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Z10F Seale ELA WwW Chee CONCRETE LIBRARY OF JSCE NO.9. JUNE 1987 REVALUATION OF THE EQUATION FOR SHEAR STRENGTH OF RELNFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS WITHOUT WEB REINFORCEMENT. (Translation from Proceedings of JSCE No.372/V-5 1986-8) Junichiro NIWA Kazuie YAMADA Kazuo YOKOZAWA ‘Hajime OKAMURA SINoPSIS In the past, the equation for the shear strength of reinforced concrete beams without web reinforcenent had been proposed, whereas the result of large-sised beam tests carried out recently revealed that the nominal shear stremth wee inversely proportional to the fourth root of the effective depth, Teking this fact into consideration, the proposed equation is revaluated and a nev efvation ds derived. The validity of the new equation is verified by the authord asine test results of large-sized beams subjected to a concentrated load. Finely. Suggestions concerning the application of the new equation for practical deaigh are mentioned, JNTWA is on associate professor of civil engineering at Yamanashi University, Kofu, Japon. tiis research interest is in strength, defornation and design of reinforced concrete members under shear and torsion. He is a member of SSCh, SCT, TABSE and ACT, KYAMADA 4s the director of Technical Research Institute of Maeda Construction Company, Tokyo, Japan, His research interest is in the design and constraction of reinforced concrete containnents and mass concrete, le is ¢ member of ISCE and JCI. KYOKOZAWA is a chief research engineer of the section of concrete engineering at Technical Research Institute of Maeda Construction Conpany, Tokyo, Jepant Wis research interest is in the design and construction of reinforced conchete structures, He ise menber of JSCE and ICI. HAOKAHURA is a professor of civil engineering at the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. lis research interest is in the application of finite elenaat nethod of analysis to reinforced concrete structures. He is a member of JSC, JET and IABSE and a fellow of ACT. aa ase we erRopucrroN For the shear strength of a reinforced concrete (RC) beam without veb fetaforcenent and having the ratio of the shear span to the effective depth “a/a" more than 2,5~3,0 which vould fail immediately after generation et diagonal crack, the equation (1) was proposed in 1980 [1]. ‘And the desiga equation for such beans based on that equation vas adopted ty JSCE as “Recons mendation for limit state design of concrete structures” [2]. £v=0,20 £e'1/3 (1+ p+ Bd)(0,7541.4/(a/d))] a where, fv; ultimate shear strength (MPa), fc': coupressive strength of concret (MPa), a: shear span, d: effective depth, bw: breadth of web, Ast cross. sectional area of tensile reinforcing bars en t00,AalKbw 5 Ape FT 1 < 0,732 Bic gut GY hay PF 2S 4.(1) 4 derived from the data of the experiments that have been carried out in the past both in Japan and abroad; the outline of vhich is presented in Table 1 classified by the authors' name, As seen in Table 1, most of these data are for the beams of around d= 0.1~0.5 m and those within acound the range of pw 20.5%. Especially, data for the beams of pw < 0.35% and d > la are nearly ail, However, among the RC struc~ Table 1 Outline of the experi ; able 1 Outline of the experimental data ta tures such as footings and the past (values in the table tulverts whose cross suction indicate the range of parancterss is determined solely by the figures in the parentheses are the shear strength (fv) of con- average value) crete for without wotng web Feinforcenent, cases of pw'< [Rowse [oe Te) TT we O18 and a> tw ave rather efit | dow |B | de comon. Ta 3s igaes [aggre ae a 2 oP 2 Accordingly, some equations " s = which would give high accura~ | DitrdeCouio | 22 oo8 047 cy over these ranges are | nee 7 Sau? Geeirable for the purpose of [NE | 7 f design. Vaile eq) takes eats to Into consideration che te- | xwoe | ss Se? ous Aluence of so-called scale | tema | ie 657° 000 sftect in the fore of Bay the | . a5 data supporting the equation = oid sre aortiy those forthe | mma | ¢ aase sesofdcia, Theretore, | yor |< ee whether eq.