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Stephanie Garahana

SW 3400-090 Fall 2023

Portfolio Assignment #1

Summary: “Parenting stress and risk of child maltreatment during the COVID-19 pandemic: A
family stress theory-informed perspective”

The impacts of COVID-19 heightened the awareness of an increased risk of child abuse

and neglect, especially during periods of nationwide intervention and school closures. This

article discussed the potential of using a family stress theory perspective in working with

families during the pandemic, a theory first introduced in the 1930’s in analyzing the effects of

unemployment on family units. The theory discussed how an initial stressor introduced into a

family (such as the impacts of COVID-19) affects the family system and the severity is

dependent upon the levels of resources available. A roller coaster effect could occur when a

family is faced with a stressor and then attempts to adapt. This can be an ongoing pattern as more

challenges are introduced or when a balance is not achieved. When the stressor becomes too high

it impacts the family system and affects additional family members, especially when parents can

no longer cope internally. Parental/caregiver coping mechanisms differ based on a number of

variables including access to resources. When stressors become too high without support or

relief, the risk for child abuse and neglect increase. Understanding, and approaching families

from the family stress theory perspective can identify parenting behaviors and effectiveness,

which in turn informs appropriate strategies to proactively support. Some of the stressors

discussed as a result of the pandemic were job loss/financial struggles, home schooling

challenges, parental perceptions, internal and external resource availability, coping strategies,

and mental and physical health challenges. The article suggests further research that studies

parental coping strategies and how they impact child abuse and neglect. Proactively having a
Stephanie Garahana
SW 3400-090 Fall 2023
Portfolio Assignment #1

strategy for future long-term emergencies that includes concentrating on those areas of concern

can have a profound impact on child abuse.


It is well-documented that increases in stressors in a household, such as financial

struggles, health issues, and lack of supports can increase the risk of child abuse and neglect. The

pandemic impacted all of these areas and also increased isolation for many families. Parent and

caregiver responsibilities and duties shifted and increased with little or no reprieve. The catalyst

for the article was a known risk of an increase in child abuse when there are health emergencies,

making it important to understand the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as

effective strategies for helping families. First, it is important to that this article was a theoretical

discussion with scholarly supports. Prevention is the goal in child-abuse, but it requires

analyzing best practices as well as opportunities for improvement to mitigate risks to child safety

and this article makes some strong arguments. Understanding parental stressors and approaching

this from a family-stress theory perspective opens the door to understanding and communication

that acknowledges the struggles parents may be experiencing as well as identifying where to tap

into resources. Helping in areas where supports are thin is a proactive way to help a family

experiencing multiple challenges receive needed assistance and learn coping skills. Also,

understanding the impact of the different members of the family and how the family dynamic is

affected is a multi-layered way to address multiple stressor points that can interact and create a

roller coaster that has no discernible end. This theory has been employed for some time but

warrants studies and additional research to hone best practices. Working with parents in an

empathetic and supportive way that helps them feel heard and creates a partnership to improve
Stephanie Garahana
SW 3400-090 Fall 2023
Portfolio Assignment #1

their parenting skills can help lower the stress level and have lower risk of abuse. This

perspective is important to consider in future long term emergency situations.

Stephanie Garahana
SW 3400-090 Fall 2023
Portfolio Assignment #1


Wu, Q., & Xu, Y. (2020). Parenting stress and risk of child maltreatment during the

COVID-19 pandemic: A family stress theory-informed perspective. Developmental Child

Welfare, 2(3), 180–196.

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