fructose metabolized into?
17. Active inflammation in the mouth can promote two diseases. What are they?
Small Changes That Can Add Up to Big Improvements by Laura A. Schmidt, PhD, MSW, MPH

18. What is the first simple suggestions made by Laura regarding the reduction of added sugar intake?
19. What is the second suggestion?

Question & Answer Period

20. Artificial sweetener consumption is linked with _______________ and _______________ disease.
21. A natural system living in our gut is called?
22. What is destroyed in the human gut by artificial sweeteners?
23. In the early stages of disease progression, such as diabetes or liver disease, if one stops sugar
consumption, is it possible to reverse the disease?
24. What does alcohol turn into when it is metabolized by the liver?
25. Individuals with metabolic syndrome tend to accumulate excessive amount of fat around which part of
their body?
26. What two factors mitigate the negative impact of fructose in fruit?
27. What liquid is needed by the body for the overwhelming majority of people who exercise?
28. Vast majority of studies addressing the benefits of energy and electrolyte drinks are funded by who?
29. True or False According to the panel, industry funded research has higher probability of coming out
with industry friendly findings.
30. What kind of dangerous and selectively deposited fat is found around the mid-section, also called sugar-

Now complete the on-line quiz

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