(1) could be ap= a plied tor’ the purpose SE | Yoo | patie fotinating the shear strength | Aunmpien | 10 BP oa with satisfactory accuracy or | rene” | 22 ee get vould besubjecr ce ture [| | Bop ep ther study, “ Ba [ous ]ie=e6f0a~«5 oor ino 2. EVALUATION OF SCALE [Remark] Regarding the individual sources, Apres refer to the literature fi] ee 2.1 Investigation based on the data in the past In these circumstances, a series of experiments has recently been carried out over this range, and/it is pointed out that a concept that fy decreases Broportionally to d-/4 ig reasonable within this range [3]. Therefore, the authors hit on the idea to replace the portion of the sum of 88 “and Bp'with regard to the effective depth and the reinforcenent ratie “ape the form of the product which directly introduced the functional form of d~ and finally concluded that the following equation would be most suitable after investigating from various aspects: fv= 0.20 (pw fe")!/3 a-1/4 [0,7541.4/(a/4)] @ where, no Liattation is set for py. Comparison is made between the experimental values and the calculated ones with Feapect to the 288 data in all in Table 1 from which eq.(1) was deriveds Ae its result, the average value of the ratio of the experimental values to the galculated ones « and the coefficients of variation C.V. are obtained as the followings: Table 2 Distribution of data and degree of 24.1)» =1.00 conformity of equation for calculation C.Vem O/y =9,28 Eq(2) = 1.01 (Total nunber of data 265) Wen e]u 09.3% poe] 8 = UPI = Fax Mass] ass ~ Oa] aAS TS where, ois the standard de- viation, feo ‘This means that both equations ® * 7 eect dg, | Gan | tows By the way, out of the whole oa” | SP | Ba data, those which do not pre~ Grom | eam | Cf ii tracted and closely examined, fee | Soae I dats by Ko[a}e ches oe eae esali= | tte was supposed co nave cee (1772 /8P [4b [BD | cam |i Cossio[5] are the loads at the | 22-34 Biss [Be | aoa, | cage, cracks and do not present the 89% _| (6.0m) CIM | 69%) Sense, Thus, these date ere |s<~s0 fag, | Taylor[6] for the beams with (6.0m) im) large values of "a" are newly _[Rewik] Gale orveatig te wb | added. Examination is made [Nosraa again with regard to 265 data | args ofespsinml lve died by ested on by 0. () altogether. Its result 49 as aeons shown below: ‘vei of expesimenal vue ded by elated on bye 2) | io cotta tintin ~67— Eq.(1) we 101, C.Ve= 8.2% Hq.(2) we 102, C.Vim 8.28 In this case, it is also confirmed that the accuracy is nearly the same. When the data are densely distributed within a certain range, there might arise problens with regard to the applicability of the equation even if Cv. for the Gata se a whole 1s,amall enough, Therefore, the aushors diyiged the vhole tanges of "pw" and "a" into subdivisions so that pwi/9 and d-1/4 take nearly equal intervals respectively as shown in Table 2 and by assuming that the Sverage value within 2 subdivision represents the range, re-examination was Conducted. As its result, the mean of the average within each subdivision and GV, are obtained as the followings: Bal) w= 1.02, Cem 5.4, Ba(2) w= 102, CV iw 5.28 Furthermore, if the four subdivisions in which the number of data is two or lese are disregarded, Bq.(1) = 1.00, CV ee 4,28 qc(2) x= 101, C.Vi= 3.8% fare gained for the remaining thirteen subdivisions. In either case, conformity of both equations is nearly the sane. With regard to e9.(2), the coefficient of variation in each subdivision falls within the range of 3.9~12,0%, The average value of the coefficients of Variation in the subdivision that includes data more than or equal to 4 is 7.0% and the standard de~ Viation is 0.023, Table 3 Accuracy of calculation of pw, d and fc’ The coefficient of for each subdivision of range variation for the teases SEO eT Thus, differences (Gouin vasaton) (Coettehent variation . 