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Curlicue Necklace susan sassoon Ca Raa ace Creer ce eae Teed Peet Rue oe asc ccs cubiright angle weave tubularand at peytestch lot ‘gsiver ined Serio 15 seed bead (A) Migricetpatedsize 1° seed beads (8) 2g gunmetal size seed beads) ‘égunmetaldSeim Czech drops(O) ‘fotrbackerysta ram esta vol 2erytal xm crystal rons | pewter tsmm decorative round toggle dsp Smoke 6b Feline braded beading tend roots Sisors Size Rbeadingrecdie Thveadbumer options we artist's tip, far Serves sack two curves sed rightengleweeve chan, 1) CHAIN, Use cubic ight angle weaveto form the neclace chains Cube 1, Bottom: Use 6 of thread to sting 48, leaving an tal passthrough the ‘beads again to forma ightcirce and tie ‘square knot to secure Pass through the fist 28 strung Fig. 1, purple thread). {Cube 1, Face 1:Sring 38;pass through the last Beted and the next Bo the bottom (Fig. 1, orange thread). Cube 1, Faces 2 and 3: String 2 pass down ‘through the nearest side Baf the previous face, through te lat bottom B exited and thenext 8 ofthe bottom: repeat. Pass uP ‘through the nearest side Bof Face I Fig. 1, ‘green thread) ibe 1, Face 4: Sting 18; pass down trough theneatest side BofFace 3, through the last bottom 8 exited, up through the near- es se 8 of Face T, and through the jst added Fig. 1, blue thread) ‘Cube 1, Top: Pass through the 48 atthe top ‘of Faces 1-4 (Fig. 1,red thread) pul tight tocomplet the fst cube, Note:The top of this cubes the bottom ofthe next cube. (Cubes 2-46: Repeat Cube 1, Faces 1-4 and (Cube 1, Top forty seven ties, unt the chains about 6" long. Dont im the threads; se the chain aside Repeat this entire step to fora second chain Glee ea 2) BEZEL. Worktubular peyote stitch to forma diamond shaped beze forthe rol Rounds 1 and 2: Use Sof tread sting {(1Cand75)fourimes, leaving a12"tal ‘ass through the beads again to form tight cle Use the working and tall ‘threads tote a knot Exit rom the ist C strung Fig. 2, blue thread). Round 3:String IC: skip 1Bof he previous ‘round and pass through te folowing 8 ‘Sing 18, then ship 1Baf the previous ‘round and passthrough the following B ‘repeat. String 1C skip 18 ofthe previous ‘ound and passthrough te flowing C. Repeat from the beginning of this round ‘thee times Stepp through the ist Cof thisround Fig. 2, red thread), Round 4: Place the rvolunder the bead ‘work othe front touches Round 1 Working wth tight tension and holding ‘thervlin place wth your thumb and forefinger work3 stitches with 1Bin each stitch, then work t stich with 1D:repeat the times. Stepup trough the fist Bf thisround Fig. 3, green thread) Round 5: Work? stitches wth 1Bin each Stitch and 2 stitches wth 1D in each tite; ‘repeat three tes. Step up through | the fist Badded in his round fig. 3, blue thread) Round 6: Work? stitches with 1Bineach tite, ttch with 1G and 1 stitch wth 18; ‘repeat three tes. Step up through the fist 8 of his round (Fig. 3, red thread), Round 7: Turn the work over Work stitch ‘ith 18,2 stitches with 1Cin each stitch, ‘and sitch with 1A repeat three times. ‘Weave through beads to ent through the fistCof this round Fig. 4, Mig. 2:3 Fig. asitching Rod 6 Fig. tc hding Round? sesowiom ravoREREAo Sines 4 BL Curlicue Necklace Fig. Suing aun sand Fig rio eis 10-12 Round 8: Sting 1C:passthrough thenextC through thenext 1C/1B:repeat thre mes ‘of Round 7, the flowing 8 of Found 6, (Fig. 7) Secure the tall thread and tim, andthe next Aof Round 7.String 18:pass ‘Set the bezel sce. through the next Aof Round 7, the flow. ing Bo Round 6, and the next Cof 3)5 CURVES. Work cubicright angle weave Round7. Repeat rom the beginningof strips then add embellishments tomake thisroundthreetimes Step upthrough _Sshapes: thetic of ti round 9.5 faves Repest tp, Cubes1-21toforma toe thread). ‘tip of abit angle weave senting found 3 Sg 26/passtroughthenext End Cormersand enter Sting and "2. ‘Round. sting 2;pass tought for pasithough te nex Bat he top of fon ‘Gung ofRounda Repettomtie. abe Zt repeat tives tins Fg 8, ue aging ofthis roundtvee tes Step thread. Sting TDspas though the opp “ptwoughthe fat Bothsround Fig 5, steBat the to of Cube 2, ps back red thread). through the jut ade an though the found 10:Sting I8skip 28 of Round and egal to center theD atthe end te us thvoughthenext® of Round® Sing bese Fi. 8rd thread), pent the psthough the nextBof ound 9. tread path torenforce Fas though the Repeefomthebeginring oftsround nearest of any facen Cube 2 theetmesStepuptioughthefst Bot Column Working ngthwselongthe ig. song oe thsround ig. 6, green trend Ttaseuselghatansontostng ihand—"Carwandend found 