3 {BR ae In Table 3, foreach lee ipl subdivision of pw, d Lon (5am a3 SOR fader $he sepcionsel vale tis operon ras Sa | Erg a Muse oy eng att cant | oatt nn cgted waite by te ee mt fel se teat Peon i LEE foie SOBRE ae hoo conflenod’ thet cone gentiened th Soh) mga | eeu eq.(2) with past data jotta | (Costtiint of vatition) {Goetisant of ration) See) Heike ie {Be Be | UR GR 38 OR 63 2.2 Examination with the data of the lerge-sized beans with low reinforcement Tatio In case a RC bean without web reinforcement is subjected to a concentrated Loed, conformity of eq.(2) in which the influence of the reinforcpment fatio ‘and the effective depth is represented by the forn of product pw!/3 ¢-l/* and feq.(1) in vhich the same is represented by the form of sum (1+ Sp+ fa) with the past experimental data is of nearly the same order, However, it must be noticed that over the range where the past data are abundant, that is, the Tange of d <1 m and pw > 0.5%, there is practically no difference between the calculated values by both equations, whichever form the portion that represents the influence of the reinforcenent ratio and effective depth may take, product The case in vhich the difference between the calculated values by the two equations becomes very large happens in the range where the thickness of the cross section is determined froe the shear strength for a beam having a small reinforcement ratio and a large effective depth that is practically designed as one-way slab. Therefore, the authors have undertaken to examine the validity of these two equations using the data[3] of experisents of the beams with large effective depth and amall ratio of reinforcement which were recently carried out. How- ever, in these experiments, uniformly distributed load is applied by vay of hydraulic pressure, which must be taken into consideration, Accordingly, prior to examining the validity of both equations to the large-sized beam with low reinforcement ratio, davestigation on hov to deal with the uniformly dis- tributed load 4s going to be made in advance. 3. DEALING WITH UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOAD 3.1 Method by Iguro et al.[3) In dealing with the case in which a beam is subjected to the uniformly dis- tributed load, Iguro et al. consider one quarter of the span "g" to be equivalent to the shear, span "a!" when the beas is subjected to a concentrated load, referring to Kani's idea[4]. Assuming that the location where the diagonal crack that leads to failure of the beam generates (the distance between the center of support and the location where the diagonal crack generates at the lover edge of the bean is defined to be"x") is the middle point of "a", they compare the calculated value of the shear force applying at the position of x = 12 d/(4d) = 1.5 d from the center of support because #/d = 12 (calculated assuming a/d = 3.0) and that of the Shear strength. And to support this assumption, they point out that the values of "x" observed in the experiments are nearly 1.5 d. 32 Mothod of dividing the uniformly distributed load into a number of 2 ———————— Although the method employed by Iguro et al, is very simple, it is difficult to reasonably explain the assumption that 1/4 of the span of a beam to vhich a uniformly distributed load is applied is equivalent to the shear span of a beam with a concentrated load and that the position at which the diagonal crack that Teads to feilure of the beam generates is located at 1/2 of the said shear span. And the authors presume, if 1/4 of the span should be assumed to be 69— equivalent to the shear span, the applying shear force have to be calculated based on the same assumption, Anyway, generality of evaluating "x" to be £/8 can not be confirsed, partly because of the condition that the ratio of the span to the effective depth é/d is kept constant throughout the series of experiments. ‘Therefore, as one of the analytical approaches, the authors tried a new method to divide the uniformly distributed load into’e number of concentrated loads and replace the foraer with the latter. First, the condition of a beam to which a unit uniformly distributed load, namely w = 1 is applying is considered. Then, by assuaing this unit uniforaly distributed load to be a group of a nuuber of conceatrated loads, the span is divided into the sections of a finite nuaber and let one each concentrated load equal to the sum of the uniformly distributed load on each section apply at the middle point of the said section. For a virtual concentrated load thus obtained, the applying shear force diagraa is drawn, Then, the increase in the shear strength around the points of Support and the loading points is to be taken into consideration by reducing the shear force virtually, and the reduction of the applying shear force 18 made based on the applying shear force diagran drawn, In choosing the function of the reduction used for this purpose, possible change in the failure mode, that is, from the aode of diagonal tension failure to the failure such as deep beans in accordance with the distance between the center of support and the loading point is taken into consideration, Thus, a function that could be applicable to either sole of failure 1s chosen before Within the shear span between the loading point and the center of support, the authors assumed that influences from both the load and the reaction at the ‘support are combined and averaged influence from the both are taken into con sideration, by referring to the method by Ishibashi et al.[7] for investigating the shear strength of the footing supported by a few piles, In this case, it may be assumed that failure happens in the shear span on whichever side, right or left, If the shear span in question is the one on the left side, for instance, out of the shear forces due to the virtual con- centrated loads in the vicinity of the support on the left, the shear force between the center of support on the right side and the virtual concentrated oad (negative shear force) is supposed to affect favorably for this pattern of failure and tends to apply to increase the shear strength. Therefore, in this method, only the shear force between the concentrated load and the center of support’ on the left (positive shear force) is to be reduced and the shear force between the concentrated load and the center of support on the right (negative shear force) is to be used as it is, ‘The reduced applying shear force diagrans obtained for each virtual concen- trated load in the manner as mentioned above are suamed up for all the virtual concentrated loads. The largest value of the shear force (positive shear force) in the shear force diagram aa a whole thus summed up is denoted as Vmax. Finally, the fundamental shear strength Vco is calculated by assuming the portion of the function of a/d, Fla/d) in eq.(1) or eg.(2) to be unity and Vco/Vaax is obtained. This value ts considered to be the calculated value Wea) of the uniformly distributed load at the time of shear failure. ~70~ In performing numerical cal~ culation, change in the cal- culated values due to in 7 crease in the number of divi- : Stonof the span te davesei~ EIRIIINII ti wifey dvds lod esaned gated. ‘Since it 1s knowa ' that the calculated value ches gets close asyaptotically to qLHLLLLLLLLA, Orit in cocenran ad certain value, if the num- t her of division 4s taken at i Sround 50, the cuthors dex cl, eiondraied on cided to carry out the calcu- ‘ concentrated food lation in this method by Gividing the span into 50 Wl ems srg ce diayum co equal sections. The flow of ' Sm toos calculations in the above is Sliustrated ta'Pige aa eiaion ose by way of scion As the value of the reduction ‘ function 6x, the average val- [7 = ‘ ue of Bx1 to be deterained by fol, Seana et asa taking the influence rom the support into consideration sri and Bx2 to be determined Vea: Sexe staan stream Likewise from the load is enployed, By multiplying yi. this to the aforesaid posi= tive shear forces only, the reduced applying shear forces are obtained, Sand each Bxi Ss to be so deterained that At can adapt to the change of the failure mode, ves ala Fig.l Sequence of calculation of the ethod for dividing the uniformly distributed load into concentrated Load In so doing, it is assumed that the influence from the support and that from the load can be represented in the same way and each Sxi is to be determined solely by the position within the shear span in question and the distance "x" (absolute value) from the center of support or the loading point. In practice, referring to F(a/d) = 0.75+1.4/(a/d), the functional form of a/d in eq.