1. Wor dsitcherwith iAineach passdowntwoughthe enestsiebof obese ‘sich Stpup throughthefst Acts the dacet aceln the next cube repent ‘ound Fig. blue tread) ‘ineteen mes Pts trough the nesrest found 12:3ting 2A skp ThofRound 11, bottom Bf cube 99 pula thes ands tough tenet Act found it; twossdesshown ft for cy), tepentteetimes Fig. 6 red thead).End'2,Comersand Canter Stng ASE gy Repeat the thread path to reinforce. passthrough the next Batthe bottom of 8, *chng Secutethe woking tread and in. Giberitepeattncetimes(Fig.9.reen cena Round 13: Turn the work so that the rivoti thread). String 10; pass through the oppo- eet ‘acesup Addaveedetothetaltwead steatthebaromof Cube andback ‘ate andmovingdocwisearundthe wok, though hneDt added Pastiveugh "rade ih hss throught next 16718 Work 3 the onal Berted tthe bottom of ae Stent tAineachstchthenpass Cuber tenet bottom oF Cube and up though the nearest se B of the ‘ext face of Cube so thatthe thread ion the opposite side of the strip from Column (Fig 9, blue threac: bottom view of end cube shown when adding the Dforclarty. Column 2: Repeat Column 1, working up ‘through the sie B along the opposite ledge ofthe strip. Weave through beads to ‘exit down through the nearest se B of an open ace of Cube 21 (Fig. 9, red thread). column 3: String 1C and pass down through the nearest side B ofthe adjacent facein thernext cube; repeat rine times Sting TA: ‘ass down through the nearest side Bf ‘the adjacent fae inthe next cube. Without adding beads pase down through the nearest side B ofthe adjacent facesin the ‘ext 9 cubes. Pulltight to curve the work. ‘Weave through beads to exit up through thenearest side ofthe remaining open face ofCube 1 Fig 10, blue thread; two sides shown fat for arty. Column 4: Repeat Column 3 this time work: ing upthe remaining open edge of the strip Fig 10, rd tread). Weave through alo the columns again as necessary to reinforce curve, andtghten. Secure the thvead and tim. Repeat this enti step to forma second, Seunve. Fig. 1: ning oftheScire 4) CENTERPIECE. Start 12 of new tread that ets from the ight side of 1B that sts to theright of 1 of Round 5 ofthe bezel. ting 3; passthrough the lat Beited and the first 2A just added (Fig. 1, orange thread. Sing 18.1. and 18; pas through the last A feted and the fst 1/1 justadded (Fg. 1, ‘green thread} Sting 1A;pass through the third C added along one edge of an Scurve, taking care thatthe curve sitsasit does inthe ‘Photo on p80 toform the eft side ofthe necklace Sting 1Apas through thelast A ‘sted (Fig 1, blue thread). Weave through theunits again to reinforce, then eit fom thenextBto therightin Round Sof the bbezal Repeat from the beginning ofthisstep toforn another connection pint. Weave through beods to et fom the ight side of theB that ss tothe right ofthenextD of Round 5. Repeat this enti step to connect {thesecond S curve, again taking cae that thecure sits asitdoes inthe photo. on '.80t0forn the right side of the necklace (ig. 1, red thread). Fig. teAsenbing ecenterece exowiom rAVOMEREAOSTTONES 4D Curlicue Necklace Fig. sAaingthecp '5) ASSEMBLY. Connect the components to complete the neckace: ‘Chains: Place ancedie onthe al thread of 1 chain. Sting 2A 1 rondelle, and 24 pass down through the third C atthe top of the left curve onthe centerpiece. Weave through beads tot up through the sc fond C ofthe S curve. String 2; pass back ‘through the rondelle just added. String 2A; ’ass through the opposite fom where theta dead orginally exited (Fig. 12) Repeat the thread path to reinforce. Secure ‘thea hread and tim Repeat oad the second chaintotherightsideS curve. ‘Clasp: Place 2 needle on the working thread ‘ofthe lft chai, String 58, the rng halfoF ‘the clasp and 48; passthrough the oppo- ‘te from where the working thread ‘ested then backthrough the 48/las58 and through the orginal 8 (Fig. 13, Repeat the thread path several times ‘reinforce Secure the thread and tim, Repeat atthe end ofthe second chain toadd the bar alfofthe casp.e SUSAN SASSOON writs beadwork tutoals and shares her work and ideasn tiple ‘beading groups both acai and oni Werking asanarchtect for over twenty ve yeas has honed thesis that she Uses inher beadwork, See Surn'workan her Facebook page at woradacebook convSeSesybySusnsussoon Cefindher tutors at waretsycor shop! SoSasySusanSssoon. [RESOURCES Checkyourfovoritebead retailer or contact: Toho seed beads, Swarovski crystal vel androndells and Feline braided beading thread: FusionBeadscom, (8) 781-2558 Preciosa Gaech crops and ‘las: Shipreck Beads, (800 950-4232, wiv shipureckbeadscom.

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