(1) or eq.(2) and ataing at the case of a/du5.6 vhich makes the value of these equations unity, the value of each fxi is assuned to be 1.0, when the distance "x" from the conter of support or the loading point exceeds 2.84, that is one half of 5.6d. When "x" becomes less than 2.8d, the functional fora i changed from that in eq.(1) or eq.(2) to the functional form corresponding to the failure like deep beams in accordance with the aode of failure. Anyway, by adopting this method, it becones also possible to duly evaluate the shear strength when the concentrated loads are applied to a bean in general. From the above, the reduction function Bx by which respective diagram of the applying shear force is to be multiplied is gained as the following (Fig. 2): Bx = ( Bel + Bx2 )/2 @) vhere, avrod Suspeet ous punese oz030009 ‘sed etppye re Te Tec y AUREL 30 suapsn 30 vorsuedxe aansge Sermoriog (oak oecn Tia ME = a 38 ‘Arreur3 pue pootosouy st peor oua se Aree pedoreaop tna. tposoarouy aed, PovezeveG exo019 teansary alg “kTHOFI dopona sou aay Poona raey eee eer, 28) Se fOT2aTE AG oTazTT popuedee pu aves uy on wore FEIN eae e ATMOTE 843 J0 doa oy ae dojanap 07 wobeg eqoess qauceis wed $7220.52 ) SAH LOT d Punozy ay ““ooveape uy uouqd sysese tome ee cream omen Q2SHM aoq aya 30 orpprs aya ae pessoas sour TeImety Cae “H¥ez2W o825P ‘auton uno s\weaq ous BuTpNTOXe)(odH OBT'O =2) WY EST Ca oe ‘suewso0ds s0y30 30 aoya ors qua Fo aang paeEed ZoLseuea w poauosoad soueape uy adap weoq ous 56 c/p once 30 SuFFeu eu Yowos mua eyo0i9 TeanxoTy yaTM popyAoId eT yoTuN vauTssds ekT Covpese Teanxerg vata “ay'T = nd HT» p Img = 9) xo-cr0H womyz0dg (py ,BeNOua4 ST BW ZOE") =+ 30 prot 242 21030q z‘oN| puE [oN suDToede so sauueM vor nate eae aTe? ete vows20ds sruy ““padoronep Nd puw “w O° Z p 30 aBued oy droueu *(q)rbe 30 srooqene 32n7F2u02 Prnon aeua wasp Jo equnu auaz>433ns syoeT YoTYA eqvowTandae deteees Sod sotawEswe 30 oFues aya so49 “ytnous kzoroUseyI00 wou st Uosaee eS Ie sere ote Rue O°z~z"T @Bues O43 son0 Ataptm desodsyp ue paseraster ony SRatee sone MT OcKS oua go sovans oa anq toprs ayes ala uo ave Senos pout TBNES SIMATIV "Sueatoeds Aen 203 ovo. qoavowriedxe aya wey ootee Senet spatee OTTERS ® sons (_)-be a0ua uncuy st 37 “erol~ {oy duomyoads ten Poet oPe8 SF Soto peaeTnoTED ea puY Contes TeIUoELIONxO oy UoonaeG vossicieee oe 268 03 J0¥34 poonporauT ueq poy ex>es> TRINKETS YoTUN o2 xOrE-ON aoyeteg seeebee TEED T8INXOTS pu croy PUY Z°04 *T-0N suanToade 105 seiel CRED TeUaHeTY sen oantses 30 spow au “1 otgey wy poatovead wae faye hee (Or%e A seeten poavrnare> 943 poe peor unexen aya Jo Santen eaueuTsodee Sor PeOT emurxea ay3 up (4) speqesoue$ st 42039 TesmxoT3 ous yOqUA 28 anTeA poreTNoTeo poresavesees Aie ST STU “POUFERGO SF Ny or anogqe “oTpprU oun ae yeoy paatsrugaues ous 03 poasesuon sf onzea syea 3] “any Ose Jo suowen Temeert ZU 38 botez9 wed assy es xoes9 tesnzoy5 aya tpousyuss sen Busans soege vere PRE ORIMOTZ PaNpOIUE Sen OTN yO-troN uewya—de Jo aGvD ays UF Mitten PuseaT? 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O42 Jo Tre zoysayn sr uorgord aya ‘ovo padeye-xog ang Tenouesren es 30U SF woTa998 ssoio pouPrsap ova 9re2 uF ‘spon soqao ul "-aunesoe oauy cee Sa Pine> ova9sz¥p TepKE sya UE sxvq Bupaiozures aya auaaKe aeyn oy nd Berry ~ROTto UF moTgosd v BF exoHa ‘uBTEep 09 poTtdde ey (z)bo wan SaorsTHOE ee (ay Os sosoed PesTosen 239 ore Suorgoad ‘yous sf squamprodee Jo soquny wis says Honey ueeg oney eaep Teausuyzodxe as0d oq osoin oBuel aya soy Ooty shea wen Sumersodee 30 synsoa aa 0a Surpsoo0y | “uofienbo Teopsjdeo we Ty ay anes PEeToT IME s0u oss cauouzodzo ased ays Jo oaep ofa oqun uTuaya Buse noe Saynsojto> Saf wssguoo rou veo ay tenup esuoepsodee eys 30 peers earned 34 uesoadorx uaa (1)"bo yBnoua taosonoy’ vaevd aga vy eaep fexeaey eae 39 Aatsofeu aves8 oy uatn Kayus03v0> werreaxe enoUe CIybS aqnop Lue sees sauewszodxo 50 210802 os vooMaaq Wostzeduo> yDF¥n UT TT ovavy 02 Burpseoey FOIE OL NOLO ISA GL OW TORS WAS WOT SHOUT OO TS séryavoy trey a8eas peratuy ox wT Aanpyirs TesexoTs oy ‘wesseyp aya us uses ATHeoTD oye “Bey uy Gases 5. GONCLUSTONS This study was undertaken aiming at the following two problems: ‘The first one is whether the equation for the shear strength of the bean withot wes seinforcenent that was previously proposed (eqi(1)) could be reasonably applied gr not over the range of d > 1.0 m and pw < 0.5% in vhich past exporiecnees dats are rarely found; and the second one; how closely the new equation for the shear strength (eq.(2)) to which the influence of the scale effect thee the strength decreases proportionally to d-1/4 which was pointed out fron the experiments of the large-sized beams of low reinforcement ratio is invroducce could confora with the experimental value ? Thus, specimens of the large-sized beams with low reinforcement ratio are fanutactured and the experiments are carried out by applying the concentvered joad. As the result of a series of investigation, the following conclectoes are obtained: (=) For the range containing past abundant data, both eqs.(1) and (2) are applicable for estimating the experimental values vith reasonable accurscy end thelr conformity differs little, (0) For the large-sized beans with low reinforcement ratio, eq.(1) estimates the Yalues considerably on the safe side, while e9.(2) gives those very cine to the experimental ones. (©) Although both of egs.(1) and (2) are empirical ones, it would be desirable te adopt en(2) for design, judging from both aspects of accuracy of the wmreee Gglculated and the range of application. However, considering that the nerbsc of experimental data for the large-sized beans with low reinforcement acta fe scarce, it would be suitable for the time being to take larger velue af the ember factor (for instance, around ¥5 = 13). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Fig authors wish to express their gratitude to Prof, Jun Yamazaki, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Prof. Takeshi Higai, Faculty of Engineering, Yamanashi University and Mr, Toshiyuki Shioya, The Inecieare of ‘Technology of Shimizu Construction Co., Ltd, who gave then fhe course of this study as vell as the meabers in The Technicel hecwsren Institute of Maeda Construction Co., Ltd. who cooperated them in the porters’ ance of the experiments, REFERBNCES (0] Okamura,H. and Higad,T :Proposed design equation for shear strength of feinforced concrete beaas without web reinforcement, Proc. of JSC, forse, 1980.8 (2) JSCE :Reconaendations for Limit state design of concrete structures, Concrete Library International of JSCE, Now, 1984.12 [3] Iguro.M., Shioya,7., Nojiri,¥. and Aktyamayli, :Experimental studies on ghear strength of large reinforced concrete beams under uaiforaly distributed load, Concrete Library Taternational of JSCE, Nos, 19656 [5] HanisGuual, Basic facts concerning shear failure, Journai of ACI, 1966.6 9] Diaz de Coasio,R sDiscussion to "Shear and diagonal tension", by ASCH-ACI Conmittee 326,’ Journal of ACI, 1962.9 (6] Taylor,H.P.J. sShear strength of large beaas, Proc. of ASCE, STII, 1972.11 ~33- 17] Ishivashist., Hatouda,Y, and Setto,t, ;Proposed design method of the shear S5ce He oe TEiMforced concrete foctinge, Portet® Library International of JISCE, Wo.3, 1984.6 {8] Leonhardt,#, ond Walther,, detontey tog standlung der Schubproblene im Suhlbetontau, Beton und’ Stahibetonteu, Togs {9] Shioya,t. private communicare’s MOMokada,t and Okaaurayt ihesesrch for the use of deformed bars with lage Geneter, Proc. of JSCE, No.202, 1976 ti Japanese)

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